Co-Location of The North West Ambulance Service Hazardous Area

Co-Location of The North West Ambulance Service Hazardous Area

Co-Location of The North West Ambulance Service Hazardous Area


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REPORT TO:AGENDA ITEM:MERSEYSIDE FIRE & RESCUE AUTHORITYMEETINGDATE: 25 TH JANUARY 2010REPORT NO.REPORTING OFFICER:CFO/004/10ASSISTANT CHIEF FIRE OFFICER EVANSCONTACT OFFICER: AREA MANAGER STEPHENS, EXTN. 4315OFFICERS CONSULTED:SUBJECT:STATION MANAGER HITCHENCO-LOCATION OF THE NORTH WEST AMBULANCESERVICE HAZARDOUS AREA RESPONSE TEAMWITH THE SEARCH AND RESCUE TEAM ATCROXTETHAPPENDIX (A) TITLE HEADS OF TERMS BETWEEN MFRS ANDNWAS (THE PREMISES PLAN TO BEPROVIDED AT AUTHORITY MEETING)ATTACHED – HARD COPY*A GLOSSARY OF TERMS HAS BEEN PROVIDED AT THE END OF THISREPORT FOR YOUR REFERENCEPurpose <strong>of</strong> Report1. To provide Members with an update to report CFO/160/09 presented to andagreed by the Authority on the 25 th June 2009 regarding the co-location <strong>of</strong> the<strong>North</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>Service</strong> (NWAS) <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Area</strong> Response Team(HART) with the Search and Rescue Team (SRT) at Croxteth Fire Station.Recommendation2. That the Authority enter into an agreement for lease and subsequent lease with<strong>North</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Trust (“NWAS”) in respect <strong>of</strong> the re-location <strong>of</strong>NWAS <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Area</strong> Response Team with the Search and Rescue Team atCroxteth <strong>Co</strong>mmunity Fire Station entailing the provision <strong>of</strong> 2 new garagestructures and alterations to the accommodation at Croxteth Fire Station on theterms and conditions as set out in the heads <strong>of</strong> terms attached as Appendix Aor as otherwise agreed by the Chief Fire Officer on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Authority.

Introduction & Background3. In 2004 the <strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Association (ASA) and the Department <strong>of</strong>Health (DoH) requested that the ASA Civil <strong>Co</strong>ntingencies <strong>Co</strong>mmittee considerthe feasibility <strong>of</strong> Paramedics joining other emergency personnel to work withinthe inner cordon <strong>of</strong> a major hazardous incident. <strong>The</strong> following year experts inmainstream <strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s, clinicians and specialists in the Chemical,Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) field acknowledgedthat not being able to operate in the ‘hot zone’ (inner cordon) <strong>of</strong> a major incidentmeant that the <strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>Service</strong> was potentially being impeded in its ability toundertake the clinical interventions necessary to preserve life at the earlystages <strong>of</strong> a CBRNE/ <strong>Hazardous</strong> Material (Hazmat) incident.4. <strong>The</strong> DoH was later approached by the Fire & Rescue <strong>Service</strong> with a request toconsider training paramedics to work in the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)environment, alongside their own personnel. <strong>The</strong> decision was subsequentlymade in 2006 to add a USAR capability to the HART project.5. <strong>The</strong>re are two HART teams allocated to the <strong>North</strong> <strong>West</strong> region. One team islocated in Manchester and the other in Liverpool. At the time <strong>of</strong> writing only theManchester HART team is operational. <strong>The</strong> Liverpool HART team is scheduledto become operational in early 2011.6. Following approval by Members to co-locate the Liverpool HART team atCroxteth the Liverpool HART manager submitted a business case to DoH fortheir ratification and to request funding to facilitate the works required toaccommodate the HART team. <strong>The</strong> business case was founded on theprovision <strong>of</strong> two new garage structures to house vehicles and the undertaking<strong>of</strong> alterations to the accommodation at Croxteth Fire Station sufficient to allowfor the integration <strong>of</strong> HART personnel. <strong>The</strong> plans appertaining to theseimprovements will be presented to the Authority at a future learning lunchevent.7. <strong>The</strong> business case was approved by DoH in November <strong>of</strong> this year and as aresult the Deputy Clerk to the Authority has drawn up a Heads <strong>of</strong> Termsbetween the two parties (attached at Appendix A) and is developing thestructure <strong>of</strong> the legal agreements for leases and lease agreements to ensurethat the interests <strong>of</strong> both parties are protected.8. <strong>The</strong> Liverpool NWAS HART Paramedics are currently being recruited followingthe successful launch <strong>of</strong> the Manchester team in 2009. Once selected they willundergo USAR familiarization training at the Fire <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Co</strong>llege and breathingapparatus training at MFRS Training & Development Academy (TDA). <strong>The</strong>y willalso undertake development and continuation training with the SRT at the TDAand at <strong>of</strong>fsite locations in order to develop the close pr<strong>of</strong>essional workingrelationship that currently exists with the Manchester team.

