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to 64 - Palmerston North City Council

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Fitzherbert AvenueSouth of the Ring Road, Fitzherbert Avenue is a Major ArterialRoad linking the city centre <strong>to</strong> the Manawatū River, MasseyUniversity campus and <strong>to</strong> the South of the <strong>North</strong> Island. TheCCF suggests that the section of Fitzherbert Avenue betweenFerguson Street and Church Street is re-configured making asignificant shift in the way people experience and enter thecity centre form this Southern Gateway.This section of Fitzherbert Avenue is proposed <strong>to</strong> become a‘Place’ focused street, with a reduction of vehicular dominatedenvironment, increase of active frontage and additional treesand vegetation. This shift in character will help create a vibrantand distinctive gateway and connection on this Southern side<strong>to</strong> the city centre.Views <strong>to</strong>wards the Square (in particular the Clock Tower) fromalong Fitzherbert Avenue help <strong>to</strong> enhance the experience ofarriving in<strong>to</strong> the city centre and are an important part of howpeople connect with the city centre travelling in from theSouth. The site brief for Strategic Development Site 3 outlinesthe opportunities for properties along this part of Fitzherbert<strong>to</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong> transforming this street <strong>to</strong> a high qualityentrance experience <strong>to</strong> the city centre.Cuba StreetThe CCF suggests a linear park along Cuba Street from theArena Manawatu main entrance through <strong>to</strong> the intersectionwith George Street. From this intersection <strong>to</strong> Rangitikei Street,Cuba Street is intended <strong>to</strong> be a Place street.The potential linear park will directly interrelate with the recentwork implemented at the intersection between George Streetand Cuba Street where people and activity occupy space,already transforming this section of Cuba Street in a Placefocus street.The linear park straddles the Ring Road (Pitt Street) givingstrong visual priority <strong>to</strong> this East-West connec<strong>to</strong>r and providinga continuous green corridor between the Arena and the <strong>to</strong>p ofGeorge Street. This is an important signal <strong>to</strong> visi<strong>to</strong>rs that theyhave entered a city centre.The potential linear park will play an important role in the waypeople experience the city centre as they enter alongthis route.Rangitikei StreetRangitikei Street plays an important role for people travellingin and out of the city centre form the <strong>North</strong>. The street linksState Highway 3 <strong>to</strong> the city centre.Views <strong>to</strong>ward the city centre are dominant along this route asyou approach the city travelling from the <strong>North</strong>. These viewshelp visi<strong>to</strong>rs orientate themselves as they approach the citycentre. The Clock Tower (and lighting at night) in particular is akey signal. View <strong>to</strong>wards the Clock Tower from Rangitikei Streetshould be enhanced and protected <strong>to</strong> ensure that visualconnections <strong>to</strong>ward the city centre remain.Strategic Development site 1 is positioned on the corner ofRangitikei Street and the Ring Road. Future development ofthis corner plays an important role in this entrance experience.The site brief outlines the opportunities for development onthis site.The section Rangitikei Street between the Ring Road and KingStreet is proposed <strong>to</strong> be focussed on both Movement andPlace, enhancing the sequence of arrival in<strong>to</strong> the city centre.The most significant transformation for this <strong>North</strong>ernConnec<strong>to</strong>r is reconfiguring Rangitikei Street between KingStreet and The Square <strong>to</strong> become a ‘Place’ focussed streetdirectly connecting in<strong>to</strong> the King Street, Cuba Street andThe Square.Main Street andTransport HubIn the short-term the long distance (interregional) coachservices are being consolidated <strong>to</strong> a new off street facility onMain Street. For many, this will provide a first impression of thecity centre so the quality of this experience is therefore a highpriority. Connections <strong>to</strong> and from the facility are an importantfac<strong>to</strong>r as is a legible and quality pedestrian environment.The Airport LinkThe Airport is an essential element of the city’s transportinfrastructure and is essential <strong>to</strong> the continued operation ofthe city as a distribution centre. It also represents an increasingimportant mode of transport for the communityEnsuring there is a clear, legible and appropriate transportroute <strong>to</strong> and from the airport has a crucial role in delivering awelcoming experience for visi<strong>to</strong>rs and residents of Palmers<strong>to</strong>n<strong>North</strong>. The Ring Road and Rangitikei Street are the main waysof accessing the airport for the city centre.63DRAFT CCF FOR PALMERSTON NORTH key directions [ kd9 entrance experience ]

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