Atomically defined tips in scanning probe microscopy - McGill Physics

Atomically defined tips in scanning probe microscopy - McGill Physics

Atomically defined tips in scanning probe microscopy - McGill Physics


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Ultra-high vacuum fabricationof nanoscale systems for study<strong>in</strong>gs<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>gby room-temperatureatomic force <strong>microscopy</strong>Antoni A. TekielDepartment of <strong>Physics</strong><strong>McGill</strong> University, MontrealApril 2013A thesis submitted to <strong>McGill</strong> University <strong>in</strong> partial fulfillmentof the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy© Antoni A. Tekiel 2013

AbstractIn this work we describe ultra-high vacuum fabrication of a nanoscale systemthat reveals Coulomb blockade at room temperature and its characterizationby s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron sensitive electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong> (e-EFM). The systemconsists of Au nanoparticles separated from an Fe(001) back electrode by a crystall<strong>in</strong>eultra-th<strong>in</strong> NaCl film. Due to the small size of the nanoparticles (3.5 nm high),the Coulomb blockade can be observed at room temperature. An atomic force<strong>microscopy</strong> (AFM) cantilever is used as a movable gate to charge <strong>in</strong>dividual nanoparticlesvia s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron tunnel<strong>in</strong>g from the back electrode. At the same timethe tunnel<strong>in</strong>g is detected by measur<strong>in</strong>g frequency shift and damp<strong>in</strong>g of the oscillat<strong>in</strong>gcantilever. The e-EFM technique can overcome limitations of other characterizationmethods based on lithographic fabrication. So far, however, it hasbeen successfully used only at low-temperatures. In this work, we extend thee-EFM technique to room temperature by carefully tun<strong>in</strong>g the sample design andfabrication relative to the cantilever response to achieve maximum sensitivity.To grow atomically <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> tunnel barriers we <strong>in</strong>vestigate the morphologyof MgO and NaCl ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films on Fe(001) surfaces by non-contact-AFM andlow energy electron diffraction (LEED). First, we demonstrate that the quality ofMgO films, typically grown <strong>in</strong> ultra-high vacuum (UHV) by electron-beam evaporation,can be improved by us<strong>in</strong>g reactive deposition method that gives full controlover the gaseous species exist<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the evaporated beam. Second, we <strong>in</strong>vestigatethe effects of temperature and oxygen presence on the growth of NaClon Fe(001). As a result, we develop a protocol to grow NaCl films on the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface <strong>in</strong> a layer-by-layer mode, yield<strong>in</strong>g atomically flat films with 40-60nm wide terraces (on a 12 ML thick film) and with far fewer defects than the MgOfilms.Us<strong>in</strong>g the NaCl film as a tunnel barrier that can be easily adjusted by modify<strong>in</strong>gthe film thickness we characterize s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g at room temperatureof <strong>in</strong>dividual Au nanoparticles formed after thermal evaporation onto a 6i

RésuméDans ce travail, nous décrivons la fabrication sous ultra haut vide (UHV)d’un système à l’échelle nanométrique qui révèle le blocage de Coulomb à températurede la pièce, a<strong>in</strong>si que sa caractérisation par microscopie à force électrostatiquesensible à un électron (s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron sensitive electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong>,e-EFM). Le système est constitué de nanoparticules d’or séparées d’uneélectrode de Fe(001) par un film cristall<strong>in</strong> ultra m<strong>in</strong>ce de NaCl. Dû à la petitetaille des nanoparticules (3.5 nm maximum), le blocage de Coulomb est observableà température ambiante. Un cantilever de microscope à force atomique (MFA)est utilisé comme une grille électrique déplaçable pour charger <strong>in</strong>dividuellementles nanoparticules par le passage de charge élémentaire par effet tunnel à partirde l’électrode. Ce passage d’électron est détecté en mesurant simultanémentle changement de fréquence de résonance, a<strong>in</strong>si que l’amortissement de l’oscillationdu cantilever. La technique e-EFM permet de contourner certa<strong>in</strong>es limitations<strong>in</strong>hérentes aux techniques de caractérisation basées sur la fabrication par lithographie.Toutefois, cette technique a été appliquée avec succès seulement à bassestempératures. Dans ce travail, nous étendons la technique e-EFM à températureambiante par un ajustement m<strong>in</strong>utieux du design de l’échantillon et de sa fabricationen fonction de la réponse du cantilever de sorte à maximiser la sensibilité de lamesure.Pour croître une jonction tunnel déf<strong>in</strong>ie à l’échelle atomique, nous étudionsla morphologie de couches m<strong>in</strong>ces de MgO et de NaCl sur une surface de Fe(001)par microscopie à force atomique non-contact et par diffraction d’électrons lents(Low Energy Electron Diffraction, LEED). Premièrement, nous démontrons quela qualité des couches m<strong>in</strong>ces de MgO, typiquement crûes sous UHV par évaporationsous faisceau d’électrons (electron-beam evaporation), peut être amélioréepar l’utilisation d’une méthode de déposition réactive qui donne un contrôle totalsur les espèces gazeuses présentes dans le faisceau d’évaporation. Deuxièmement,nous étudions l’effet de la température et de la présence d’oxygène sur la croissancedu NaCl sur une surface de Fe(001). Conséquemment, un protocole pour laiii

ivRÉSUMÉcroissance de films de NaCl sur une surface de Fe(001)-p(1×1)O déposés couchepar couche. Ces films plats à l’échelle atomique présentent des terrasses de 40-60nm de large et contiennent beaucoup mo<strong>in</strong>s de défauts cristall<strong>in</strong>s que les films deMgO.En utilisant ces couches m<strong>in</strong>ces de NaCl comme jonction tunnel facilementajustables par une modification de leur épaisseur, nous caractérisons le chargementd’électron à température ambiante de nanoparticules <strong>in</strong>dividuelles forméespar évaporation thermique sur un film de 6 monocouches de NaCl. Nous montronscomment la comb<strong>in</strong>aison de la technique e-EFM et de simulations électrostatiquespar éléments f<strong>in</strong>is peut être utilisée pour révéler les propriétés électroniqueset morphologiques de nanoparticules d’or <strong>in</strong>dividuelles. A<strong>in</strong>si, l’énergie de chargement,la capacitance, la fréquence de passage par effet tunnel et la forme approximativedes nanoparticules ont été déterm<strong>in</strong>ées. Des simulations numériquesmontrent que la capacitance totale est dom<strong>in</strong>ée par la capacitance mutuelle entrela nanoparticule et l’électrode. En comparant avec les valeurs expérimentales, déterm<strong>in</strong>éespar une mesure de l’énergie de chargement, on montre que les nanoparticulesdevraient être modélisées par des sphères tronquées pour réduire la capacitancemutuelle avec le substrat. Cette observation a un impact fondamental pour ledesign de circuits nanoélectroniques dans lesquels les composantes doivent avoirdes capacitances déf<strong>in</strong>ies, étant donné que celles-ci déterm<strong>in</strong>ent les effets de couplageet de chargement.La flexibilité de la technique de fabrication et le fait que toutes les mesuresont été effectuées <strong>in</strong> situ sur des échantillons dans des conditions ultra propresrendent le système attrayant pour de futures études. En particulier, cette approchepeut être utilisée pour étudier le couplage entre des po<strong>in</strong>ts quantiques et l’activitécatalytique de nanoagrégats d’or à température ambiante.

viACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDr. Margaret Magdesian, Dr. Fernando Suarez, and Dr. Nela Durisic made mywork easier and more enjoyable.My research has also been supported by many others <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Physics</strong> Departmentat <strong>McGill</strong>. I would like to give my special thanks to Pascal Boursegu<strong>in</strong> andFrancois Poirier for mach<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g multiple components for the JEOL experimentalsetup. I would like to thank Robert Gagnon for his help <strong>in</strong> sample preparationlab and Leo Nikk<strong>in</strong>en for numerous suggestions and assistance with electronics.Also, I thank Dr. Sabr<strong>in</strong>a Relaix and Julien Lhermitte for help<strong>in</strong>g me with X-Raydiffraction of iron whiskers, and Prof. Mark Sutton for access to his lab equipment.I thank Anto<strong>in</strong>e Roy-Gobeil for discussion on s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g experiments,shar<strong>in</strong>g his samples with me, and translat<strong>in</strong>g my English abstract <strong>in</strong>toFrench.My PhD work was f<strong>in</strong>ancially supported by Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship.I thank the Government of Canada for this generous support. I also wouldlike to acknowledge the help that I received from Prof. Kenneth Ragan and Ms.Janet Walker from the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office while apply<strong>in</strong>gfor this award.F<strong>in</strong>ally, I thank my family and friends. The experimental work and writ<strong>in</strong>gfor this thesis took much of my leisure time, which we should have otherwisespent together.

viiiSTATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY5. Electrostatic simulations based on f<strong>in</strong>ite element method used to determ<strong>in</strong>ethe contributions to the total nanoparticle capacitance and model the shapeof the nanoparticles.3.-5. [Tekiel, A.; Miyahara, Y.; Topple, J.; Grütter, P. Room-temperatures<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g detected by electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong>. ACSNano 2013, 7, 4683-4690]

Contributions of Co-authorsThis thesis is based on three published papers and I am the lead authorof all of them. I have conducted the data collection, analysis, and manuscriptpreparation for each article. I would like to thank Prof. Peter Grütter for accessto his lab equipment. I gratefully acknowledge the support and assistance of myco-authors, whose contributions to publications are described below:1. Tekiel, A.; Topple, J.; Miyahara, Y.; Grütter, P. Layer-by-layer growth of sodiumchloride overlayers on an Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface. Nanotechnology2012, 23, 505602. Appears <strong>in</strong> Chapter 7.J. Topple and Y. Miyahara were <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> operation of the apparatusrequired for the experiments of this article. All co-authors were <strong>in</strong>volved<strong>in</strong> discussions regard<strong>in</strong>g the research concepts and presentation of data, aswell as manuscript preparation.2. Tekiel, A.; Fostner, S.; Topple, J.; Miyahara, Y.; Grütter, P. Reactive growth ofMgO overlayers on Fe(001) surfaces studied by low-energy electron diffractionand atomic force <strong>microscopy</strong>. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2013, 273, 247-252. Appears<strong>in</strong> Chapter 6.S. Fostner, J. Topple and Y. Miyahara were <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> operation of theapparatus required for the experiments of this article. All co-authors were<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> discussions regard<strong>in</strong>g the research concepts and presentationof data, as well as manuscript preparation.3. Tekiel, A.; Miyahara, Y.; Topple, J.; Grütter, P. Room-temperature s<strong>in</strong>gle-electroncharg<strong>in</strong>g detected by electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong>. ACS Nano 2013, 7,4683-4690. Appears <strong>in</strong> Chapter 8.Y. Miyahara was <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> data collection, analysis, and numerical simulations,and together with J. Topple were <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> operation of theapparatus required for the experiments of this article. All co-authors were<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> discussions regard<strong>in</strong>g the research concepts and presentationof data, as well as manuscript preparation.ix

List of Abbreviations2/3D Two/three dimensionalAESAuger electron spectroscopyAFM Atomic force <strong>microscopy</strong>/eAMAmplitude modulationBEBack electrodee-EFM S<strong>in</strong>gle-electron sensitive electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong>DFTDensity functional theoryENV EnvironmentFEM F<strong>in</strong>ite element methodFIBFocused ion beamFMFrequency modulationGMR Giant magnetoresistanceHOMO Highest occupied atomic orbitalHVHigh voltageKPFM Kelv<strong>in</strong> <strong>probe</strong> force <strong>microscopy</strong>LLangmuir, 1 L = 10 −6 Torr·s(L)CPD (Local) contact potential differenceLEED Low-energy electron diffractionLHeLiquid heliumLN 2Liquid nitrogenLUMO Lowest unoccupied atomic orbitalMLMonolayerMOSFET Metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistorMTJMagnetic tunnel junctionNCNon-contactNPNanoparticlePLLPhase-locked loopRFARetard<strong>in</strong>g field analyzerx

xiRTSEMSETSPMSTMTEMTMRUHVVCOVLSXRDRoom temperatureScann<strong>in</strong>g electron <strong>microscopy</strong>/eS<strong>in</strong>gle-electron transistorScann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>probe</strong> <strong>microscopy</strong>/eScann<strong>in</strong>g tunnel<strong>in</strong>g <strong>microscopy</strong>/eTransmission electron <strong>microscopy</strong>/eTunnel<strong>in</strong>g magnetoresistanceUltra-high vacuumVoltage controlled oscillatorVapor-liquid-solidX-Ray diffraction


ContentsAbstractRésuméAcknowledgementsStatement of Orig<strong>in</strong>alityContributions of Co-authorsList of Abbreviationsiiiivviiixx1 Motivation 12 Theoretical background 72.1 Growth of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.1.1 Nanoscale processes dur<strong>in</strong>g growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.1.2 Oxide ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films on metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.1.3 Alkali halide ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.1.4 Properties of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films . . . . . . . . . . . . 152.1.5 In search of adjustable tunnel barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.2 Metal nanoparticles as quantum dots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172.2.1 Coulomb blockade and s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box . . . . . . . . . . 182.2.2 Background charge and self-capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.2.3 Electrostatic simulation us<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>ite element method . . . . 233 Experimental methods 253.1 Atomic force <strong>microscopy</strong> <strong>in</strong> ultra-high vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . 253.1.1 Frequency modulation non-contact atomic force <strong>microscopy</strong> 263.1.2 Kelv<strong>in</strong> <strong>probe</strong> force <strong>microscopy</strong> (KPFM) . . . . . . . . . . . . 293.1.3 S<strong>in</strong>gle-electron sensitive electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong> . . . 31xiii

xivCONTENTS3.2 Electron and X-Ray diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343.2.1 Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) . . . . . . . . . . . . 343.2.2 High-resolution X-Ray diffraction (XRD) . . . . . . . . . . . 364 Description of <strong>in</strong>strumentation 414.1 Ultra-high vacuum apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414.1.1 Sample holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444.1.2 Preparation chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454.1.3 Microscope chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.2 NC-AFM operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Preparation of Fe(001) substrates 555.1 Growth of Fe whiskers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565.2 The Fe(001) surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615.3 The Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646 Reactive growth of MgO films on Fe(001) surfaces 656.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666.1.1 UHV deposition methods of MgO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666.2 Experimental details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696.3 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706.3.1 Effect of exposure of clean Fe(001) to O 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 706.3.2 Optimal Mg deposition rate and O 2 pressure . . . . . . . . . 726.3.3 Effect of post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g observed by LEED . . . . . . . . . . 726.3.4 Effect of sample temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g the growth . . . . . . . 756.3.5 Effect of post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g observed by NC-AFM . . . . . . . . 776.3.6 Advantages of the reactive deposition method . . . . . . . . 796.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817 Growth of NaCl films on an Fe(001)-p(1x1)O surface 837.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847.2 Experimental details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877.3 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887.3.1 NaCl adsorption at submonolayer coverage . . . . . . . . . 88

CONTENTSxv7.3.2 Structure of 2 ML thick NaCl film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917.3.3 Structure of 4 ML thick NaCl film: effect of post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g . 937.3.4 Layer-by-layer growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967.3.5 The role of oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 998 Room-temperature s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g 1018.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028.2 Experimental details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1058.3 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068.3.1 Coulomb blockade AFM images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078.3.2 Measurement of electron addition energy . . . . . . . . . . . 1108.3.3 Measurement of tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1118.3.4 F<strong>in</strong>ite element electrostatic simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1128.3.5 The e-EFM technique and other research areas . . . . . . . . 1238.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1239 Conclusions and outlook 1259.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1259.2 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1279.2.1 Controll<strong>in</strong>g the coupl<strong>in</strong>g between quantum dots . . . . . . . 1289.2.2 A model system for study<strong>in</strong>g catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299.2.3 Field <strong>in</strong>duced deposition from AFM <strong>tips</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . 1309.2.4 Double-electrode AFM <strong>probe</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133A Effect of self-capacitance on s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box 136B Repair of LEED optics (Specs ErLEED) 139C Field <strong>in</strong>duced deposition from AFM cantilevers 141C.1 Deposition onto a clean Fe(001) surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141C.2 Cantilevers with metallic <strong>tips</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143Bibliography 145


1MotivationLow-dimensional systems (2D and less) and nanostructures have dom<strong>in</strong>atedmuch of modern electronics. There are several well-established technologiesthat have been used s<strong>in</strong>ce decades, such as metal-oxide semiconductor field-effecttransistors (MOSFETs) and semiconductor heterostructures. More recently, newertechnologies based on fundamental discoveries related to the magnetism <strong>in</strong> ultrath<strong>in</strong>magnetic layers, such as giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect [1] and <strong>in</strong>terlayerexchange coupl<strong>in</strong>g [2, 3], have created a new field of sp<strong>in</strong>-based electronics.Technological progress <strong>in</strong> this area is typically related to improvements <strong>in</strong>fabrication. A good example is offered by magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), whereus<strong>in</strong>g a crystall<strong>in</strong>e MgO tunnel barrier <strong>in</strong>stead of amorphous barrier layers madeof AlO x or TiO x leads to a much larger room-temperature magnetoresistive effect[4]. Tunnel barriers are very sensitive to the presence of defects that can causeunwanted phenomena, such as scatter<strong>in</strong>g or trapp<strong>in</strong>g of charges. For this reasonthere has been grow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest for more than a decade <strong>in</strong> improv<strong>in</strong>g the quality ofMgO films on the Fe(001) surface, <strong>in</strong> order to further <strong>in</strong>crease the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g magnetoresistanceratio to much higher values theoretically predicted to be obta<strong>in</strong>able.Ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films, <strong>in</strong> particular oxide films, attract considerableattention due to their special properties differ<strong>in</strong>g from the correspond<strong>in</strong>g bulkcrystals. Insulat<strong>in</strong>g films f<strong>in</strong>d applications as tunnel barriers <strong>in</strong> electronic andmagnetic devices [5] and as layers separat<strong>in</strong>g the gate <strong>in</strong> MOSFETs. They arealso technologically important <strong>in</strong> catalytic systems, chemical sensors and functionalcoat<strong>in</strong>gs [6]. Although significant strides have been made <strong>in</strong> recent years<strong>in</strong> these fields, it is still difficult <strong>in</strong> many cases to grow high-quality tunnel barriers.The work described <strong>in</strong> this thesis attempts to advance the growth of epitaxialtunnel barriers on crystall<strong>in</strong>e substrates. First, we improve the quality of1

4 CHAPTER 1. MOTIVATIONAu nanoparticles formed after thermally evaporat<strong>in</strong>g Au onto the NaCl. By controll<strong>in</strong>gthe amount of the deposited material, the size of the nanoparticles can beeasily adjusted. Figure 1.1a shows solid chemicals used together with molecularhydrogen and oxygen to fabricate a nanoscale system for study<strong>in</strong>g s<strong>in</strong>gle-electroncharg<strong>in</strong>g schematically presented <strong>in</strong> Figure 1.1b. It consists of a 6 monolayerthick NaCl film and 3.5 nm tall Au nanoparticles. Us<strong>in</strong>g reduction of a ferrouschloride powder <strong>in</strong> a hydrogen atmosphere, Fe whiskers with {001} orientationof side-surfaces are home-grown, which will be covered <strong>in</strong> Chapter 5. Start<strong>in</strong>gfrom the Fe(001) surface, all subsequent preparation and characterization stepsare performed <strong>in</strong> ultra-high vacuum, which guarantees that the system stays freeof unknown contam<strong>in</strong>ants. Us<strong>in</strong>g molecular oxygen the Fe(001) surface is transformed<strong>in</strong>to Fe(001)-p(1×1)O which allows for grow<strong>in</strong>g NaCl on top of it layerby layer. In the f<strong>in</strong>al step Au is thermally evaporated onto the NaCl film to formmetal nanoparticles.The work described <strong>in</strong> Chapter 8 will present a proof-of-pr<strong>in</strong>ciple experiment,where s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g is detected us<strong>in</strong>g the e-EFM method at roomtemperature. The size of Au nanoparticles used <strong>in</strong> this work is small enough to <strong>in</strong>duces<strong>in</strong>gle-electron effects that have a classical electrostatic orig<strong>in</strong>. This togetherwith the simple design of the studied system allows for describ<strong>in</strong>g the system us<strong>in</strong>gf<strong>in</strong>ite element electrostatic model<strong>in</strong>g. It will be shown that such a comb<strong>in</strong>ationof experimental and theoretical techniques provides a versatile means for characteriz<strong>in</strong>gAu nanoparticles that is beyond abilities of other experimental methods.As will be discussed further <strong>in</strong> Chapter 8, <strong>in</strong> our model<strong>in</strong>g the shape of an<strong>in</strong>dividual Au nanoparticle is determ<strong>in</strong>ed to be a truncated sphere. Because ofthe complex 3D morphology of the nanoparticles, which is highly curved, this<strong>in</strong>formation cannot be provided by scann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>probe</strong> <strong>microscopy</strong> (SPM) that canonly access the surface of the sample exposed to the SPM <strong>probe</strong>. Among othercharacterization techniques, only transmission electron <strong>microscopy</strong> (TEM) is capableof measur<strong>in</strong>g 3D shapes of <strong>in</strong>dividual nanoparticles, however TEM samplepreparation methods can lead to modifications of the surface atomic structureof the sample [10]. In this aspect, the e-EFM method can operate entirely <strong>in</strong>-situand guarantees more def<strong>in</strong>ite conditions under which the characterization is performed.Specifically, the e-EFM technique along with f<strong>in</strong>ite element electrostatic

5simulations can be used to characterize chemical activity of Au nanoparticles, andsmaller clusters, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the morphological <strong>in</strong>formation that is important foranalyz<strong>in</strong>g steric effects. Chapter 9 will discuss a hypothetical experiment wherebythe e-EFM method could be used to <strong>probe</strong> changes <strong>in</strong> electronic quantum energylevels of <strong>in</strong>dividual Au clusters due to <strong>in</strong>teraction with reactants.Outl<strong>in</strong>eThis thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 gives a brief overview of growthand properties of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films, <strong>in</strong> addition to theoretical backgroundon Coulomb blockade phenomena and s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g. In Chapter3 the experimental methods used are <strong>in</strong>troduced. This is followed by descriptionof <strong>in</strong>strumentation <strong>in</strong> Chapter 4. Chapter 5 addresses growth of Fe whiskersand preparation of the Fe(001) surface. In Chapter 6 the Fe whiskers are used assubstrates for reactive growth of MgO films. We then describe the growth of NaClfilms on the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface <strong>in</strong> Chapter 7. In Chapter 8 the NaCl film isused to fabricate a system consist<strong>in</strong>g of Au nanoparticles to study s<strong>in</strong>gle-electroncharg<strong>in</strong>g at room temperature, which is followed by f<strong>in</strong>ite element electrostaticsimulations. F<strong>in</strong>ally, conclusions and outlook are presented <strong>in</strong> Chapter 9.

2Theoretical background2.1 Growth of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g filmsGrowth of well-ordered ultra-th<strong>in</strong> 1 <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films on crystall<strong>in</strong>e substratesis of key importance for electronics, and is crucial to numerous areas of fundamentalresearch, such as friction and catalysis. On crystall<strong>in</strong>e substrates, wellorderedultra-th<strong>in</strong> films of high quality can be fabricated by epitaxial growth,where the structure of the substrate determ<strong>in</strong>es the orientation of the depositedfilm. This section describes the fundamental physical processes tak<strong>in</strong>g place dur<strong>in</strong>gthe epitaxial growth of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films <strong>in</strong> ultra-high vacuum (UHV).2.1.1 Nanoscale processes dur<strong>in</strong>g growthFrom the experimental po<strong>in</strong>t of view, <strong>in</strong> ultra-high vacuum materials arecommonly deposited onto surfaces by thermal evaporation. Heat<strong>in</strong>g of materials<strong>in</strong> UHV <strong>in</strong>creases their vapor pressure, creat<strong>in</strong>g a flux of particles that reach asurface. Usually special evaporators, so-called Knudsen effusion cells, are used toform a homogeneous flux of evaporated material over a sufficiently large area. TheKnudsen design consists of a uniformly heated crucible act<strong>in</strong>g as an isothermalenclosure with a small aperture open<strong>in</strong>g. When the free path of particles is largerthan the size of the aperture, the Knudsen cell generates a flux with cos<strong>in</strong>e angular<strong>in</strong>tensity distribution, which can be collimated to form a uniform beam. Depend<strong>in</strong>gon the deposited material, the particles arrive at the surface <strong>in</strong> a form of either1. A precise def<strong>in</strong>ition of an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> film is not easy, because there is no simple way todist<strong>in</strong>guish this category from the large class of th<strong>in</strong> films. From a practical po<strong>in</strong>t of view, onetends to classify films of thickness below 100 nm as ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films, as <strong>in</strong> this range structures andproperties of th<strong>in</strong> films start to differ from the correspond<strong>in</strong>g bulk counterparts.7

8 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDatoms or molecules. The latter case adds additional degrees of freedom, as moleculesusually do not possess spherical symmetry [11]. For the sake of brevity,such effects are not discussed <strong>in</strong> this brief <strong>in</strong>troduction.Growth of materials takes place far from thermodynamic equilibrium andis determ<strong>in</strong>ed both by thermodynamic and k<strong>in</strong>etic factors. The out-of-equilibriumcharacter of growth means that the energy state of the system can depend on preparationconditions lead<strong>in</strong>g to different film morphologies. This dependence canbe used to control the film structure by adjust<strong>in</strong>g the preparation parameters, which<strong>in</strong>clude the deposition rate and the sample temperature. When a particle arrivesat the sample surface, thermalization occurs almost <strong>in</strong>stantaneously, as it issubstantially faster than other subsequent processes, such as diffusion and nucleation.This means that thermally activated surface processes are determ<strong>in</strong>ed bythe temperature of the substrate onto which the material has been deposited 2 . Inthe <strong>in</strong>itial stage of growth, a particle adsorbs on the surface with a positive adsorptionenergy, E(a . The)rate at which adsorbed particles desorb from the surfaceis given by ν a exp − Eak B, where νTa is a frequency parameteriz<strong>in</strong>g this process thatcan weakly depend on sample temperature T . The adsorption can be categorized<strong>in</strong>to physisorption and chemisorption by the <strong>in</strong>teraction strength and mechanismbetween the adsorbate and the substrate. In physisorption, the energy of <strong>in</strong>teractionis largely due to the van der Waals force and amounts ∼50-500 meV/atom,while energies 1-10 eV/atom are typical of chemisorption [14].The two primary parameters determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the growth are diffusion and depositionrates [15]. The first process is responsible for the transport of adsorbedparticles, which on a flat terrace <strong>in</strong>volves random hopp<strong>in</strong>g on the surface crystall<strong>in</strong>elattice and is thermally activated. The mean square distance traveled byan adsorbate per unit time is called the diffusivity, D, and is characterized by theArrhenius law, similarly to the desorption process above. When the material isdeposited at a constant rate F , the ratio D/F corresponds to the average distancethe adsorbate has to travel <strong>in</strong> order to meet another adsorbate. If the deposition isslower than the diffusion (large D/F ), adsorbates will have enough time to moveon the surface and explore favorable adsorption sites. This corresponds to growth2. We neglect here transient diffusion, i.e. the possibility that atoms condens<strong>in</strong>g on a surfacecont<strong>in</strong>ue to move on it <strong>in</strong> an excited state, <strong>in</strong> which their mobility may exceed that under ord<strong>in</strong>arythermal conditions. For the importance of transient mobility see [12, 13].

