Issues in Randomization Outline

Issues in Randomization Outline

Issues in Randomization Outline


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What do we mean by random?• Everyday speech– Process is random if there is no discernablepattern• Statistics– Random characterizes a process ofselection that is governed by a knownprobability rule for example 2 treatmentshave equal chance of be<strong>in</strong>g assigned– Random <strong>in</strong> statistics does not meanhaphazard4What is random treatmentallocation?“By random allocation, we mean that eachpatient has a known chance, usually equalchance, of be<strong>in</strong>g given each treatment, butthe treatment to be given cannot bepredicted.” (Altman 1991)5What is random treatmentallocation?• <strong>Randomization</strong> is the act of allocat<strong>in</strong>g arandom treatment assignment• A patient is said to be randomized to atreatment arm or group when they areassigned to the treatment group us<strong>in</strong>grandom allocation• Cl<strong>in</strong>ical trials that use random treatmentallocation are referred to as randomizedcl<strong>in</strong>ical trials62

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