Electrical Technology Committee - BC Safety Authority

Electrical Technology Committee - BC Safety Authority

Electrical Technology Committee - BC Safety Authority


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Disclaimer: In keeping with its commitment to transparency and accountability the following <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory<strong>Committee</strong> meeting notes are to provide interested stakeholders with a sense of the discussions that have takenplace among members of the <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory <strong>Committee</strong>. These notes reflect the discussions that took place atthe meeting indicated and do not necessarily reflect the views of the British Columbia <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> (<strong>BC</strong>SA).Inclusion of the notes on the <strong>BC</strong>SA website does not imply endorsement of the views stated in the notes.PASSENGER ROPEWAYS TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COMMITTEEMEETING MINUTESDate: September 20, 2011Time: 9:00am-12:00pmLocation: <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> Mt Waddington & Mt Arrowsmith RoomsChair: Wayne WiltseParticipants: Wayne Wiltse, Bruno Mannsberger, Arnie Budd, Brent Carmichael (for WarrenSparks), Danny Cox, Mark O’Brien (alternate for Arnie Budd), Noel Thompson,George Trousdell, Grant Wahl (for Sue Dixon)Staff: Jason Gill, Scott Howell-Fellows, Jim Allaway, Jay Fiddler, Meryl Claudio(recorder)Regrets: Pat Boyle, Sue Dixon, Mike L’estrange, Warren SparksADMINISTRATION1.1 IntroductionsThe meeting opened at 9:00am.1.2 Review and approve minutes from February 16, 2011 meetingMinutes were approved with the following amendments: Item 2.2.1: Certain detachable lifts in Europe have had the option of locking restrainingbar feature.1.3 Administrative issuesItem 1.3.1: Welcome to new membersTo help the new members, an overview of the roles and structure of the <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory<strong>Committee</strong>s was given: Jay Fiddler, as Business Partner, Stakeholder Engagement Programs, will be taking overJim Allaway’s role and responsibility for the <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory <strong>Committee</strong>s. Jamie Tattersfield and Ken Green are no longer on the committee and were thanked fortheir time.Arnie Budd and Mike L’estrange were welcomed as new members.Processes for agenda formation, the polling system, and minutes approval werereviewed.Passenger Ropeways <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory <strong>Committee</strong> p.1 of 7September 20, 2011 meeting minutes – FINAL

Outcomes: Bruno was named as Vice-Chair.Item 1.3.2: AlternatesMembers were reminded to appoint an alternate to attend committee meetings in case of theirabsence.Item 1.3.3: Travel expense forms and guidelinesA new travel expense form and guidelines are available.Item 1.3.4: Action log reviewMost items are still in progress.CURRENT BUSINESS2.1 Regulatory developmentItem 2.1.1: Alternative <strong>Safety</strong> ApproachesAlternative <strong>Safety</strong> Approaches are an alternative way to meet the objectives of regulations.Spectra Energy and Superior Propane have been selected as exemplars for Alternative <strong>Safety</strong>Approaches.Item 2.1.2: Z98 clause 6.7.1 Code change proposalCSA Code Z98 clause 6.7.1 proposal change has gone forward to the subcommittee: Current clause states that safety nets should be installed at the end of the platform ifthere is a falling hazard at the loading/unloading station. The proposed change allows for “other appropriate safety measures” to be installed tomitigate the risk of falling, which allows for flexibility in cases that a safety net may not beappropriate.Discussion highlights: The wording of the proposed change was likely determined to be appropriate by the CSAZ98 subcommittee.Item 2.1.3 (NEW): Adoption of code for lifts for persons with disabilitiesScott reported that the code for lifts for persons with disabilities is set to be adopted into theElevating Devices <strong>Safety</strong> Regulation. Requires lifts to have two-way communication and restricted access. Some resistance from the barrier-free movement.Discussion highlights: This code currently would not apply to gondola cabins.2.2 Emerging industry issuesItem 2.2.1: Height restrictions on passenger ropewaysThis issue was brought to forward to CWSAA: It was determined that there is no appetite to put height restrictions into regulation. The better solution would be to guidelines/best practice document that describes whatvarious ski areas are doing to mitigate the risk of children falling from passengerropeways.Passenger Ropeways <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory <strong>Committee</strong> p.2 of 7September 20, 2011 meeting minutes – FINAL

