flashBAC Manual - Oxford Expression Technologies

flashBAC Manual - Oxford Expression Technologies

flashBAC Manual - Oxford Expression Technologies


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healthy cells from a log-phase culture [see section10] and to seed the cells at the correct cell density sothe resulting monolayer is even and sub-confluent.Use 1.5 x 10 6 Sf21 or 1 x 10 6 Sf9 cells/dish in a 2 mlvolume of medium.• Ensure that the cells are evenly distributed over thesurface of the dish and leave to settle at roomtemperature for 1 hour on a flat surface.2 During the 1 hour incubation period above, prepare theco-transfection mix of DNA and liposome reagent. Foreach co-transfection, pipette 1 ml serum-free,antibiotic-free medium into a sterile, disposablepolystyrene container (7 ml bijoux are convenient).3 Add an appropriate volume of transfection reagentas directed by the manufacturer and mix.• As a guide, use 5 µl Lipofectin ®transfection reagent.)(or alternative4 Next, add 100 ng <strong>flashBAC</strong> DNA (5 µl from the kit)and 500 ng transfer vector DNA (one with the geneunder investigation or the control provided in the kit [inwhich case use 5 µl]). Mix with gentle agitation orvortexing.• In the mock-transfection control, omit the DNA fromthe medium.5 Incubate at room temperature for 15 - 30 minutes toallow the liposome-DNA complexes to form.OXFORD EXPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES 22

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