Children in Prison in South Africa - Community Law Centre

Children in Prison in South Africa - Community Law Centre

Children in Prison in South Africa - Community Law Centre


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of 24, sometimes without even a television to watch(televisions rotate from cell to cell) encouraged sodomyamongst the boys. This may be both consensual andforced.At Pietersburg <strong>Prison</strong>, although it was admitted thatsexual assault was prevalent, only one of the boys<strong>in</strong>terviewed mentioned this. The researcher atWell<strong>in</strong>gton prison <strong>in</strong> the Transkei observed thatembarrassment may be one of the reasons why theboys would not admit to be<strong>in</strong>g sodomised.may be <strong>in</strong>adequate. At this prison, there are no regularsearches. Although the warders record that they makerounds every half hour, one of the warders <strong>in</strong>terviewed<strong>in</strong>dicated non-verbally that this might not happen asregularly as claimed. Aga<strong>in</strong> at this prison, the childrensaid there were no gangs or abuse. However,-it was <strong>in</strong>this prison that researchers noted that it was 'obviousfrom body language' that they did not feel free to talkand were withhold<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formation.At Malmesbury, the authorities said that most of theproblems are caused by the adult prisoners and thatthere are not many cases of sodomy. The juvenilesare, however, locked up early to avoid their mix<strong>in</strong>gwith the adults. At St Albans, the warders said thatthere are sometimes older children <strong>in</strong> the juvenilesection who pretend to be younger than they are.The warders say it is difficult to 'rehabilitate' them"because you have these adults <strong>in</strong>timidat<strong>in</strong>g you anddar<strong>in</strong>g you to touch them".. Consensual sodomyAt Westville Youth <strong>Centre</strong>, the authorities said thatthere had been frequent reports of sodomy before1994 - about five a day - but now they could f<strong>in</strong>d no -one will<strong>in</strong>g to' comment on it. The children say it doesnot happen. The social workers say that it does, butnot often. The medical staff say that there is sodomy,but it is not as frequent as <strong>in</strong> the adult sections. TheHead of the Youth Section, however, had recordedthe activities of gangs and their practice of mak<strong>in</strong>gthe younger or prettier boys <strong>in</strong>to 'wyvies' (little wives).At Kroonstad, researchers were told that the boys •don't rape each other but "on Saturdays they go tothe adult section where they get raped and wherethey exchaqge sex for food and other th<strong>in</strong>gs." "Hullesoek vir jou boude en iemand hou cavey" (They seekyour thighs and then someone keeps a look out).One boy said that he had seen four big boys try torape a smaller boy, but that other boys <strong>in</strong>tervened.Another said a younger boy had had sex with anolder one <strong>in</strong> exchange for a cigarette.Fight<strong>in</strong>gAt Kroonstad, the boys said there was no fight<strong>in</strong>gand 'no problems dur<strong>in</strong>g the night', but the wardersma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed that there was fight<strong>in</strong>g, steal<strong>in</strong>g andsodomy <strong>in</strong> the cells.At Barberton, some of the boys compla<strong>in</strong>ed of fight<strong>in</strong>gamongst the <strong>in</strong>mates. One child had scars on his bodywhich he alleged were the result of fight<strong>in</strong>g off otherboys and resist<strong>in</strong>g sodomy. It seemed, however, thatthis child had been removed form the cell he sharedwith other boys as he himself had been accused offight<strong>in</strong>g with them. -At Pretoria Local Juvenile Section Medium B, one boysaid he had been abused and beaten, other <strong>in</strong>mateshad tried to make him jo<strong>in</strong> the gang and 'sleep' withthe other <strong>in</strong>mates.'Another boy compla<strong>in</strong>ed that the older boys beat himwhenever he went near their cells.The researcher concluded that it was possible thatthe fact that children are locked up for 17 hours out; if VIOLENCE IN PRISONS

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