2.1 GROWTH OF ULTRA-THIN INSULATING FILMS 9Subsequent growthSurface diffusionCondensationRe-evaporationInterdiffusionNucleationSurface diffusionTrapp<strong>in</strong>g at defectsFigure 2.1: K<strong>in</strong>etic processes dur<strong>in</strong>g growth on a surface.close to equilibrium. In contrast, if D/F is small, growth is dom<strong>in</strong>ated by k<strong>in</strong>eticeffects lead<strong>in</strong>g to metastable structures. The value of D can be controlled bythe sample temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g growth. It should be also emphasized that thereis a difference between evaporation onto a warm substrate, and evaporation ontoa substrate kept at room temperature followed by post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g. In the formercase, the distance between the adsorbates is determ<strong>in</strong>ed by the deposition rate,while <strong>in</strong> the latter case it is related to the total amount of the deposited material.At the atomic scale, the k<strong>in</strong>etic processes dur<strong>in</strong>g growth on a surface can besummarized as <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.1. Dur<strong>in</strong>g growth close to equilibrium, there is bothcondensation and re-evaporation of the material. Adsorbates can diffuse on thesurface and group together. Nucleation can start from trapp<strong>in</strong>g at defects like stepedges, which are energetically favorable adsorption sites, as well as directly on flatatomic terraces. Among others the follow<strong>in</strong>g factors decide the f<strong>in</strong>al morphologyof the grown structure:– thermodynamic factors, such as equilibrium shapes of the adsorbate structures,especially the critical size of a nucleus that can develop <strong>in</strong>to a largerisland,– stick<strong>in</strong>g coefficients,– defects and their impact on nucleation,– deposition rate,– diffusivity and its anisotropy,– Ehrlich-Schwöbl barrier [16, 17].The thermodynamic phenomena manifest themselves dur<strong>in</strong>g growth closeto equilibrium and determ<strong>in</strong>e e.g. the equilibrium shape of crystal nuclei. In theformation of such nuclei the surface energy plays a dom<strong>in</strong>ant role, which <strong>in</strong> the

10 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND1ML122abcFigure 2.2: Three growth modes shown as a function of coverage θ. (a) Layer-bylayer/Frank-vander Merwe. (b) Island/Volmer-Webber. (c) Mixed/Stranski-Krastanov.case of a crystal is <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> as E γ = W , where W is the work needed to create2Athe surface by cleav<strong>in</strong>g the crystal, and A is the area of each of the two surfacesproduced. At the atomic scale, E γ is related to break<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>in</strong>teratomic bonds,which means that E γ is anisotropic and can depend on temperature.Growth close to equilibrium can be realized experimentally by slow depositionof the material or deposition at elevated sample temperatures. Under suchconditions, one dist<strong>in</strong>guishes three growth modes:1. Layer-by-layer/Frank-van der Merwe, shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.2a, where the depositedatoms/molecules <strong>in</strong>teract more strongly with the substrate than witheach other [18].2. Island/Volmer-Webber, shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.2b, which is the opposite case, i.e.the deposited atoms/molecules <strong>in</strong>teract more strongly with each other thanwith the substrate [19].3. Mixed/Stranski-Krastanov, shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.2c, where after completion ofseveral atomic layers, the material starts to grow <strong>in</strong> the island mode [20].The above-mentioned growth modes were systemized by Bauer us<strong>in</strong>g theconcept of surface energies [21]. Dur<strong>in</strong>g deposition of material A onto material B,the film grows layer by layer if E A γ < E B γ + E ∗ γ, where E A γ and E B γ are the surfaceenergies of material A and B, respectively, and E ∗ γ is the <strong>in</strong>terface energy betweenthe two surfaces. If E A γ> E B γ + E ∗ γ, then the island growth mode is preferred. The

2.1 GROWTH OF ULTRA-THIN INSULATING FILMS 11mixed growth mode, also called Stranski-Krastanov mode, can be accounted forby the dependence of E ∗ γ on the thickness of the deposited film, as a result of stra<strong>in</strong>at the <strong>in</strong>terface.2.1.2 Oxide ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films on metalsThe <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> crystall<strong>in</strong>e oxide ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films has developed amongstother reasons because bulk metal oxides, due to their large band gap, are <strong>in</strong>compatiblewith many surface characterization methods that use electrons. In particular,surfaces of such poorly conduct<strong>in</strong>g crystals cannot be characterized by scann<strong>in</strong>gtunnel<strong>in</strong>g <strong>microscopy</strong> (STM). Two materials have greatly contributed to theunderstand<strong>in</strong>g of metal oxide surfaces, namely MgO and rutile TiO 2 . The reasonwhy TiO 2 has become so popular is that Ti is a transition metal and can exist <strong>in</strong>several stable valence states. When the substrate loses O atoms, which is commondur<strong>in</strong>g anneal<strong>in</strong>g or sputter<strong>in</strong>g, the excess electrons left on the surface by Oatoms can be transfered to neighbor<strong>in</strong>g Ti atoms effectively lead<strong>in</strong>g to an n-typedop<strong>in</strong>g of the crystal [22]. In contrast, only one state (+2) dom<strong>in</strong>ates Mg chemistry,and a similar reduction of metal ions is impossible <strong>in</strong> the case of MgO. Consequently,mak<strong>in</strong>g the substrate oxygen deficient does not improve its conductivity.The reason why MgO has become a model system among non-transition metaloxides is its simple rock-salt crystallographic structure. However, the progress <strong>in</strong>surface science of MgO has been much slower than of TiO 2 , which is related to thefollow<strong>in</strong>g two factors. First, as mentioned above the number of methods suitedto characterization of <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g surfaces is limited. Second, preparation of wellorderedand charge-neutral surfaces is very challeng<strong>in</strong>g. As reported by Barth etal. [23], the majority (95%) of MgO(001) samples prepared by cleavage result <strong>in</strong>surfaces that cannot be imaged.The difficulty <strong>in</strong> surface preparation has led researchers to focus on ultrath<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films grown on metallic substrates as substitutes for bulk oxide surfaces.MgO has a simple cubic rock-salt structure with a lattice parameter of 4.21 Å,which should allow for a commensurate growth on various fcc and bcc metallicsubstrates with a (001) surface orientation (see Table 2.1). The misfit was calculatedfrom the relative difference between the lattice parameters of the substrate

12 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDMetal Ag Au Cr Fe MoStructure fcc fcc bcc bcc bccLattice 4.09 Å 4.08 Å 2.89 Å 2.87 Å 3.15 Åparameter (4.09 Å) (4.06 Å) (4.45 Å)Misfit 2.9% 3.2% 3.0% 3.7% -5.5%Table 2.1: MgO has a simple cubic rock-salt structure with a lattice parameter of 4.21 Å,which should allow for commensurate growth on various fcc and bcc metallic substrateswith a (001) surface orientation. The lattice parameters <strong>in</strong> parentheses were calculated bymultiply<strong>in</strong>g the orig<strong>in</strong>al values by √ 2, which corresponds to a rotation of the two lattices<strong>in</strong> respect to each other by 45 ◦ .(a S ) and the (001)-oriented film (a F ):a F − a Sa S. (2.1)Relatively low misfit values allow commensurate MgO films to be grown on several(001)-oriented metal surfaces.MgO films on Ag [24–26], Mo [27] and Fe[28, 29] are amongst the most studied systems, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g SPM characterization<strong>in</strong> real space. However, even the best films conta<strong>in</strong> a high quantity of defects, suchas dense networks of misfit dislocations and very small terraces (understood asflat areas separated by atomic steps). The characteristic distance d between misfitdislocation can be <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> as:d =a Fa S|a F − a S | . (2.2)For MgO films on Ag, Mo and Fe, d takes values with<strong>in</strong> 8-12 nm. In the case ofFe(001) the misfit leads to a network of defects that can be described by a glide of1〈011〉 dislocations on {011} 2 MgOplanes of the MgO film [28]. This type of defectproduces a monoatomic step at the surface, <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the roughness of the film,which can be observed dur<strong>in</strong>g SPM characterization (see Chapter 6).Growth of MgO films is very challeng<strong>in</strong>g from the experimental po<strong>in</strong>t ofview. In a UHV environment MgO films are usually deposited onto Fe(001) substratesby electron beam evaporation from a stoichiometric MgO target [29, 30]and the result<strong>in</strong>g beam is composed ma<strong>in</strong>ly of magnesium and oxygen, both <strong>in</strong> an

2.1 GROWTH OF ULTRA-THIN INSULATING FILMS 13Three stages of the growth:A g rowth of the 1st monolayer,B g rowth <strong>in</strong>fluenced by the metallic substrate,C g rowth of bulk-like MgO.Mg O 2Figure 2.3: MgO is essentially grown from two separate sources of magnesium and oxygen,which must react on the substrate <strong>in</strong> order to nucleate MgO molecules. Next, MgOmolecules diffuse and build MgO islands. There are three stages of such growth, eachpotentially requir<strong>in</strong>g different growth parameters, as it is tak<strong>in</strong>g place on a dissimilar substrate.atomic form [31]. Alternatively, MgO films can be grown by the reactive depositionof Mg <strong>in</strong> an O 2 atmosphere, which is a common method used to grow MgOfilms on Ag(001) and Mo(001) surfaces. In both cases, MgO is essentially grownfrom two separate sources of magnesium and oxygen, which must react on thesubstrate <strong>in</strong> order to nucleate MgO monomers (<strong>in</strong> the case of molecular oxygen,an O 2 molecule has first to dissociate). Next, MgO monomers diffuse and buildMgO islands. Figure 2.3 shows that there are three stages of such growth, each potentiallyrequir<strong>in</strong>g different growth parameters, as it is tak<strong>in</strong>g place on a dissimilarsubstrate: (i) growth of the 1st monolayer, (ii) growth of several consecutive layersunder conditions perturbed by the metallic substrate and (iii) growth of bulk-likeMgO.2.1.3 Alkali halide ultra-th<strong>in</strong> filmsAlkali halide ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films can be grown on a variety of substrates cover<strong>in</strong>gmetals, semiconductors and <strong>in</strong>sulators [32]. The quality of such ultra-th<strong>in</strong> filmscan be much higher compared to MgO films, especially on closely lattice matchedAIII-BV compound semiconductors [33]. This difference is expla<strong>in</strong>ed by the factthat alkali halides such as NaCl and KBr evaporated thermally form predom<strong>in</strong>-

14 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDantly molecular monomers, and thus their growth is much better controlled dueto the reduced complexity of on-surface nucleation [34–36].When NaCl is deposited at low coverages on (111) and (001) surfaces ofmetals, such as Al(111) [37], Cu(111) [38–40], Au(111) [41] or Ag(001) [42, 43],it forms flat rectangular islands <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g a (001) term<strong>in</strong>ation of the NaCl film.The formation of the second and the third ML starts before the completion of thefirst ML, which corresponds to the Volmer-Weber growth mode (see Figure 2.2b).On (111)-oriented surfaces a (001)-oriented film with a rock-salt structure cannotbe grown epitaxially at a micrometer scale due to the number of equivalent orientationsbetween the substrate with a threefold symmetry and the film with afourfold symmetry. This difference limits the application of alkali halide films onmetal (111) surfaces as adjustable tunnel barriers. Nevertheless, such nanometerislands can be used <strong>in</strong> STM experiments, where the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g is restricted to thearea <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> by an STM tip [44].Metal surfaces with a (001) orientation are better suited for grow<strong>in</strong>g epitaxialfilms of rock-salt alkali halides, but due to surface energies the films still grow<strong>in</strong> the Volmer-Weber or the Stranski-Krastanov mode. Experimental examples <strong>in</strong>cludeKBr films on Cu(001) [45], and NaCl on Ag(001) [42, 43]. In the latter case,although the misfit between the fcc Ag(001) surface and the NaCl film is only ≈3% <strong>in</strong> the (4 × 4) structure, growth is <strong>in</strong>commensurate with a significant mosaicspread [46].The problem of not wett<strong>in</strong>g the metal surface by alkali halides lies <strong>in</strong> theweak adsorbate-substrate <strong>in</strong>teraction. This situation can be improved when alkalihalides are deposited onto surfaces of semiconductors. Three systems should bementioned here, because they have been characterized by SPM techniques: (111)oriented films of CaF 2 on Si(111) [47, 48], NaCl films on Ge(001) [49], and KBr onInSb(001) [33]. The latter case represents a system where the substrate was selectedfrom a wide family of AIII-BV compound semiconductors so as to match the latticeof the KBr film. Due to a stronger substrate-adsorbate <strong>in</strong>teraction, the KBr film canbe grown <strong>in</strong> a near perfect layer-by-layer mode on InSb(001).

2.1 GROWTH OF ULTRA-THIN INSULATING FILMS 152.1.4 Properties of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g filmsUltra-th<strong>in</strong> films of <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g materials often exhibit unusual properties comparedto the correspond<strong>in</strong>g surfaces of bulk crystals. One of the best examples isadsorption of small Au clusters on ultra-th<strong>in</strong> MgO films. Sterrer et al. demonstratedthat Au atoms when deposited on an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> MgO film on Ag(001) arenegatively charged, <strong>in</strong> contrast to Au atoms on bulk MgO [50]. Charg<strong>in</strong>g of Auon MgO/Ag(001) is caused by a spontaneous flow of charge through MgO. Thereare several <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g consequences of this charge transfer, which attracted significantattention recently. The extra charge causes the shape of adsorbates to bedifferent [50], but more importantly it has a direct consequence on the reactivity ofsupported Au clusters.The different behavior of Au atoms and clusters on ultra-th<strong>in</strong> MgO films isrelated to the alignment of the highest occupied atomic orbital (HOMO) and thelowest unoccupied atomic orbital (LUMO) with respect to support<strong>in</strong>g metal Fermilevel E F . As a result, this potential difference can lead to spontaneous electrontunnel<strong>in</strong>g through the <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film. When the HOMO of the adsorbate is aboveE F , electrons can be transferred to the metal substrate. When LUMO is below E F ,i.e. the electron aff<strong>in</strong>ity of the adsorbate is larger than E F , electrons can flow fromthe metal substrate to the adsorbate.There is a substantial difference between bulk <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g crystals and ultrath<strong>in</strong>films <strong>in</strong> the way that they react to charged adspecies. Consider<strong>in</strong>g defectfree<strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films, such a charge transfer is accompanied by an <strong>in</strong>duced imagecharge. In addition, because an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film has an <strong>in</strong>creased latticeflexibility, its ionic lattice undergoes a polaronic-like distortion that contributes tothe stabilization process of charged adsorbates. However, the properties of thefilm lattice quickly approaches the properties of the bulk when the film thicknessis <strong>in</strong>creased, and consequently self-charg<strong>in</strong>g of clusters is not observed on thickerfilms. Indeed it was shown experimentally for a 20 ML thick film on Mo(100) thatthe Au clusters are neutral [51].The charg<strong>in</strong>g phenomenon described above is <strong>in</strong>dependent of surface defects,but additional effects can occur <strong>in</strong> the presence of defects. It is known for examplethat MgO films, especially when grown on Mo(001) with a large misfit, arecharacterized by dislocations that can be loaded with electrons [6]. Upon adsorp-

16 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDtion of Au such electron-rich defects on MgO films act as very effective nucleationsites, and can be also responsible for charg<strong>in</strong>g of Au clusters [52].Work function of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> dielectric films on metalsAs already mentioned, the electron transfer between the metal substrateand adsorbate through the dielectric film depends on the position of HOMO andLUMO <strong>in</strong> respect of E F . In metals, the direct measure of E F is the work function,but the presence of an <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film usually significantly modifies the workfunction of the substrate. There are two major contributions to the change <strong>in</strong> workfunction <strong>in</strong>duced by an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> dielectric film. First, the film can be bound tothe metal by chemical bonds that <strong>in</strong>volve a charge transfer. This will cause theE F to shift and create a dipole at the metal/<strong>in</strong>sulator <strong>in</strong>terface. For example, thiscorresponds to the SiO 2.5 films grown on Mo(112), where the charge is transferredfrom Mo to O atoms at the <strong>in</strong>terface lead<strong>in</strong>g to an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> work function from4.2 to 4.9 eV [53]. However, <strong>in</strong> the case of an ionic film, such as MgO or NaCl, thecharge transfer is negligible [54]. The change <strong>in</strong> work function, which can still besignificant [53, 55], is caused by an electrostatic effect. This effect is called ”compressive”and is caused by exchange or Pauli repulsion. The metal is polarized bythe electrostatic field of the dielectric layer push<strong>in</strong>g the charge back <strong>in</strong>to the metaland chang<strong>in</strong>g the surface dipole.2.1.5 In search of adjustable tunnel barriersThe best known crystall<strong>in</strong>e tunnel barrier whose thickness can be adjustedis an MgO film on Fe(001) [29]. Such MgO films are used <strong>in</strong> magnetoelectronics [5],where they have been identified as promis<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g blocks of MTJs. In the caseof Fe(001)/MgO/Fe(001) MTJs, a crystall<strong>in</strong>e MgO film leads to a high tunnel<strong>in</strong>gmagnetoresistance ratio (TMR) [30, 56]. However, as mentioned above MgO filmsare still characterized by a large amount of defects, such as dense networks of misfitdislocations and very small terraces. The complex defect-dom<strong>in</strong>ated structureof the film makes it difficult to compare reliably with theoretical predictions.Among other well-ordered crystall<strong>in</strong>e tunnel barriers, one should mentionultra-th<strong>in</strong> Al 2 O 3 films formed on NiAl(110) after anneal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> oxygen, Cu 2 N mono-

2.2 METAL NANOPARTICLES AS QUANTUM DOTS 17layers grown on the clean Cu(100) substrate by N 2 sputter<strong>in</strong>g and subsequent anneal<strong>in</strong>g,as well as the already mentioned bilayer thick NaCl islands on Cu(111) [39,40]. The thickness of all these films is fixed at 1 or 2 atomic layers. Nevertheless,due to their defect-free character such films have found applications <strong>in</strong> multiplestudies focused on fundamental science, where they are used to decouple adsorbatesfrom a metal substrate <strong>in</strong> SPM experiments. Al 2 O 3 /NiAl(110) films havebeen used <strong>in</strong> study<strong>in</strong>g quantization of electronic states <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dividual Ag particlesby Nilius et al. [57]. Us<strong>in</strong>g NaCl films on Cu(111) Gross et al. measured the chargestate of an Au adatom with non-contact (NC) AFM [58], while Loth et al. [59]demonstrated control of magnetism of s<strong>in</strong>gle atoms on a Cu 2 N monolayer us<strong>in</strong>gSTM.2.2 Metal nanoparticles as quantum dotsWhen the size of a metal particle is reduced to nanoscale dimensions, theenergy required to add an electron to it <strong>in</strong>creases. This energy is called the additionenergy, E add , and there are two size regimes, which are characterized bydifferent contributions to the total value of E add . If the electron quantization energyis much smaller than the electrostatic charg<strong>in</strong>g energy, the nanoparticle hasquasi-cont<strong>in</strong>uous electronic bands. The two contributions can be equal at a size of≈ 1 nm [7], and for larger nanoparticles (> 3 nm) the cost of add<strong>in</strong>g an electronconsists only of an electrostatic contribution <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g way:where C is the total nanoparticle capacitance.E add = E C = e2C , (2.3)However, if the size is further reduced and is of the order of the de Brogliewavelength of conduction electrons, which for gold is approximately 0.6 nm [60],the particles lose their bulk-like electronic structure. Such particles exhibit discreteenergy levels, E N , that are separated by ∆E level,N = E N+1 − E N . Thus forvery small particles, which we call here nanoclusters, the addition energy has twocomponents:E add = E C + ∆E level,N . (2.4)

18 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDIf the particle size is sufficiently small, E add can exceed the thermal energy,k B T , which opens up a possibility for manipulation of s<strong>in</strong>gle electrons. There aretwo regimes <strong>in</strong> which s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g effects can occur:– classical limit, when E C ≫ k B T ≫ ∆E level ,– quantum limit, when E C ∼ ∆E level ≫ k B T .This thesis focuses on s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g of Au nanoparticles at roomtemperature, which given the high value of k B T corresponds to the classical limit.For our analysis, we assume the constant <strong>in</strong>teraction model, which <strong>in</strong> the classicallimit states that the addition energy does not depend on the number of electronson the nanoparticle, i.e. the nanoparticle capacitance is constant.In the classical limit, it is also justified to use the orthodox theory developedby Kulik and Shekhter [61], which makes the follow<strong>in</strong>g assumptions:1. The energy quantization <strong>in</strong>side the conductor is ignored, i.e. ∆E level = 0, andthe charg<strong>in</strong>g energy is the dom<strong>in</strong>ant contribution to the electron additionenergy.2. The time of electron tunnel<strong>in</strong>g through the barrier is negligibly small comparedto other time scales, especially the time between tunnel<strong>in</strong>g events.3. Simultaneous tunnel<strong>in</strong>g events are ignored.The tunnel<strong>in</strong>g of a s<strong>in</strong>gle electron through a tunnel barrier is a randomevent, with a certa<strong>in</strong> rate Γ that corresponds to the probability of the tunnel<strong>in</strong>gevent per unit time and effectively determ<strong>in</strong>es the average time between the tunnel<strong>in</strong>gevents.2.2.1 Coulomb blockade and s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron boxA s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box is the conceptually simplest device utiliz<strong>in</strong>g s<strong>in</strong>gleelectroneffects. It consists of a nanoparticle (or a nanocluster <strong>in</strong> the quantum limit)that is separated from a source electrode by a tunnel barrier. Another electrode,called the gate, can be used to apply an external electric field. The gate is implementedsuch that tunnel<strong>in</strong>g between the nanoparticle and gate is not allowed,which means that the gate and the nanoparticle are only capacitively coupled. Bycontroll<strong>in</strong>g the gate bias voltage, electrons can be added or removed to/from thenanoparticle. E add is the characteristic energy associated with this process and is

2.2 METAL NANOPARTICLES AS QUANTUM DOTS 19a Gateb Gate cGateq Gq GC GC G- q G- q GNPNPq TV Bq T+qNPV BC T- q T- q TC SELFC TSourceelectrodeSourceelectrodeSourceelectrodeFigure 2.4: (a) A s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box that consists of a nanoparticle (NP) separated from asource electrode by a tunnel barrier. Another electrode that is is only capacitively coupled,called the gate, can be used to apply an external electric field and <strong>in</strong>duce charg<strong>in</strong>g of thenanoparticle. The polarization charges on the tunnel junction, q T , and the gate capacitor,q G , can take cont<strong>in</strong>uous values. (b) If a charged defect happens to be close to the nanoparticle,it will polarize its surface by creat<strong>in</strong>g an image charge. (c) The self-capacitance C SELF ,understood as a capacitance with reference to an <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itely distant grounded plane, can beconceptually added to the capacitance of either the tunnel barrier or the gate by ground<strong>in</strong>gthe source electrode or the gate, respectively.related to the size of the nanoparticle. If the size is sufficiently small, E add canexceed the thermal energy, k B T , and cause the number of electrons on the nanoparticleto be fixed for a given gate bias voltage. Additional charg<strong>in</strong>g of the nanoparticlewill then require a sufficiently high bias applied to the gate <strong>in</strong> order toattract an electron to the nanoparticle and <strong>in</strong>crease the the number of electrons byone. This effect is known as the Coulomb blockade. Depend<strong>in</strong>g on the electricfield applied by the gate, an electron can be also removed from the nanoparticle.In order to observe such s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron tunnel<strong>in</strong>g there is also an additionalcondition to be met. Observation of Coulomb blockade effects requires that theelectron wave function is localized on the nanoparticle.Us<strong>in</strong>g the uncerta<strong>in</strong>typr<strong>in</strong>ciple one can obta<strong>in</strong> a requirement for the resistance of the tunnel barrier thathas to be larger than the resistance quantum h/e 2 (h is the Planck’s constant) 3 . Thisallows for the charge to be well localized on the nanoparticle.For a two-term<strong>in</strong>al capacitor with capacitance C, the charg<strong>in</strong>g energy is e22C .3. From ∆E∆t > h, where ∆E ∼ e 2 /C is the characteristic energy of add<strong>in</strong>g one electron tothe nanoparticle with capacitance C, and ∆t = RC is the characteristic time of this process, whereR is the resistance of the tunnel barrier, then e 2 R > h.

20 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDHowever, <strong>in</strong> the s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box the nanoparticle is charged with electronsfrom a source kept at a certa<strong>in</strong> potential. This configuration causes the characteristicenergy related to load<strong>in</strong>g the nanoparticle with an extra electron to be e2C .This can be seen by analyz<strong>in</strong>g the free energy of the system, G = U − W , whereU is the potential energy due to all charged capacitors <strong>in</strong> the system, and W isthe work done by the voltage source. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Figure 2.4a the polarizationcharges on the tunnel junction (q T ) and the gate capacitor (q G ) can take cont<strong>in</strong>uousvalues. They are related to the number of electrons on the nanoparticle, n, and thevoltage source kept at V B , <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g way:q T − q G = −ne, (2.5)q TC T+ q GC G= V B , (2.6)where C T and C G is the tunnel junction capacitance and the gate capacitance, respectively.The capacitive energy of the system is then expressed by:U =q2 T2C T+ q2 G2C G= e2 n 22C Σ+ 1 2C T C G V 2BC Σ, (2.7)where C Σ is the total nanoparticle capacitance. The work done by the voltagesource dur<strong>in</strong>g charg<strong>in</strong>g of the charge-neutral nanoparticle with n electrons is:∫W =I(t)V B dt = q G V B = ne C GV B + C TC G VB2. (2.8)C Σ C ΣThis gives the free energy G <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> as a quadratic function of n and V B :G = e2 n 22C Σ− ne C GC ΣV B − 1 2C T C G V 2BC Σ. (2.9)The nanoparticle will be charged with a fixed number of n electrons, if this stateis energetically the most favorable. Us<strong>in</strong>g the free energy, this means that G(n)

2.2 METAL NANOPARTICLES AS QUANTUM DOTS 21The charge on the nanoparticle stays fixed as long as the voltage V B satisfies theconditions given by Inequalities 2.10. However, if the V B is equal to one of theaforementioned limits, two states, e.g. n and n + 1, are equally favorable. In thissituation, the charge on the nanoparticle oscillates between the two values, whichmeans that the Coulomb blockade has been lifted. Such charge oscillations willhappen periodically with an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> V B and are separated by ∆ = e/C G . Thedetection of Coulomb oscillations <strong>in</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box as a function of V B givesthe separation ∆ between the consecutive oscillations, provid<strong>in</strong>g a direct measureof the gate capacitance, C G .One can def<strong>in</strong>e a parameter α, commonly called the lever-arm, which expressesthe ratio between the voltage across the tunnel barrier, V T = q T /C T , and V B :α = V TV B. (2.11)From the circuit diagram shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.4a, <strong>in</strong> the charge neutral state α =C G /C Σ . As will be discussed <strong>in</strong> Section 3.1.3 and Chapter 8, the e-EFM method,which <strong>in</strong> its simplest form is described by a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box, can also measurethe α parameter <strong>in</strong> addition to ∆. In this way one can relate ∆ to the voltageacross the tunnel barrier and characterize the separation of energy levels of thenanoparticle. Knowledge both of α and ∆ gives the value E add :∆ = E addeα(2.12)with:E add = e2C Σ. (2.13)2.2.2 Background charge and self-capacitanceS<strong>in</strong>gle-electron devices are sensitive to the quality of the tunnel barrier whichcan conta<strong>in</strong> electron trapp<strong>in</strong>g centers and other two-level systems [7]. If such acharged defect happens to be close to the nanoparticle, it will polarize its surfaceby creat<strong>in</strong>g an image charge (see Figure 2.4b). This extra charge, which is very difficultto characterize, will have to be <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong> the analysis of the free energyto determ<strong>in</strong>e new Coulomb blockade thresholds. The background charge, due to

22 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDits random character, makes this analysis almost impossible and has rema<strong>in</strong>ed themajor issue imped<strong>in</strong>g s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron electronics. A solution to this problem isfabrication of well-ordered, almost defect-free tunnel barriers, which this thesisfocuses on. In addition, scal<strong>in</strong>g down the nanoparticle size, which is <strong>in</strong> any caserequired for room-temperature operation, can reduce this problem by mak<strong>in</strong>g itstatistically less likely.A related problem <strong>in</strong> s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron devices is self-capacitance, which hasan unambiguous def<strong>in</strong>ition for conductors <strong>in</strong> free space. In the case of a sphereof radius R 1 , this is the smallest limit of the capacitance of a spherical capacitor,when the radius of the outer sphere, R 2 , approaches <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ity:limR 2 →∞4πɛ 01R 1− 1 R 2= 4πɛ 0 R 1 , (2.14)where ɛ 0 is the vacuum permittivity. The self-capacitance of some other shapes canbe calculated analytically, and <strong>in</strong> general it is proportional to a l<strong>in</strong>ear dimension ofthe object. When the object is coupled to other electrodes this def<strong>in</strong>ition becomesless clear, but it is still possible to dist<strong>in</strong>guish a capacitance with reference to an<strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itely distant grounded plane that, <strong>in</strong> a multi-term<strong>in</strong>al configuration, can becalculated us<strong>in</strong>g a capacitance matrix formalism [62].One can ask what impact the self-capacitance has on s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron devices.Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Figure 2.4c, <strong>in</strong> the case of a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box it will lead to an additionalpolarization charge on the nanoparticle, whenever the nanoparticle is at anon-zero potential. Consequently, the α parameter will depend on the po<strong>in</strong>t fromwhich the voltage is referenced, i.e. how the system is grounded. As shown <strong>in</strong> Figure2.4c, the self-capacitance, C SELF , can be conceptually added to the capacitanceof either the tunnel barrier or the gate. In each case, the device will still exhibitCoulomb blockade behavior with similar thresholds as given by Inequalities 2.10,where C G has to be replaced by αC Σ . Here C Σ is the total nanoparticle capacitancethat <strong>in</strong>cludes also C SELF , and α is still <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> as the the ratio between the voltageacross the tunnel barrier and V B (see Appendix A).

2.2 METAL NANOPARTICLES AS QUANTUM DOTS 232.2.3 Electrostatic simulation us<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>ite element methodThis thesis takes advantage of COMSOL Multiphysics software (ver. 4.3a)created to solve a variety of physics problems us<strong>in</strong>g the f<strong>in</strong>ite element method(FEM). In FEM, the system is represented by an assembly of subdivisions calledf<strong>in</strong>ite elements. These discrete elements are considered to be <strong>in</strong>terconnected onlyat jo<strong>in</strong>ts called nodes. Because the actual variation of a field variable, e.g. electricalpotential, <strong>in</strong>side an element is unknown, the variation over each element isapproximated by a simple function, such as polynomials. These approximat<strong>in</strong>gfunctions are <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> by the values (and/or their derivatives) of the field variableat the nodes. When the relevant physical equations for the entire system arewritten and modified to <strong>in</strong>corporate the given boundary conditions, the new unknownswill be the nodal values of the field variable. By solv<strong>in</strong>g these equationsthe nodal values can be determ<strong>in</strong>ed, and thus the approximat<strong>in</strong>g functions def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gthe variable over each f<strong>in</strong>ite element will also be known. A comprehensiveoverview of the theoretical background of FEM and its implementation <strong>in</strong> COM-SOL is beyond the scope of this thesis. A complete description of the approach canbe found <strong>in</strong> the official COMSOL documentation [63, 64].One convenient way to solve a physics problem is to set it up with the assistanceof templates that COMSOL Multiphysics provides <strong>in</strong> the form of its physicsmodes. This thesis uses the Electrostatics mode that is a part of the AC/DC module.In general, the Electrostatics application mode provides the equations, boundaryconditions, and space charges for model<strong>in</strong>g electrostatic fields and solv<strong>in</strong>g forthe electric potential. For <strong>in</strong>stance, under static conditions the electric potential isgiven by Poisson’s equation:−∇ · (ɛ 0 ∇V − P) = ρ. (2.15)In this equation, ɛ 0 is the permittivity of vacuum, P is the electric polarization vector,and ρ is a space charge density. The relevant <strong>in</strong>terface condition at <strong>in</strong>terfacesbetween different media (1 and 2) for this mode is:n · (D 1 − D 2 ) = ρ S , (2.16)

24 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDwhere D the electric displacement, ρ S is the surface charge, and n is the normalvector to the <strong>in</strong>terface.At the user level, for a given geometry and boundary conditions COMSOLcreates the geometry, mesh, studies and solver sett<strong>in</strong>gs, and also handles the visualizationand presentation of results. COMSOL can run the f<strong>in</strong>ite element analysistogether with adaptive mesh<strong>in</strong>g and error control us<strong>in</strong>g a variety of numericalsolvers. The Electrostatics application mode is available for 3D, 2D <strong>in</strong>-plane, and2D axisymmetric models.

