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Hotel technology 2.0New advances in technologycontinue to alter the relationshipbetween hotels and guests. Userfriendlyand powerful smartphonesand tablets are changing travelers’online preferences and habits,redefining how th<strong>ey</strong> research, planand book a trip. Empowered withmore knowledge and social media,today’s hotel guest is pushing hotelsfor improved products and servicesin their travel experience. From anownership standpoint, advancesin data analytics are transformingthe <strong>hospitality</strong> industry with thepotential to enhance a hotel’sfinancial performance and offerdetailed insight into customerpreferences. As the use of mobiledevices, social media and advancedanalytics continues to proliferate,and as online distributionchannels become more accessible,technology has created newopportunities for hotels to driveoperating efficiencies and engagewith guests, from booking tocheckout. 4949. “Conrad Hotels empowers travelers with end-to-end mobilecustomer experience,” Mobile Marketer, www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/database-crm/18296.html, accessed October 2014.We’ll begin with today’s traveler. Accordingto a 2013 <strong>global</strong> surv<strong>ey</strong> by TripAdvisor,87% of travelers use a smartphone and44% use a tablet while traveling. As such,hotels are rethinking all aspects of the hotelexperience, with a focus on accommodatingthese devices in guestrooms, meetingspaces, lobbies and front desks. 50For example, one international hotel brandhas taken a more proactive approach bypartnering with a leading engineeringand technology university to redesign thefuture hotel experience and find innovativeways of making public areas more exciting,user-friendly and relevant to the technologyneeds of today’s traveler. 51 In Silicon Vall<strong>ey</strong>,one major brand recently launched a robotbutler equipped with a tablet to facilitateinteraction between guests and staff. Forinstance, a guest may call the front desk torequest a forgotten toiletry; the hotel staffthen inputs the guest’s room number intothe robot’s tablet interface and places thetoiletry on the robot, which delivers the itemdirectly to the room. 5250. “Social Media, Smartphones & Tablets Now Essential TravelTools for U.S. Travelers,” TripAdvisor, http://ir.tripadvisor.com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=808058, accessed October 2014;“Mobile/Smartphones,” European Travel Commission, http://etc-digital.org/digital-trends/mobile-devices/mobile-smartphones/regional-overview/north-america/, accessed October 2014.51. “The Future Hotel Experience,” MIT Mobile ExperienceLaboratory, http://mobile.mit.edu/projects/the-future-hotelexperience,accessed October 2014.52. “Starwood Introduces Robotic Butlers At Aloft Hotel InCupertino,” TechCrunch, http://techcrunch.com/2014/08/13/starwood-introduces-robotic-butlers-at-aloft-hotel-in-palo-alto,accessed August 2014.According to a 2014 US surv<strong>ey</strong> by USampand Smith Micro Software, more than 60%of travelers prefer to purchase and reservehotel guest services using mobile devicesrather than face-to-face with hotel staff. 53As such, hotel companies are turning toproducts and applications that empowerguests to browse inventory, book amenities,complete reservations and purchase avariety of services (such as room service)via mobile devices to drive engagementand increase revenue-generatingopportunities. 54 Other mobile innovationsinclude mobile k<strong>ey</strong>s, check-in kiosks andmobile-enabled property managementsystems, allowing hotel employees tointeract more with guests.Moreover, recent advances in wearabletechnology, such as smart watches andglasses, are expected to revolutionizethe way customers access the web andcontribute personal content. For example,hotel reviews that feature video instead ofjust text will place even more emphasis onhotel reputation and performance.53. “Majority of Consumers Prefer to Purchase and Reserve HotelServices Using Mobile Devices,” Smith Micro, www.smithmicro.com/company/news-room/press-releases/2014/06/23/majorityof-consumers-prefer-to-purchase-and-reserve-hotel-services-usingmobile-devices,accessed October 2014.54. “10 Hospitality Technology Trends You Need To Know About,”Smart Brief, www2.smartbrief.com/hosted/ad2187/Hospitality_Trends_2013.pdf, accessed October 2014.Global <strong>hospitality</strong> <strong>insights</strong>22

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