9. Work on the internal improvements at Croxteth is scheduled to commence priorto the end <strong>of</strong> the current financial year. <strong>The</strong> main building works will commencefollowing submission and approval <strong>of</strong> plans. Subject to the necessary approvalsit is anticipated that the Liverpool HART team will occupy the site in late 2010with a planned go live date <strong>of</strong> January 2011.10. Members are requested to approve the provision <strong>of</strong> limited signage at Croxtethto signify the presence <strong>of</strong> the Liverpool HART team.Equality & Diversity Implications11. None contained within this report.Financial Implications & Value for Money12. <strong>The</strong>re are no costs to the Authority arising from this proposal for MFRS. <strong>The</strong>Deputy Clerk to the Authority in conjunction with the MFRS estates departmentis drafting an agreement for lease which will deal with arrangements during thebuilding works and a lease agreement which will be signed after completion <strong>of</strong>the building works and on NWAS occupation <strong>of</strong> the premises12.1 As NWAS will be appointing the building contractor directly theagreement for lease will ensure that the Authority’s Estates departmentcan view the progress <strong>of</strong> the works and inspect materials. <strong>The</strong> EstatesManager can attend all meetings and site inspections and makerepresentations to NWAS. <strong>The</strong> agreement obliges NWAS to takeaccount <strong>of</strong> any representations made. As there is no direct contractualrelationship between the Authority and the contractors the agreementfor lease obliges NWAS to ensure that a collateral warranty is given tothe Authority by the building contractor, architect and any othercontractor responsible for any works or design responsibility.12.2 <strong>The</strong> Agreement for lease obliges NWAS to ensure that the fire stationmay be used as an operational fire station throughout the buildingworks and will require NWAS to indemnify the Authority for any claimarising out <strong>of</strong> the building works including any claim for breach <strong>of</strong>statutory duty.12.3 <strong>The</strong> agreement for lease will require the NWAS to insure the works.12.4 <strong>The</strong> term <strong>of</strong> the lease will be for 15 years with an option for NWAS toextend the period for a further 5 years. It is proposed that the lease willbe contracted out <strong>of</strong> the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 to ensure thatNWAS have no legal right to occupy after the 20 year period.12.5 <strong>The</strong> lease will contain a provision for the payment by NWAS <strong>of</strong> aservice charge which will ensure that NWAS contribute financiallytowards the running costs for Croxteth <strong>Co</strong>mmunity Fire Station.

13. <strong>Co</strong>nsideration is being given to upgrading facilities not directly impacted by thework specific to the collocation <strong>of</strong> HART to give a consistency <strong>of</strong> standard andimprove building quality at Croxteth however permission will be sought fromMembers in the event that Officers wish to pursue this option.Health & Safety and Environmental Implications14. None contained within this report. Any impact from future alterations at Croxtethwould be subject to a full risk assessment process.<strong>Co</strong>ntribution to Achieving the Vision:“To Make Merseyside a Safer, Stronger, Healthier <strong>Co</strong>mmunity”15. Further embedding partnership working by incorporating Liverpool HARTparamedics within the <strong>Co</strong>mmunity Fire and Rescue Station at Croxteth willstrengthen the teams’ ability to respond and assist the public thus significantlycontributing to making Merseyside a safer, stronger, healthier community.BACKGROUND PAPERSCFO/160/09*Glossary <strong>of</strong> TermsASA - <strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>Service</strong> AssociationCBRNE - Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear and ExplosivesDoH - Department <strong>of</strong> HealthHART - <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Area</strong> Response TeamHAZMAT - <strong>Hazardous</strong> MaterialMFRS - Merseyside Fire and Rescue <strong>Service</strong>NWAS - <strong>North</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>Service</strong>SRT - Search and Rescue TeamTDA - Training & Development AcademyUSAR - Urban Search and Rescue

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