Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...

Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...

Prophecy News Watch – November 9 , 2008 - The Bridge Calvary ...


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But Morris's views were challenged by a number of Israeli defense experts, such asMaj.-Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, former national security adviser and former head of theIDF's Planning and Operation branches. "I don't agree that Bush has given us a greenlight to attack in the next three months. Israel can't attack without US approval, which isvital both tactically and strategically. At the moment, we don't have that approval," hesaid.Eiland provided an alternative forecast, according to which Obama will spend somemonths assembling an international front aimed at applying real pressure on Teheran toends its nuclear program, something Bush had so far failed to do."To make the pressure on Iran effective, you have to cooperate with states like Russia.But the Russians say, 'Our main problem is that you [the Americans] are deliberatelyharming our interests by criticizing our internal policies, our actions in Chechnya, andwith your attempts to drag neighbors like Georgia and Ukraine into NATO. So long asthat's the case, don't expect us to help on Iran.'"Noting that Russia is continuing to supply Teheran with nuclear technology andeconomic ties, Eiland said it would be impossible to isolate Iran without Russianassistance. This was all the more true in light of the fact that China and India hadsignaled that they would follow Russia's guidance over Iran, Eiland added."So I assume that the Obama government will correctly recognize the Iranian threat, butit will try to construct an international front," he said.If, however, that policy failed, Obama could seriously consider using force, or supportan Israeli strike several months from now, Eiland said.Col. (res.) Ephraim Kam, formerly of Military Intelligence's Research Division andcurrently the deputy head of Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Security Studies,said a number of questions needed to be answered before determining whether a strikecould go ahead."We don't know what Bush wants. In order to know whether the time is right for anattack, the government must know the stance of the Americans, and the state of ourintelligence. Do we have the precise information that we need? What is the evaluationof an Iranian response? Is the Iranian threat existential?" Kam asked.<strong>The</strong> government did not have those answers at this time, "hence the decision to attackcannot be made," he said.Dr. Emily Landau, director of the Arms Control and Regional Security Project at theInstitute for National Security Studies, said that aside from the diplomatic situation that

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