Both Articles (page 1-4) 16 mar 09 - City Montessori School

Both Articles (page 1-4) 16 mar 09 - City Montessori School

Both Articles (page 1-4) 16 mar 09 - City Montessori School

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‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSApril 20<strong>09</strong>Messages of Support from Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governor Generals, Kings, Rulers, Nobel Laureates, Attorney Generals,Chief Justices, Judges and other eminent personalities from around the world, endorsing CMS initiative to promoteArticle 51 of Indian Constitution to safeguard the future of world’s two billion children and generations yet-to-be bornI write to give my whole-hearted support as well as the support of my people to yournoble efforts to promote peace and the rule of law in international affairs andrelationship.I am particularly concerned about the rights of the world’s children to a secure futurein which their needs will be adequately addressed, whether those needs be material,cultural and spiritual.—Hon. Sir ColvilleYoung GCMG, Ph.DGovernor-General of Belize, Message dated 31st October 2002Children are the future of our world. It is therefore of the utmost importance that we should do allthat is humanly possible to see that they grow up in the healthy environment. Today, the future ofour children is threatened by pollution of the sea, land and air. The resultant pollutants have thepotential to negatively affect the health of the present generation of the children and generationyet unborn. It is the duty of the Chief Justices of the world to ensure the relevant laws areenacted to control and reduce the level of pollutants which have shown to have a deleteriouseffect on the health of the population in general and that of children in particular.—H. E. Sir James B. Carlisle GCMG, KGN, GCQSGovernor General of Antigua and Barbuda, Message dated 9th December 2006On behalf of the Royal Thai Government, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS) Lucknow for again underlining its role as “a Lighthouse of Society” by organisingthe 8th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World. Enhancing the contribution of education andpromoting harmonisation and enforcement of international law for a safe and protected environment and apeaceful world for the next generation are indeed goals that are worthy of support. I do hope that theresolutions which emanate from this forum will generate collective awarness and agreement among ChiefJustices, Justices and prominent legal practitioners on the importance of implementation of internationallaw. Indeed, it is undeniable that ideals cannot work without a practical framework for implementation. As amember of society, I am therefore truly pleased to see a creative instead of reactive judiciary. And the GlobalSymposium on “Awakening Planetary Consciousness” is a meaningful step towards this end.—H. E. Surayud ChulanontPrime Minister of Thailand,Message dated 21st November 2007The theme “Enforceable International Law is our need” seems to be an interesting one,particularly from the view point of guaranteeing safe future for the world’s children, born and yetto be born. And I will be most interested to hear from your practical experience, from theexperience of the World’s largest <strong>City</strong>-<strong>School</strong>, with over 26,000 students, like CMS- <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, on how to best protect and promote the basic rights of those less protectedand fragile like the children. In their hands lay our future, the future of mankind. The way they gettreated, will probably be the way they will, in future, treat the most fragile, like the young andolder ones, I mean, ourselves.—H. E. Jose Manuel Durao BarrosoPrime Minister of Portugal, Message dated 25th September 2002The theme of the Conference is particularly significant at a time when issuesconcerning instability, disorder, conflict and violence besiege the world. It is veryevident that this forum has set in motion awareness for world peace. Therefore, Iwould like to endorse your goal for the creation of a World Parliament to elevateinternational law to a higher plane.—H. E. Patrick ManningPrime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Message dated18th November 2003I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to you personally and thechildren of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>. I recognize the importance and relevance of thatmeeting as a forum to awaken the world to the dangerous precipice it is fastapproaching. Wars and conflicts impact most on our children and therefore brilliantinitiatives like yours, which can alleviate such, should be applauded and welcomedby all peace loving nations.—H. E. Bernard MakuzaPrime Minister of Republic of Rwanda, Message dated 10th September 2004I offer my deepest support and appreciation for the 7th International Conference of Chief Justicesof the World, organized by the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> of Lucknow, India, the forum represents avoice for the world's two billion children to safeguard their future. They have expressedconfidence in the World Judiciary and your dedication to justice, impartiality and regard foruniversal values, which are highly esteemed and trusted by today's society. In the words of thechildren of CMS, “the voice of the united world judiciary cannot be ignored by other sections ofthe world, howsoever powerful. Children expect that the judges of the world shall unite for thesake of humanity's survival and for the safety of generations to come”—Hon’ble Portia Simpson Miller, MPPrime Minister of Jamaica, Message dated 13th September 2006You have set yourselves the important task of considering the role of international law inworld affairs, under the rubric “Enforceable International Law is the idea whose time hascome”. With reference to the period since World War II for example, international law hasbeen prominent in many of the developments that now characterize the world in which welive. As you contemplate the concept of international law, therefore, may I take thisopportunity to wish you great success in disseminating information about InternationalLaw and in broadening understanding of this important field of social and politicalorganization.