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contents - Jananeethi

contents - Jananeethi

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ANNUAL REPORT - 2003-2004ANNEXURE 2INTERIM REPORT OF “FREEDOM FROM LITIGATION ANDSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORTPeriod: 1-10-2003 to 31-3-2004Project title : SOCIAL JUSTICE AND FREEDOM FROM LITIGATIONReference : Grant No. S–IN600–03–GR–025Executing institution : JANANEETHI, T.B. Road, Mission QuartersThrissur - 680001, Kerala, IndiaPrefaceThis project is an experiment, unique on itsown. The success of <strong>Jananeethi</strong> in the year2000 at Thichur, Kerala in establishing a LitigationFree Village, first of its kind in the country,prompted us to envision the current project.Development is the key word in the socio-politicalscenario of the State but the commonpopulous is marginalized increasingly due to themisconceived policies of the rulers. The currentapproach towards development is a singlestream process concentrating only on the economicfront that too is beyond the reach ofmany. The much-celebrated Kerala modeldevelopment through people’s participation isnow rated rather as a failure in general but forcertain leaps and bounds. The strains prevailingin the society is never addressed or focusedby the planners. The lack of peace and accordin the society is the most vital aspect that pullsback development. ‘Sustainable developmentis possible only in a harmonious society’ is thevision of <strong>Jananeethi</strong>. Government machineriescarry out welfare schemes that seldomreach the poor, needy and the marginalized.The expended amount on grass root planningand development is enormous but the resultsare abysmal. A critical reflection about the dividebetween planning and base realities in thecore group of <strong>Jananeethi</strong>, suggested a multifacetedapproach towards establishing GramaSwaraj. The project thus is an edeavour tosculpt a new paradigm of development.Objectives§ Establishment of litigation free society§ Programme for public health§ Model interventions in environmentalprotection§ Literacy and continuing education§ Promotion of women leadership43

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