Both Articles (page 1-4) 16 mar 09 - City Montessori School

Both Articles (page 1-4) 16 mar 09 - City Montessori School

Both Articles (page 1-4) 16 mar 09 - City Montessori School

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LDENOORLYADENOIWILL UNITE THEWOR‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in the collective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSThese children’s Films give us knowledge and wisdom of the day.April 20<strong>09</strong>IYADWILLUNITETHEWD1st INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL by CMS Films DivisionShort Synopsis of Children's FilmsA GARDEN DREAMDirector: Mahesh GoreINDIACleanliness as a value used to be taughtearly on in schools once upon a time. Thekids of today have too many distractions tofocus on this value anymore. A GardenDream is an animation short film which attempts to speak directly to kids aboutthe importance of keeping surroundings clean in a fantastic way.KARU `TULEB!(BEARIS COMING)Director: Janis CimermanisLATVIAHumourous film which is based on a realstory. A Latvian bear has suddenlyappeared on neighbour- Estonian island-Ruhnu.CUENTO DE LA C(THE C STORY)Director: Carlos NavarroSPAINCristina can not write her initial. With thehelp of her parents and observing theenvironment around her she willdiscover what shape the letter has.This movie brings into sharp relief therealities of urban life, curious young minds and a dwindling biodiversity.LA TUERCADirector: A. Melissa MartínezSPAINThis is the story of a little girl and a nut. Itis also the story of a middle-agedwoman who has lost all contact withdreams. La Tuerca is about magic,memories and the significance of smallthings that we sometimes forget when we become adults.CRANK BALLSDirector: Devin BellUSAThe Crank Balls are trapped in a horriblecolorless void until an infectioushappiness changes their lives forever.TONY GOLWASCHERDirector: Norbert LechnerGERMANYThe hero of the story is eleven-year-old ToniSedlacek, and dog Strupp. The story tells ofhis fight for acceptance by the farmer’s sonHans Beil, who not only terrorises Toni withthe help of his gang but wants to take over“his” gold cove- the very spot where Toni tries to wash gold as his grandfather used todo. The conflict mounts as Toni really finds gold in the cove! Full of envy Hans Beil andhis gang also go searching for gold- and dig something much more explosive than goldout of the sandbank: an old carbine and ammunition buried there at the end of thewar...KINGS OF THIER TIMEDirector: Mat LaasESTONIAA 70-Minute documentary with animatedsequences about 85-year-old ElbertTuganov and 80-year-old Heino Pars twoanimators and artists who despitechanging times became masters of theirspecialty. Elbert Tuganov and Heino Parsare the creators of the world first and only 3-D puppet films and manyinternational award- winning animated films. They laid the foundation for the socalledEstonian school of animation back in 1957.PINOCCHIODirector: Roberto BenigniITALYFrom the famous story by Carlo Collodi.Pinocchio, a wooden puppet built by thecarpenter Geppetto, has variousadventures and meets many people on hisjourney to become a real child. On the way,he is helped by the Talking Cricket and the Blue Fairy.LAS MOFAS MAGICAS(THE MAGIC GLASSES)Director: Daniel RebnerSPAINPablito is a 9-year-old a bit special child:Dreamy, shy, always in his thoughts. Somuch that has come to a point in which,helping himself with a few strange glassesof colors to which he calls "Mlasses" (Magic glasses), escapes completely of thereality, seeing it all quite colouring and entertaining when he wears it.In the schoolthey cannot admit a behavior like that and worry for him. The director of thecenter meets his mother, Lucía, who shows off to be too permissive and protectivewith her son. Why this strange behavior of mother and son? Sometimes the life isnicer if you look at her through a “Mlasses”...DAZIVAIS Udens(Magic Water)Director: Maris BrinkmanisLATVIATwo animals, Munk and Lemmy, are tryingto cultivate a small apple tree in themiddle of a dessert. The tiny plant missessome water. Munk is ought to look aroundfor some water and fortunately finds an oasis with a spring.Going back with thewater, Munk does not realises that every drop of water falling into the sand givesimmediate life for new plant. The water from the spring is magic! It brings to lifeeverything generating some unexpected troubles.....MOGINA JADE( The Fascination)Director: Ramadas NaiduINDIAAmidst the hustle-bustle of the concreatejungle of a sprawling city, two children goon a quest to find ‘their’ missingsparrow.This film takes us with thechildren- Ila and Anirudha- on their journey as they pursue the elusive sparrow.They set off