Actions: Danny to ask Robert Kennedy (CWSAA Legal Counsel) about best practice items.Item 2.2.2: Backpacks on passenger ropewaysThe risk of people falling from passenger ropeways due to wearing backpacks seems to be notas prevalent as children slipping under safety bars due to their height.Discussion highlights: Signage, operators say for only one hand in backpack. Dangling strap issue creates more issues than backpack pushing forward in seat. It was intended that this issue would also be addressed in the best practice documentbeing developed by Robert KennedyActions: Danny to ask Robert Kennedy (CWSAA Legal Counsel) about best practice items.Item 2.2.3: Cable-Crane Passenger Ropeway ESA with an independent hydro projectTemporary passenger ropeways used for transporting construction staff are being built underEquivalent Standards Agreements: Such an installation is scheduled to be built for the Kwoiek Creek hydro project. These passenger ropeways built to OITAF Book No. 8.2.3 <strong>Safety</strong> risk issuesItem 2.3.1: Incident summary reportDate range: February 1, 2011-September 13, 2011 Six falls from carriers A high number of electrical failures, many of which required manual evacuations due todisabled evacuation drives. Three incidents in which individuals were caught by carriers An incident under investigation involved a fixed grip quad: Water intruded a com plug anddisabled normal stop in drive stationTwo <strong>Safety</strong> Orders were issued due to incidents: SO P-4 110531 1 Passenger Ropeway Foot Passenger Loading Area was issued due tofatality in Whistler. SO-P4 110621 2 Leitner-Poma X-Y sheave assembly axle adjustment bolts: Affectedcontractors are to obtain and install manufacturer’s safety kits. Bolts were breakingpossibly due to cut threads being used on bolts instead of rolled threads.Discussion highlights: Test safety kits will be delivered shortly and the adequacy of these kits was discussed bymembers of the committee. X-Y bolts are also used by other manufacturers and have not shown to fail in <strong>BC</strong>.Outcome: Update at next meeting after testing safety kits.Item WorkSafe<strong>BC</strong> work carrier incident reportThe WorkSafe<strong>BC</strong> report was distributed: The worker involved in the incident returned to work but was still in pain; WorkSafe<strong>BC</strong>determined that he will not be able to continue in this line of work.Discussion highlights:Passenger Ropeways <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory <strong>Committee</strong> p.3 of 7September 20, 2011 meeting minutes – FINAL

Similar incidents and procedures to mitigate this risk were discussed, includingappropriate debriefs, team checks, and matching appropriate work carriers for differenttypes of passenger ropeways.Mitigation procedures should be communicated to the industry.Action: Jason to draft an Information Bulletin on mitigation procedures for the committee toreview.Item 2.3.2: Risk registry summaryUpdates: Water intrusion item was removed (on “watch” status) as all recommendations have beenimplemented. Unable to expand on the safety management plan program to date; a risk/audit approachappropriate for this industry has yet to be determined. No items have been added to the risk registry; Leitner-Poma issue and work carrier issuemay be added in the future.2.4 Education and Enforcement IssuesItem 2.4.1: Have a safe ride programThe committee members were asked for their input on the education program targeting 12- to16-year-old passenger ropeway users: Posters, tip cards, and Adblock media showing safe and unsafe behaviours are available. This year will introduce interactive events at ski areas: Street teams, giveaways,contests, and safety messages. Ski areas are encouraged to host this event. Website games and contests for submitting safety cartoons are ideas for this campaign.Discussion highlights: Instead of tip cards, messaging could be on something used while skiing/snowboarding. Ontario has had success in lowering these incidents with signage placement. Falls from carrier in load/unload area are also included in TSSA’s fall from carrier incidentdata so it difficult to compare to <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> data. This decrease in incidents may also be due to reluctance to report incidents because liftsget shut down if a fall from carrier occurs. Encourage mountain staff to model safe behaviour at staff orientation training.Action: Members to email Erin with any ideas for the program or if they are interested in hostingon-mountain events this season.2.5 Risk Reduction Working GroupsItem 2.5.1: Aging Passenger Ropeways Risk Reduction Working GroupJeff Coleman has been asked to help develop a framework for the Working Group: The Working Group will be working with a professor to determine data requirements andfactors before gathering data. It may be better to require plans from contractors rather than have prescriptive solution.Discussion highlights: Installations are designed to last 30 years, but are likely to last longer if found to bereliable for the design life. Environmental, operation and maintenance, and experience are factors to examine. Lifts are not upgraded to meet current codes unless a specific component is beingPassenger Ropeways <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory <strong>Committee</strong> p.4 of 7September 20, 2011 meeting minutes – FINAL

