BIG Pilot Project - Assessment Report - BIG Coalition Namibia

BIG Pilot Project - Assessment Report - BIG Coalition Namibia

BIG Pilot Project - Assessment Report - BIG Coalition Namibia

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2.10 General HealthDuring the illness of my girlfriend I also went for aHIV test on the advice of the clinic nurse. Althoughit was hard for me to believe it, I found out that Iam also positive. I was very much disappointed butcould not do anything else but had to accept thereality. From the beginning of this year, I becamevery sick, and since then I received Anti-Retroviral(ARV) treatment. The Omitara clinic does notprovide ARVs but only pre-treatment. When thedrugs finish, I have to struggle to get money totravel to the Gobabis hospital to get my medication.It is always a struggle to get money for transport toGobabis. One cannot take these drugs on an emptystomach, but the main problem here is hunger.Photo 14: Parents of Johannes Goagoseb (Nov 2007)It is because of hunger and especially to get transportmoney to travel to Gobabis for my ARVs that Iam imprisoned today. On the previous day, I wentinto Mr. Held’s farm and hunted one warthog in orderto sell the meat and get some income. But onthe next day, on which I had to travel to Gobabis toget my ARVs, I was arrested after the police followedmy footprints to our house. I tried to explainmy situation to the police, but they arrested me.Since the week I was arrested and put in the61

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