from home with a guilt-ridden conscience that they may have beenresponsible for the sparrow’s disappearance. But it is their innocence andcuriosity that take them on a trail of learning and discovery as they arrive atunusual places and meet unusual people. Everyone they meet says thatsparrows are around but are they really there? Unable to find even a singlesparrow in sight, the children’s anxiety and guilt only grows after eachencounter.IT'S ALWAYS LATEFOR FREEDOMMehrdad OskouseeIRANThe Film depicts the life of three teenagerboys in Tehran House of Correction. Theyare the innocent victims of the serioussocial problems such as addiction, povertyand divorce, which the Iranian society isfaced with.ONE RAT SHORTDirector: Alex WeilUSANew York design and production studioCharlex ventures into filmmaking with a10-minute animated short titled "One RatShort." The piece tells the tale of a subwayrat who is led, by the mesmerizing ballet ofa discarded food wrapper, into anadventure of love and loss on a dark Manhattan night.RIDING SOLO TO THETOP OF THE WORLDDirector: Gaurav JaniINDIA“Riding Solo To The Top Of The World” isthe unique experience of a lonesometraveller, who rides his motorcycle all theway from Mumbai to one of the remotestplaces in the world, the Changthang Plateau, in Ladakh, bordering China.PASMAIDI, DRAUGS!(SMILE, MY FRIEND!)Director: Dace RiduzeLATVIAThere is a huge uproar in the forest:Beaver’s teeth have been stolen. DetectiveOwl and his assistant Piglet are to puzzleout this mysterious crime. Several forestinhabitants appear to be possible offendants, but the guilty one is not so easy tobe discovered.7 - 13 April 20<strong>09</strong>, Lucknow, IndiaTRASHAEDDirector: : Mahesh GoreINDIATrashed is an animation short film thathighlights the tragic state of our trash binstoday and suggests people to be a littlemore mindful and throw trash in the trashbin & not all around it.FELIXDirector: Director: Andreas UttaGERMANYFELIX, 12, is a loner. At school just as muchas at home. His mother Lydia bothers himwith her extreme care and his fatherNorbert, a police officer, is hardly gettingclose to his introverted son. Si nce Felixdoesn’t communicate, his parents don’t even know he fell in love with the deafmutegirl Lena; he has been chatting with her on the internet for the past weeks.And now he is introuble: she absolutely wants to meet him but he pretendedbeing deaf-mute too.To maintain this lie, he practices sign language diligently.THE FARMER ANDHIS GOATDirector: Mahesh GoreINDIAAnimal sacrifice goes unabated in someparts of India despite globalization andmodern lifestyles. The animation shortfilm The Farmer & His Goat is a sincere attempt at discouraging the evil practicein the best way possible - by creating a hypothetical situation where man himselfbecomes the victim of sacrifice at the hands of the very animal which he has beenslaughtering in the name of religion for centuries now.THE STOLEN CHRISTMAS(IL NATALE RUBATO)Director: Pino TordiglioneITALYA sentimental thriller adopted from a realevent of theft of a precious crib from theChurch of Fontanarosa in the province ofAvellino in the year1700. A story for thechildren but equally for all to read with the eyes of the heart.FRIENDSDirector: Dan WolmanISRAELDaniel is a loner. One day, she befriendsNeli, a new girl in class.The two spend timetogether and get to know and like oneanother.When Daniel visits Neli's homeone evening, she discovers that her newfriend has a secret. She feels that she aught to tell people about it because she isworried. But Neli begs her not to tell about it to anybody.Neli is torn, but then decides that it's important to tell even if the price would beto lose the only friend she has in the world. This movie brings into sharp relief therealities of urban life, curious young minds and a dwindling biodiversity.LEIUTAYAT ATEKIILA( LOTTE)Director: Heiki Ernits & Janno PoldmaESTONIASomewhere in Europe by a great seastands a small village, where theconstruction of all manner of gadgetsuseful in the home is held in great esteem.The villagers organise an annual competition of new inventions. One of the mostfamous inventors in the village is Oskar, the father of the energetic girl dogLotte. His pri<strong>mar</strong>y rival is Adalbert the rabbit, whose wife even participates inthe competition with all her heart. Victory would be important to their kin andwould bring honour to the entire rabbit clan.MIRAGEDirector: Youngwoong JangSOUTH KOREAA bio-mechanic robot must fill his glasschest with water in order to sustain his life.Mirage has won over 20 awards includingthe 2006 Gold Student Academy Award inAnimation.<strong>16</strong>

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