2012 ABIF Caravan Group - Special Military Active Retired Travel Club

2012 ABIF Caravan Group - Special Military Active Retired Travel Club

2012 ABIF Caravan Group - Special Military Active Retired Travel Club

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Surviving Spouse Assistance ProgramA SMART National ProgramOften unheralded but of vital importance in the time of need isthe Surviving Spouse Assistance Program (SSAP). Until we haveto wade through the myriad of forms, regulations and requirementsthat surround us when the passing of a loved one occurs,many of us don’t give surviving spouse matters a lot of consideration.But successfully navigating the complexity of <strong>Military</strong> payand benefits, Social Security, Veterans Administration entitlementsand other programs is critical in those days immediatelyfollowing the loss of a spouse. SSAP comes to the rescue. SSAPis now a SMART National Program and the Coordinator, a NationalAppointed Position that advises the Board of Directors onmatters pertaining to surviving spouse assistance. Christian Eck,the SSAP Coordinator and his team have new and updatedchecklists and information ready to assist surviving spouses. Ifyou get a chance, attend one of the seminars they present atNational and Regional Musters. You’ll appreciate the wealth ofinformation they have to share. The members of the SSAP teamare:Coordinator :Christian Eck smart10236@smail.comAssistant : May Jones ajmjaj@aol.comSE Region :Dusty & Margie Rhodes w8lje@arrl.netSWRegion : Nancy Closs-Flesher clossflesher@juno.comNat’l Chaplain : Larry Shields shields1352@gmail.comPlease contact them immediately, should the needarise. However, you’ll notice that not all regions have representativeson the team, which can really affect immediate response.If you feel would like to serve your region and SMARTon the team, please contact Christian. Experienceis not crucial as the team can provide youthe training and information you need. A willingnessto serve and provide an importantbenefit is what is important. Help SSAP helpyou.Chuck Kuzma President, SMARTNote from the First VPChapter Leadership is very important to all ofus in SMART. Your Nat'l Leaders are asking(begging) you to get involved in your Chapters.Some may think it is too hard and toomuch responsibility. It is not near as hard asit appears from the outside. Host a Muster, help someonewho is hosting a Muster, become a Chapter Officer, It willbe fun. SMART needs your involvement. You can make adifference. You have expertise that we know nothingabout. Be part of the solution to SMART's woes/tribulations. Those of you who are Chapter Leaders,please consider bringing your talents to Regional/National.Help us restore SMART to it's former glory. In addition toRecruiting a new member to SMART this year, also becomea leader. You will be surprised how easy it is tomake a difference, and you will have fun doing it.Dear SMART friends:I just returned from presenting the FAM-CAMP of the Year award to Ft Bliss, El Paso,TX. Mr. Young, the manager, and his staffwere very appreciative of the honor. Ifyou're passing by El Paso, stop in and stay anight or two--you'll see why they won theaward. You have the ability to participate inthe FAMCAMP improvement program along with the FAM-CAMP of the Year award by going on line to the SMART websiteFAMCAMP tab and filling out the survey. We want touse the power of our large organization to improve FAM-CAMPS with consolidated member visit survey reports.John Barry, President of the New Mexico Amigos Chapter,accompanied me to the presentation. We had a positivediscussion with the FAMCAMP folks about the chapter helpingthe FAMCAMP with projects such as clean-ups. I wouldencourage all chapters to try to affiliate with area FAM-CAMPS (if possible) to both be associated with military RVers(possible recruits) and create worthwhile service projects forthe chapter. Now for membership issues. There was a greatsurge in recruiting after the National Muster--thank you foryour great efforts. However, we have not sustained thesurge, and I am asking each of you to continue your effortsto talk to other RVing veterans about SMART--share yourpositive experiences and great military camaraderie opportunitiesin musters and caravans--and help us achieve abetter membership level. We are working on articles forsome of the major veteran and RVing organization magazines,but we need your help as members of these organizationsto provide your personal experiences into these articles--please contact me if you are interested in helping us withthe articles. I note that our 2013 caravans are starting to fillup--a few are full but with standby lists that some will stillget to go. We have a great slate of caravans this year. I encourageyou to look for your "bucket list" caravan and signup soon. We will also need to start thinking about 2014 caravans--pleasecontact our National <strong>Travel</strong> Coordinator, JohnFarrell, if you are interested in leading a caravan in 2014.Finally, I hope that you all are having a great new year. Ibelieve that SMART has a great leadership team and an energizedorganization that will take us to the increased membershiplevels we need this next year. I am looking forwardto seeing many of you this year as we travel this great countrywe defend. Craig Christen SMART 2nd VPEach of us have been leaders at some level in <strong>Military</strong>Life/outside Organizations or Communities at somepoint throughout our lives. Thanks for all your help. Seeyou at a Chapter/Regional or National Muster.Larry Sockwell

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