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LL.M. Part – I – Semester- IIMax. Mark: 100 Min. Marks: 40Group JHUMAN RIGHT LAWHUMAN RIGHTS OF DISADVANTAGED GROUPS: PROBLEMS ANDISSUES IN THE PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENTObjective of the CourseHuman right are the right of all human beings. Violation of these rights is humanrights violations. Due of frequent violations to particular groups indisadvantageous positions, new categories of human rights have emerged. Thesegroups are of people such as women, children, prisoners and dalits. Violations ofhuman rights of these groups are of great concern of every nation today. Theofficials of the state like the police force commit such violations. This is only anillustration. There are several other categories of violations.Syllabus1. Concepts of Disadvantaged Groups2. Emerging Human Rights Jurisprudence and the Role of the Judiciary3. Rights of women4. Rights of child5. Rights of prisoners6. Rights of dalits7. The tribal and other Indigenous people8. The mentally ill9. The stateless persons10. The unorganized labour11. Aids victims12. Rights of minoritiesEnforcement of Human RightsProtection Laws of the disadvantaged Groups: problems and IssuesFuture Perspectives of Human Rights of the DisadvantagedSelected bibliography34

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