Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...

Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...

Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...


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"<strong>The</strong> parties need to redouble their efforts," Rice said.<strong>The</strong> talks that began in the US last year have produced few tangible results and areexpected to be placed on hold for at least several months during the US transition fromBush to Obama. In addition, Israel will hold elections on February 10 and there arequestions about the tenure of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas whoseterm technically expires in January.Rice will see Abbas and outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert along with the chiefnegotiators from both sides before heading to the Red Sea resort of Sharm e-Sheikh inEgypt where top officials from the international diplomatic "quartet" on the Middle Eastwill be briefed on the status of the talks on Sunday.Any results officially reported to the quartet - the European Union, Russia, the UnitedStates and the United Nations - from Palestinian-Israeli talks so far could become abasis for future negotiations, even after the Israeli election.Time for Israel to appoint a king, scholar sayshttp://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=17448Renowned Israeli biblical scholar and historian David Solomon last week said thatconditions in Israel today are ripe for replacing democracy with theocratic monarchy andappointing a king.Speaking to Israel National Radio, Solomon said that the leadership and religious crisescurrently facing Israel mirror those during the time of the Prophet Samuel.Millennia ago, the people of Israel turned to Samuel to help them replace their form ofgovernment with a monarchy in order to alleviate the nation's problems.Just as then, many Israelis today might view a theocratic monarchy as a viable answerto Israel's "disastrous absence of genuine political and spiritual and religiousleadership," said Solomon.Will Israel strike at Iran before Obama takes over?http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1225910057503&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFullOn December 8, 1988, under the cover of night, IDF warplanes, helicopters, guidedmissilefrigates and an elite force of Flotilla 13 naval commandos and Golani Brigadereconnaissance fighters infiltrated Lebanon. <strong>The</strong>ir target was a cave-basedheadquarters 20 km. south of Beirut, serving the Popular Front for the Liberation ofPalestine-General Command, headed by Ahmed Jibril.<strong>The</strong> raid, code-named Operation Blue and Brown, involved the first known use of the

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