3Experimental methods3.1 Atomic force <strong>microscopy</strong> <strong>in</strong> ultra-high vacuumThis thesis uses ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films which due to low electrical conductivityeven at a thickness of several atomic layers are only compatible withcerta<strong>in</strong> characterization methods. In the case of <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g surfaces, the most importanttechnique suited for high resolution imag<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> real space is atomic force<strong>microscopy</strong> (AFM). AFM relies on forces that act between a force sensor with asharp tip and a sample. The strength of the force depends strongly on the <strong>tips</strong>ampledistance. Relevant forces <strong>in</strong> AFM <strong>in</strong>clude chemical forces, but also forcesnot necessarily orig<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g from an <strong>in</strong>teraction between <strong>in</strong>dividual atoms or forces,which cannot be resolved with atomic resolution, such as van der Waals and electrostaticforces. In an AFM experiment the force sensor consists of a sharp tipattached to a cantilever that bends due to the tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teraction. This deflectioncan be measured by a beam of light reflect<strong>in</strong>g off the back side of the cantilevertowards a photodetector. If the spr<strong>in</strong>g constant of the cantilever beam is known,AFM can provide absolute measurement of forces. More details about the AFM<strong>in</strong>strumentation can be found <strong>in</strong> Section 4.1.3. AFM can operate <strong>in</strong> either contactor dynamic NC mode. In contact AFM the tip is approached to the surface untilthe cantilever is deflected by a repulsive tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teraction. Because AFMmeasures the sum of all <strong>in</strong>teractions: repulsive short range forces <strong>in</strong> the contactarea, and long-range attractive forces from the rest of the tip and cantilever, theload<strong>in</strong>g on the sample can often exceed shear strength and lead to plastic deformationof the sample. In contrast, the dynamic NC operation mode is significantlyless <strong>in</strong>vasive. In this method the cantilever oscillates at (or close to) the resonancefrequency with an amplitude of typically a few nanometers, which <strong>in</strong>creases the25

26 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODSsensitivity allow<strong>in</strong>g for measurements of forces down to the pN range. In thisway, the tip can be held by the feedback system at a certa<strong>in</strong> short distance fromthe sample (i.e. at the <strong>in</strong>teraction set-po<strong>in</strong>t) without contact<strong>in</strong>g the substrate. Thefollow<strong>in</strong>g section describes the frequency modulation (FM) NC-AFM technique <strong>in</strong>more detail.3.1.1 Frequency modulation non-contact atomic force <strong>microscopy</strong>(FM NC-AFM)In NC-AFM the force sensor can be modeled by a damped harmonic oscillator:m¨z + mγż + k N z = F drive (t) + F ts (z, t), (3.1)where m is the effective mass of the cantilever, z is the vertical position of the tipwith respect to the equilibrium position, γ is the damp<strong>in</strong>g coefficient (due to <strong>in</strong>ternalfriction <strong>in</strong> the cantilever), k N is the spr<strong>in</strong>g constant of the cantilever, F driveis the driv<strong>in</strong>g force and F ts is the tip-sample force that depends on distance andtime. The tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teraction will <strong>in</strong>fluence the dynamics of the cantilever, whichdepends on the mode of operation used. In FM NC-AFM the cantilever is selfoscillatedat its current resonance frequency. If F ts is a conservative force, F drive hasto compensate mγż <strong>in</strong> order to keep the oscillation stable. In this situation:m¨z + k N z = F ts . (3.2)We can now consider a simple case, when the gradient of the F ts force is constantover the oscillation cycle. In this situation, the effective spr<strong>in</strong>g constant, k eff , can beapproximated by k eff = k N − ∂Fts= k∂z N + k ts and can be used to calculate the resonancefrequency of the cantilever, f = 1 k eff≈ f 2π m 0 1 + kts2k N√ ( )√, where f 0 = 1 k Nm.2πThe spr<strong>in</strong>g constant k ts takes negative values lead<strong>in</strong>g to a negative frequency shiftfor larger tip-sample separations where the stiffnesses of the attractive (k ATTR ) andrepulsive (k REP ) tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teractions satisfy: |k ATTR | > |k REP |.However, the simple situation described above is usually not observed <strong>in</strong>practice, because the force gradient does not rema<strong>in</strong> constant dur<strong>in</strong>g the motionof the oscillat<strong>in</strong>g cantilever. Assum<strong>in</strong>g that the oscillation of the cantilever is har-

3.1 ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY IN ULTRA-HIGH VACUUM 27monic with amplitude A and us<strong>in</strong>g canonical perturbation theory, the spr<strong>in</strong>g constantof the tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teraction can be averaged over the oscillation cycle <strong>in</strong> thefollow<strong>in</strong>g way [65]:〈k ts (z)〉 = 1 ∫ Aπk ts (z − q) √ A 2 − q 2 dq, (3.3)2 A2 −A〈kand the <strong>in</strong>duced frequency shift can be calculated from ∆f = f ts(z)〉0 2k N. The follow<strong>in</strong>gsubsection discusses different force-distant relations, which can be directlyused to calculate ∆f. In general, for small oscillation amplitudes, the frequencyshift is <strong>in</strong>dependent of the amplitude and proportional to the tip-sample forcegradient k ts , as shown above. However, for amplitudes that are large comparedto the range of the tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teraction, the frequency shift is a power functionof the amplitude, ∆f ∝ A − 3 2[66]. This relationship is later used for experimentalcalibration of the oscillation amplitude (see Section 4.2).Conservative forcesForces between the tip and the sample can be divided <strong>in</strong>to various classes.The primary dist<strong>in</strong>ction made here is based on energy conservation dur<strong>in</strong>g theoscillation cycle. Forces that are not delayed <strong>in</strong> time, i.e. have only an <strong>in</strong>-phasecomponent and do not depend on the velocity of the cantilever, are conservative.This is <strong>in</strong> contrast to the e-EFM method (see Section 3.1.3 and Chapter 8), where theelectrostatic force is delayed with respect to the tip oscillation and leads to energydissipation.Van der Waals forces (vdW) arise from the <strong>in</strong>teraction between fluctuat<strong>in</strong>gdipoles <strong>in</strong> the atoms <strong>in</strong> the tip and the sample. Consider<strong>in</strong>g just two atomicdipoles, the vdW <strong>in</strong>teraction leads to a very weak and usually attractive force.However, if the contributions from all tip and sample atoms are summed up, itcan result <strong>in</strong> forces of several nN, which under certa<strong>in</strong> experimental conditionscan dom<strong>in</strong>ate the total tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teraction. Tak<strong>in</strong>g a sphere placed close to aflat surface as an approximation of the tip-sample geometry, the vdW force is describedby:F vdW = − HR6z 2 , (3.4)

28 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODSwhere H is a material-specific Hamaker constant (typically approx. 10 −19 J), R isthe tip radius, and z (z ≪ R) is the tip-sample distance.Electrostatic forces act between charges that can be present on the tip or thesample. Such charges can be the result of sample preparation or be localized (e.g.<strong>in</strong> ionic crystals). More commonly, electrostatic forces arise due to the tip-samplecapacitance and the different work functions of the tip and the surface materials,which leads to a contact potential difference (CPD). If the tip-sample system isconsidered as a capacitor with a tip-sample separation-dependent capacitance C,the electrostatic force is given by:F el = − 1 ∂C2 ∂z (V B − V CPD ) 2 , (3.5)where V B is the bias voltage applied between the tip and the surface, and V CPD isthe voltage correspond<strong>in</strong>g to the CPD.Electrostatic forces depend on the capacitance gradient, which is knownanalytically for some simple systems. Assum<strong>in</strong>g for example a spherically term<strong>in</strong>atedtip next to an <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite plane the F el is [67]:F el = −πɛ 0R 2z(z + R) (V B − V CPD ) 2 ≈ −πɛ 0Rz (V B − V CPD ) 2 , (3.6)where the approximation holds for small tip-sample separations (z ≪ R), and ɛ 0is the vacuum permittivity.Chemical forces play the key role <strong>in</strong> high-resolution topography imag<strong>in</strong>gdue to their very short <strong>in</strong>teraction range that typically is below 1 nm. They ariseboth from an overlap of electron wave functions and repulsion by the ion cores.The chemical forces can be described us<strong>in</strong>g model potentials, for example theMorse potential [66] and the correspond<strong>in</strong>g force can be calculated by tak<strong>in</strong>g agradient of the potential. Reach<strong>in</strong>g atomic resolution <strong>in</strong> NC-AFM measurementsrequires operation at small distances that are comparable to the <strong>in</strong>teraction rangeof chemical forces. Ideally, also the oscillation amplitude of the cantilever shouldbe reduced to the typical range of the <strong>in</strong>teraction as this maximizes the measuredsignal (see Equation 3.3) [68].

3.1 ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY IN ULTRA-HIGH VACUUM 29a b cE VAC 1 2E VAC 1 2E F,2E F,121 1 2E F,1 E F,21 2E F,2E F,121V B12 1 2– +1+–2Figure 3.1: Energy diagrams of two metals with a different work function. (a) Both metalplates are electrically isolated. (b) An electrical connection leads to the equalization of theFermi energies, E F,1 and E F,2 . If the two plates are close to each other, they will attract eachother. (c) An external potential can restore the <strong>in</strong>itial positions of the Fermi energies andreverse the displacement of charges.3.1.2 Kelv<strong>in</strong> <strong>probe</strong> force <strong>microscopy</strong> (KPFM)A system of two different metals that are electrically isolated can be describedby the energy diagram <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.1a, where each metal is characterized byits work function (φ 1 and φ 2 ). When the two metals are electrically connected byan external circuit, thermodynamical equilibrium among electrons is establishedonce the chemical potential is equal across the system. This leads to the equalizationof the Fermi energies, E F,1 and E F,2 , and is realized by a displacement ofcharges, which <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.1b happens by a flow of electrons from plate 2 to plate1. This displacement of charges causes two metals to be oppositely charged. If thetwo metallic plates are close to each other, they will attract each other, similarly toa parallel plate capacitor. However, an external potential can be applied to restorethe <strong>in</strong>itial positions of the Fermi energies, as shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.1c. This potentialmust be equal to the opposite value of the work function difference, −∆φ. As aresult, the charge distribution will resume the <strong>in</strong>itial configuration, as <strong>in</strong> Figure3.1a.The orig<strong>in</strong>al method proposed by Kelv<strong>in</strong> depends on the detection of a

30 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODScharge flow between the plates of the capacitor. The most practical approach usesa technique based on a vibrat<strong>in</strong>g capacitor. In this method the plates of the capacitorvibrate with respect to each other effectively vary<strong>in</strong>g the capacitance. Thismodulation leads to a current i(t):i(t) = (V B − V CPD ) ∂C∂t . (3.7)If the external potential V B is adjusted so that it is equal to V CPD , then there is nocharge on the plates and there is also no flow when the plates are vibrated.In Kelv<strong>in</strong> <strong>probe</strong> force <strong>microscopy</strong> (KPFM), the modulat<strong>in</strong>g effect of V B isobserved not by measur<strong>in</strong>g current, but by measur<strong>in</strong>g electrostatic forces. To separatethe electrostatic forces from other <strong>in</strong>teractions and make the detection moresensitive, KPFM uses the lock-<strong>in</strong> technique whereby an additional AC voltage withamplitude V AC and frequency ω is added to the DC potential across the tip and thesample. Now V B has the follow<strong>in</strong>g form:V B = V DC + V AC s<strong>in</strong>(ωt). (3.8)In the absence of free charges, the electrostatic force can be calculated us<strong>in</strong>g Equation3.5, which will result <strong>in</strong> three components:F el = F DC + F ω + F 2ω , (3.9)whereF DC = − 1 (∂C(V DC − V CPD ) 2 + V )AC2 , (3.10)2 ∂z2F ω = − ∂C∂z (V DC − V CPD )V AC s<strong>in</strong>(ωt), (3.11)F 2ω = 1 ∂C VAC2 cos(2ωt). (3.12)2 ∂z 4If the V DC voltage compensates the CPD, the first harmonic at ω is nulled, and theDC component takes a constant value proportional to VAC 2 . Experimentally, thereare two modes of operation of KPFM, namely the amplitude modulation (AC)mode and the FM mode. The latter technique was used <strong>in</strong> this work and is briefly

3.1 ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY IN ULTRA-HIGH VACUUM 31described below [69].Frequency modulation mode of KPFMThe FM NC-AFM technique is sensitive to the gradient of the force. Thecorrespond<strong>in</strong>g frequency shift can be calculated from Equation 3.3. Consequently,the electrostatic force will result <strong>in</strong> a modulation of the fundamental mechanicalresonance frequency of the cantilever at frequencies ω and 2ω. Typically, <strong>in</strong> FMKFPM the oscillation at ω is detected us<strong>in</strong>g a lock-<strong>in</strong> amplifier. There is an optimalregion for the modulation frequency ω, which usually is around 1 kHz <strong>in</strong> typicalAFM systems. The modulation frequency ω should not be too low, because ifthe microscope z-distance controller has enough time to react this can lead to across talk between the topography and the CPD signal. On the other hand, ω hasto be with<strong>in</strong> the bandwidth of the PLL frequency demodulator, which for one ofthe used models here (Nanosurf ”easy PLL plus”) was 1.3 kHz. Dur<strong>in</strong>g KPFMcharacterization, a feedback system adjusts the V DC voltage to keep the amplitudeof the modulation as small as possible. The filtered value of V DC recorded aboveeach surface po<strong>in</strong>t is used to create a CPD map (see Section 4.2 for more details).3.1.3 S<strong>in</strong>gle-electron sensitive electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong>The follow<strong>in</strong>g brief review presents the basic pr<strong>in</strong>ciples of s<strong>in</strong>gle-electronsensitive electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong> (e-EFM). This method will be discussedfurther <strong>in</strong> Chapter 8, although a full review of a detailed quantum mechanicaltreatment of the coupled cantilever-quantum dot system is beyond the scope ofthis thesis. Such a theoretical approach, which is needed to understand the experimentallyobserved frequency and dissipation l<strong>in</strong>e shapes, has been covered <strong>in</strong>detail elsewhere [70, 71]. When discuss<strong>in</strong>g specific concepts of the e-EFM methodwe will po<strong>in</strong>t the reader to those works for reference.The e-EFM technique orig<strong>in</strong>ates from scann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>probe</strong> <strong>microscopy</strong> and canrout<strong>in</strong>ely access nanometer length scales. It allows for characterization of electronicproperties of electron-conf<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g nanoparticles that are supported on an ultrath<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film. Us<strong>in</strong>g e-EFM, electron addition energy, capacitance, and tunnel<strong>in</strong>grates can be measured. The e-EFM technique offers an alternative approach

32 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODSto characterize supported nanostructures and overcomes the difficulty of attach<strong>in</strong>gthe electrodes to nanoscale structures [70]. The essential part of the e-EFM methodis an <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film that separates the nanostructures under <strong>in</strong>vestigation from aback electrode and acts as a tunnel barrier, which is shown schematically us<strong>in</strong>gan example of an Au nanoparticle supported on an NaCl film <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.2a. To<strong>in</strong>duce tunnel<strong>in</strong>g between the nanoparticle and the back electrode, the AFM tip isplaced at a height with<strong>in</strong> several nanometers above the nanoparticle. A DC biasvoltage, V B , is applied across the oscillat<strong>in</strong>g cantilever and the back electrode. Typically,the tip-sample separation (∼ 5 nm) is large enough to make the tunnel<strong>in</strong>gbetween the tip and the nanoparticle negligible due to the large barrier height andwidth of the vacuum gap.As shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.2b the potential drop between the nanoparticle andthe back electrode, i.e. across the tunnel barrier, is a fraction of the applied biasvoltage, αV B (α < 1). The α(x, y, z) parameter, which similarly to the case of as<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box described <strong>in</strong> Section 2.2.1 is called the lever-arm, depends onthe lateral and vertical position of the tip. When the tip oscillates, α is modulated,giv<strong>in</strong>g rise to an effective modulation of the voltage across the barrier. Figure 3.2bshows that tunnel<strong>in</strong>g of an electron between the back electrode and the Au nanoparticleonly takes place if the Coulomb blockade is lifted by select<strong>in</strong>g a propervalue of V B and tun<strong>in</strong>g eαV B to one of the electrochemical potential levels of thenanoparticle. Under this condition, the oscillation of α leads to an oscillation ofthe number of electrons on the nanoparticle, N, between two neighbor<strong>in</strong>g groundstates characterized by N = n and N = n + 1 electrons. The oscillat<strong>in</strong>g chargeon the nanoparticle causes both a resonance frequency shift, ∆f, and damp<strong>in</strong>g ofthe cantilever, ∆γ [70, 71]. Although tunnel<strong>in</strong>g of electrons is a stochastic event,the average charge, 〈N(t)〉, follows the oscillat<strong>in</strong>g motion of the tip. As a result,the oscillat<strong>in</strong>g electrostatic force has not only an <strong>in</strong>-phase, but also a 90 ◦ out-ofphasecomponent that leads to energy dissipation (which is a similar effect to theQ-factor degradation <strong>in</strong> the Q-control system used <strong>in</strong> amplitude modulation AFM[72]).The rate of tunnel<strong>in</strong>g through the ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film largely decidesthe sensitivity of the method by affect<strong>in</strong>g the relative strength of the cantileverdissipation and frequency shift signals [73] which are measured <strong>in</strong> e-EFM. As will

3.1 ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY IN ULTRA-HIGH VACUUM 33Figure 3.2: (a) The most essential part of the e-EFM method is an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>gfilm that separates studied nanostructures from a back electrode and acts as a tunnel barrier.An oscillat<strong>in</strong>g AFM tip is used as a local gate by apply<strong>in</strong>g an electric potential, V B ,between the back electrode and the tip. (b) Energy diagram of the system for positivesample bias allow<strong>in</strong>g for sequential unload<strong>in</strong>g of electrons. (c) In an electron additionspectrum an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> γ (and ∆f) appears near voltage values match<strong>in</strong>g eαV B with oneof the electrochemical potential levels of the nanoparticle. The shape of the peaks are givenby Equation 8.3, from which α can be extracted.be discussed <strong>in</strong> Section 8.1, the dissipation of the cantilever per unit time, ∆γ, ismaximal when the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate is matched with the oscillation frequency of thecantilever, while the frequency shift, ∆f, <strong>in</strong>creases with <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate.This means that the signal could be optimized by a proper choice of the cantilever,however this is limited by the range of resonance frequencies (10-1,000 kHz)of commercially available AFM <strong>probe</strong>s. Alternatively, the e-EFM technique canbe made sensitive at room temperature by achiev<strong>in</strong>g full control over the tunnelbarrier thickness and adjust<strong>in</strong>g the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate to the cantilever resonance frequency.The change <strong>in</strong> ∆f and γ is maximal only dur<strong>in</strong>g tunnel<strong>in</strong>g of an electron.This condition can be identified by plac<strong>in</strong>g the tip above a nanoparticle and sweep<strong>in</strong>gV B , simultaneously observ<strong>in</strong>g ∆f and γ. Figure 3.2c schematically shows anelectron addition spectrum, where an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> γ appears near voltage valuesmatch<strong>in</strong>g eαV B exactly with one of the electrochemical potential levels of the nanoparticle,which lifts the Coulomb blockade. If the modulation of eαV B caused bythe cantilever oscillation is smaller than the thermal energy, a condition which iseasily met at room temperature, the changes <strong>in</strong> ∆f and ∆γ are described by a l<strong>in</strong>earresponse [70, 74, 75]. In this case the shape of the Coulomb blockade peak is

34 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODSknown, and given by Equation 8.3, which can be used to extract the α parameterwithout any knowledge about the tip and sample. Once the α parameter is known,the addition energy, E add , can be easily obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the separation of consecutivepeaks <strong>in</strong> the γ-V B spectrum be<strong>in</strong>g E add = αe ( )Vi+1 0 − Vi0 . As will be furtherdiscussed <strong>in</strong> Chapter 8, a system <strong>in</strong>vestigated with e-EFM is equivalent to a s<strong>in</strong>gleelectronbox. In this situation E add can be related to the total capacitance of thenanoparticle. Addition spectra recorded us<strong>in</strong>g both the frequency shift signal andthe dissipation signal allow for extraction of tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rates (see Section 8.3.3).3.2 Electron and X-Ray diffractionDiffraction is one of the most important methods of <strong>in</strong>vestigat<strong>in</strong>g the structureof ordered systems, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g bulk solids and solid surfaces. Diffraction techniquesnot only give <strong>in</strong>formation about the symmetry of the atomic or magneticstructure, but also provide <strong>in</strong>sight <strong>in</strong>to the type and distribution of defects. Giventhe small mean free path of electrons <strong>in</strong> solids, which is a few nanometers at electronenergies of 10-1000 eV, a low-energy electron beam <strong>in</strong>teracts only with thesurface. This makes electron diffraction an excellent surface characterization tool,which is used <strong>in</strong> this work for <strong>in</strong>vestigation of clean conductive substrates, as wellas substrates covered with <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films. X-Rays have much higherpenetration and consequently are sensitive to the structure of the entire sample.This type of diffraction is used to characterize the quality of grown iron whiskers.3.2.1 Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED)Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) is a well-established surface characterizationtechnique <strong>in</strong> UHV environments. Characterization of <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g surfacesis possible as long as no charg<strong>in</strong>g takes place. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to de Broglie’sconcept of matter waves, a particle with momentum p can be described by a waveof length λ = h , where h is Planck’s constant. For electron energies of 15-150 eV,pwhich are used <strong>in</strong> LEED, the wavelengths are ≈3-1 Å, respectively. Such lengthsare comparable with lattice parameters of solids and low-energy electrons willtherefore be diffracted by ordered surfaces provided that the electron beam is

3.2 ELECTRON AND X-RAY DIFFRACTION 35Figure 3.3: (a) Low-energy electron diffractometer. (b) The relationship between the LEEDpattern and the 2D reciprocal space of the studied sample. The pattern formed on thefluorescent screen is an <strong>in</strong>tersection of the reciprocal space with Ewald’s sphere. Vector k 0is <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> by the direction and the energy of the <strong>in</strong>cident electron beam, and vectors k xy<strong>in</strong>dicate directions of elastically diffracted beams.coherent 1 . Because the electron wavelength is comparable with the lattice parameter,the diffraction angles are large, which makes the observation possible witha simple fluorescent screen placed on the path of diffracted electrons.When the <strong>in</strong>cident electron beam is normal to the surface, as shown <strong>in</strong> Figure3.3a, there is straightforward relation between the LEED pattern and the 2Dreciprocal space of the crystal. The pattern formed on the fluorescent screen isan <strong>in</strong>tersection of the reciprocal space with Ewald’s sphere. Figure 3.3b shows across section of the 2D reciprocal space. Vector k 0 is <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> by the direction andenergy of the <strong>in</strong>cident electron beam, and vectors k xy <strong>in</strong>dicate directions of elasticallydiffracted beams. In the diffraction process, the <strong>in</strong>tensity of the diffractedbeam <strong>in</strong> direction k is related to the <strong>in</strong>terference function that corresponds to the1. The <strong>in</strong>cident beam formed by an electron gun consists of electrons whose energy is characterizedby thermal broaden<strong>in</strong>g due to the temperature of the cathode. Additionally, the beam isnot perfectly collimated which leads to a distribution of electron velocities. In this way the electrongun is not a coherent source, but one can def<strong>in</strong>e a radius of coherence, i.e. a radius of a circle on thesurface, <strong>in</strong>side which the <strong>in</strong>cident beam is coherent [76]. For conventional LEED devices this radiusis approximately 10 nm. Ultimately, the LEED pattern is created by a non-coherent superpositionof diffracted coherent beams.

36 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODSFourier transform of the lattice caus<strong>in</strong>g the diffraction. For low-energy electronsthis is the potential of the ion cores of surface atoms. This means that diffractionon ordered systems leads to well-ordered diffraction patterns. The LEED methodis often used for a quick <strong>in</strong>spection of the sample quality, for both clean substratesand substrates covered by adsorbates. In the latter case the LEED pattern allowsfor determ<strong>in</strong>ation of basic adsorption parameters, such as the size and the orientationof the unit cell of the adsorbed layer.In the simplest approximation, the LEED pattern forms as a result of 2Delectron diffraction on the surface. However, this model can be <strong>in</strong>sufficient <strong>in</strong> thepresence of defects, for example <strong>in</strong> the case of samples with multiple step edges.The Ewald construction for elastic scatter<strong>in</strong>g on such a quasi-2D surface lattice isconceptually presented <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.4a. In this situation, the reciprocal space cannotbe modeled by a 2D approximation and qualitatively the reciprocal rods can haveperiodically vary<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tensity. This third Laue condition arises due to diffractionfrom a few underly<strong>in</strong>g planes. Scatter<strong>in</strong>g from a quasi-2D surface has also anotherimportant consequence. If the energy of the primary beam is changed, the Ewaldsphere will pass through regions of the reciprocal rods that are stronger or weaker,which effectively will lead to <strong>in</strong>tensity dependence of Bragg spots on the beamenergy. Figure 3.4 (panels b and c) shows also the correspondence between thereal and reciprocal spaces <strong>in</strong> the case of other defects, such as mosaics and facets,which can be clearly identified by LEED.To understand the essential features of the diffraction experiments used <strong>in</strong>this work, k<strong>in</strong>ematic theory is sufficient. This approximation assumes that the scatter<strong>in</strong>gis elastic and that each particle undergoes only one scatter<strong>in</strong>g process. However,electron diffraction on systems <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g adsorbates and ordered defects can<strong>in</strong>volve multiple scatter<strong>in</strong>g processes, and such simplified analysis should be usedwith caution.3.2.2 High-resolution X-Ray diffraction (XRD)Compared to low-energy electrons an X-Ray beam has a much larger absorptionlength, 4.2265 µm for Fe [78] (assum<strong>in</strong>g a conventional source with acopper target). Consequently, the diffracted <strong>in</strong>tensity provides <strong>in</strong>formation about

3.2 ELECTRON AND X-RAY DIFFRACTION 37Figure 3.4: The Ewald construction for elastic scatter<strong>in</strong>g on imperfect lattices. (a) If thesurface has multiple step edges, there is a third Laue condition aris<strong>in</strong>g due to diffractionfrom a few underly<strong>in</strong>g planes. (b) A quasi-2D surface with facets. (c) A quasi-2D surfacewith mosaics. For Ewald construction on other defected surfaces see [77].aMonochromator (analyser)SlitsSlitsDetectorMonochromatorSlitsGoniometerb ½·SlitsX-Ray tubewith shutterqRock<strong>in</strong>gcurve scan scanq Tk o-k iq LFigure 3.5: (a) A schematic diagram of a triple-crystal diffractometer. The detector positionis denoted by 2θ, and θ refers to the sample orientation measured with respect to the<strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g beam. (b) A θ-2θ scan and a rock<strong>in</strong>g curve scan shown <strong>in</strong> the reciprocal space(q L , q T ). The comb<strong>in</strong>ation of the two scan types allows for record<strong>in</strong>g 2D maps of diffractionreflections.

38 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODSthe bulk of the crystal. Similarly to LEED, XRD can be used to evaluate the perfectionof a given crystal by study<strong>in</strong>g the Bragg peaks. The diffraction patterncan be recorded with a high-resolution X-Ray diffractometer. Figure 3.5a showsa schematic diagram of a triple-crystal diffractometer that uses two crystals (e.g.made of Ge) as monochromators and a crystall<strong>in</strong>e sample. The diffraction plane isdeterm<strong>in</strong>ed by the position of the X-Ray source, the detector and the sample. Thesample is aligned <strong>in</strong> such a way that the normal direction to the sample surfacelies <strong>in</strong> the diffraction plane. In this configuration the orientation of the crystal canbe described by only one Euler angle, ω. The detector position is usually denotedby 2θ, which is a symbolic name and should not be confused with θ referr<strong>in</strong>g tothe sample orientation measured with respect to the <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g beam.Conventional XRD devices use vacuum X-Ray tubes that conta<strong>in</strong> a coppertarget (anode) bombarded by electrons from a tungsten filament (cathode). A highaccelerat<strong>in</strong>g potential is applied between the anode and cathode which is sufficientto generate characteristic radiation from the copper target (K α and K β l<strong>in</strong>es). Amonochromator, which usually is a Si or Ge crystal with a (111)-oriented surfacetogether with a set of slits, can be used to filter the X-Ray beam provid<strong>in</strong>g a sourceprimarily characterized by the K α l<strong>in</strong>e with 1.5406 Å wavelength (although the K αl<strong>in</strong>e is a doublet, it used <strong>in</strong> the experiment to reta<strong>in</strong> a high <strong>in</strong>tensity of the beam).A θ-2θ scan is used to determ<strong>in</strong>e the <strong>in</strong>terplanar distance of the planes. Inthis type of a scan, the angle θ of the <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g beam with respect to the samplesurface is varied, while simultaneously keep<strong>in</strong>g the detector exactly at an angle of2θ = 2 · θ with respect to the <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g beam. As shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.5b, this correspondsto vary<strong>in</strong>g the magnitude of q while ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g its orientation relative tosample normal. The angle 2θ at which a diffraction peak is observed, can be usedto calculate the <strong>in</strong>terplanar distance from the diffraction condition q = k o − k i :|q| = 2|k i | s<strong>in</strong> 2θ2 = √ h 2 + k 2 + l 2 2π a , (3.13)where k o and k i are the wave vectors of the diffracted and the <strong>in</strong>cident beam,respectively, hkl are the Miller <strong>in</strong>dices and a is the lattice parameter of a cubiccrystal system. In this scan the width of the Bragg peak can be measured, whichallows for determ<strong>in</strong>ation of the crystal quality.

