Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...

Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...

Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...


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establish regular dialogue.He said: "Things got out of hand very quickly. A line of communication is needed wherewe can issue a statement and mobilise resources as a pre-emptive act."Some of those behind the Common Word initiative believe it has been too easy forradical or extremist Muslims to use the media to promote a distorted view of Islam. Oneof their principal aims is to create a body that can speak authoritatively for mainstreamIslam.'Agree to disagree'Although the Pope can speak for about a billion Roman Catholics, Islam has no centralauthority able to represent its 1.3 billion faithful.Apart from practical mechanisms to cope with disagreements, the Pope's Muslimvisitors are hoping for a measure of agreement on matters of fundamental belief, and foran exchange of reading-lists - each side providing the names of the books that mostaccurately describe their values and traditions.<strong>The</strong>y also want to extend the Christian-Muslim conversation to include that otherAbrahamic religion, Judaism.<strong>The</strong> Pope is on record as seeking dialogue with Muslims, and is reported to favour afranker, more robust, approach. He is likely to have his own priorities, including adiscussion of religious freedom.Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams (left) and Grand Mufti of Egypt Dr AliGomaa at a conference on A Common WordA Common Word is backed by the Archbishop of CanterburyIt is a sensitive issue, not least because some Muslim-majority countries forbidconversion, and oppress their Christian minorities.Last month a formal meeting of Catholic bishops in Rome said the conversation shouldstress the need for equal rights for women. Some Islamic states - such as Saudi Arabia- limit women's rights.Other awkward issues could include the need for democracy.<strong>The</strong>re is plenty that both sides are clear they cannot agree. Muslims regard Jesus as animportant prophet, for example, but they do not believe he was crucified.Another of the big differences between the religions centres on how God is understood.

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