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ANNUAL REPORT - 2003-2004Case details:Mr. M.M. Abdul Hafeel, 24 years, S/oMammu, a Muslim by birth belonged to a largepoor family where he was the bread winnerfor many. He with friends went to the festivalof the local Hindu temple at Vattekkad on the26 th February 2004. As customary to the Hindufestivals, there was a pompous, ceremonialprocession with traditional musical trumpetsand other accompaniment. Normally these processions,in respect to the house of worship ofother faith, stop their musical performancewhile they pass a Muslim or Christian mosqueor church. This did not happen in the case ofthe procession at Vattekkad. Naturally it irritatedthe Muslim community and hence AbdulHafeel and his friends forced the musical performersto stop playing the instruments in frontof the mosque. Reportedly they forcefullysnatched the instruments from the performers.Hafeel, though was not personally involved,was a supporter those who restrained the performers.There were few police men under the ASI ofPerumpadappu station who rushed to the spotto take control of the situation. With out anyreason, the police targeted on Hafeel only andHafeel was chased by the police until he wastaken into their custody. Hafeel was brutallybeaten and assaulted by the police. He wasrounded up and was taken into police custodyin a paddy field. The police used their lathy(the wooden stick, short but solid used by police)and hands and legs to hammer and kickHafeel. More police force came to the help ofthe perpetrators They curled his body andsmashed him under his neck and shoulder. Hewas dragged around 100 metres. Eye witnessesreport that he was yearning and begging forwater to drink but was mercilessly refused bythe virulent police men.According to reports Hafeel was taken to thecompound wall and was made to stand againstthe wall. The police hit his head against thewall and there was bleeding profusely fromhis head. Further the police kicked him at hisabdomen. Hafeel was seen shrinking in pain.Then they made him stand near a boundarywall and hit his head on the wall. Later, hewas thrown into the back of the police vehiclewhere the police continued their attacks. Witnessesreport that Hafeel was almost fainting.He could not hold himself on his leg. He fell onthe floor of vehicle, was reduced to a bundleof blood-soaked linen and flesh.By the evening, at 6.45 pm Mr. Shuhaib,Hafeel’s relative and one Mr.Beerankutty, thevice president of the local civic body(panchayath) made phone calls to thePerumpadappu police station and enquiredabout Hafeel. They were told by the policethat Hafeel would be released soon. A shortwhile later, one police officer, Mr. Azeez, informedMr.Beerankutty over telephone thatHafeel was badly vomiting blood and that someone should go to the police station immediately.Beerankutty and few of Hafeel’s friendsrushed to the police station and found Hafeellying on a mattress unconscious as if he wasdead.51

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