3.2 ELECTRON AND X-RAY DIFFRACTION 39Another type of scan used <strong>in</strong> XRD is a rock<strong>in</strong>g curve scan. In such a measurement,the θ angle and the detector position 2θ are fixed at the Bragg angle of thecorrespond<strong>in</strong>g reflection. A rock<strong>in</strong>g curve scan is then recorded by chang<strong>in</strong>g theorientation of the sample by an angle ∆ω = ω − ω 0 around its equilibrium ω 0 with2θ fixed (see Figure 3.5b). In a rock<strong>in</strong>g curve scan the orientation of q is varied relativeto sample normal while ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g its magnitude allow<strong>in</strong>g for measur<strong>in</strong>gthe detailed structure of diffraction peaks. The comb<strong>in</strong>ation of the two scan typesallows for record<strong>in</strong>g 2D maps of diffraction reflections <strong>in</strong> the θ-2θ space. Given thatthe position of the q vector is fully <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> by the θ and 2θ angles, the θ-2θ spacecan be simply transformed <strong>in</strong>to the reciprocal space (q L , q T ) us<strong>in</strong>g the relation:q = 2|k i | s<strong>in</strong> 2θ2 (s<strong>in</strong>(ω − ω 0), cos(ω − ω 0 )) . (3.14)

4Description of <strong>in</strong>strumentationThis chapter describes <strong>in</strong> detail the UHV experimental setup used for fabricationof ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films and metal nanostructures, as well as characterizationof s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g at room temperature.4.1 Ultra-high vacuum apparatusAll experiments us<strong>in</strong>g the Fe(001) substrate are performed <strong>in</strong> two <strong>in</strong>terconnectedUHV chambers based on a commercial JEOL JSPM 4500a UHV AFM (seeFigure 4.1). The UHV system consists of a preparation chamber, and a microscopechamber. Each chamber is pumped by a diode type sputter-ion pump (pump<strong>in</strong>gspeed 300 L/s for N 2 , and 90 L/s for Ar, Satsuki SIP-300XH-T16) and a Tisublimation pump (1,600 L/s for N 2 , ULVAC PGT-3F). The sputter-ion pump <strong>in</strong>cludesa cathode made of a Ta board, which also allows for pump<strong>in</strong>g noble gases.Given the high efficiency of the pump<strong>in</strong>g system, the base pressure is <strong>in</strong> the low10 −11 mbar range <strong>in</strong> the preparation chamber, and 1×10 −10 mbar <strong>in</strong> the microscopechamber. The system is equipped with a load-lock that is connected to the preparationchamber allow<strong>in</strong>g for transfer of samples and AFM cantilevers between airand the UHV environment. The load-lock is pumped by a turbo-molecular pump(210 L/s for N 2 , Pfeiffer TMU 261), backed by a slid<strong>in</strong>g vane rotary vacuum pump(9.7 m 3 /hr, Adixen 2010SD). Dur<strong>in</strong>g the Ar + sputter<strong>in</strong>g that is a part of the preparationprocedure of Fe(001) substrates (see Section 5.2), the ion pump <strong>in</strong> the preparationchamber is turned off, and the gate valve between the load-lock and thepreparation chamber is opened. In this way the preparation chamber is pumpedby the turbo-molecular pump, and achieves pressure ≈ 1 × 10 −9 mbar. Figure 4.2provides detailed <strong>in</strong>formation about the components responsible for vacuum generationand control <strong>in</strong> the UHV system.41

42 CHAPTER 4. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTATIONaCryostatManipulatorLEED/AESIon gunSEMAFMManipulatorLoad-lockPreparationchamberMicroscopechamberbPreparation chamberMicroscope chamberLEED/AESE-beamevaporatorManipulatorSample storageQuartzmicrobalanceKnudseneffusion cellsMagnetictransfer armTurbomolecularpumpManipulator&CarouselO2leakvalveCryostatAFMSputter-ion pump&Ti sublimation pumpMagnetictransfer armLoadlockSputter-ion pump&Ti sublimation pumpIon gunSEMFigure 4.1: (a) The UHV system, which is based on a commercial JEOL JSPM 4500a UHVAFM, consists of a load-lock, a preparation chamber, and a microscope chamber. (b) Relevantsurface preparation and characterization tools, as well as vacuum components.

4.1 ULTRA-HIGH VACUUM APPARATUS 43GO 2GArIGLL P MEGUUSlid<strong>in</strong>g vane rotaryvacuum pumpGate valveVesselTurbomolecularpumpManual operationCold trap(cryostat)UTi sublimation pumpLeak valveIGIon gunSputter-ion pumpPneumatic driveEGElectron gun (SEM)LL - load-lockP - preparation chamberM - microscope chamberG - gas l<strong>in</strong>eRight-angle valveShut-off device withsafety functionVacuum gaugeFigure 4.2: Components responsible for vacuum generation and control <strong>in</strong> the UHV systemused.

44 CHAPTER 4. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTATIONa15 mmbcPBN heaterLSampleRWhiskerPBN heaterTa foilLRFigure 4.3: (a) The components of the sample holder; the <strong>in</strong>set picture shows the holderwith an iron whisker <strong>in</strong>stalled. (b) The circuit diagram show<strong>in</strong>g term<strong>in</strong>als connected to theheater and directly to the sample. (c) The temperature dependence on the heater current.Two magnetically coupled rotat<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>ear transfer arms provide the abilityto transfer samples and <strong>tips</strong> with<strong>in</strong> the vacuum system. The first transfer armcan move transferable elements from the load-lock to a carousel that acts also aspositionable manipulator. The carousel has four positions <strong>in</strong> which carriers of <strong>tips</strong>or samples can be stored. A sample placed on the carousel can be accessed byvarious preparation tools, such as sputter<strong>in</strong>g, anneal<strong>in</strong>g, Knudsen effusion cells,and e-beam metal evaporator. Three out of the four carousel positions provideelectrical contact, which can be used for heat<strong>in</strong>g the sample or current collectiondur<strong>in</strong>g sputter<strong>in</strong>g. The second transfer arm allows for mov<strong>in</strong>g samples and <strong>tips</strong>between the preparation and microscope chambers.To provide sufficient vibrational stability, the UHV system is located <strong>in</strong> aspecial low vibration area <strong>in</strong> the basement of the Wong build<strong>in</strong>g. The UHV systemis also mounted on a vibration damp<strong>in</strong>g air table. Inside the UHV system themicroscope stage itself is supported on a set of spr<strong>in</strong>gs that additionally h<strong>in</strong>derpropagation of mechanical vibrations.4.1.1 Sample holderAn iron whisker, which typically is 200 µm wide and 3-4 mm long, is mountedon a sample holder manufactured by JEOL (TM-51340) that has an <strong>in</strong>tegratedpyrolytic boron nitride (PBN) heater (see Figure 4.3). The ma<strong>in</strong> body of the holderis an <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g plate (Al 2 O 3 ) that supports two metallic pads provid<strong>in</strong>g electrical

4.1 ULTRA-HIGH VACUUM APPARATUS 45contact to the PBN heater. The core element of the heater is a piece of graphitethat is covered with an <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g boron nitride layer. Next, a th<strong>in</strong> resistive patternis deposited onto the PBN layer, and <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al step the entire structure iscoated aga<strong>in</strong> with PBN, leav<strong>in</strong>g only the two term<strong>in</strong>als of the resistive heater exposed.Such commercial PBN heaters have outstand<strong>in</strong>g properties <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g highthermal conductivity and uniformity. The whisker is held by a soft Ta foil aga<strong>in</strong>sta th<strong>in</strong> Ta plate that stays <strong>in</strong> direct contact with the PBN heater. One piece of thefoil is sufficient to hold the whisker, which is beneficial for allow<strong>in</strong>g free expansiondur<strong>in</strong>g anneal<strong>in</strong>g. The JEOL sample holder is supplied with an approximatecalibration that was later adjusted by means of an optical pyrometer (IRC IR-CAP2CS) focused on the Ta plate support<strong>in</strong>g the whisker. The temperature dependenceon the heater current is shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.3c. The right electrode of the holderprovides also a direct electrical contact to the sample, which can be used e.g. toapply a bias voltage dur<strong>in</strong>g an AFM measurement (see Figure 4.3b).4.1.2 Preparation chamberThe preparation chamber provides a number of tools, which are briefly describedas follows:Scannable ion gun (SPECS IQE 12/38) An extractor type, differentiallypumped ion source produces a focused, scannable ion beam of high current density.It operates with a filament and ionizes the Ar gas by electron bombardment.The Ar gas is supplied to the ion gun by a high-precision leak valve. Although themanufacturer guarantees a spot size as small as 160 µm, the typical size used hereis around 1,000 µm due to operation at a larger-than-optimal work<strong>in</strong>g distance.Knudsen effusion cells (Kentax TCE-BSC) A UHV evaporator with 3 <strong>in</strong>dependentand separately controllable effusion cells suited to the evaporation ofmaterials at temperatures as high as 700 ◦ C. This thermal evaporator is used to depositMg and NaCl onto Fe(001) surfaces at various rates, as well as coveragesrang<strong>in</strong>g from the submonolayer regime to cont<strong>in</strong>uous films.E-beam evaporator (Oxford Applied Research EGN4 with retard<strong>in</strong>g grids)A water-cooled electron-beam evaporator that can be equipped with four sourcesof various materials. Each evaporant can be either a rod or conta<strong>in</strong>ed with<strong>in</strong> a

46 CHAPTER 4. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTATIONmetal crucible (Ta, Mo or W). Dur<strong>in</strong>g operation a rod or a crucible is held at ahigh voltage, which extracts electrons from a nearby hot filament. The e-beamevaporator is used to deposit Au from a Mo crucible, which acts as a thermalevaporator due to bombardment by electrons. The temperature of the crucibleand the deposition rate can be controlled by the current flow<strong>in</strong>g though one offour filaments assigned to each of the sources. Section 6.1.1 describes an attemptto use the e-beam evaporator to deposit MgO both from a rod and a crucible.Quartz microbalance (Inficon BK-A0) A th<strong>in</strong> film quartz crystal depositionmonitor is used to characterize deposition rates and coverages. In the case of reactivegrowth the MgO coverage is deduced from a rescaled value calculated fromthe density difference between the films of Mg and MgO.Variable leak valves (DUNIWAY VLVE 1000 and MDC ULV) The admissionof gases <strong>in</strong>to the UHV system (Ar for sputter<strong>in</strong>g, and O 2 for reactive growth) iscontrolled by precision UHV leak valves that allow for adjust<strong>in</strong>g leak rates downto a m<strong>in</strong>imum of 1 × 10 −10 Torr·L/sec.LEED/AES (SPECS ErLEED 150) A four-grid LEED optics with a hemisphericalrear view glass screen coated with phosphorus is used to record LEEDimages. Although the spot size of the electron beam is less then 1 mm and is largerthan the width of used whiskers, the LEED technique is still applicable forsurface characterization of such small crystals. If the beam is centrally positioned,the LEED pattern and the <strong>in</strong>formation obta<strong>in</strong>ed about the surface orig<strong>in</strong>ates fromareas with a diameter smaller than the coherence radius of the electron beam, whichfor conventional LEED systems is about 10 nm (see Section 3.2.1). The limitedsize of the crystal can reduce the <strong>in</strong>tensity of the LEED pattern, however LEEDpatterns recorded on clean Fe(001) surfaces <strong>in</strong> this work (see e.g. Figure 5.4) showexcellent quality, demonstrat<strong>in</strong>g that this effect of the spot size can be neglected.The four-grid LEED optics can work as a retard<strong>in</strong>g field analyzer (RFA) and performAuger electron spectroscopy (AES) measurements. However, the small sizeof Fe whiskers makes them <strong>in</strong>compatible with the AES feature of the LEED optics,especially because the spot size <strong>in</strong>creases at the higher electron energies used <strong>in</strong>AES (3 keV). In such a case, the chemical <strong>in</strong>formation about the surface will alsoorig<strong>in</strong>ate from the Ta plate support<strong>in</strong>g the whisker that contributes to the AESsignal. Although the LEED device is a characterization tool, it was <strong>in</strong>stalled <strong>in</strong>

4.1 ULTRA-HIGH VACUUM APPARATUS 47the preparation chamber. Appendix B shows a major repair of the LEED opticscarried out by the author as a consequence of extensive contam<strong>in</strong>ation with evaporatedmetals dur<strong>in</strong>g previous research projects <strong>in</strong> the JEOL system, which is anexample of how costly such compromises can be.The pressure <strong>in</strong> the preparation and the microscope chamber is measuredby hot-filament ionization gauges (Anelva NIG-2F head with JEOL AP-83030 controller).Dur<strong>in</strong>g research on samples consist<strong>in</strong>g of NaCl films, the gauge is turnedoff at all times when the sample might be <strong>in</strong> direct view of the gauge, which couldotherwise potentially cause electron <strong>in</strong>duced desorption from the NaCl film. Thepreparation chamber also has a crystal cleav<strong>in</strong>g station available, which was notused <strong>in</strong> the course of this work.4.1.3 Microscope chamberThe microscope chamber is used for AFM characterization, and occasionallyscann<strong>in</strong>g electron <strong>microscopy</strong> (SEM) imag<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>-situ. The AFM stage is shown <strong>in</strong>Figure 4.4a. Both sample (see Figure 4.3a) and cantilever (see Figure 4.4c) holderscan be transferred between the magnetic transfer arm that extends from the preparationchamber and the stage by means of an <strong>in</strong>ternal manipulator. A specialgrabb<strong>in</strong>g mechanism consists of an electromagnetically actuated p<strong>in</strong> that mateswith the hole on the top of the tip or the sample holder. The manipulator cansecurely position both types of holders on their dedicated positions on the AFMstage. The JEOL microscope offers a rare possibility for simultaneous SEM andAFM measurements. Due to space restriction, the SEM column is <strong>in</strong>stalled at45 ◦ off-normal angle with respect to the sample. As shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.4b the SEMlooks down from the side at the sample and the tip. The microscope stage can becooled by two flexible silver foils that are connected to a cryostat, which consistsof two dewars: an outer liquid nitrogen (LN 2 ) dewar, and an <strong>in</strong>ner dewar that canbe filled either with LN 2 or liquid helium (LHe). This allows for reduc<strong>in</strong>g sampletemperature down to ∼100K and ∼30K, when work<strong>in</strong>g with LN 2 and LHe respectively.Given the <strong>in</strong>teraction between electrons and <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films, such as MgOand NaCl, the SEM was used only sporadically <strong>in</strong> the course of this work. Similarly,the low-temperature feature of the AFM microscope was used occasionally

48 CHAPTER 4. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTATIONaSEMbeamPiezoscannerbCantileverchipTo photodetectorSampleWhisker500 mMirrorLaser diodeLaserbeamCantileverholderCantilever chipElectricalcontact (tip)cFigure 4.4: (a) The AFM stage of the JEOL microscope show<strong>in</strong>g relevant components andthe optical path of the laser beam. (b) An SEM image show<strong>in</strong>g the sample (iron whisker)and the cantilever. (c) The AFM cantilever holder. A bias voltage can be applied to the tipthrough the electrical contact on the left side of the cantilever holder. The cantilever canbe mechanically excited us<strong>in</strong>g a build-<strong>in</strong> piezo shaker by apply<strong>in</strong>g voltage through one ofthe ”legs”.

4.1 ULTRA-HIGH VACUUM APPARATUS 49due to <strong>in</strong>tr<strong>in</strong>sic limitations of such a cold-f<strong>in</strong>ger design. With the sample be<strong>in</strong>g oneof the coldest elements <strong>in</strong> the system, the characterized surface rema<strong>in</strong>s clean onlyfor a very short time because the sample acts as a cryogenic pump.The AFM stage provides maximum three electrical connections to the sampleholder, which are used to bias the sample dur<strong>in</strong>g AFM measurements, but canbe also used for on-stage anneal<strong>in</strong>g if the sample holder with an <strong>in</strong>tegrated heateris used (see Section 4.1.1). The sample holder is held by two side spr<strong>in</strong>gs on topof a piezo tube that can extend 5µm <strong>in</strong> x and y directions, and 1.4 µm <strong>in</strong> the z directionat room temperature. The piezo tube is used for scann<strong>in</strong>g, f<strong>in</strong>e position<strong>in</strong>gand, together with coarse position<strong>in</strong>g, for approach. The coarse position<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>volvesa series of gears, f<strong>in</strong>e-thread screws and lever arms <strong>in</strong>side the UHV system,which are magnetically coupled to external motors by rotary feedthroughs. TheAFM stage provides also two electrical connections to the cantilever holder: onefor apply<strong>in</strong>g bias voltage to the tip (see Figure 4.4, panels a and c), and a secondthrough one of the ”legs” that is used to apply voltage to a build-<strong>in</strong> piezo shakerthat can mechanically excite the cantilever.The JEOL AFM uses an optical beam deflection system. A red laser beamis generated <strong>in</strong>side the UHV chamber by a Hitachi HL6714G laser diode and focusedonto the cantilever by a s<strong>in</strong>gle lens. The diode is driven at constant currentby an ultra-low noise controller (Thorlabs LDC 201C). In order to improve the stabilityand limit the <strong>in</strong>terference <strong>in</strong>side the diode with any reflected light com<strong>in</strong>gback to it, the DC laser bias is modulated us<strong>in</strong>g a radio frequency modulator. Thisapproach, commonly used <strong>in</strong> CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disk players, reduces the coherencelength of the laser beam and thus <strong>in</strong>terference issues [79, 80]. Similarly tothe coarse approach, the laser spot can be positioned by a set of gears and screwsmagnetically coupled to external knobs by rotary feedthroughs that move the laserdiode. An analogue system is used to center the reflected laser spot onto the detector,which is a quadrant photodiode, by mov<strong>in</strong>g a mirror that deflects the laserbeam <strong>in</strong> the horizontal direction and the detector itself <strong>in</strong> the vertical direction. Thequadrant photodiode reads out four signals that are used to extract the cantileverdeflection <strong>in</strong> the normal (called A−B) and the lateral (called C−D) directions.In June 2012 the microscope chamber was upgraded with a sample storagesystem allow<strong>in</strong>g for stor<strong>in</strong>g three sample holders. The JEOL system orig<strong>in</strong>ally did

50 CHAPTER 4. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTATIONFigure 4.5: A retractable sample storage system allow<strong>in</strong>g for stor<strong>in</strong>g three sample holders<strong>in</strong> the microscope chamber away from potentially contam<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g processes. (a) Thestorage is <strong>in</strong> a position accessible for the <strong>in</strong>ternal manipulator. (b) Retracted position <strong>in</strong>which sample and tip holders can be transfered between the preparation chamber and themicroscope stage. (c) The retraction mechanism (air side).not have any designated storage system, except vacant positions <strong>in</strong> the preparationchamber. However, this solution was severely limit<strong>in</strong>g due to potentially contam<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>gprocesses that take place <strong>in</strong> the preparation chamber. Figure 4.5 shows theretractable storage system, which extended the functionality of the JEOL systemby allow<strong>in</strong>g for parallel research projects and stor<strong>in</strong>g calibration samples.4.2 NC-AFM operationIn the course of this work two control systems were used. The measurementspresented <strong>in</strong> Chapters 6 and 7 were recorded us<strong>in</strong>g the orig<strong>in</strong>al JEOL dataacquisition system together with a Nanosurf easy PLL oscillation controller andfrequency detector. A major change took place <strong>in</strong> June 2012, when the entire JEOLcontrol system, except high-voltage (HV) amplifiers and the read-out of the opticalbeam deflection system, was upgraded with the Nanonis SPM control system1 . The new Nanonis controller, compared to the old JEOL system, providesimproved functionality that led to a successful characterization of s<strong>in</strong>gle-electroncharg<strong>in</strong>g, which is the topic of Chapter 8.In general, the FM NC-AFM technique relies on the response of a high qualitymechanical oscillator to a tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teraction. The AFM cantilever can be1. Modifications were made by Dr. Yoichi Miyahara.

4.2 NC-AFM OPERATION 51Drive outDissipationAmplitudeDetector <strong>in</strong>Var. ga<strong>in</strong>amp.Amp.feedbackP-IAmplitude controllerRMS-DCx10used <strong>in</strong>self-oscillationmodePhaseshifterPLLused <strong>in</strong> ’’true’’ self-oscillation modeVCOP-ILow passfilterxfFigure 4.6: Diagram of the self-oscillation loop for FM NC-AFM exemplified by the Nanosurfsystem based on analog architecture. Both Nanonis and Nanosurf control systems canwork <strong>in</strong> self-oscillation mode, where the self-excitation signal passes through the PLL,however only the Nanosurf controller can work <strong>in</strong> true self-oscillation mode.regarded as a harmonic oscillator that is driven by a piezo shaker with its momentarydisplacement recorded us<strong>in</strong>g the A−B signal from the photodetector (seeFigure 4.6). In the FM NC-AFM mode the cantilever is self-oscillated with a constantamplitude and the <strong>in</strong>duced frequency shift is tracked us<strong>in</strong>g a phase-lockedloop (PLL). The self-oscillation can be implemented <strong>in</strong> two ways. In the first case,the signal from the photodetector is phase shifted (which for a harmonic oscillatoris typically π/2), amplified and used as the excitation signal. A feedback loopcan be used to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the self-oscillation amplitude constant by adjust<strong>in</strong>g theamplifier ga<strong>in</strong>. Here, the PLL is demodulat<strong>in</strong>g the signal <strong>in</strong>dependently from theself-oscillation loop. In the second implementation, however, the PLL producesa reference signal whose phase is related to the <strong>in</strong>put signal, which is used to excitethe oscillator, by ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g a constant phase delay of π/2 between the drivesignal and the cantilever response. To dist<strong>in</strong>guish between the two modes, thefirst mode that does not rely on the PLL is often called true self-oscillation mode.Both Nanonis and Nanosurf control systems can work <strong>in</strong> self-oscillation mode,where the self-excitation signal passes through the PLL, however only the Nanos-

52 CHAPTER 4. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTATIONurf controller can work <strong>in</strong> the true self-oscillation mode. The difference <strong>in</strong> the twomodes can potentially have an effect on the stability of the cantilever oscillationunder perturb<strong>in</strong>g forces, such as voltage pulses used <strong>in</strong> Section 9.2.3 dur<strong>in</strong>g field<strong>in</strong>duced deposition from Au-coated AFM <strong>tips</strong>. The Nanosurf oscillation controller,<strong>in</strong> contrast to the Nanonis controller, is based on an analog architecture and uses avoltage controlled oscillator (VCO) to generate the reference signal <strong>in</strong> the PLL (seeFigure 4.6). The Nanonis controller uses a digitized signal that is processed fordemodulation by a digital PLL. Here, <strong>in</strong>stead of a VCO, numerical oscillators generates<strong>in</strong>e and cos<strong>in</strong>e signal pairs that are later mixed to generate a phase shiftedsignal used for both the demodulation and the generation of the output signal.The frequency shift of the cantilever caused by the tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teractionand measured by the PLL is ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed constant by a feedback loop controll<strong>in</strong>gthe z-piezo position. Scann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> x and y directions effectively generates maps ofconstant-∆f topography, which is called the ”topography mode”. Alternatively,the feedback loop of the SPM controller can be turned off or set to a very low value.In this case the SPM controller records a ∆f map, which is called the ”constantheightmode” and is useful for obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g atomic resolution. More importantly, thee-EFM method relies on operation at constant height, which is required for properqualitative and quantitative characterization of s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g. The scancontrol platform of the JEOL control system did not allow for adjust<strong>in</strong>g the tilt ofthe sample or compensat<strong>in</strong>g for the thermal drift, which left the e-EFM experimentoutside the realm of possibility. The Nanonis SPM controller provides both sampleslope and drift compensation that improves the stability of the tip height at roomtemperature, reduc<strong>in</strong>g its change to only a fraction of a nanometer over the timeneeded to scan one frame (approximately 15 m<strong>in</strong>s).The Nanonis controller is <strong>in</strong>tegrated with the LabVIEW programm<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terface,which can automate many measurements. In this way the experiment can becontrolled <strong>in</strong> a practical and fast way. For <strong>in</strong>stance, the oscillation amplitude is calibratedus<strong>in</strong>g an open-source script 2 . It uses the relationship between the ∆f andthe oscillation amplitude A, ∆f = bA −3/2 , where b is some proportionality factor(see Section 3.1.1). Dur<strong>in</strong>g the calibration the controller changes the oscillationamplitude by a factor c to cA. In order to keep the tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teraction constant,2. Authors: S. Kawai, Ch. Held, Th. Glatzel, University of Basel, Switzerland.

4.2 NC-AFM OPERATION 53the frequency shift set-po<strong>in</strong>t has to be readjusted to the new value derived for thechanged amplitude cA, i.e. ∆fc −3/2 . This is realized by the active feedback loopof the Nanonis controller that changes the z-position of the piezo scanner accord<strong>in</strong>gly.By record<strong>in</strong>g the required z-position change for various c parameters, itbecomes possible to correlate the z-position to the expected amplitude value (cA)and obta<strong>in</strong> the calibration factor without know<strong>in</strong>g the value of the b parameter.The FM KFPM characterization <strong>in</strong> Chapter 7 is performed with the use ofan external lock-<strong>in</strong> (Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton Applied Research, 5110 Lock-<strong>in</strong> Amplifier) and anadditional feedback loop provided by the KFPM unit of the JEOL controller. Thelock-<strong>in</strong> generates a modulation voltage typically with f mod = 800 Hz frequencythat is added to the tip or sample bias voltage by the JEOL controller. The biasvoltage changes the tip-sample <strong>in</strong>teraction, and <strong>in</strong> effect causes the frequency shift,∆f, to respond both at f mod and 2f mod (see Section 3.1.2). The modulation <strong>in</strong> ∆fat f mod is measured by the lock-<strong>in</strong> and used <strong>in</strong> the KFPM unit that adjusts the DCbias voltage to keep the amplitude of the modulation as small as possible. Thefiltered value of the DC bias voltage recorded above each surface po<strong>in</strong>t is readout by the JEOL controller to create a CPD map. To obta<strong>in</strong> higher sensitivity, thetime constant of the lock-<strong>in</strong> is usually set to 3-10 ms and the time that the AFM <strong>tips</strong>pends per pixel while scann<strong>in</strong>g is longer than this value.For the experiments commercially available cantilevers manufactured byNanosensors (Po<strong>in</strong>t Probe Plus (PPP) series) are used. The PPP cantilevers aremade of doped Si and have the back side coated with Al to <strong>in</strong>crease the reflectivity.For topography imag<strong>in</strong>g usually PPP-NCLR cantilevers are used that have a typicalresonance frequency of 160 kHz, and a nom<strong>in</strong>al spr<strong>in</strong>g constant of 48 N/m (seeTable 4.1 for nom<strong>in</strong>al parameters specified by the manufacturer). The Q-factors ofthose cantilevers are typically 6-14,000 when measured <strong>in</strong> vacuum at room temperature.To obta<strong>in</strong> sufficiently high sensitivity, the e-EFM technique requires highQ-factors and operation at small oscillation amplitudes. For this reason, specialQNCHR cantilevers are also used that are shorter and are characterized by higherQ-factors of approximately 30,000. The shortened beam has a direct effect on them<strong>in</strong>imal oscillation amplitude at which the self-oscillation is still stable, because<strong>in</strong> the optical beam deflection system the same angular deflection of a shorter cantilevercorresponds to a smaller l<strong>in</strong>ear displacement of the tip.

54 CHAPTER 4. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTATIONPPP-NCLRShape Length Width Thickness Force const. Res. freq. Q-factor ∗Beam 225 µm 38 µm 7 µm 48 N/m 190 kHz 6-14,000PPP-QNCHRShape Length Width Thickness Force const. Res. freq. Q-factor ∗Beam 125 µm 30 µm 4 µm 42 N/m 330 kHz 20,000-40,000Table 4.1: Nom<strong>in</strong>al parameters of the cantilevers used. The manufacturer (Nanosensors)estimates the resonance frequency based on the geometry of the beam, and the frequenciesobserved experimentally were approximately 15% lower. ( ∗ ) The quoted Q-factor rangescorrespond to typical values observed experimentally.

5Preparation of Fe(001) substratesThe ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films <strong>in</strong>vestigated <strong>in</strong> this thesis are grown on a(001)-oriented surface of a s<strong>in</strong>gle crystal Fe. Below 911 ◦ C at ambient pressure pureFe has a stable bcc structure [81], called αFe, with a lattice parameter of 2.870 Å.Consequently, the (001)-oriented surface exposes atoms arranged <strong>in</strong>to a square latticewith the same distance between closest neighbors as the lattice parameter ofαFe. The Fe(001) surface is known to be a very good support for grow<strong>in</strong>g crystall<strong>in</strong>eultra-th<strong>in</strong> MgO films <strong>in</strong> a near perfect layer-by-layer mode (see Section2.1.2). However, preparation of clean Fe surfaces rema<strong>in</strong>s an experimental challenge,as commercially available crystals (usually with 99.99% purity) have a significantquantity of contam<strong>in</strong>ants. These <strong>in</strong>clude carbon and nitrogen that are especiallydifficult to deplete [82]. Bulk Fe s<strong>in</strong>gle crystals require tedious preparationmethods to obta<strong>in</strong> clean and large atomic terraces. One example was reported byParihar et al., who were able to produce the Fe(001) surface with a width of someterraces approach<strong>in</strong>g 500 nm after several weeks of preparation [83]. Other workssimilarly quote anneal<strong>in</strong>g times longer than 1,000 hours as necessary for sufficientdecarburization of samples that are a few millimetres thick [84]. Given those difficulties,the majority of studies deal<strong>in</strong>g with the Fe(001) surface use Fe th<strong>in</strong> filmsevaporated <strong>in</strong>-situ onto bulk MgO(001) [85] or GaAs(001) [86] s<strong>in</strong>gle crystals. Suchfilms can be easily prepared, but are characterized by a high amount of defects,especially screw dislocations.The gold standard <strong>in</strong> research on Fe(001) surfaces are still whisker crystals,which attracted significant attention <strong>in</strong> 1950s due to their unusual strength.Whiskers are small filament crystals with widths rang<strong>in</strong>g between a few to 500 µm,and lengths of up to a few millimeters. Because it becomes possible to obta<strong>in</strong> adefect-free sample at such small sizes, whiskers can reach a tensile strength greater55

56 CHAPTER 5. PREPARATION OF FE(001) SUBSTRATESthan 13 GPa [87]. For decades, whiskers had been considered the strongest materials<strong>in</strong> nature until the discovery of carbon nanotubes [88].5.1 Growth of Fe whiskersIron whiskers can be grown by the hydrogen reduction of metal halideslead<strong>in</strong>g to very pure material, and thus avoids the necessity for tedious removalof contam<strong>in</strong>ants. Among different salts ferrous chloride (FeCl 2 ) produces the bestyield and quality [89, 90]:FeCl 2 + H 2 → Fe + 2HCl. (5.1)A schematic diagram of the apparatus used for the growth is shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 5.1a.An iron boat partially filled with FeCl 2 powder is placed <strong>in</strong> a quartz tube that<strong>in</strong> closed <strong>in</strong>side a three-zone horizontal L<strong>in</strong>dberg furnace (see Figure 5.1b). Bothends of the tube are term<strong>in</strong>ated with flanges allow<strong>in</strong>g for attachment of gas l<strong>in</strong>es:an ultra-high purity (99.999%) H 2 or Ar gas <strong>in</strong>let, and an exhaust that removesmostly HCl from the reaction chamber. Two thermocouples are placed outsidethe tube <strong>in</strong> close proximity to the front and the end of the boat <strong>in</strong> order to controlthe temperature of the boat. At temperatures around 680-720 ◦ C the reduction ofFeCl 2 powder speeds up. Growth of Fe whiskers is a very <strong>in</strong>efficient process that isquite sensitive to the conditions under which the reduction takes place. Those <strong>in</strong>cludetemperature, H 2 flow rate, size of the quartz tube and the boat, the amount ofFeCl 2 powder, and any turbulences <strong>in</strong> the gas flow. More importantly, it was found<strong>in</strong> this work that the form and the quality of the FeCl 2 powder, and the preparationof the Fe boat are the major parameters controll<strong>in</strong>g the growth of whiskers.FeCl 2 is commercially available <strong>in</strong> various forms, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g an anhydrous form,as FeCl 2 , and a hydrated form, as FeCl 2 ·xH 2 O (with x = 2, 4 or unspecified).The presence of water has a huge consequence on the phase transition of the powderat high temperatures. Anhydrous FeCl 2 melts at a temperature of 670-674 ◦ C,while hydrated FeCl 2 can directly sublimate <strong>in</strong>to a gas phase [91]. There is a significantcost difference between commercially available anhydrous and hydratedFeCl 2 powders, <strong>in</strong> favour of the latter. However, there are two disadvantages of

5.1 GROWTH OF FE WHISKERS 57aHClWhiskersFeCl 2H 2c690-720 °CFeCl + H Fe + 2HCl2 2→bd15nmFigure 5.1: (a) A schematic diagram of the apparatus used to grow Fe whiskers. (b) The Feboat with FeCl 2 powder is annealed <strong>in</strong> a H 2 gas <strong>in</strong>side a three-zone horizontal LINDBERGfurnace. (c) Iron whiskers usually grow from the <strong>in</strong>ternal sides of the boat <strong>in</strong> a narrowband just above the sublimat<strong>in</strong>g FeCl 2 powder. (d) The surface area of the powder canbe made smaller to slow down the reaction with H 2 by creat<strong>in</strong>g pellets us<strong>in</strong>g a pneumaticpellet press.