modified or the lift is relocated.It would not be advisable to follow TSSA’s solution of dismantling each lift and performingnon-destructive testing on each part.o Ontario has older lifts with higher cycles, but they don’t have as manydetachable lifts that would be costly to dismantle.Action: Wayne/Working Group to set up meeting and report back to committee.NEW BUSINESS3.1 Conveyor systems and Z98 Code changesNewer technology of covered conveyors have additional requirements because of enclosure: Installation must have smoke detectors and emergency exits, and may need to followBuilding Code. May be a popular option for industry as beginner lifts get older.Outcome:A Z98 Code subcommittee is working on Codes for these types of installations. The <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Safety</strong><strong>Authority</strong> will provide input to committee based on learnings from these larger coveredconveyor installationsEVALUATION & ADJOURNMENT4.1 Meeting evaluationThe evaluation was distributed and completed by members.4.2 Next meeting datesWednesday, February 8Monday, April 30Wednesday, October 174.3 Meeting adjournmentThe meeting was adjourned at 11:55am.Passenger Ropeways <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory <strong>Committee</strong> p.5 of 7September 20, 2011 meeting minutes – FINAL

DateissuedMinref.PASSENGER ROPEWAYS TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COMMITTEEACTION REQUIRED LOGAction RequiredSep 23/09 WorkSafe<strong>BC</strong> incident report forwork carrier incidentSep 20/11 Draft Information Bulletin re:WorkSafe carrier incidentFeb 3/10 1.3.2 Designate alternate and submitmembership form to MerylFeb 3/10 2.2.2 Discuss backpack issue withCWSAAFeb 3/10 2.2.1 Discuss height restriction issuewith CWSAA and Z98 committeeAssignedtoTarget date Status OutcomeJason,CompletedWayneJason Feb 8/12 New itemAll members Feb 8/12 In progressReport distributed.Jamie Completed CWSAA Best Practice to addressAll members Completed Z98 <strong>Committee</strong> not putting heightrestriction in standard. CWSAA BestPractice to address.May 3/10 2.5.1 Risk Reduction Working Groupon aging liftsMay 3/10 2.5.1 Create group Wayne OpenOct 20/10 2.5.1 Determine scope of group RRWG/Jeff PendingOct 20/10 2.2.1 Meet with Robert Kennedy andDanny Cox to discuss: Policy for children ridingalone on chairlifts Backpack use on chairliftsSep 20/11 2.2.1 Determine best practicethrough discussion withCWSAAOct 20/10 N/A Code change proposal to be putforward regarding Z98 clause6.7.1Sep 20/11 2.4.1 Provide feedback on Safe RiderProgram to Erin CardonaJason Completed Best practices document to be issued.Danny Oct 4/11 New itemJason Completed Proposal is likely to move forward.All members Oct 15/11 New itemStatus Descriptors: New item: Action issued at this meeting Ongoing: Issue to be discussed at each meeting; remains on the action log until completed Open: Action has not yet begun to be worked on In progress: Action has begun to be worked on but is not completedPassenger Ropeways <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory <strong>Committee</strong> p.6 of 7September 20, 2011 meeting minutes – FINAL

Pending: Action is dependent on another action to be completedCompleted: Action has been completed. Will be removed from the action log for the next meetingClosed: Action no longer requiredTaken offline: Action is required but does not require discussion by the committeePassenger Ropeways <strong>Technology</strong> Advisory <strong>Committee</strong> p.7 of 7September 20, 2011 meeting minutes – FINAL

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