BIG Pilot Project - Assessment Report - BIG Coalition Namibia

BIG Pilot Project - Assessment Report - BIG Coalition Namibia

BIG Pilot Project - Assessment Report - BIG Coalition Namibia

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2.7 CrimeOmitara reported that they had personally sufferedfrom a crime in the previous year – most of which wereeconomic crimes such as theft. Six months after the introductionof the <strong>BIG</strong>, this had dropped to 60%, withmost crimes mentioned related to conflicts betweenpeople rather than economic crimes. One year after the<strong>BIG</strong> was introduced, the percentage of respondents experiencingcrimes had dropped even further to 47%.Most (75%) survey respondents reported noticing achange in the crime situation since the introduction ofthe <strong>BIG</strong>. Reflecting the majority view on the subject,two residents told us that economic related crimes hadfallen significantly.“We don't hear any more people complaining ofhunger or asking for food. The theft cases havealso declined a lot. Many people bought corrugatedzinks and repaired their houses. We buy woodmost of the time and don't have many cases ofpeople stealing wood any more. Fighting and drinkinghave also reduced and we don't hear of peoplefighting any more” (Johannes !Goagoseb and Adolfine!Goagoses, July 2008)The <strong>BIG</strong> did not, of course, eliminate all crime. Assaultremains a problem and economic crimes such as theftcontinue to occur, though on a lower level. The point,however, is that <strong>BIG</strong> has significantly reduced crimesrelating to desperation (poaching, trespassing, pettytheft) and thus appears also to have improved the generalquality of life in the community.2.8 Levels of povertyEveryday life is a struggle to provide food for thechildren. It hurts me to see my children out ofschool. The pain a parent has to go through knowingthat you cannot send them back because thereis no money is unbearable and very depressing.(Willemina Gawises Nov 2007)Crime wassignificantlylower in theten monthsafter the introductionof the <strong>BIG</strong>comparedwith the tenmonths precedingit.47

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