58 CHAPTER 5. PREPARATION OF FE(001) SUBSTRATESus<strong>in</strong>g the hydrated powder. First, when the temperature <strong>in</strong>side the furnace is <strong>in</strong>creased,the powder is gradually dehydrated and water vapour is released thatcan oxidize the Fe boat. Second, the partially anhydrous FeCl 2 powder becomesvery porous and reacts very quickly with H 2 when the temperature activat<strong>in</strong>g thereaction is reached. Consequently, dur<strong>in</strong>g the reaction a significant part of theFeCl 2 powder is reduced to Fe <strong>in</strong> the form of small particles or a cont<strong>in</strong>uous layeron the bottom and sides of the boat, which does not contribute to whisker growth.In general, if whiskers are formed dur<strong>in</strong>g the reaction, they grow from the<strong>in</strong>ternal sides of the boat <strong>in</strong> a narrow band just above the sublimat<strong>in</strong>g FeCl 2 powder(see Figure 5.1c). This sets a requirement for the boat to be as large as possible,because there has to rema<strong>in</strong> an exposed surface of the Fe boat, where the growthis <strong>in</strong>itiated. Additionally, the boat should be large <strong>in</strong> order to accommodate a sufficientamount of the powder, as greater quantities produce larger whiskers, both<strong>in</strong> diameter and length.The process of grow<strong>in</strong>g whiskers starts from clean<strong>in</strong>g a tempered Fe foilof 0.25 mm thickness, and 99.5% purity (GoodFellow) us<strong>in</strong>g sandpaper (grid No.240) and acetone. The foil is annealed at 750 ◦ C <strong>in</strong> H 2 for several hours, whichefficiently removes carbon and oxygen from the surface. A hydrate FeCl 2 powder(Alfa Aesar, Reagent Grade, 99%) is separately dehydrated <strong>in</strong> Ar gas for 1-2 days.It has to be emphasized that full dehydration of the powder is impossible us<strong>in</strong>gthis technique. In order to slow down the later reaction with H 2 the surface area ofthe powder can be made smaller by creat<strong>in</strong>g pellets us<strong>in</strong>g a pneumatic pellet press.Such pellets, which are shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 5.1d, can be subsequently crumbled <strong>in</strong>tosmall pieces of desired size of 2-3 mm. About 10 g of a dehydrated FeCl 2 materialis placed <strong>in</strong>side the Fe boat and the boat is positioned between two furnace zones<strong>in</strong>side the quartz tube. In this way a gradient between the two ends of the boatcan be created. This leads to slightly different temperature conditions that changealong the boat, which maximizes the probability for efficient growth of whiskers.The system is carefully purged with H 2 before start<strong>in</strong>g the furnace. The furnacetemperature is raised by 100 ◦ C every 30 m<strong>in</strong>s until the desired setpo<strong>in</strong>t is reached.The best results are obta<strong>in</strong>ed at temperatures of 690 ◦ C (front of the boat)and 720 ◦ C (back of the boat), and 40-50 ccm flow of H 2 (with 59 mm quartz tubediameter). The optimal parameters can be coarsely determ<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g

5.1 GROWTH OF FE WHISKERS 59way. If the gas flow is too slow, the concentration of H 2 changes along the reactionzone and at some po<strong>in</strong>t is not sufficient to fully reduce the FeCl 2 powder.Consequently its vapor is transported with the HCl product away from the hot reactionzone and condenses <strong>in</strong> colder areas. In such a case there is a large build-upof condensed FeCl 2 <strong>in</strong>side the quartz tube. If the gas flow is too fast, the FeCl 2 vaporcan be swept away from the primary reaction zone. Too low temperature willnot vaporize FeCl 2 and the reduction will undergo with solid FeCl 2 <strong>in</strong> the boat. Incontrast, too high temperature can <strong>in</strong>crease the vapor pressure <strong>in</strong>side the quartztube so much that the vapor can reach colder places <strong>in</strong>side the tube where it willcondense and undergo the reaction to metallic Fe. The major difficulty <strong>in</strong> grow<strong>in</strong>gwhiskers is that the results can be only observed after the reaction is f<strong>in</strong>ished, andthe system is cooled down and opened. This limitation slows down any optimizationprocess mak<strong>in</strong>g growth very tedious.Under optimal growth conditions, 10 g of FeCl 2 is fully reduced after severalhours. Next, the furnace is turned off and allowed to cool down. Whiskersgrown by the hydrogen reduction of FeCl 2 are often clustered and seem to growfrom a common base. They also vary <strong>in</strong> shapes and crystallographic orientations.Most whiskers have a rectangular cross-section <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g that their axes is orientedalong the 〈011〉 direction [89] (see Figure 5.2a). Such whiskers have {100}and {011}-oriented side surfaces. The second most dom<strong>in</strong>ant group of whiskershave a square cross-section, which are used <strong>in</strong> this thesis. The regular shape andhigh reflectivity of side surfaces suggest that axes of such whiskers are orientedalong the 〈100〉 direction and the side surfaces have {001} orientation. The exactorientation and crystallographic quality of grown whiskers was evaluated bymeans of XRD that measures the angular position and the width of Bragg peaks.A triple-crystal X-ray diffractometer built <strong>in</strong> the group of Prof. Mark Sutton<strong>in</strong> the <strong>Physics</strong> Department at <strong>McGill</strong> University, which is shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 5.2b,was used to verify the orientation of whiskers. It confirmed that four sided andsquare <strong>in</strong> cross-section whiskers are s<strong>in</strong>gle crystals, their long axis is oriented alongthe 〈100〉 direction and the four sides have a {100} term<strong>in</strong>ation. Two Fe whiskers ofdifferent sizes (50 µm and 200 µm) were characterized <strong>in</strong> detail by record<strong>in</strong>g highresolutionscans of their (011) and (002) Bragg peaks. As an example, the (002)Bragg peak <strong>in</strong> the reciprocal space of the 200 µm wide whisker is shown <strong>in</strong> Fig-

60 CHAPTER 5. PREPARATION OF FE(001) SUBSTRATESa10011{100}{100}c{011}0.001CountsbCrosssectionMonochromatorsSampleDetector-1q [Å ]T0.0005000Goniometer-0.0010X-Ray source-0.0010.000-1qL[Å ]0.001Figure 5.2: (a) Two most dom<strong>in</strong>ant types of whiskers produced dur<strong>in</strong>g the growth. (b) Atriple-crystal X-Ray diffractometer used to verify the orientation and quality of whiskers.(c) The (002) Bragg peak <strong>in</strong> the reciprocal space of a 200 µm wide whisker (as iso<strong>in</strong>tensitycontours of logarithmic values).ure 5.2c (as iso<strong>in</strong>tensity contours of logarithmic values). The shape of the Fe(002)peak represents a crystal of a very high quality. Indeed, the shape of the iso<strong>in</strong>tensitycontours looks like a butterfly, which is typical for high-resolution diffractionexperiments <strong>in</strong> a triple-crystal reflection geometry. The two additional streaks aredue to weak diffuse scatter<strong>in</strong>g from monochromator and analyzer crystals, whichmeans that Figure 5.2c illustrates almost the resolution of the diffractometer. Sucha sharp Bragg peak corresponds to a very low density of crystallographic defects<strong>in</strong> the grown whiskers characterized by the average separation between lattice defects<strong>in</strong> the order of a few micrometers. The Bragg angle of the Fe(002) peak for thissample was measured to be 32.513 ◦ , which leads to a lattice constant of 2.8661 Å.This is close to values quoted <strong>in</strong> literature (2.8665 Å) and the small difference maybe attributed to thermal expansion. The X-ray diffraction could not reveal anysubstantial differences <strong>in</strong> the quality of smaller and larger <strong>in</strong> width whiskers.A brief comment should be made on the growth mechanisms of Fe whiskers.Iron whiskers grow from their tip, and vapor transport is most probable source ofiron. The <strong>in</strong>itial hypothesis [92] used screw dislocation theory and assumed that

5.2 THE FE(001) SURFACE 61FeCl 2 is already reduced when it condenses on the grow<strong>in</strong>g whisker. In this theorya crystal can grow by extend<strong>in</strong>g atomic terraces where new material nucleates. Ascrew dislocation guarantees that there is always an available site for nucleation,which lowers the requirement for supersaturation (much higher supersaturationis required for a direct two dimensional condensation of metal vapor). However,experimental results could not demonstrate the presence of screw dislocations <strong>in</strong>Fe whiskers [93]. Alternatively, growth could be occurr<strong>in</strong>g by the vapor-liquidsolid(VLS) mechanism [94]. In this scenario the FeCl 2 molecules are adsorbed onthe grow<strong>in</strong>g whiskers and reduced at the tip where a liquid droplet is formed.The surface tension of the liquid droplet <strong>in</strong>creases the pressure <strong>in</strong>side it and theliquid material becomes supersaturated with the crystal material. The growth resultsform the condensation of this material at the liquid-solid <strong>in</strong>terface and doesnot require a screw dislocation. In the VLS growth mechanism the length of thewhisker is extended by the growth at the tip of the whisker and the thickness ofthe whisker is slowly <strong>in</strong>creased from base to tip. Webb et al. [95] proposed thatFeCl 2 vapor can diffuse to the whisker side surface where it is reduced and nextmetallic Fe diffuses to a growth site. Based on thermodynamical considerationsthey have also concluded that hydrogen reduction <strong>in</strong> gas phase followed by thenucleation of metallic Fe cannot expla<strong>in</strong> whisker growth rates observed experimentallymak<strong>in</strong>g the VLS mechanism a more likely scenario.5.2 The Fe(001) surfaceWhiskers with a square cross-section that have {001}-oriented side surfaceswere used as Fe(001) substrates. An as-grown whisker is loaded <strong>in</strong>to vacuumchamber without additional clean<strong>in</strong>g and baked out overnight at 120 ◦ C to desorbwater from the entire sample holder. The sample is next sputtered by 1 keV Ar +beam at an <strong>in</strong>cident angle 60 ◦ off-normal. Initially the sample is kept at room temperature,and later the temperature is ramped up to about 600 ◦ C. The duration ofsputter<strong>in</strong>g varies from 30 m<strong>in</strong>s to several hours, where more <strong>in</strong>tensive sputter<strong>in</strong>gis required <strong>in</strong> the early stages of the clean<strong>in</strong>g process and dur<strong>in</strong>g removal of deposited<strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films. The preparation of the sample is f<strong>in</strong>ished byanneal<strong>in</strong>g at about 600 ◦ C for 15 m<strong>in</strong>s.

62 CHAPTER 5. PREPARATION OF FE(001) SUBSTRATESFigure 5.3: (a) Dur<strong>in</strong>g sputter<strong>in</strong>g the current between the sample and ground provides<strong>in</strong>formation on the material and can be used for imag<strong>in</strong>g that is similar to ion-excitedsecondary electron <strong>microscopy</strong>. (b) and (c) A photograph and an ”ion” image of the sampleholder formed dur<strong>in</strong>g scann<strong>in</strong>g the sample with a focused Ar + beam (the red marks areadded to guide the eye).In order to facilitate the clean<strong>in</strong>g process and shorten the sputter<strong>in</strong>g time,the scann<strong>in</strong>g capability of the ion gun (SPECS IQE 12/38) is used. The ion beamcan be focused to a spot size smaller than 1 mm, which allows for imag<strong>in</strong>g that issimilar to ion-excited secondary electron <strong>microscopy</strong>. As the beam is rastered overthe sample, it will not only sputter the material, which leaves the sample as neutralor positively charged, but also cause an ejection of electrons. The <strong>in</strong>tensity ofthose processes depends on the material, and a simple measurement of the currentbetween the sample and ground dur<strong>in</strong>g sputter<strong>in</strong>g (see Figure 5.3a) provides <strong>in</strong>formationabout the material. The total current due to the <strong>in</strong>cident Ar + beam, thesputtered material and secondary electrons is analyzed to produce images of thesample (see Figure 5.3, panels b and c). A LabView script can read out the signalsmonitor<strong>in</strong>g the x and y deflections provided by the ion gun controller and create a2D map of the current (typically <strong>in</strong> the range of 50 nA − 3 µA). In Figure 5.3c onecan clearly identify the position of the whisker, and limit the sputtered area to therelevant part of the sample holder. In this way, the average current density can besignificantly <strong>in</strong>creased, reduc<strong>in</strong>g the required sputter<strong>in</strong>g time.The sputter<strong>in</strong>g-anneal<strong>in</strong>g cycles are repeated until a clean LEED pattern isobserved, as shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 5.4a. NC-AFM imag<strong>in</strong>g reveals that the surface iscomposed of atomically flat terraces of typical size exceed<strong>in</strong>g 100 nm, and locallyup to 500 nm (see Figure 5.4b).

5.3 THE FE(001)-P(1×1)O SURFACE 63Figure 5.4: (a) A clean LEED pattern recorded on a Fe(001) surface. (b) NC-AFM image ofthe surface show<strong>in</strong>g atomically flat terraces exceed<strong>in</strong>g 100 nm width. (c) NC-AFM imageof the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface. Panels (a) and (b) are part of Chapter 6 based on [Tekiel,A.; Fostner, S.; Topple, J.; Miyahara, Y.; Grütter, P. Reactive growth of MgO overlayers onFe(001) surfaces studied by low-energy electron diffraction and atomic force <strong>microscopy</strong>.Appl. Surf. Sci. 2013, 273, 247-252 © 2013 by Elsevier B.V.]5.3 The Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surfaceThe chemical and elastic properties of the Fe(001) surface can be easily modifiedby term<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g the surface with chemisorbed oxygen atoms. Exposure toseveral Langmuir of molecular oxygen followed by flash anneal<strong>in</strong>g leads to thewell-known Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface, which has been thoroughly <strong>in</strong>vestigated byexperimental and computational methods [83, 96]. The surface is characterizedby one oxygen atom per unit cell chemisorbed <strong>in</strong> each hollow site of the Fe(001)surface. The new lattice parameter is the same as the parameter of the Fe(001)surface. As will be discussed <strong>in</strong> this thesis, the chemisorbed oxygen layer playsan important role <strong>in</strong> the growth of <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films on the Fe(001) surface. Thetop layer of the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface resembles a planar rock-salt FeO monolayer.Compared to clean bulk Fe, rock-salt FeO has better elastic properties andthe Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface acts as a stra<strong>in</strong> buffer <strong>in</strong> the epitaxy of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> filmson top of it [97]. Moreover, the oxygen layer likely prevents the Fe(001) surfacefrom the reaction with NaCl. Higher chemical stability allows for us<strong>in</strong>g elevatedtemperatures dur<strong>in</strong>g sample preparation to enhance the diffusion of NaCl and improvethe film quality.

64 CHAPTER 5. PREPARATION OF FE(001) SUBSTRATES5.4 ConclusionsAlthough growth of Fe whiskers is characterized by a limited yield, it producessmall quantities of filament crystals that have very high quality. The crosssectionof as-grown whiskers can reveal their orientation, where a square crosssection<strong>in</strong>dicates that the side surfaces belong to the {001} family, which can beconfirmed either by XRD or LEED. Such crystals can be processed <strong>in</strong> ultra-highvacuum by sputter<strong>in</strong>g and anneal<strong>in</strong>g cycles to produce a clean and well-orderedFe(001) surface. By expos<strong>in</strong>g the Fe(001) surface to molecular oxygen and postanneal<strong>in</strong>git a Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface is formed that has the same lattice, but differs<strong>in</strong> chemical and elastic properties. The follow<strong>in</strong>g three chapters will presentresults that use large atomic terraces of the Fe(001) or Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surfacesof a whisker to grow MgO or NaCl films. A s<strong>in</strong>gle whisker can be easily reusedby remov<strong>in</strong>g the deposited ultra-th<strong>in</strong> film by sputter<strong>in</strong>g. To produce all resultspresented <strong>in</strong> this thesis only one whisker was used that was sputtered-annealed <strong>in</strong>total 166 times.

6Reactive growth of MgO films on Fe(001)surfacesTHIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON:Tekiel, A.; Fostner, S.; Topple, J.; Miyahara, Y.; Grütter, P.Reactive growth of MgO overlayers on Fe(001) surfaces studied by low-energy electron diffractionand atomic force <strong>microscopy</strong>Appl. Surf. Sci. 2013, 273, 247-252 © 2013 by Elsevier B.V.This chapter describes preparation of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> MgO films grown reactivelyon the Fe(001) surface by evaporation of magnesium <strong>in</strong> an atmosphere of molecularoxygen. The <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films have been <strong>in</strong>vestigated by LEED and NC-AFM.Preparation of structurally stable crystall<strong>in</strong>e films requires a protocol that preventsan excessive <strong>in</strong>terfacial reaction between oxygen and the Fe(001) surface, but at thesame time provides a sufficient amount of oxygen <strong>in</strong> order to grow a stoichiometricMgO film. The proper ratio between the magnesium deposition rate and theoxygen pressure has been determ<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> this work, as well as measures to prevent<strong>in</strong>itial <strong>in</strong>terfacial oxidation of the substrate. The effect of both post-anneal<strong>in</strong>gand an <strong>in</strong>creased substrate temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g the growth has been studied. Wedemonstrate that the reactive deposition method, which gives full control over thegaseous species that reach the surface, can produce terraces that have an averagesize of 10 nm (on an 8 monolayer thick film), which is a significant improvement(factor of 2) compared to other preparation methods, such as thermal or electronbeam evaporation of MgO.65

66 CHAPTER 6. REACTIVE GROWTH OF MGO FILMS ON FE(001) SURFACES6.1 IntroductionCrystall<strong>in</strong>e magnesium oxide films grown on a variety of metal substrates,such as Ag(001), Mo(001) and Fe(001), play important roles <strong>in</strong> magnetoelectronics[5] and as model systems for study<strong>in</strong>g catalysis [6]. Ultra-th<strong>in</strong> MgO films thatserve as a tunnel<strong>in</strong>g barrier have been identified as a promis<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g blockof MTJs. In the case of Fe(001)/MgO/Fe(001) MTJs, crystall<strong>in</strong>e MgO leads to ahigh TMR ratio [30, 56]. The quality of the MgO <strong>in</strong>terface is crucial for high TMR,and thus for more than a decade there has been grow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> improv<strong>in</strong>gthe quality of MgO films on the Fe(001) surface, <strong>in</strong> order to further <strong>in</strong>crease theTMR to much higher values predicted theoretically [98, 99]. However, even thebest films are still characterized by a high number of defects, such as dense networksof misfit dislocations, and by very small terraces (understood as flat areasseparated by atomic steps). The terraces of MgO films deposited at room temperatureare only a few nanometers <strong>in</strong> width [29, 100] and are smaller than the separationbetween dislocations. So far, limited high-resolution SPM characterizationof MgO films on Fe(001) prepared at elevated temperatures has been carried out[100] and consequently, it is still an open question how such a preparation methodcan improve their quality. Evaporation at higher sample temperatures and postanneal<strong>in</strong>ghave been beneficial for the quality of MgO films on Ag(001) lead<strong>in</strong>g tolarger terraces [26]. Also <strong>in</strong> the case of MgO films on Mo(001), anneal<strong>in</strong>g reducesthe density of step-like features formed due to dislocations [27].6.1.1 UHV deposition methods of MgOThe reduction <strong>in</strong> quality of MgO films on Fe(001) surfaces can be attributedto the conventionally used preparation method and the fact that iron is veryprone to oxidation. In a UHV environment, MgO films are usually deposited ontothe Fe(001) surface by electron beam evaporation of a stoichiometric MgO target[29, 30] and the result<strong>in</strong>g beam is composed ma<strong>in</strong>ly of magnesium and oxygen,both <strong>in</strong> an atomic form [31]. However, on Ag(001) and Mo(001) surfaces MgO ultra-th<strong>in</strong>films with the best morphology have been obta<strong>in</strong>ed by the reactive depositionof Mg <strong>in</strong> an O 2 atmosphere, the rate and pressure of which can be <strong>in</strong>dependentlycontrolled [26, 27]. Both methods are quite challeng<strong>in</strong>g experimentally, as <strong>in</strong>

6.1 INTRODUCTION 67either case MgO is essentially grown from two separate sources of magnesium andoxygen. As it was schematically shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.3, <strong>in</strong> this situation magnesiumand oxygen must react on the substrate <strong>in</strong> order to nucleate MgO molecules (<strong>in</strong>the case of molecular oxygen, an O 2 molecule has first to dissociate on the surface).Next, MgO molecules diffuse and build MgO islands. There are three stagesof such growth, each potentially requir<strong>in</strong>g different growth parameters, as it istak<strong>in</strong>g place on a dissimilar substrate: (i) growth of the 1st monolayer, (ii) growthof several consecutive layers under conditions perturbed by the metallic substrateand (iii) growth of bulk-like MgO. The reactive deposition method provides directcontrol of the relative exposure of the sample to magnesium and oxygen. For<strong>in</strong>stance, this is exploited on the Ag(001) surface, where an overexposure of thesurface to oxygen can be used to prevent an unwanted reaction between silver andmagnesium [101]. Similarly, dur<strong>in</strong>g the reactive growth of MgO on the Fe(001) surface,the amount of oxygen to which the iron surface is exposed can be preciselycontrolled. Although the formation of an FeO x <strong>in</strong>terface may reduce the TMR <strong>in</strong>MTJs [102, 103], the oxygen at the Fe/MgO <strong>in</strong>terface can facilitate epitaxy of MgOultra-th<strong>in</strong> films on Fe(001) [97]. The exposure to a very small amount of molecularoxygen (below 1 ML) does not change the substrate morphology drastically, as itleads to an immediate dissociation of oxygen molecules that preferentially absorb<strong>in</strong> fourfold hollow sites of the Fe(001) surface [104]. Based on STM characterization,Bonell et al. [105] suggested that at this coverage range the oxygen rema<strong>in</strong>smobile on the surface. When approach<strong>in</strong>g a full monolayer, oxygen atoms reveala high degree of order<strong>in</strong>g lead<strong>in</strong>g eventually to a p(1×1)-O structure with eachhollow site of the Fe(001) surface occupied by one oxygen atom. However, if thisexposure is exceeded, poorly <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> iron oxide islands of 2-3 ML thickness areformed [83], which will significantly disturb subsequent MgO growth. This meansthat dur<strong>in</strong>g reactive growth there should exist a particular composition of the fluxreach<strong>in</strong>g the sample that will form a well-ordered MgO monolayer, even if the ironsubstrate has been <strong>in</strong> contact with oxygen and might have been partially oxidized.Dur<strong>in</strong>g the growth of the consecutive MgO layers, the amount of oxygen shouldbe <strong>in</strong>creased, as the iron substrate has been already covered and a higher oxygenconcentration is required to grow a stoichiometric MgO film.Dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>itial experiments we attempted to grow MgO films on Fe(001) by

68 CHAPTER 6. REACTIVE GROWTH OF MGO FILMS ON FE(001) SURFACESac+2 kVPolycrystall<strong>in</strong>eMgO rodthermal radiationbelectrons hitt<strong>in</strong>gthe holderelectrons hitt<strong>in</strong>gdirectly MgOPieces of monocrystall<strong>in</strong>eMgO <strong>in</strong> a Mo crucibleFluxof evaporationEmissionFigure 6.1: (a) Electron beam evaporation of MgO. A polycrystall<strong>in</strong>e MgO rod supportedby a Mo holder and a specially wound Ta filament. (b) When the emission of electrons islow, the electrons hit mostly the Mo holder and heat it up. In addition, the MgO rod isheated by the hot filament placed nearby. When the emission of electrons is high, the temperatureof MgO <strong>in</strong>creases, which reduces its resistivity and elim<strong>in</strong>ates charg<strong>in</strong>g effects.(c) Thermal evaporation of monocrystall<strong>in</strong>e MgO pieces placed <strong>in</strong>side a Mo crucible.electron beam evaporation from a polycrystall<strong>in</strong>e MgO rod, as this method led tothe best quality of such films [29, 30]. Magnesium oxide is a good <strong>in</strong>sulator, andthe idea of the evaporation of an MgO rod us<strong>in</strong>g electrons [29] is expla<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Figure6.1, panels a and b. A polycrystall<strong>in</strong>e MgO rod is supported by a holder madeentirely of Mo, which is held at a high positive voltage. Next to the MgO rod, thereis a specially wound filament that generates electrons. At low power, i.e. when theemission of electrons is low, the electrons hit mostly the Mo holder, where they dissipatetheir k<strong>in</strong>etic energy, heat<strong>in</strong>g up the holder and the MgO rod (marked by ablue arrow <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.1b). In addition, the hot filament itself contributes also tothe temperature <strong>in</strong>crease of the rod (marked by a red arrow <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.1b). Whenthe emission of electrons is further <strong>in</strong>creased, the high temperature of MgO reducesthe resistivity of the rod [106] and elim<strong>in</strong>ates charg<strong>in</strong>g effects. Start<strong>in</strong>g atthis po<strong>in</strong>t, the electrons directly hit the MgO rod, <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g significantly the fluxof evaporation (marked by a green color <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.1b). In another attempt thatis shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.1c, MgO was also thermally evaporated by plac<strong>in</strong>g piecesof monocrystall<strong>in</strong>e MgO <strong>in</strong>side a Mo crucible. In this situation, the electrons hit

6.2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 69directly the metal crucible, heat<strong>in</strong>g it up to the evaporation temperature of MgO.Unfortunately, crystall<strong>in</strong>e films could not be grown by either of these methods.This was partly caused by generation of oxygen dur<strong>in</strong>g the evaporation, whichpoisons the hot filament. However, the major difficulty can be attributed to theissue discussed <strong>in</strong> Section 6.3.6, i.e. the construction of the e-beam evaporator canaffect the composition of the evaporated fluxes. This difficulty is circumvented<strong>in</strong> the reactive deposition method, which provides direct control of the relativeexposure of the sample to magnesium and oxygen.To date, the reactive growth of MgO on Fe(001) has been studied only byhigh resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy [107], photoelectron spectroscopy[108, 109], and at 1 ML coverage by STM [110]. In this study we focus on thereactive growth method of 8-16 ML thick MgO films, which are characterized hereboth <strong>in</strong> real and reciprocal space. This thickness range is typically used <strong>in</strong> magnetictunnel junctions [5] and <strong>in</strong> systems for study<strong>in</strong>g model catalysis, where the MgOfilm supports metal nanoparticles [6]. In order for such a film to have high crystall<strong>in</strong>equality, the film must be successfully grown dur<strong>in</strong>g all three steps mentionedabove. The composition of the flux can be easily varied at the timescale needed togrow one MgO monolayer by controll<strong>in</strong>g the gaseous species deposited, allow<strong>in</strong>gfor readjustment of parameters at each step of the growth process. We use LEEDto determ<strong>in</strong>e the quality of MgO films grown from fluxes of different compositionsand at various sample temperatures. Excessive oxidation of the Fe(001) substratecan be avoided by decreas<strong>in</strong>g the oxygen pressure at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the growthor by the deposition of a submonolayer Mg prior to the reactive growth of MgO.Characterization by NC-AFM of an 8 ML thick film demonstrates that comparedto deposition by electron beam evaporation of MgO, reactive growth can producea better ordered surface with larger terraces.6.2 Experimental detailsAll experiments reported here are performed <strong>in</strong> two <strong>in</strong>terconnected UHVchambers (preparation and microscope) based on a commercial JEOL JSPM 4500aUHV AFM system. The base pressure is <strong>in</strong> the low 10 −11 mbar range <strong>in</strong> the preparation,and 1×10 −10 mbar <strong>in</strong> the microscope chamber. Iron whiskers home-grown