— Hon’ble Mr P J PattersonPrime Minister of Jamaica, Message dated 2nd December 2004Since 2001, the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> has been bringing together on a common platform Chiefjustices, judges and legal luminaries from different parts of the world. The conferences haveenabled the participants to reflect on ways and means to address the plight of children and tocome up with proposals for ensuring a better, safer and brighter future for generations to come.The objective of international peace and security, as stipulated in Article 51 of the Constitution ofIndia, will have far reaching effects only if we learn to foster respect for international law.Mauritius has ratified this State and is in the process of enacting domestic legislationaccordingly. I wish the World Judiciary Summit 2008 fruitful deliberations and success in itsendeavour to promote international peace and security. I wish the Management of the <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> , its staff and students, a very bright future.—Hon’ble Dr Navinchandra RamgoolamPrime Minister of Mauritius, Message dated 27th November 2008I sincerely appreciate the <strong>School</strong>'s role in striving to achieve international peace and securityamong all nations by attracting the support of world leaders to uphold international law with aview to securing a safe future for all children.The Conference's own effort to call upon distinguished lawyers from all over the world toexchange their views on international law will contribute to the promotion of global unity andpeace, as well as to the laying of a solid foundation for posterity.I wish the conference every success in accomplishing its highly commendable objectives.—H. E. Thaksin ShinawatraPrime Minister of Thailand, Message dated 10th December 2004Availing of this opportunity let me express you my gratitude for the valuable contribution, whichyou made and will always make into carrying out of reform’s in different spheres of the social andpolitical life, formation of the democratic institutions. The present life shows that the peoples of allthe countries are concerned in strengthening and development of peaceful and friendly relationsbetween all the states. In this respect, the conference, being held by you, could makeconsiderable contribution into development of the mutually beneficial relations between thecountries of the world and strengthening of law and order.—H. E. Akil AkilovPrime Minister of Tajikistan, Message dated 22nd November 2004I am gratified to know that <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Lucknow is organizing the InternationalConference of Chief Justices of the world on Article 51(c) of the constitution of India, which Iwhole-heartedly applaud. Enforceable International Law is the need of the hour. I am sure thatthe deliberations of the Conference will focus on measures to safe guard the future of the WorldsChildren born and yet to be born to ensure World Peace inevitably. Such measures will imposetasks and responsibilities on each of us now living to which we must conform.—H. E. Samuel A. HindsPrime Minister of Guyana, South America, Message dated 25th September 2003The Prime Minister highly appreciates peace activities of the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong><strong>School</strong>. Granting peace and stability in the world is in the interest of all nations, andthe Republic of Croatia actively contributes to the realization of those aims.—Hon'ble Mr Biance MatkovicHead of the office of the Prime MinisterRepublic of Croatia, Message dated 5th October 2004Children are the most vulnerable amongst us. Poverty and conflicts affects children inparticularly harsh ways, as children seldom are in a position to claim there own rights.Therefore. it must be the common responsibility of states to protect and promote the humanrights of the world’s two billion children. Norway fully shares your commitment to safeguard thefuture of the world’s children and your initiatives are highly valued. It is an honour. In order tosecure the human rights of children, the state of the world must be obligated throughinternational law. I believe your conference will make an important contribution to the existinginternational frame work, and I hope it will give further impetus to your significant work tosafeguard the future of the world children.— H. E. Kjell Magne BondevikPrime Minister of Norway, Message dated 2nd October 2003The Conference theme which shall deliberate Article 51 of the Indian Constitution “fosteringrespect for international law” is certainly a very contemporary theme which bears implementingby the strongest means in order to prevent the unhappy international incidence which we havewitnessed recently and which continue to occur. The Chief Justices of the world, are preeminentlythe most experienced and relevant body of persons to consider the principle ofenforcement of international law, especially in relation to international terrorism and I amconfident that together they will be able to provide sound proposals and recommendations forthe international community to follow in this area.—H. E. Baron VaeaFormer Prime Minister of Tonga,Message dated <strong>16</strong>th October 2001It is indeed a gathering of this magnitude of eminent peace promoter from everycorner of the globe, which demonstrates the growing global support for the efforts ofthe <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> to provide a platform to world judiciary to come togetherand discuss issues of safeguarding the future of world's children and generationsyet unborn, by supporting children's call for a legally - constituted World Parliament,duly empowered to enact enforceable International Law.—H. E. Archibald Lesao LehohlaDeputy Prime Minister of Lesotho, Speech dated 11th December 200411

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