Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...

Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...

Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...


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pelted with stones until she died in front of more than 1,000 people last week.Meanwhile, Islamists in the capital, Mogadishu have carried out a public flogging.Mogadishu is nominally under the control of government forces and their Ethiopianallies, who face frequent attacks by Islamist and nationalist insurgents.<strong>The</strong> BBC's Mohammed Olad Hassan in the city says the flogging was a show ofstrength.He says two men accused of helping to kill a man and torture his mother, who theyaccused of theft, were each given 39 lashes in the north-eastern suburb of Suqa-hola.<strong>The</strong> man who actually killed the alleged thief was released, after agreeing to pay hisfamily 100 camels in compensation.Before the flogging, hundreds of Islamist fighters performed a military parade, ourreporter says.Death threatsCameras were banned from the stoning in Kismayo, but print and radio journalists whowere allowed to attend estimated that the woman, Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, was 23years old.However, Amnesty said it had learned she was 13, and that her father had said she wasraped by three men.When the family tried to report the rape, the girl was accused of adultery and detained,Amnesty said.Convicting a girl of 13 for adultery would be illegal under Islamic law.A human rights activist in the town told the BBC on condition of anonymity that he hadreceived death threats from the Islamic militia, who accuse him of spreading falseinformation about the incident.He denies having anything to with Amnesty's report.'Crying'Court authorities have said the woman came to them admitting her guilt.

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