70 CHAPTER 6. REACTIVE GROWTH OF MGO FILMS ON FE(001) SURFACESby reduction of FeCl 2 <strong>in</strong> an H 2 atmosphere with {001} side-surface orientations areused as the start<strong>in</strong>g substrate [89] (see also Chapter 5). The whiskers are cleanedby several cycles of 1 keV Ar + sputter<strong>in</strong>g and a subsequent anneal<strong>in</strong>g to about600 ◦ C until a clean LEED pattern is observed. This procedure leads to a surfacewith terraces several hundred nanometers wide. A piece of magnesium (99.99%purity) is outgassed <strong>in</strong> vacuum and then evaporated from a Knudsen cell ontothe Fe(001) sample kept at temperatures rang<strong>in</strong>g from room temperature (RT) to300 ◦ C <strong>in</strong> an atmosphere of molecular oxygen (99.997% purity), whose pressure iscontrolled by a high precision leak valve. The rate of magnesium deposition wasmonitored by quartz crystal microbalance and the MgO coverage was deducedfrom a rescaled value obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the density difference between the films ofMg and MgO. Long-range order of the evaporated layers is characterized by LEEDperformed at room temperature. Although electrons can cause desorption of oxygenfrom the MgO(001) surface, this effect is very small at low electron energiesand has a threshold at 55 eV <strong>in</strong>cident electron energy [111]. Also no time deteriorationof LEED images recorded at 90-150 eV electron energy has been observed<strong>in</strong> this work. NC-AFM is also carried out at room temperature <strong>in</strong> the FM modeus<strong>in</strong>g JEOL AFM and Nanosurf ”easyPLL”’ frequency detector/oscillation controller<strong>in</strong> self-oscillation mode. Commercial Nanosensors PPP-NCLR silicon cantileverswith a typical resonance frequency of 150-160 kHz and spr<strong>in</strong>g constantof ≈42 N/m are used with a peak-to-peak oscillation amplitude of 10-14 nm. Aconstant bias voltage dur<strong>in</strong>g NC-AFM imag<strong>in</strong>g was applied to the sample to compensatelong-range electrostatic forces.6.3 Results and discussion6.3.1 Effect of exposure of clean Fe(001) to O 2After the sputter-clean<strong>in</strong>g procedure the Fe(001) surface was exam<strong>in</strong>ed byLEED and NC-AFM (see Figure 6.2a). The LEED pattern reveals very clear (1×1)symmetry. The surface is composed of atomically flat terraces of typical size exceed<strong>in</strong>g100 nm, and locally up to 500 nm. If the clean Fe surface is exposed to 6 L(Langmuir, 1 L = 10 −6 Torr·s) of O 2 at RT, there is almost no change <strong>in</strong> the quality of

6.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 71aClean Fe(001) ab Fe(001) + 8 L O 240nm100nm1.3nm0nmFigure 6.2: (a) A clean Fe(001) whisker surface: NC-AFM topographical image recordedat ∆f = −18 Hz and sample bias 0 V, LEED pattern recorded at 141 eV electron energy.(b) The Fe(001) surface after the exposure to 8 L of O 2 show<strong>in</strong>g formation of iron oxideislands (parameters of both frames: ∆f = −3 Hz, sample bias 0.5 V).the LEED pattern, and similarly the presence of oxygen is not directly evidencedby AFM, which can be related to mobile oxygen on the surface as suggested byBonell et al. [105]. With an 8 L dose, the LEED pattern vanishes almost completelyand the surface roughness <strong>in</strong>creases due to formation of iron oxide islands. Sucha morphology, which has been characterized by Parihar et al. us<strong>in</strong>g surface X-raydiffraction [83], is undesirable for subsequent growth of MgO. The fact that thisunwanted morphology forms first at the dose of approximately 8 L can be used toestimate a lower limit for the deposition rate of Mg. For <strong>in</strong>stance, at a pressure of1.33 × 10 −7 mbar (1 × 10 −7 Torr), a dose of 8 L corresponds to an exposure durationof 60 s (at this pressure 1 ML of O 2 should form after about 4 s assum<strong>in</strong>gstick<strong>in</strong>g coefficient of 1 [14]). If dur<strong>in</strong>g that time a sufficient amount of Mg atomsarrive at the surface to form the first MgO monolayer, the unwanted morphologyshown <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.2b should not form. In other words, the time needed to form thefirst MgO monolayer should be shorter than the exposure time that is equivalentto 6-8 L at a given O 2 pressure. Usually magnesium is deposited at a rate of approximately1 Å/m<strong>in</strong> (0.38 ML/m<strong>in</strong>) dur<strong>in</strong>g the reactive growth on Ag(001) andMo(001) surfaces. Assum<strong>in</strong>g that n Mg /n MgO ≈ 1, where n Mg and n MgO denote thenumber of Mg atoms per unit area <strong>in</strong> hcp Mg(0001) and rock-salt MgO(001) mono-

72 CHAPTER 6. REACTIVE GROWTH OF MGO FILMS ON FE(001) SURFACESlayers, respectively, formation of an MgO monolayer requires approximately 160 s,at shortest. This gives a rough estimation of 5 × 10 −8 mbar for the maximum oxygenbackground pressure dur<strong>in</strong>g the reactive growth at a Mg deposition rate of1 Å/m<strong>in</strong>.6.3.2 Optimal Mg deposition rate and O 2 pressureWe next utilize LEED to <strong>in</strong>vestigate the effect of the Mg deposition rate andthe background pressure of the oxygen atmosphere on the crystall<strong>in</strong>e quality ofMgO ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films on Fe(001). Figure 6.3 shows LEED patterns of 8 ML thickMgO samples grown at RT and prepared at O 2 pressures rang<strong>in</strong>g from 1 × 10 −8 to6×10 −7 mbar, and Mg deposition rates 1.0-3.6 Å/m<strong>in</strong>, as suggested by the previousestimation. A series of samples grown at Mg deposition rates 1.3-1.5 Å/m<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dicatesthat the LEED patterns become sharper if the O 2 pressure is with<strong>in</strong> a rangeof 5 × 10 −8 and 5 × 10 −7 mbar, confirm<strong>in</strong>g a well-ordered crystal structure andan epitaxial growth of the MgO film. Both for lower (1 × 10 −8 mbar) and higher(5 × 10 −7 mbar) O 2 pressures the LEED patterns start to fade away. For higherMg deposition rates, this <strong>in</strong>terval of optimal growth parameters is shifted towardshigher O 2 pressures, and for lower Mg deposition rates, to lower O 2 pressures.Based on those observations, two regions of unfavorable growth parameters canbe identified. The first region is related to the oxidation of the Fe(001) surface andoccurs for higher pressures of O 2 . The second region is characterized by a highrate of Mg deposition and an amount of oxygen that is <strong>in</strong>sufficient to grow a stoichiometricMgO film. Thus, the crystal structure is optimized for a particular ratior/p = 0.15 ± 0.05 between the Mg deposition rate (r, expressed <strong>in</strong> Å/m<strong>in</strong>) and theO 2 pressure (p, expressed <strong>in</strong> 10 −8 mbar).6.3.3 Effect of post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g observed by LEEDAlthough well-ordered films can be prepared by us<strong>in</strong>g constant Mg depositionrates and O 2 pressures, not all of such MgO films reta<strong>in</strong> high quality after anneal<strong>in</strong>g.Such structural <strong>in</strong>stability is most likely related to the balance between theoxidation of the substrate at the MgO/Fe <strong>in</strong>terface and MgO film stoichiometry.This suggests that constant r and p parameters cannot fulfill simultaneously op-

6.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 734r/p = 0.15×10Å· m<strong>in</strong> ·mbar8-1 -133. 5 Å/m<strong>in</strong> 3. 6 Å/m<strong>in</strong>-8-75×10mbar O 2 1.3×10 mbarO 2Mg rate [ Å/m<strong>in</strong> ]2oxygen-deficient filmbalancedgrowth conditionssubstrateoxidation11.3 Å/m<strong>in</strong>-81×10 mbarO 21.3 Å/m<strong>in</strong>-85×10 mbarO 21. 4 Å/m<strong>in</strong>-71.3×10 mbarO 21. 5 Å/m<strong>in</strong>-75.0×10 mbarO 2LEED patternsrecorded at 146-150 eV1. 0 Å/m<strong>in</strong>-71.3×10 mbarO 21. 1 Å/m<strong>in</strong>-76.0×10 mbarO 21E-8 1E-7 1E-6O2 pressure [mbar]Figure 6.3: LEED patterns of 8 ML thick MgO samples grown at RT and prepared at variousO 2 pressures and Mg deposition rates. MgO films reveal higher crystall<strong>in</strong>e order for aparticular ratio r/p = (0.15 ± 0.05) × 10 8 Å·m<strong>in</strong> −1·mbar −1 between the Mg deposition rateand the O 2 pressure. There are two regions of unfavorable growth parameters. The firstregion is related to the oxidation of the Fe(001) surface and occurs for higher pressures ofO 2 . The second region is characterized by a high rate of Mg deposition and an amount ofoxygen that is <strong>in</strong>sufficient to grow a stoichiometric MgO film.

74 CHAPTER 6. REACTIVE GROWTH OF MGO FILMS ON FE(001) SURFACESaab98 eV16 ML deposited at RT annealedFigure 6.4: 16 ML thick MgO film deposited at RT onto 0.3 ML of Mg with the oxygenpressure dur<strong>in</strong>g the formation of the first MgO ML 1.3 × 10 −7 mbar, and <strong>in</strong>creased to5 × 10 −7 mbar thereafter (at the Mg deposition rate of 2.2 Å/m<strong>in</strong>). (a) LEED pattern of anas-deposited sample shows additional satellite spots around ma<strong>in</strong> MgO diffraction spotsreveal<strong>in</strong>g 4 equivalent angles, characteriz<strong>in</strong>g the warped MgO surface above misfit dislocationl<strong>in</strong>es. (b) LEED pattern after anneal<strong>in</strong>g at 400 ◦ C for 20 m<strong>in</strong>s show<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>stead asubatomic modulation of the height of the MgO film. The change <strong>in</strong> surface topographyis further analyzed dur<strong>in</strong>g the discussion of Figure 6.7, which features a real space imageof the MgO film after anneal<strong>in</strong>g.timal conditions for avoid<strong>in</strong>g the overoxidation of the Fe substrate surface andma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the stoichiometry of MgO thereafter. Higher substrate temperaturesapplied dur<strong>in</strong>g or after the growth usually lead to larger terraces, which is highlydesirable <strong>in</strong> the case of the MgO/Fe system. In order to circumvent this limitation,two solutions were tested, both provid<strong>in</strong>g similar positive results. First, reduc<strong>in</strong>gthe O 2 pressure at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the growth for a duration needed to grow the1st MgO ML. Second, deposition of a submonolayer of Mg prior to the reactivegrowth of MgO. In an alternative third solution the r /p ratio could be controlledby vary<strong>in</strong>g the angle at which Mg is evaporated, and effectively chang<strong>in</strong>g its depositionrate. Figure 6.4a shows a 16 ML thick MgO film that was deposited atRT onto 0.3 ML of Mg with the oxygen pressure dur<strong>in</strong>g the formation of the firstMgO ML 1.3 × 10 −7 mbar, and <strong>in</strong>creased to 5 × 10 −7 mbar thereafter (at the Mgdeposition rate of 2.2 Å/m<strong>in</strong>). Directly after growth, the sample is characterizedby high crystall<strong>in</strong>e order with misfit dislocations [24, 25, 28] revealed by additionalsatellite spots around the ma<strong>in</strong> MgO diffraction spots. After anneal<strong>in</strong>g at 400 ◦ C for20 m<strong>in</strong>s, the background <strong>in</strong> the LEED pattern is reduced, and there is a change <strong>in</strong>the appearance of the diffraction spots splitt<strong>in</strong>g (see Figure 6.4b). On as-deposited

6.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 75a ab ac adRT 160°C 230°C 300°CFigure 6.5: LEED patterns of 8 ML thick MgO films grown at temperatures from RT to300 ◦ C (recorded at 141-145 eV electron energy). The O 2 pressure was 1.3 × 10 −7 mbardur<strong>in</strong>g the formation of the 1st MgO ML, and <strong>in</strong>creased to 5 × 10 −7 mbar thereafter (atthe Mg deposition rate of 2.0-2.5 Å/m<strong>in</strong>). A higher crystall<strong>in</strong>e order characterizes samplesgrown from RT up to 160 ◦ C. At 230 ◦ C the order is slightly reduced, with a significantdecrease at 300 ◦ C.samples, there are four equivalent angles characteriz<strong>in</strong>g the warped MgO surfaceabove misfit dislocation l<strong>in</strong>es, giv<strong>in</strong>g rise to dist<strong>in</strong>ct satellite spots connected withthe ma<strong>in</strong> MgO spots by weak l<strong>in</strong>es (see also Figure 6.7c). After the anneal<strong>in</strong>g thereis <strong>in</strong>stead a broad distribution of angles reveal<strong>in</strong>g a subatomic modulation of theheight of the MgO film, which may orig<strong>in</strong>ate from rearrangement at the MgO/Fe<strong>in</strong>terface lead<strong>in</strong>g to local deformation of the crystall<strong>in</strong>e lattice. The change <strong>in</strong> surfacetopography is further analyzed dur<strong>in</strong>g the discussion of Figure 6.7, whichfeatures a real space image of the MgO film after anneal<strong>in</strong>g.6.3.4 Effect of sample temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g the growthThe temperature of the sample dur<strong>in</strong>g the reactive growth is one of theimportant parameters determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the result<strong>in</strong>g film morphology. Usually an<strong>in</strong>creased temperature helps <strong>in</strong> overcom<strong>in</strong>g energy barriers for diffusion of adsorbatesand leads to formation of larger islands. Figure 6.5 shows 8 ML thick MgOfilms grown at four different sample temperatures rang<strong>in</strong>g from RT to 300 ◦ C (atthe Mg deposition rate of 2.0-2.5 Å/m<strong>in</strong>). A higher crystall<strong>in</strong>e order characterizessamples from RT to 160 ◦ C. At 230 ◦ C the order is slightly reduced, with a significantdecrease at 300 ◦ C. Such a change can be caused by the <strong>in</strong>terfacial oxidationof the iron substrate, which is enhanced at higher temperatures, show<strong>in</strong>g that theprevention measures based on chang<strong>in</strong>g the r /p ratio require even further modi-

76 CHAPTER 6. REACTIVE GROWTH OF MGO FILMS ON FE(001) SURFACESaacpartial oxidation ofthe Fe(001) substrateOFeMgabbulk MgO:4.212 Åbcc-Fe:4.054 Åadtop view½{011}dislocations110 MgOMgO[010]Fe[100][001]110FeFigure 6.6: (a) A large-scale NC-AFM image of an 8 ML thick MgO film (∆f = −2 Hz,sample bias −2 V). (b) An enlarged NC-AFM frame show<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>terface with directionalstep edges that are predom<strong>in</strong>antly formed due to misfit dislocations (∆f = −5 Hz, samplebias −2 V). (c) A schematic diagram of the MgO/Fe registry. (d) The glide of 1 2〈011〉 dislocationson {011} MgOplanes of the MgO film produces a monoatomic step at the surface.fication dur<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>itial stage of the growth. At elevated temperatures, othereffects may also play an important role, such as (<strong>in</strong>ter)diffusion of substrate andfilm atoms at the MgO/Fe <strong>in</strong>terface and re-evaporation/desorption of Mg.A large-scale NC-AFM image of an 8 ML thick MgO film deposited at 90 ◦ C isshown <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.6a. The surface is almost uniformly covered with the MgO film.An enlarged frame of the same film presented <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.6b shows an <strong>in</strong>terfacecharacterized by multiple dislocation l<strong>in</strong>es and atomic step edges, runn<strong>in</strong>g preferentiallyparallel to the 〈110〉 directions of the iron substrate. In Figure 6.6c a schematicdiagram of the MgO-Fe registry shows that such an orientation corresponds

6.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 77to a charge neutral -Mg-O-Mg- term<strong>in</strong>ation, which confirms the orientation of theMgO film <strong>in</strong>dependently from the LEED measurements. Although the film appearsto be rough, not all step edges lead to a real <strong>in</strong>crease of the MgO film heightand can <strong>in</strong>stead be attributed to misfit dislocations. As revealed by the additionalsatellite spots <strong>in</strong> the LEED images (Figures 6.3 and 6.4), the MgO film conta<strong>in</strong>sa dense network of misfit dislocations that <strong>in</strong>duce a warped MgO surface abovethem. This mechanism of stra<strong>in</strong> relief has been discussed <strong>in</strong> detail by Dynna et al.[28] and is schematically presented <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.6d. Us<strong>in</strong>g MgO as a reference system,the glide of 1 〈011〉 dislocations on {011} 2 MgOplanes of the MgO film producesa monoatomic step at the surface. The average dislocation periodicity is about 10nm, which is close to the expected value of ∼ 11 nm (a MgO · a Fe /|a MgO − a Fe |, wherea MgO = 4.212 Å, and a Fe = 4.054 Å – see Figure 6.6c). The surface is also characterizedby atomic terraces of a similar size. Locally, the distance between dislocationl<strong>in</strong>es can be as large as 20 nm allow<strong>in</strong>g for the formation of larger terraces.6.3.5 Effect of post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g observed by NC-AFMThe effect of post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g on the morphology of MgO films has beenalready demonstrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.4 us<strong>in</strong>g LEED measurements, which <strong>in</strong>dicatedan <strong>in</strong>duced subatomic modulation of the MgO film height after anneal<strong>in</strong>g. Tocomplement this, Figure 6.7a shows an NC-AFM image of an 8 ML thick MgOfilm annealed at 400 ◦ C. Compared to Figure 6.6b, anneal<strong>in</strong>g leads to an <strong>in</strong>crease<strong>in</strong> the average distance between dislocation l<strong>in</strong>es. Also, the MgO surface seems tobe better ordered, as the number of atomic MgO islands is slightly reduced, andfrequently the size of flat MgO areas is limited by the separation of dislocationl<strong>in</strong>es. The subatomic modulation of the film height can be directly observed <strong>in</strong>Figure 6.7a <strong>in</strong> the area <strong>in</strong>dicated by a square. Such warp<strong>in</strong>g of the surface mostlikely happens due to overgrow<strong>in</strong>g of the dislocation planes, which were schematicallyshown <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.6d, however the buried <strong>in</strong>terface itself cannot be <strong>probe</strong>ddirectly by NC-AFM. Before the anneal<strong>in</strong>g, the surface of the MgO film is usuallybent around four equivalent 〈011〉 directions as shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.6b, which leadsto a characteristic cross-like shape of the LEED spots (see Figures 6.4 and 6.7c). Incontrast, after the anneal<strong>in</strong>g the MgO surface is also twisted around other direc-

78 CHAPTER 6. REACTIVE GROWTH OF MGO FILMS ON FE(001) SURFACESa8 ML, annealedabDislocation<strong>in</strong>duced warp<strong>in</strong>g[010]Fe[100]acAppearance of LEED spotsAnneal<strong>in</strong>gLEEDpatternk ┴k ┴10 00 10k ║10 00 10k ║Figure 6.7: (a) NC-AFM image of an 8 ML thick MgO film after anneal<strong>in</strong>g at 400 ◦ C. Thearrow <strong>in</strong>dicates unidentified features, which can be attributed to an excess of magnesiumthat segregated on the surface after the anneal<strong>in</strong>g (∆f = −2 Hz, sample bias −2 V). (b) Additionalwarp<strong>in</strong>g of the surface formed after the anneal<strong>in</strong>g (exemplified by areas markedby the square and the circle <strong>in</strong> panel (a)). (c) Change <strong>in</strong> the appearance of LEED spotsbefore and after the anneal<strong>in</strong>g (compare with Figure 6.4). After the anneal<strong>in</strong>g the well<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong>satellite peaks <strong>in</strong> LEED spots <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.4 almost disappear lead<strong>in</strong>g only to asquare-like shape that has a smaller size, which <strong>in</strong>dicates a reduced maximum angle characteriz<strong>in</strong>gthe distortion of the MgO film.

6.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 79tions (see Figure 6.7a), which is caused by overgrow<strong>in</strong>g of the dislocation planesand formation of surface features shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.7b. This additional distortionleads effectively to a less directional warp<strong>in</strong>g of the film height and consequently,the well-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> satellite peaks <strong>in</strong> the LEED image <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.4 almost disappearlead<strong>in</strong>g only to a square-like shape (see Figure 6.7c). The dist<strong>in</strong>ct shape of LEEDspots <strong>in</strong>dicates that there is a well-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> maximum angle characteriz<strong>in</strong>g the distortionof the MgO film. In particular, the square-like shape reveals that there is ananisotropy <strong>in</strong> the warp<strong>in</strong>g of the surface, which is related to the fourfold symmetryof the surface. After the anneal<strong>in</strong>g the square-like LEED spots become smaller,which confirms flatten<strong>in</strong>g of the film (see Figure 6.7c). One should also note thaton samples fabricated under conditions lead<strong>in</strong>g to a slightly oxygen deficient film(see Figure 6.3), occasionally the quality of an <strong>in</strong>itially sharp LEED pattern candeteriorate significantly after anneal<strong>in</strong>g. In this case anneal<strong>in</strong>g can force the excessof magnesium to diffuse and segregate on the surface <strong>in</strong> the form of clusters.Such metallic clusters, which can be electrically charged and repel the <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>gbeam of electrons, significantly disturb LEED measurements. In such a situation,the film can be well-ordered, but the LEED pattern will be very fuzzy. Althoughthe sample <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.7a was grown under optimal conditions, there are someunidentified features (marked by an arrow), which can be attributed to an excessof magnesium that segregated on the surface after the anneal<strong>in</strong>g. However, suchclusters were present <strong>in</strong> too small amounts to h<strong>in</strong>der the LEED measurements.6.3.6 Advantages of the reactive deposition methodThe presented protocol to grow epitaxial MgO films on the Fe(001) surfaceby reactive deposition produces an <strong>in</strong>terface with well-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> terraces anda much higher quality compared to the growth by electron beam evaporation. Inthis way, by tak<strong>in</strong>g special precaution to avoid the <strong>in</strong>terfacial reaction between theiron surface and the oxygen background atmosphere, films resembl<strong>in</strong>g the qualityof MgO overlayers on Mo(001) and Ag(001) surfaces are formed [26, 27]. Thereactive deposition method allows for full control over the gaseous species thatreach the surface, mak<strong>in</strong>g this protocol easily reproducible <strong>in</strong> various experimentalsett<strong>in</strong>gs. Conversely, the electron beam evaporation can be realized <strong>in</strong> two

80 CHAPTER 6. REACTIVE GROWTH OF MGO FILMS ON FE(001) SURFACESconfigurations, where the evaporated target is either grounded or biased at a highpositive voltage [29, 112]. Because such a beam is composed of two species [31],not necessarily <strong>in</strong> the same charge state, the exact design of the evaporator (whichcan be equipped e.g. with retard<strong>in</strong>g grids) can decide the result<strong>in</strong>g beam composition.An <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g example is the growth of MgO by electron beam evaporationon Ge(001) studied <strong>in</strong>dependently by Han et al. [113] and Jeon et al. [114]. Althoughboth groups used almost the same MgO deposition rate, the temperaturesfound to optimize the growth were significantly different, i.e. 250 ◦ C vs. 125 ◦ C.Such discrepancy <strong>in</strong> the temperature is significant and cannot be expla<strong>in</strong>ed by the<strong>in</strong>accuracy of <strong>in</strong>-vacuo temperature measurement. It suggests not only that eachbeam composition is unique and depends on the experimental setup, but also thatthe temperature of the substrate can effectively <strong>in</strong>fluence parameters, controll<strong>in</strong>gsuch processes as: condensation of magnesium, condensation of oxygen, and nucleationof MgO. In effect, the rates of those processes can be controlled to someextent by the temperature of the sample, and optimal growth conditions can bepotentially still reached.The formation of the FeO x layer has not been discussed here, as it is beyondthe range of experimental methods used <strong>in</strong> this study. It was mentioned thatan FeO x layer can facilitate the epitaxial growth of MgO ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films on theFe(001) surface [97]. Because of the direct exposure of the substrate to molecularoxygen, the <strong>in</strong>terface must be partially oxidized. On the other hand, the highquality of MgO films <strong>in</strong>dicates that the <strong>in</strong>terfacial oxygen occupies only some fractionof a monolayer and does not lead to the formation of disordered iron oxideislands. From the thermodynamical po<strong>in</strong>t of view, the structure of the MgO/Fe<strong>in</strong>terface is related to the <strong>in</strong>terface contribution of an FeO x layer to the surface energy,which decides the quality of layer-by-layer growth. The preferential quantityof FeO x should be given by conditions that m<strong>in</strong>imize the total energy of the system.Because the formation of FeO x is governed by thermodynamics, it is expectedto form to some extent regardless of the preparation method. Even a depositionof MgO by electron beam evaporation that is performed with special care to avoidthe oxidation of the <strong>in</strong>terface [115] leads to values of x ≈ 60%. In the reactivedeposition method, this parameter must be significantly higher, but still does notexceed 100% as the Fe/MgO <strong>in</strong>terface rema<strong>in</strong>s highly ordered.

6.4 CONCLUSIONS 816.4 ConclusionsThe objective of this work was to use a reactive deposition method to improvethe quality of MgO ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films grown on Fe(001) surfaces. We establisheda protocol that prevents an excessive <strong>in</strong>terfacial reaction between oxygenand the Fe(001) surface, but at the same time provides sufficient amount of oxygen<strong>in</strong> order to grow a stoichiometric MgO film. We use the control over thegaseous species that reach the sample to either reduce the O 2 pressure at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gof the growth for a duration needed to grow the 1st MgO ML or to deposita submonolayer coverage of Mg prior to the reactive growth of MgO. Asrevealed by LEED measurements, post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g of MgO films <strong>in</strong>duces changes<strong>in</strong> the structure of misfit dislocations and flatten<strong>in</strong>g of the <strong>in</strong>terface. Us<strong>in</strong>g NC-AFM we demonstrated that the reactive deposition method can produce terracesthat have an average size of 10 nm, which is a significant improvement comparedto other preparation methods.

7Layer-by-layer growth of NaCl films on anFe(001)-p(1x1)O surfaceTHIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON:Tekiel, A.; Topple, J.; Miyahara, Y.; Grütter, P.Layer-by-layer growth of sodium chloride overlayers on an Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surfaceNanotechnology 2013, 23, 505602 © 2012 by IOP Publish<strong>in</strong>g.This chapter discusses fabrication of adjustable tunnel barriers made of NaClon the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface. Ultra-th<strong>in</strong> NaCl films epitaxially grown on theFe(001)-p(1×1)O surface have been <strong>in</strong>vestigated <strong>in</strong> UHV by NC-AFM and LEED.It has been found that at temperatures below 145 ◦ C NaCl <strong>in</strong>itially grows as islandsof monoatomic-thickness on terraces, while at temperatures above 175 ◦ C islandsof biatomic-thickness are also formed at substrate step edges. Both types of islandshave the same Fe(001)-O[100]||NaCl(001)[110] orientation, lead<strong>in</strong>g to a (4×4) superstructure,where the NaCl unit cell is oriented at 45 ◦ with respect to the substrate.Interest<strong>in</strong>gly, no c(2×2) superstructure with the NaCl unit cell oriented at0 ◦ has been observed. The oxygen on the iron surface promotes layer-by-layer growth,result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> atomically flat films with 40-60 nm wide terraces at coveragesrang<strong>in</strong>g from 0.75 to 12 ML. Such NaCl films have quality much higher than MgOfilms grown on Fe(001) and Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surfaces and represent a unique epitaxialsystem of an alkali halide on a pure metallic substrate. The reduced numberof defects and the layer-by-layer mode of growth make this system very attractivefor applications where an atomically-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> tunnel barrier is required to controlproperties of a device.83

84 CHAPTER 7. GROWTH OF NACL FILMS ON AN FE(001)-P(1X1)O SURFACE7.1 IntroductionCrystall<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films grown on a variety of metallic andsemiconduct<strong>in</strong>g substrates attract considerable attention because of their importance<strong>in</strong> magnetoelectronics [5] and catalysis [6]. They are frequently used <strong>in</strong> systemswhere the film serves as a tunnel<strong>in</strong>g barrier directly controll<strong>in</strong>g the propertiesof a device. For example, <strong>in</strong> magnetoelectronic applications and <strong>in</strong> model systemsfor heterogeneous catalysis the <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film is often made of magnesium oxidethat can be grown epitaxially layer by layer, usually on (001) surfaces of variousmetals, allow<strong>in</strong>g for control of the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g barrier thickness. For this reason therehas recently been <strong>in</strong>creased <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> the growth and properties of crystall<strong>in</strong>e oxideultra-th<strong>in</strong> films [116], which <strong>in</strong>cludes oxides such as MgO, Al 2 O 3 , TiO 2 andV 2 O 3 . However, fully crystall<strong>in</strong>e oxide ultra-th<strong>in</strong> layers are difficult to grow andare usually oxygen deficient. In the case of MgO films, these difficulties have beenattributed to the MgO-metal lattice mismatch and the fact that <strong>in</strong> UHV, regardlessof the preparation method, MgO is essentially grown from two separate sourcesof magnesium and oxygen, which have to react on the substrate to nucleate anMgO molecule [31, 117] (see Section 2.1.2). The quality of such oxide films is stillmuch lower than that of <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films based on alkali halides that, especially onclosely lattice matched AIII-BV compound semiconductors, can form well-orderedfilms [33]. This quality difference can be expla<strong>in</strong>ed by the fact that many alkali halidesevaporated thermally form predom<strong>in</strong>antly molecular monomers, and thustheir growth is much better controlled due to reduced complexity of on-surfacenucleation.Alkali halide ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films can be grown on a variety of substrates, encompass<strong>in</strong>gmetals, semiconductors and <strong>in</strong>sulators (see Section 2.1.3), howeverlittle is still known about the growth of such films on Fe(001) surfaces. Table 7.1lists various alkali halide materials that crystallize <strong>in</strong> a rock-salt structure, whichhave a stable (001) surface. To identify possible lower-order commensurable relationshipson the Fe(001) surface (a = 2.870 Å, a – lattice parameter) the orig<strong>in</strong>allattice parameters have been also multiplied by 1/2 and √ 2/2, where the lattercorresponds to a rotation of the two lattices <strong>in</strong> respect to each other by 45 ◦ . Onecan see that there are three potential candidates that could grow epitaxially on

7.1 INTRODUCTION 85Alkali halide a - lattice parameter [Å] a/ √ 2 [Å] a/2 [Å]LiF 4.027 2.848 2.014LiCl 5.140 3.634 2.570LiBr 5.501 3.890 2.751LiI 6.023 4.259 3.011NaF 4.634 3.277 2.317NaCl 5.640 3.988 2.820NaBr 5.977 4.227 2.989NaI 6.473 4.577 3.236KF 5.347 3.781 2.674KCl 6.293 4.450 3.147KBr 6.600 4.667 3.300KI 7.066 4.996 3.533RbF 5.652 3.996 2.826RbCl 6.581 4.653 3.291RbBr 6.889 4.871 3.445RbI 7.342 5.192 3.671CsF 6.014 4.253 3.007Table 7.1: Various alkali halide materials that crystallize <strong>in</strong> a rock-salt structure, which havea stable (001) surface. To identify possible lower-order commensurable relationships onthe Fe(001) surface (a = 2.870 Å) the orig<strong>in</strong>al lattice parameters have been also multipliedby 1/2 and √ 2/2, where the latter corresponds to a rotation of the two lattices <strong>in</strong> respect toeach other by 45 ◦ . Three potential candidates, LiF, NaCl and RbF are marked <strong>in</strong> bold.

