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cjdrmYyk fo'ofo|ky;] Hkksiky cjdrmYyk fo'ofo|ky - Barkatullah ...

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LL.M. Part – I – Semester- IIMax. Mark: 100 Min. Marks: 40GROUP EENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND LEGAL ORDERPREVENTATION AND CONTROL OF POLLUTIONObjectives of the CoursePollution hazards bring the worst harm to the environment. Legal measures areattempted to prevent or control various kinds of pollution and their aftermath. Canland pollution hazards be prosonlod or controlled effectively by criminalsanctions especially in a developing country like India? What other legalstrategies can be adopted at this level? To what extent can corporate civil liabilitybe extended for remedying pollution maladies particularly mass disasters? Onehas to be a critic of the existing laws and to look forward to desirable mechanismof control over pollution hazards.Syllabus1. Pollution1. Meaning2. Kinds of pollution and their impact2. Pollution of water1. Definition2. Ground water pollution3. Sources4. Critique of existing5. Machinery6. Powers7. Function8. Offences and penalties3. Pollution of Air1. Pollutants and effects2. Modalities of control3. Conflicts of jurisdiction of different control4. Agencies5. Critique of the existing legal framework4. Noise Pollution22

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