Children in Prison in South Africa - Community Law Centre

Children in Prison in South Africa - Community Law Centre

Children in Prison in South Africa - Community Law Centre


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under 18 had been admitted as juveniles over theage of 18. The head of the prison expressed himselfworried by this and had adopted the practice ofreferr<strong>in</strong>g boys who looked very small and young to adoctor for an assessment. He produced records ofchildren he had referred <strong>in</strong> this way.Separat<strong>in</strong>g Adults from <strong>Children</strong>"Every child has the right... to be kept separatelyfrom deta<strong>in</strong>ed persons over the age of 18 years ..."(SA CONSTITUTION, SECTION 28)"Any child deprived of liberty shall be separatedfrom adults unless it is considered <strong>in</strong> the child'sbirth certificate (by past<strong>in</strong>g on a new age and photocopy<strong>in</strong>gthe orig<strong>in</strong>al) and was, <strong>in</strong> fact, 19 years old.It was found that other adult prisoners had also liedabout their age at this prison. On <strong>in</strong>terview<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>matesat Barberton, the researcher found that many of theso-called children had lied about their ages <strong>in</strong> orderto'obta<strong>in</strong> "free" bail from the courts or to secure •lighter sentences.This has had repercussions at the Youth <strong>Centre</strong> atSt Albans, where the adults (claim<strong>in</strong>g to be youth)<strong>in</strong>timidate the children.Sometimes, the error is made by the prisons them- 'selves, even when children are open and honestabout their age. One <strong>in</strong>mate said he was not 17 but14 and that this could be verified by his mother,although he has no birth certificate to prove it.In many of the cells at Leeuwkop, young people of17 years of age were be<strong>in</strong>g held with older prisoners.The authorities at Leeuwkop said-this was becauseprisoners falsely represent themselves as juveniles;yet'the researchers reported that they found theseolder.boys quite candid about their ages. Two youngmen of 23 and 26 years of age <strong>in</strong> the admittance cellsaid they did not know why they had been sent tothe juvenile section, and others <strong>in</strong>terviewed openlyadmitted to be<strong>in</strong>g 21 and 22 years of age.. At Pretoria Local, considered s suitable place to send'dangerous' accused because of the low number ofescapes, a contrary trend emerged. Here, it becameapparent that many of the unsentenced childrenbest <strong>in</strong>terests not to do so. "•(UN CONVENTION, ARTICLE 37)"The pr<strong>in</strong>cipal criterion for the separation of differentcategories of juveniles deprived of their liberty shouldbe the provision of the type of care best suited to theparticular needs of the <strong>in</strong>dividuals concerned and_ theprotection of their physical, mental and moral <strong>in</strong>tegrityand- well-be<strong>in</strong>g. In all detention centres juveniles shouldbe separated from adults, unless they are membersof the same family. " (UN RULES, 28-29)International guidel<strong>in</strong>es and the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Africa</strong>nConstitution require that children under the age of18 must be kept separately from adults. It is normallyconsidered permissible for juveniles to be broughttogether with adults for education and vocationaltra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, but they must be separated at night.In the majority of facilities, juveniles under the age of21 are kept separately from adults over this age,although children under the age of 18 are frequentlyto be found <strong>in</strong> cells with juveniles over this age.At Leeuwkop, which consists of several prisons at adistance from each other, the juvenile section (MediumB) is physically at a distance from the adult male prisonsand completely separate. The authorities at this prisonwere <strong>in</strong> disagreement about what the regulations sayabout the accommodation of all prisoners under theDEFINITION OF CHILDREN & JUVENILES IN SA PRISONS

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