86 CHAPTER 7. GROWTH OF NACL FILMS ON AN FE(001)-P(1X1)O SURFACEthe Fe(001) surface, namely LiF, NaCl, and RbF. Dur<strong>in</strong>g evaporation, LiF tends toform molecular dimers and trimers [118, 119], which are unfavorable for highqualitygrowth. In the case of NaCl and RbF, the composition of the evaporatedbeam is dom<strong>in</strong>ated by monomers, with a monomer/dimer ratio close to 10[34, 35, 119] mak<strong>in</strong>g them better candidates for grow<strong>in</strong>g ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g filmson the Fe(001) surface. In this thesis, we focus on the growth of NaCl films, becausethere is a detailed literature of growth on NaCl on other surfaces.Recent band structure calculations by Vlaic [120] predicted a high TMR ratiofor Fe/NaCl/Fe(001) MTJs, but the experimental realization of such deviceshas been unsuccessful due to difficulty <strong>in</strong> sample preparation [121]. The growthof NaCl on iron is difficult to improve, likely due to corrosion of the substrateby NaCl dur<strong>in</strong>g deposition or anneal<strong>in</strong>g of the system at elevated temperatures.Moreover, the closely matched lattices of NaCl and Fe <strong>in</strong> the c(2×2) structure donot necessarily guarantee good epitaxy. For example, on the fcc Ag(001) surface,where a 2.7%-compressed NaCl film could form a (4×4) structure, the growth is<strong>in</strong>commensurate with significant mosaic spread [46], and leads also to other orientations.More importantly the NaCl does not wet the silver surface, lead<strong>in</strong>g to a3D growth start<strong>in</strong>g even from the first layers.As discussed <strong>in</strong> Section 5.3, the chemical and elastic properties of the Fe(001)surface, which strongly <strong>in</strong>fluence the growth of NaCl films, can be easily modifiedby term<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g the surface with chemisorbed oxygen atoms. Exposure toseveral Langmuir of oxygen followed by flash anneal<strong>in</strong>g gives rise to the wellknownFe(001)-p(1×1)O surface, which has been thoroughly <strong>in</strong>vestigated by experimentaland computational methods [83, 96]. The surface is characterized byone oxygen atom per unit cell chemisorbed <strong>in</strong> each hollow site of the Fe(001) andthe same lattice parameter as the Fe(001) surface. As will be discussed <strong>in</strong> this work,the chemisorbed oxygen layer likely prevents the Fe(001) surface from the reactionwith NaCl. Higher chemical stability allows for the use of elevated temperaturesdur<strong>in</strong>g sample preparation to enhance the diffusion of NaCl and improve the filmquality. Moreover, the top layer of the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface resembles a planarrock-salt FeO monolayer. Compared to clean bulk iron, rock-salt FeO has betterelastic properties, due to which the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface acts as a stra<strong>in</strong> buffer<strong>in</strong> the epitaxy of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films on top of it [97].

7.2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 87In this work, we report on layer-by-layer growth of well-ordered, ultrath<strong>in</strong>NaCl films on an oxygen covered Fe(001) surface. High-resolution NC-AFMmeasurements reveal that NaCl forms films of much higher quality than MgO onFe(001), a prototype system among s<strong>in</strong>gle-crystal MTJs. Although alkali halidefilms have been successfully grown on semiconductor surfaces with comparablehigh quality, there has been no report on a layer-by-layer growth of alkali halidefilms on a purely metallic substrate. The cubic lattice constant of bcc iron differsonly by 1.8% from the nearest neighbor distance of the NaCl crystal, which shouldfavor growth of a stretched NaCl film with a c(2×2) symmetry and its unit celloriented at 0 ◦ with respect to that of the Fe(001), as shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.1f. Weshow, however, that this is not the case, and that the NaCl film is orientated at45 ◦ with a (4×4) symmetry, which leads to a compression of the film by 4.2%.This unexpected film orientation is rationalized by the fact that an unsupportedNaCl monolayer has a smaller lattice parameter than bulk NaCl, as the Madelungconstant is reduced for a 2D ionic crystal. Consequently, with the NaCl unit cellorientated at 45 ◦ , the first NaCl monolayer is almost perfectly matched with theFe(001)-p(1×1)O substrate <strong>in</strong> the (4×4) configuration.7.2 Experimental detailsAll experiments reported here are performed <strong>in</strong> two <strong>in</strong>terconnected UHVchambers (preparation and microscope) based on a commercial JEOL JSPM 4500aUHV AFM system. The base pressure is <strong>in</strong> the low 10 −11 mbar range <strong>in</strong> the preparationchamber, and 1×10 −10 mbar <strong>in</strong> the microscope chamber. Iron whiskers homegrownby reduction of FeCl 2 <strong>in</strong> an H 2 atmosphere with {001} side-surface orientationsare used as the start<strong>in</strong>g substrate [89]. The whiskers are cleaned by severalcycles of 1 keV Ar + bombardment and subsequent anneal<strong>in</strong>g to about 600 ◦ C untila clean LEED pattern is observed, which leads to a surface with terraces severalhundred nanometers wide. To produce the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface, the cleaniron substrate is exposed to 8 L of molecular oxygen (99.997% purity) at room temperatureand subsequently annealled to 400 ◦ C to remove the excess oxygen. Apiece of NaCl s<strong>in</strong>gle crystal (Korth Kristalle GmbH) is outgassed <strong>in</strong> vacuum andthen evaporated from a Knudsen cell onto the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O sample kept at

88 CHAPTER 7. GROWTH OF NACL FILMS ON AN FE(001)-P(1X1)O SURFACEtemperatures <strong>in</strong> the 90-250 ◦ C range. NC-AFM is carried out at room temperature<strong>in</strong> the FM mode us<strong>in</strong>g JEOL AFM and Nanosurf ”easyPLL” frequency detector.Commercial Nanosensors PPP-NCLR silicon cantilevers with a typical resonancefrequency of 150-160 kHz and spr<strong>in</strong>g constant of ≈42 N/m are used with an oscillationamplitude of 5-7 nm. Two FM NC-AFM imag<strong>in</strong>g modes are used. In thefirst one, used to record most of the images here, the frequency shift of the cantileveris ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed constant by a feedback loop controll<strong>in</strong>g the z-piezo position,which is called the ”topography mode”. The second mode, called the ”quasi-constant-heightmode”, used for obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g atomic resolution, acquires the image withthe feedback loop set to a very low value. In this case a frequency shift map ismeasured where brighter levels <strong>in</strong>dicate larger negative frequency shifts. In thetopography mode simultaneous FM KPFM (with 800 Hz modulation frequency,and V RMS = 800 mV modulation amplitude) is used to compensate for the localcontact potential difference (LCPD) [122]. LEED images are taken with the use offour-grid LEED optics (Specs ErLEED).7.3 Results and discussion7.3.1 NaCl adsorption at submonolayer coverageSubmonolayer coverage of NaCl (approximately 0.75 ML; one monolayer is<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> as one-atom-thick) is deposited at various sample temperatures and characterizedby NC-AFM and KPFM (Figure 7.1). As shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.1(a) at temperatures145 ◦ C and below, NaCl nucleates predom<strong>in</strong>antly on the terraces and forms<strong>in</strong>terconnected monolayer islands (measured height of 1.9 Å – see Figure 7.1b) thatare roughly square-shaped show<strong>in</strong>g preferential alignment of edges with 〈110〉 directionsof the substrate. There is also some nucleation of NaCl bilayers (measuredheight 4.2Å) at the step edges of the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface. If the substratetemperature dur<strong>in</strong>g the growth is <strong>in</strong>creased to 175 ◦ C and above, the nucleation atthe step edges becomes more pronounced and both types of islands are larger, asshown <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.1g. The same monolayer islands as described for the growth atlower temperatures form on the terraces, and bilayer islands nucleate at the stepedges. Sporadically bilayer islands nucleated on a terrace can be found. The KPFM

7.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 89baheight [ Å ]0.75 ML at 145° C KPFMKPFM 0.75 ML at 175°CBL40nm12108OMLMLMLML6 BLML ML42FeFe00 20 40 60 80position [nm]BLdc98eV[010]Fe[100]0mV-990mVf0mV-1.06Ve0°c(2x2)45°(4x4)gMLBLhMLML40nmheight [ Å ]MLBLMLBLMLBLBLBLBLBLBLML12O10 BLML8 BL6FeBLFe4 Fe2 FeBLFe00 50 100 150 200position [nm]Figure 7.1: Structure of 0.75 ML NaCl film on Fe(001)-p(1×1)O grown at 145 ◦ C and 175 ◦ C.(a) and (g) NC-AFM topography images, (c) and (e) KPFM images, (b) and (h) typicalcross sections and schematic coverage models for growth at 145 ◦ C and 175 ◦ C, respectively.(d) LEED image of 0.75 ML NaCl film grown on Fe(001)-p(1×1)O at 145 ◦ C taken at theelectron energy of 98 eV. (f) Schematic representation of the NaCl film <strong>in</strong> both consideredconfigurations.

90 CHAPTER 7. GROWTH OF NACL FILMS ON AN FE(001)-P(1X1)O SURFACEimages (presented <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.1, panels c and e) show weak contrast between uncoveredFe(001)-p(1×1)O surface and the first NaCl monolayer. However, thereis significant LCPD observed for Fe(001)-p(1×1)O and NaCl bilayers, <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g awork function difference of ≈ 1eV. A similar trend <strong>in</strong> the LCPD dependence on theNaCl coverage has been described by Prada et al. for various <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g overlayerson metallic substrates [55].The alignment of the edges of monolayer NaCl islands <strong>in</strong>dicates that theunit cell of NaCl is rotated by 45 ◦ <strong>in</strong> respect to the substrate unit cell (see Figure7.1f). In this orientation, the (4×4) structure can be identified as the most probablehigher-order commensurable NaCl relationship with the film compressed by4.2% and a square unit cell of 1.15 nm × 1.15 nm. This prediction is confirmed byan experimental LEED pattern shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.1d of 0.75 ML thick NaCl filmgrown on Fe(001)-p(1×1)O at 145 ◦ C, with not only first order diffraction spots visiblefor the Fe(001) surface and the NaCl film, but also clear (4×4) superstructurethat is due to formation of a new, 4 times larger, unit cell at the NaCl/Fe(001)-p(1×1)O <strong>in</strong>terface.So far we have used the bulk lattice parameter for discussion of epitaxialrelationship <strong>in</strong> the growth of NaCl films on the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface. However,even a simple approximation based on Madelung energy shows that an NaClmonolayer with a {001} orientation favors a smaller distance between closest Na +and Cl − ions. Structure of ionic crystals can be characterized by a simple modelthat <strong>in</strong>cludes the repulsion energy between the closest neighbors and the Madelungenergy of the crystal lattice [123]:U tot = N[ (zλ exp − R ρ) ]− α q2. (7.1)Rwhere N is the number of NaCl pairs, z the number of closest neighbors, R thedistance between closest anions and cations, λ and ρ are empirical parameters describ<strong>in</strong>gthe repulsion between closest anions and cations, and α is the Madelungconstant. For NaCl bulk crystal: z = 6, R = 2.82 Å, zλ = 1.05 erg, ρ = 0.321 Å andα = 1.747565. The lattice parameter of unsupported NaCl monolayer can be estimatedby tak<strong>in</strong>g the 2D Madelung constant, which is 1.615542 [124] and by reduc<strong>in</strong>gz to 4. This leads to a lattice parameter of 5.36 Å (R = 2.68 Å), which compared

7.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 91to 5.64 Å for bulk NaCl is reduced by 4.7%. More accurate calculations based ondensity functional theory (DFT) have provided similar values: 5.40 Å [125], 5.45Å [42], and 5.55 Å [126]. The matched lattice parameters of the NaCl monolayer <strong>in</strong>the (4×4) and c(2×2) structures are 5.41 Å and 5.74 Å, respectively. Us<strong>in</strong>g the sameapproach based on Madelung energy, one can estimate the energy cost for stretch<strong>in</strong>gan unsupported monolayer to match the (4×4) and c(2×2) surface lattices ofFe(001), which gives only 0.0027 eV for the former, but 0.1114 eV for the latter (perone NaCl molecule). This difference <strong>in</strong> energy cost suggests that formation of thec(2×2) structure would require much larger site-dependent film-substrate <strong>in</strong>teraction,while the lattice of an NaCl monolayer is almost perfectly matched <strong>in</strong> the(4×4) configuration.The simple approximation of a monolayer based on Madelung energy showsthat the bulk lattice constants listed <strong>in</strong> Table 7.1 are not directly relevant to the selectionof suitable candidates for growth on a given substrate. A revised set oflattice parameters should be calculated with values expected to be smaller thanthe bulk lattice constants to get new and potentially different candidates.7.3.2 Structure of 2 ML thick NaCl filmFigure 7.2 shows the <strong>in</strong>fluence of substrate temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g depositionon the morphology of NaCl film that has nom<strong>in</strong>al thickness of 2 ML. When depositedat 120 ◦ C the surface is mostly uniformly covered with NaCl film with asmall number of holes <strong>in</strong> it and a few islands <strong>in</strong> the 3rd atomic layer (Figure 7.2a),reveal<strong>in</strong>g a layer-by-layer growth with a small amount of roughen<strong>in</strong>g. If the substratetemperature is higher dur<strong>in</strong>g the growth (145 ◦ C and above – see Figures 7.2band 7.2c), the growth at substrate step edges starts to disturb the nearby growth.The islands next to step edges are usually taller than the NaCl film on average,and there is a dist<strong>in</strong>ct, irregular network of dislocations, especially nearby suchareas that locally are covered by a larger number of atomic NaCl layers. As clearlyshown <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.2b, on the terraces, such dislocations appear as bright l<strong>in</strong>es <strong>in</strong>the AFM image, and usually run along 〈100〉 directions of the substrate far fromstep edges (one should dist<strong>in</strong>guish these bright dislocation l<strong>in</strong>es from NaCl stepedges also appear<strong>in</strong>g as bright l<strong>in</strong>es <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.2b, which is a common contrast <strong>in</strong>

92 CHAPTER 7. GROWTH OF NACL FILMS ON AN FE(001)-P(1X1)O SURFACEabc3ML2ML[010]Fe[100]?3MLDeposited2 Fe0Fe0 50 100 150 200at 120° C Deposited at 145° C Deposited at 175°Cheight [ Å ]12108643rdMLBL ?position [nm]Figure 7.2: Structure of 2 ML NaCl film on Fe(001)-p(1×1)O grown at (a) 120 ◦ C, (b)145 ◦ C and (c) 175 ◦ C. (a) and (b) show well-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> irregular networks of dislocations thatappear as bright l<strong>in</strong>es far from step edges and usually align along 〈100〉 directions of thesubstrate. (c) A typical cross section taken above an underly<strong>in</strong>g Fe step edge and a schematiccoverage model for growth at 175 ◦ C. The red l<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> the NC-AFM image shows theposition of substrate step edge.

7.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 93imag<strong>in</strong>g alkali halides films by NC-AFM [127]). The cross section <strong>in</strong> 7.2c showsthat close to the step edges, where the film morphology is irregular (which happensespecially after the deposition at temperatures above 145 ◦ C) the height of theNaCl film <strong>in</strong> some regions cannot be assigned to any <strong>in</strong>tegral number of monolayers<strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g that the local orientation of the film may differ. Based on the DFTcalculations by Olsson et al. [126], although an unsupported NaCl monolayer ischaracterized by a much smaller lattice parameter, an NaCl bilayer already has alattice parameter similar to the bulk value. This means that <strong>in</strong> the 2 ML coveragerange the NaCl film experiences a significant change <strong>in</strong> energetically favorable distancebetween closest Na + and Cl − ions. Therefore, the well-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> bright l<strong>in</strong>es,which are observed on all 2 ML samples grown at temperatures 120-175 ◦ C, can beidentified as a mechanism of stra<strong>in</strong> relief due to overgrow<strong>in</strong>g of the first by thesecond NaCl monolayer and related to structural <strong>in</strong>stabilities of the film. It shouldbe noted that consider<strong>in</strong>g only the almost bulk-like lattice parameter of a 2 MLthick unsupported film, the NaCl film could be better matched with the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O substrate <strong>in</strong> the c(2×2) orientation. However, this simple picture does notcorrespond to the real process of the film growth: the first monolayer determ<strong>in</strong>esthe orientation of the film, regardless how many subsequent layers are deposited.7.3.3 Structure of 4 ML thick NaCl film: effect of post-anneal<strong>in</strong>gFigure 7.3a shows NaCl coverage of nom<strong>in</strong>al 4 ML deposited at 120 ◦ C,where a completed 3rd ML, <strong>in</strong>complete 4th ML and a very small number of islands<strong>in</strong> 5th ML are visible. The islands <strong>in</strong> the 4th ML have typical size of 30-50 nmacross. One cannot observe dislocation l<strong>in</strong>es that are characteristic for the structureof 2 ML thick film, which suggests that layers beyond the first 2 ML successfullyovergrow the <strong>in</strong>terface with such defects. Although the topography <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.3areveals only very well-ordered <strong>in</strong>complete 4 ML, the LCPD map recorded on theas-deposited sample (Figure 7.3b) shows a complex pattern with significant localvariations (68% values are with<strong>in</strong> an <strong>in</strong>terval of 148 mV). Such local changes <strong>in</strong>LCPD <strong>in</strong>dicate that the film is nonuniform. Because the top-most layer is near-perfectand the only defects can be attributed to step edges due to an <strong>in</strong>complete 4thML, this variation must orig<strong>in</strong>ate from subsurface structural defects <strong>in</strong> the deeper

94 CHAPTER 7. GROWTH OF NACL FILMS ON AN FE(001)-P(1X1)O SURFACEDepositedat 120°Cabc-390mVKPFMAnnealed at 160°C-940mV[010]Fe[100]d e f-250mVKPFM-690mV2nmFigure 7.3: Structure of 4 ML NaCl film on Fe(001)-p(1×1)O grown at 120 ◦ C and after additionalpost-anneal<strong>in</strong>g at 160 ◦ C. (a) and (d) NC-AFM topography images, (b) and (e)KPFM images for as-grown samples and after post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g, respectively. (b) showsnonuniform LCPD map recorded on the as-deposited sample with significant local variations.(c) The positions of islands edges from (a) superimposed with the KPFM image (b)show<strong>in</strong>g that dark spots <strong>in</strong> LCPD are usually located with<strong>in</strong> central areas of the islandsof the 4th ML. (e) KPFM image after post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g show<strong>in</strong>g more uniform LCPD patternwithout features correlated with positions of NaCl islands. (f) Molecularly resolved image(the lattice is slightly distorted due to thermal drift) confirm<strong>in</strong>g that the NaCl unit cell isoriented at 45 ◦ , as expected <strong>in</strong> the (4×4) structure.

7.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 95Figure 7.4: Structure of 12 ML NaCl film on Fe(001)-p(1×1)O grown at 120 ◦ C and annealedat 160 ◦ C for 2 hours show<strong>in</strong>g almost layer-by-layer growth with a small number of defects.Usually only screw dislocations atop of the substrate step edges can be observed. The <strong>in</strong>setshows positions of substrate step edges of atomic height.ly<strong>in</strong>g layers of the NaCl film. In Figure 7.3c the positions of islands edges fromthe 4th ML are superimposed with the KPFM image. The dark spots are usuallylocated with<strong>in</strong> central areas of the islands of the 4th ML, which means that the positionof the defects and the distribution of those islands are mutually correlated.Figure 7.3, panels d and e, shows the change after anneal<strong>in</strong>g at 160 ◦ C <strong>in</strong> thesample morphology and LCPD, respectively. As prior to anneal<strong>in</strong>g, the sample ischaracterized by a network of coalesced islands that have become larger on average.It is worth not<strong>in</strong>g that the NaCl coverage rema<strong>in</strong>s similar and there is nonoticeable reevaporation of NaCl from the surface. Interest<strong>in</strong>gly, after anneal<strong>in</strong>gthe LCPD contrast is more uniform (68% values are with<strong>in</strong> an <strong>in</strong>terval of 84 mV),but more importantly it does not have the same feature pattern observed prior toanneal<strong>in</strong>g. This suggests that the subsurface defects <strong>in</strong> the NaCl film have beenparty healed and now have less impact on the film morphology and stra<strong>in</strong>. Figure7.3f shows also a molecularly resolved image (i.e. either the Na or the Cl sublatticemarked by green or red colour <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.1f) of the 4th ML confirm<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dependentlythat the NaCl unit cell is oriented at 45 ◦ with respect the unit cell of thesubstrate, as expected for the (4×4) structure.

96 CHAPTER 7. GROWTH OF NACL FILMS ON AN FE(001)-P(1X1)O SURFACE7.3.4 Layer-by-layer growthStart<strong>in</strong>g from the 2nd ML, the NaCl film successfully overgrows the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O step edges, which proves that this system can be used to fabricate cont<strong>in</strong>uousand uniform tunnel<strong>in</strong>g barriers over large sample areas that exceed thetypical size of Fe(001)-p(1×1)O terraces. Based on the above observations, we proposea protocol to fabricate high quality NaCl films, where the film is first grown ata temperature h<strong>in</strong>der<strong>in</strong>g the extended growth at the step edges (120 ◦ C), and nextit is annealed at higher temperature (160 ◦ C for 2 hours) to improve the crystall<strong>in</strong>ityand <strong>in</strong>crease the average island size. Figure 7.4 shows an example of almostlayer-by-layer growth of 12 ML thick NaCl film. Although the height of a stepedge on the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface is 1.44 Å, which does not match the distancebetween the atomic planes <strong>in</strong> the NaCl crystal, the NaCl still overgrows the substratestep edges. The <strong>in</strong>set <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.4 shows positions of substrate step edgesof atomic height. In such cases only screw dislocations atop of the step edgesform and the average coverage of the film is preserved. This proposed protocol ispotentially useful for application <strong>in</strong> nanoscale systems requir<strong>in</strong>g cont<strong>in</strong>uous anduniform crystall<strong>in</strong>e tunnel<strong>in</strong>g barriers, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g magnetoelectronic and catalyticapplications, but also <strong>in</strong> fundamental science where ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films are frequentlyused to decouple electronically adsorbates from the metallic substrate [44]. NaClfilms can be grown on the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface layer by layer with a remarkablequality up to the thickness of 12 ML, as demonstrated <strong>in</strong> this work.7.3.5 The role of oxygenOxygen plays a significantly different role <strong>in</strong> the growth of NaCl than itdoes <strong>in</strong> the growth of easily oxidizable metals on Fe(001). Dur<strong>in</strong>g the depositionof metals such as Mn, Cr, and also the homoepitaxy of iron, oxygen acts as a surfactantand floats dur<strong>in</strong>g the growth on top of the deposited film, improv<strong>in</strong>g layerby-layergrowth [128]. In contrast, the <strong>in</strong>teraction between oxygen and NaCl ismuch weaker [129] than the <strong>in</strong>teraction between oxygen atoms and the Fe(001)surface, which was calculated by Blonski [130] and is characterized by adsorptionenergy of 3.09 eV <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g strong chemisorption. Thus, oxygen is permanentlybound to the iron surface and does not leave it, even with the NaCl film grown on

7.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 974 ML on clean Fe(001)c(2x2)adeposited at 90°C(4x4)80nm4 ML on Fe(001)-p(1x1)O deposited at 90°Cb[010]Fe[100](4x4)80nmFigure 7.5: Comparison of the morphology of 4 ML NaCl film deposited at 90 ◦ C directlyonto (a) the clean Fe(001) surface and (b) the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface. In (a) the growthresembles Stranski-Krastanov mode and one can observe areas on the sample with filmorientations correspond<strong>in</strong>g to the (4×4) and c(2×2) structures. In (b) NaCl grows layer bylayer lead<strong>in</strong>g only to the (4×4) orientation.

98 CHAPTER 7. GROWTH OF NACL FILMS ON AN FE(001)-P(1X1)O SURFACEtop. Strong b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g of oxygen to iron can additionally help <strong>in</strong> protect<strong>in</strong>g it fromunwanted reaction with NaCl and formation of surface iron chloride that couldbe triggered at higher sample temperatures [131]. Indeed, our prelim<strong>in</strong>ary tests<strong>in</strong>dicated that evaporation of NaCl directly onto clean Fe(001) surface already at160 ◦ C leads to its partial destruction. The effect of this reaction can be m<strong>in</strong>imizedby limit<strong>in</strong>g sample temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g preparation, which also reduces diffusionof NaCl and the average size of NaCl islands. Figure 7.5 compares the morphologyof 4 ML NaCl deposited at 90 ◦ C directly onto a clean Fe(001) surface and theFe(001)-p(1×1)O surface. There are two unwanted phenomena occurr<strong>in</strong>g on theFe(001) surface. First, one can immediately notice that the growth on the cleanFe(001) substrate resembles Stranski-Krastanov mode (Figure 7.5a – see also Section2.1.1). Second, <strong>in</strong>stead of only one film orientation, there are two coexist<strong>in</strong>gorientations on the sample, correspond<strong>in</strong>g to the (4×4) and c(2×2) structures. Sodiumchloride on the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface grows layer by layer (Figure 7.5b,also know as Frank-van der Merwe mode – see Section 2.1.1), which can only beobserved if there is no substantial stra<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the grown film. As mentioned before,the FeO-like top layer of the substrate is expected to have much better elasticproperties suited for support<strong>in</strong>g ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films and act as a stra<strong>in</strong> buffer, whichis clearly demonstrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 7.5.Calculations have shown that MTJs based on the Fe(001)/MgO(001)/Fe(001)structure should have a very high TMR ratio [98, 99], but there is large discrepancybetween the theoretical and reported experimental TMR values [30, 56]. Therefore,specific studies have been focused on the role played by oxygen at the Fe/MgO<strong>in</strong>terface, as this k<strong>in</strong>d of contam<strong>in</strong>ation may easily orig<strong>in</strong>ate from rest gases <strong>in</strong> thegrowth chamber or from the growth of MgO itself. It has been shown that thetheoretical predictions of TMR are very sensitive to the quality of the Fe/MgO/Fejunctions. A small amount of oxygen has a drastic effect on the TMR amplitude[102, 103]. Also the oxygen-deficiency of the MgO film and formation of oxygenvacancies <strong>in</strong>duces detrimental diffusive scatter<strong>in</strong>g [132]. Additionally, MgO filmson Fe(001) are characterized by a dense network of misfit dislocations, which hasnot been <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> theoretical calculations yet. From this po<strong>in</strong>t of view, newMTJs based on crystall<strong>in</strong>e NaCl ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films of much higher quality constitutea promis<strong>in</strong>g alternative to MgO tunnel barriers. Moreover, such high order of the

7.4 CONCLUSIONS 99NaCl tunnel<strong>in</strong>g barrier should resolve the discrepancy between theoretical model<strong>in</strong>gand experimental realization of a potential device.Concern<strong>in</strong>g magnetic applications of the NaCl/Fe(001)-p(1×1)O system, wedemonstrated <strong>in</strong> this work that the formation of FeO-like <strong>in</strong>terface is crucial for obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>glayer-by-layer growth. Such high quality of ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films has never beenobserved <strong>in</strong> the MgO/Fe(001) system [29, 133]. Although the presence of oxygenat the <strong>in</strong>terface may reduce the TMR <strong>in</strong> an MTJ based on NaCl, the NaCl/Fe(001)-p(1×1)O system represents much higher structural quality than that of MgO films.Electronic band structure calculations [120] predicted a very high TMR ratio forthe Fe/ NaCl/Fe(001) MTJ (without oxygen at the <strong>in</strong>terface) where the NaCl filmforms the c(2×2) structure. Theoretical model<strong>in</strong>g is needed here to calculate magneticproperties of (4×4) NaCl films on the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface and understandthe impact of oxygen on the performance of a potential MTJ. Although theTMR may be reduced by the presence of oxygen, the fact that the system qualityis very high can be very beneficial for obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g a high TMR ratio, as the densityof states <strong>in</strong> such device may be less affected by any structural defects at theNaCl/Fe(001)-p(1×1)O <strong>in</strong>terface.7.4 ConclusionsWe report a protocol for the layer-by-layer growth of well-ordered, ultrath<strong>in</strong>NaCl films on the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface at coverages rang<strong>in</strong>g from 0.75ML to 12 ML. Characterization of a submonolayer reveals two growth modes: onthe terraces as monoatomic thick islands, and at the step edges as bilayer islands.In both cases the NaCl unit cell is oriented at 45 ◦ with respect to the substrate lead<strong>in</strong>gto a (4×4) superstructure. The effect of sample temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g the growthand dur<strong>in</strong>g post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g is identified: First, deposition at lower sample temperatures(120 ◦ C) can successfully reduce the extended growth of bilayer islands atsubstrate step edges. Second, subsequent post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g can improve the crystall<strong>in</strong>ityof the film and <strong>in</strong>crease the size of NaCl terraces. We expla<strong>in</strong> the (4×4)structure of the NaCl film by the fact that at the <strong>in</strong>itial stage of growth, dur<strong>in</strong>gformation of the first monolayer, the lattice parameter of the 2D NaCl film is reducedcompared to the bulk value and <strong>in</strong> that configuration matches perfectly the

100 CHAPTER 7. GROWTH OF NACL FILMS ON AN FE(001)-P(1X1)O SURFACEFe(001)-p(1×1)O lattice. The oxygen on the iron surface promotes layer-by-layergrowth allow<strong>in</strong>g the formation of atomically-flat films with 40-60 nm wide terracesat coverages up to 12 ML. Such high quality of NaCl films makes this systema better candidate than MgO films on metals for applications where an adjustabletunnel<strong>in</strong>g barrier is needed.

8S<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g of Au nanoparticles atroom temperature detected by electrostaticforce <strong>microscopy</strong>THIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON:Tekiel, A.; Miyahara, Y.; Topple, J.; Grütter, P.Room-temperature s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g detected by electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong>ACS Nano 2013, 7, 4683-4690 © 2013 by American Chemical Society.The previous two chapters discussed the growth of tunnel barriers of MgOand NaCl ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films. The reduced number of defects of NaCl overlayersmakes this system a better candidate than MgO for applications requir<strong>in</strong>g highquality tunnel barriers. In this chapter, we use the NaCl film as an adjustabletunnel barrier to characterize s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g at room temperature of <strong>in</strong>dividualAu nanoparticles formed after thermally evaporat<strong>in</strong>g Au onto the NaClfilm. Due to the small size of the nanoparticles (3.5 nm high), Coulomb blockadebehavior can be observed at room temperature. We illustrate how a comb<strong>in</strong>ation ofs<strong>in</strong>gle-electron sensitive electrostatic force <strong>microscopy</strong> (e-EFM) and f<strong>in</strong>ite elementelectrostatic simulation can be used to reveal electronic and morphological propertiesof <strong>in</strong>dividual Au nanoparticles. The electron addition energy, the capacitance,tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rates and an approximated shape of an <strong>in</strong>dividual Au nanoparticle havebeen determ<strong>in</strong>ed. Numerical simulations po<strong>in</strong>t towards a total capacitance dom<strong>in</strong>atedby the mutual capacitance between the nanoparticle and the back electrode.Comparison with the experimental value, determ<strong>in</strong>ed from measurement of theaddition energy, <strong>in</strong>dicates that the nanoparticles should be modeled as truncatedspheres <strong>in</strong> order to reduce the mutual capacitance to the substrate.101

102 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGING8.1 IntroductionIn nanoelectronic devices where components are connected by tunnel barriersand capacitively coupled to external electrodes, the transport can be dom<strong>in</strong>atedby s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron effects. Among such phenomena, Coulomb charg<strong>in</strong>g plays akey role <strong>in</strong> many systems, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron transistors and s<strong>in</strong>gle-electronmemory devices [8]. Measurement of the capacitance between the components ofnanoscale circuits and understand<strong>in</strong>g its orig<strong>in</strong> is of great importance for improv<strong>in</strong>gsuch devices <strong>in</strong> order to work reliably at room temperature [7, 9]. However,characterization of local electronic properties becomes <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly challeng<strong>in</strong>gas structures are reduced to nanoscale dimensions. Methods based on transportmeasurements and conventional charge sens<strong>in</strong>g are limited <strong>in</strong> flexibility s<strong>in</strong>ce theyrequire lithographic techniques to fabricate nanoscale electrodes. In this work,we use e-EFM to characterize charg<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>in</strong>dividual Au nanoparticles, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gmeasurement of electron addition spectra and tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rates. The nanoparticlesare separated from an Fe(001) back electrode by an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> NaCl film and dueto their small size exhibit Coulomb blockade at room temperature. Because thee-EFM technique can both image the topography of the studied device and measureelectronic properties of <strong>in</strong>dividual nanoparticles, it allows for explor<strong>in</strong>g structure-propertyrelationships. Given the simple design of the studied system, weuse f<strong>in</strong>ite element electrostatic simulation to exam<strong>in</strong>e the relevant contributions tothe total nanoparticle capacitance, which is determ<strong>in</strong>ed experimentally from themeasurement of electron addition energy.The e-EFM technique is a new and extremely versatile method that is basedon NC-AFM and suited for characterization of nanostructures supported on ultra-th<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g films. In e-EFM an oscillat<strong>in</strong>g AFM tip is used both as a gateto charge <strong>in</strong>dividual nanoparticles with s<strong>in</strong>gle electrons from a conduct<strong>in</strong>g backelectrode, and a charge-sensitive <strong>probe</strong> to detect the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g through a change <strong>in</strong>cantilever energy dissipation. As a scann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>probe</strong> technique, e-EFM can rout<strong>in</strong>elyaccess nanometer length scales and offers an alternative approach that overcomesthe difficulty of attach<strong>in</strong>g the electrodes to nanoscale structures. The e-EFM techniquehas been successfully used at cryogenic temperatures [70, 71, 73, 134–137] tomeasure energy spectra (ground [70] and excited states [137]), electron tunnel<strong>in</strong>g

8.1 INTRODUCTION 103aNC-AFMX: 50 nmY: 50 nmZ: 3.5 nmAuAuNaClAuc[010]Fe[100]dbNormalized signal10-310-2NaClDgDw6 ML NaClFe(001)-O-110 10 10 10 10G - Normalized tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate (w 0)01e231030nmeV > 0 BSi tip(gate)E addVacuumeAuNP10nmNaCl filmeaV BeV BFe backelectrodeFigure 8.1: (a) Schematic of the studied system. The AFM tip is used as a local gate tocharge <strong>in</strong>dividual nanoparticles with electrons from the back electrode. (b) Plot of thedissipation and resonance frequency shift response (<strong>in</strong> normalized units) versus the normalizedtunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate (<strong>in</strong> units of the cantilever resonance frequency, ω 0 = 2πf 0 ). (c)Topography of an NaCl ultra-th<strong>in</strong> film with a submonolayer coverage of Au that self-assembled<strong>in</strong>to homogeneous nanoparticles. (d) Topography of studied Au nanoparticles(the width of the nanoparticles derived from AFM measurements is overestimated). (e)Energy diagram of the system for positive sample bias allow<strong>in</strong>g for sequential unload<strong>in</strong>gof electrons.rates, as well as shell structures [70] of various nanoscale structures and entities.It is clear that <strong>in</strong> pr<strong>in</strong>ciple this technique, which has been used at temperatures ashigh as 95 K [70], could also work at room temperature and lead to wide-rang<strong>in</strong>gapplications [73]. So far, however, the only e-EFM experiment conducted at roomtemperature reported a relatively weak signal [138], mak<strong>in</strong>g characterization of <strong>in</strong>dividualnanostructures difficult. In this work, we extend the e-EFM technique toroom temperature by carefully tun<strong>in</strong>g the sample design and fabrication relativeto the cantilever response to achieve maximum sensitivity.The essential part of the e-EFM method is an <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film that separates

104 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGthe nanostructures under <strong>in</strong>vestigation from a back electrode, which is shownschematically <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.1a. The rate of tunnel<strong>in</strong>g through the ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>gfilm largely decides the sensitivity of the method by affect<strong>in</strong>g the relativestrength of the cantilever dissipation and frequency shift signals [73] which aremeasured <strong>in</strong> e-EFM. One can obta<strong>in</strong> the cantilever resonance frequency shift anddissipation <strong>in</strong>duced by the periodic tunnel<strong>in</strong>g process [73]:(where ω = 2πf. ∆1Q∆ω ∝( 1∆γ = ∆ ω ∝Q)ωΓ2ω 2 + Γ 2 , (8.1)ω2 Γω 2 + Γ 2 , (8.2))denotes the energy dissipation per one oscillation cycle,while ∆γ is the energy dissipation per unit time. Figure 8.1b shows that the dissipationof the cantilever, ∆γ, is maximal when the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate is matched with theoscillation frequency of the cantilever, while the frequency shift, ∆ω = 2π∆f, <strong>in</strong>creaseswith <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate. Although the signal could be optimizedby a proper choice of the cantilever, this imposes a potential limitation due tothe range of resonance frequencies (10-1,000 kHz) of commercially available AFM<strong>probe</strong>s. Alternatively, the e-EFM technique can be made sensitive at room temperatureby achiev<strong>in</strong>g full control over the tunnel barrier thickness and adjust<strong>in</strong>gthe tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate to the cantilever resonance frequency. We utilize an ultra-th<strong>in</strong>epitaxial NaCl film as the tunnel barrier, grown <strong>in</strong> UHV on the Fe(001)-p(1×1)Osurface of the Fe back electrode. As shown <strong>in</strong> Chapter 7, our group has developeda method to grow such films layer by layer with a small number of defects [139].Metal nanoparticles, formed by thermally evaporat<strong>in</strong>g Au onto the NaCl surface,are used as electron-conf<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g nanostructures. Figure 8.2 demonstrates that onNaCl films, Au exhibits a strong aff<strong>in</strong>ity for substrate steps, similarly to alkali halidebulk surfaces [140–143], and the size of the nanoparticles can be controlled bythe amount of the deposited material.

8.2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 105abc40nm40nm30nmFigure 8.2: (a) ≈ 0.01 ML of Au on 6 ML thick NaCl film, 200 nm × 200 nm, density ofnanoparticles 1.9×10 11 NP/cm 2 . (b) ≈ 0.01 ML of Au on 10 ML thick NaCl film, 200 nm× 200 nm, density of nanoparticles 1.2×10 11 NP/cm 2 . (c) 0.05 ML of Au on 12 ML thickNaCl film, 150 nm × 150 nm, density of nanoparticles 2.4×10 11 NP/cm 2 .8.2 Experimental detailsThe experiment, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g sample preparation and characterization, wasperformed <strong>in</strong> a modified commercial JEOL JSPM 4500a UHV AFM system. Thedetailed preparation procedure of the NaCl film, which was grown on an Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface, is described <strong>in</strong> Chapter 7 (see also [139]). A submonolayer of Auwas deposited by an electron-beam evaporator (Oxford Applied Research EGN4,fitted with a charge-retard<strong>in</strong>g grid) onto the sample, which was kept at room temperature.For data acquisition and cantilever oscillation, an SPM control systemfrom SPECS-Nanonis was used. A highly doped Si cantilever (Nanosensors PPP-QNCHR) with a resonance frequency of approximately 286 kHz, Q-factor of 33,000and nom<strong>in</strong>al spr<strong>in</strong>g constant of 42 N/m was oscillated with a phase-locked looposcillation controller (OC4 from Nanonis). The amplitude controller was used toregulate the driv<strong>in</strong>g signal amplitude <strong>in</strong> order to keep the oscillation amplitudeconstant while track<strong>in</strong>g the resonance frequency of the cantilever with a phaselockedloop. The topography images were taken <strong>in</strong> constant frequency shift mode,where the frequency shift of the cantilever was ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed constant by the SPMfeedback loop controll<strong>in</strong>g the z-piezo position. The dissipation of the cantilevercan be extracted by measur<strong>in</strong>g the Q-factor degradation, which corresponds to theamplitude of the cantilever drive signal needed to keep the amplitude of the os-

106 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGcillation constant [70]. The dissipation images were recorded <strong>in</strong> constant-heightmode with l<strong>in</strong>ear z-drift compensation [144]. The correction for the vertical driftimproved the stability of the tip height at room temperature by reduc<strong>in</strong>g its changeto only a fraction of a nanometer over the time needed to scan one frame, whichtypically was 15 m<strong>in</strong>utes. Dur<strong>in</strong>g the experiment, the vacuum pressure was ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed<strong>in</strong> the low 10 −10 mbar range.8.3 Results and discussionFigure 8.1c shows an NaCl film at a nom<strong>in</strong>al thickness of 7 atomic monolayerswith a submonolayer coverage of Au. The epitaxial NaCl film has a (001) orientationand a (4×4) symmetry with charge-neutral step edges oriented along the〈110〉 directions of the Fe(001) substrate. It grows <strong>in</strong> a near perfect layer-by-layermode, allow<strong>in</strong>g for precise control of the tunnel barrier thickness [139]. Althoughthe underly<strong>in</strong>g step edges of Fe slightly disturb the nearby growth of NaCl, on flatsubstrate areas the film is characterized by an almost complete 6th ML, and a farfrom complete 7th ML. To meet the requirement for the electron addition energy,E add , to be larger than k B T at room temperature, a small amount of Au (approximately0.02 ML) was deposited that resulted <strong>in</strong> the formation of isolated nanoparticles(with an average number density of 1.3×10 11 NP/cm 2 , see Figure 8.1c). Thenanoparticles are anchored symmetrically above NaCl step edges and are homogeneous<strong>in</strong> size. In Figure 8.1d the size of the studied nanoparticles is characterizedby a height of 3.5 nm when measured from the lower NaCl terrace and a diameterof approximately 10 nm. In topography characterization, the AFM tip usuallyleads to <strong>in</strong>creased lateral dimensions due to tip convolution effects [140, 141, 143].For this reason, the width of the nanoparticles derived from the AFM topographymeasurement is certa<strong>in</strong>ly overestimated.To <strong>in</strong>duce tunnel<strong>in</strong>g between a supported Au nanoparticle and the backelectrode, the AFM tip is placed at a height with<strong>in</strong> several nanometers above thenanoparticle (see Figure 8.1a). A DC bias voltage, V B , is applied to the back electrode,while the oscillat<strong>in</strong>g cantilever is electrically grounded. Tunnel<strong>in</strong>g betweenthe tip and the nanoparticle is negligible because of the large barrier height andwidth (∼ 5 nm) of the vacuum gap. The potential drop between the Au nanopar-

8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 107ticle and the back electrode, i.e. across the NaCl tunnel barrier, is a fraction of theapplied bias voltage, αV B (α < 1). The α(x, y, z) parameter (commonly called thelever-arm) depends on the lateral and vertical position of the tip. Consequently,even small tip oscillations modulate α, lead<strong>in</strong>g to an effective modulation of thevoltage across the barrier. Tunnel<strong>in</strong>g of an electron between the back electrode andthe Au nanoparticle only takes place if the Coulomb blockade is lifted by select<strong>in</strong>ga proper value of V B and tun<strong>in</strong>g eαV B to one of the electrochemical potentiallevels of the nanoparticle (Figure 8.1e). Under this condition, the oscillation of αleads to an oscillation of the number of electrons on the nanoparticle, N, betweentwo neighbor<strong>in</strong>g ground states characterized by N = n and N = n + 1 electrons.The oscillat<strong>in</strong>g charge on the nanoparticle causes both a resonance frequency shift,∆f, and damp<strong>in</strong>g of the cantilever, ∆γ [70, 71]. Although tunnel<strong>in</strong>g of electronsis a stochastic event, the average charge, 〈N(t)〉, follows the oscillat<strong>in</strong>g motion ofthe tip. As a result, the oscillat<strong>in</strong>g electrostatic force has not only an <strong>in</strong>-phase, butalso a 90 ◦ out-of-phase component that leads to energy dissipation (which is a similareffect to the Q-factor degradation <strong>in</strong> the Q-control system used <strong>in</strong> amplitudemodulation AFM [72]). A detailed quantum mechanical treatment of the coupledcantilever-quantum dot system is needed to understand the experimentally observedfrequency and dissipation l<strong>in</strong>e shapes, which has been explored <strong>in</strong> detailelsewhere [70, 71].8.3.1 Coulomb blockade AFM imagesWe first focus on qualitative observation of the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g process by scann<strong>in</strong>gthe tip <strong>in</strong> the area with the three nanoparticles shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.1d <strong>in</strong> constantheight mode with fixed V B . Figure 8.3 shows a set of dissipation (γ) imagesrecorded at a tip height of ≈8.3 nm (measured from the level of NaCl surface topographycharacterization) with a fixed bias voltage <strong>in</strong> the range of 11-13 V. Inthis situation, although the tip height rema<strong>in</strong>s constant (it is only slightly modulateddue to the cantilever oscillation amplitude), the lever arm α depends onthe relative position with respect to the nanoparticle and decreases monotonicallyas a function of the tip-nanoparticle distance. If the bias voltage is high enoughto <strong>in</strong>duce Coulomb oscillations, dissipation features are visible <strong>in</strong> the γ images as

108 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGa V =11 V b V =12 V cBBV =13 VB820 Hz15nmz≈8.3 nmA=0.5 nm15nm15nm0 HzFigure 8.3: Dissipation (γ) images taken at room temperature show<strong>in</strong>g the same three Aunanoparticles as Figure 8.1d, tip height z ≈ 8.3 nm and cantilever oscillation amplitudeA = 0.5 nm. The bias voltage across the tunnel barrier, equal to α(x, y, z)V B , was gradually<strong>in</strong>creased by chang<strong>in</strong>g V B from 11 to 13 V, allow<strong>in</strong>g for tunnel<strong>in</strong>g of a larger number ofelectrons.concentric r<strong>in</strong>gs centered above nanoparticles. The circular shape is a consequenceof the fact that α, to a good approximation, does not depend on the radial directionwith respect to a nanoparticle. Consider<strong>in</strong>g a s<strong>in</strong>gle nanoparticle, dur<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>tips</strong>can eαV B takes its maximal value at closest approach directly above the nanoparticle.If this maximal value matches exactly one of the electrochemical potentiallevels, which lifts the Coulomb blockade, a disk-like feature will form <strong>in</strong> the γ image.When the V B is further <strong>in</strong>creased, the disk transforms <strong>in</strong>to a r<strong>in</strong>g. The widthof this disk (and r<strong>in</strong>gs) is well understood and depends amongst other parameterson the oscillation amplitude of the cantilever [70, 71]. Each r<strong>in</strong>g orig<strong>in</strong>ates from as<strong>in</strong>gle peak and <strong>in</strong>dicates the spatial positions of the tip where eαV B is equal to aparticular value that lifts the blockade (the largest r<strong>in</strong>g corresponds to the smallestvalue of eαV B ). As dist<strong>in</strong>ctly resolved <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.3, the size of the nanoparticlesis small enough to make the electron addition energy exceed the thermal energy,k B T , s<strong>in</strong>ce the r<strong>in</strong>gs are clearly resolved at room temperature.The potential drop across the tunnel barrier can also be controlled by chang<strong>in</strong>gthe tip height while the bias voltage is kept constant. Decreas<strong>in</strong>g the tipheight <strong>in</strong>creases all α(x, y) values and leads to a higher potential drop across thetunnel barrier at all lateral tip positions (x, y). If this change is sufficiently large toaccess further electrochemical potential levels of the nanoparticle, which are separatedby E add , more r<strong>in</strong>gs are observed <strong>in</strong> the γ images. This is demonstrated <strong>in</strong>Figure 8.4a-d, where the tip is brought progressively closer to the sample, start<strong>in</strong>g

8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 109Figure 8.4: (a)-(d) Dissipation images show<strong>in</strong>g sequential unload<strong>in</strong>g of electrons from Aunanoparticles through decreas<strong>in</strong>g the tip height, and thus <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g α. (e) γ-V B spectrumtaken at room temperature over the upper nanoparticle with oscillation amplitude A = 1.0nm and tip height z = 7.5 nm. Similarly to panel (a), where after enter<strong>in</strong>g each r<strong>in</strong>g thenumber of electrons on the nanoparticle reduces by one, the electrons are sequentially unloadedafter <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g V B and pass<strong>in</strong>g each peak <strong>in</strong> the γ-V B spectrum <strong>in</strong> panel (e). Thelevel arm, α, is determ<strong>in</strong>ed by a simultaneous fit describ<strong>in</strong>g all three peaks us<strong>in</strong>g Equation8.3. The energy difference between the consecutive peaks, ∆, is given by E add /eα,allow<strong>in</strong>g calculation of nanoparticle addition energy.

110 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGParameter Forward Backwardα 1 0.030 0.025α 2 0.039 0.042α 3 0.054 0.045γ1 0 (Hz) 61 68γ2 0 (Hz) 119 127γ3 0 (Hz) 285 312V1 0 (V) 3.35 3.19V2 0 (V) 6.97 6.70V3 0 (V) 10.27 10.14∆ 12 (V) 3.62 3.30∆ 23 (V) 3.53 3.44Offset (Hz) −12 −20Table∑8.1: Parameters γi 0, V i 0,and α i obta<strong>in</strong>ed dur<strong>in</strong>g a simultaneous fit of3i=1 ∆γ (i γ0i , Vi 0,α i)to the dissipation data shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.4e.from 10.0 nm and end<strong>in</strong>g at 7.5 nm, while V B is fixed at 10 V and the cantilever oscillationamplitude is ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed at 1 nm. Each r<strong>in</strong>g emerges first as a disk abovethe nanoparticle center and next grows <strong>in</strong> diameter with decreas<strong>in</strong>g tip height. Asthe r<strong>in</strong>g diameter gets larger, the <strong>in</strong>tensity of the r<strong>in</strong>g decreases due to the weakerelectrostatic damp<strong>in</strong>g force at larger tip-nanoparticle distances.8.3.2 Measurement of electron addition energyFigure 8.4e shows an electron addition spectrum for the upper nanoparticleimaged <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.1c (the tip position is also marked with a cross <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.4d).The γ-V B spectrum reveals three dist<strong>in</strong>ct peaks which correspond to the concentricr<strong>in</strong>gs imaged <strong>in</strong> Coulomb blockade images <strong>in</strong> Figures 8.3-8.4. The dissipation signalis recorded for positive values of V B , where s<strong>in</strong>gle electrons sequentially tunnelout of the nanoparticle with <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g V B (see Figure 8.1e). If the modulation ofeαV B caused by the cantilever oscillation is smaller than the thermal energy, a conditionwhich is easily met at room temperature, the changes <strong>in</strong> ∆ω and ∆γ aredescribed by a l<strong>in</strong>ear response [70, 74, 75]. In this case the shape of the Coulomb

8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 111blockade peak is given by 1 :∆γ(V B ) = γ 0 f(∆E) [1 − f(∆E)] = γ 0 cosh −2 eα(V B − V 0 ), (8.3)2k B Twhere f(∆E) is the Fermi function evaluated at the po<strong>in</strong>t of charge degeneracy,V 0 , and γ 0 is a constant determ<strong>in</strong>ed by the measurement temperature, parametersof the cantilever and the coupl<strong>in</strong>g strength between the tip and the nanoparticle[70]. In the e-EFM method Equation 8.3 can be used to extract the α parameterwithout any knowledge about the tip and sample. The solid fitted l<strong>in</strong>es <strong>in</strong> Figure8.4e were obta<strong>in</strong>ed by a simultaneous optimization of ∑ 3i=1 ∆γ i (γi 0 , Vi 0 , α i ),yield<strong>in</strong>g the parameters shown <strong>in</strong> Table 8.1. On average α = 0.040 and E add canbe obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the separation of consecutive peaks <strong>in</strong> the γ-V B spectrum be<strong>in</strong>gE add = eα∆ i,i+1 = eα ( )Vi+1 0 − Vi0 . The addition energy is derived us<strong>in</strong>g averagedpairs of α parameters, for example for peaks 1 and 2 E add is calculated as follows:E add = e α 1 + α 2∆ 12 . (8.4)2This gives four E add values with<strong>in</strong> 110-164 meV recorded for two peaks and bothscan directions (forward and backward), which for the nanoparticle under characterizationis represented by E add = (137±27) meV, confirm<strong>in</strong>g that the E add ≫ k B Trequirement is met.8.3.3 Measurement of tunnel<strong>in</strong>g ratesAlthough <strong>in</strong> this work we focus on the dissipation signal, a similar additionspectrum was also recorded us<strong>in</strong>g the frequency shift, allow<strong>in</strong>g for extraction oftunnel<strong>in</strong>g rates. In e-EFM the ratio of the two signals, i.e. ∆ω and ∆γ, is related to1. The formula is valid for a s<strong>in</strong>gle-level quantum dot. However, for a many-level quantumdot <strong>in</strong> the classical limit (E C ≫ k B T ≫ ∆E level ) each Coulomb peak <strong>in</strong>volves many levels <strong>in</strong> thenanoparticle. Compared to the s<strong>in</strong>gle-level case, the peak shape is slightly changed and can be stilldescribed by a l<strong>in</strong>ear response theory. The change is strongest when the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate is muchfaster than any other scale, i.e. ω → 0. In this case, ∆γ(V B ) ∝ 1x coth x cosh−2 x, where x = eα(V B−V 0 )2k B T[145]. This modification does not significantly change the width of the peak and <strong>in</strong> the consideredcase leads to a value of α that is reduced by ≈ 5%.

112 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGthe tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rate, Γ [73]:Γ = −2ω ∆ω∆γ . (8.5)Figure 8.5 shows the frequency shift ∆f versus the bias voltage V B measured overthe upper nanoparticle simultaneously with the dissipation ∆γ shown <strong>in</strong> Figure8.4e (backward direction). To show frequency shift features orig<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g fromthe tunnel<strong>in</strong>g process, a large parabolic background aris<strong>in</strong>g from the capacitiveforce between the tip and the sample has been subtracted. Compared to ∆γ, the∆f signal is noisier because of the noise <strong>in</strong> the background signal. Nevertheless,it is possible to identify three peaks co<strong>in</strong>cid<strong>in</strong>g with the dissipation features observed<strong>in</strong> Figure 8.4e. Peaks 1-3 have amplitudes of approximately: ∆f = 22, 27,and 200 Hz, respectively. The solid l<strong>in</strong>e represents expected theoretical shape ofthe peaks given by the parameters obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the γ-V B spectrum and us<strong>in</strong>g aformula equivalent to Equation 8.3 for frequency shift <strong>in</strong>stead of dissipation. Us<strong>in</strong>gEquation 8.5 and the parameters γ 0 i from Table 8.1 we can estimate the tunnel<strong>in</strong>grates Γ = 1163, 764, and 2304 kHz, which are with<strong>in</strong> one order of magnitude2πof the resonance frequency of the cantilever (approximately 286 kHz).8.3.4 F<strong>in</strong>ite element electrostatic simulationEquivalent circuit diagramBefore we can relate the measurement of the addition energy to the capacitanceof the nanoparticle and draw an equivalent circuit diagram, we performelectrostatic FEM model<strong>in</strong>g of the studied system us<strong>in</strong>g commercially availableCOMSOL Multiphysics software (version 4.3a). The considered geometry is depicted<strong>in</strong> Figure 8.6a, where the nanoparticle is supported on a 6 ML thick NaClfilm and its shape is approximated as a solid hemisphere with a radius of 3.5 nm.Above the nanoparticle, at a distance of 8 nm from the NaCl film, there is a metallictip with a curvature radius of 10 nm (at room temperature heavily doped Si canbe approximated by a metal). In total, there are four electrodes: (1) the nanoparticle,(2) the back electrode, (3) the tip, and (4) the system boundary. To calculatethe charge distribution and capacitances <strong>in</strong> COMSOL a built-<strong>in</strong> physics-controlledmesh generator is used to partition a 2D axisymmetric model. The mesh is fur-

8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 11325011Df - frequency shift (Hz)200150100501 2 301 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11Bias voltage (V)Figure 8.5: The frequency shift ∆f versus the bias voltage V B measured over the uppernanoparticle simultaneously with the dissipation ∆γ that is shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.4e (backwarddirection). A large parabolic background aris<strong>in</strong>g from the capacitive force betweenthe tip and the sample has been subtracted. The dashed l<strong>in</strong>es <strong>in</strong>dicate the position of peaks<strong>in</strong> the γ-V B spectrum. The solid l<strong>in</strong>e represents expected theoretical shape of the peaksgiven by the parameters obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the γ-V B spectrum and us<strong>in</strong>g a formula equivalentto Equation 8.3 for frequency shift <strong>in</strong>stead of dissipation.a800 nmbAu NP3C BEC TIPC ENV500 nm210 nmh = 8 nm3.5 nmTip (Si)11.7 nm NaCl (6 ML)Back electrode (Fe)C 12 = C BEC 13 = C TIPC 14 = CENV4cC TIPC BETip (gate)AuNPFe backelectrodeV BFigure 8.6: (a) FEM geometry for calculat<strong>in</strong>g the capacitance components of the nanoparticle(1). (b) Relevant capacitances to the three electrodes: back electrode (2), tip (3), andsystem boundary (4). (c) Equivalent circuit diagram for an <strong>in</strong>dividual nanoparticle.

114 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGTip-sample distance C Σ C BE C TIP C ENV α(nm) (aF) (aF) (aF) (aF)6 2.15666 2.00342 0.153162 0.000076 0.0710187 2.14272 2.01670 0.125921 0.000107 0.0587678 2.13489 2.02785 0.106897 0.000141 0.0500719 2.12999 2.03710 0.092715 0.000180 0.04352810 2.12682 2.04491 0.081686 0.000222 0.038408Table 8.2: Capacitances C Σ , C BE , C TIP and C ENV for different tip-sample separation <strong>in</strong> thegeometry shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.6a. To show the variation <strong>in</strong> C ENV the values are presentedwith more figures follow<strong>in</strong>g the decimal po<strong>in</strong>t than may be significant.ther ref<strong>in</strong>ed by <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the distribution of elements near the nanoparticle andthe tip apex. In this way the local element size varies from 0.35 to 2 nm with thehighest density around the nanoparticle. All experiments are assumed to occur<strong>in</strong> vacuum and the relative dielectric constant of NaCl is taken to be 5.9. Figure8.6b shows three relevant mutual capacitances <strong>in</strong> this system. We obta<strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>gcalculated capacitances: C 12 = C BE = 2.028 aF, C 13 = C TIP = 0.107 aF,C 14 = C ENV < 0.0002 aF, and the total capacitance of the hemispherical nanoparticleC Σ = C BE + C TIP + C ENV = 2.135 aF. The capacitance between the nanoparticleand the system boundary, i.e. the environment, C ENV , which represents the capacitancewith respect to a grounded plane at <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ity (often called ”self-capacitance”),is negligible. Consequently, the circuit diagram can be reduced to a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electronbox, as shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.6c. In this case, α = C TIP /C Σ with C Σ = C TIP + C BE be<strong>in</strong>gthe total capacitance of the nanoparticle, where the C ENV component is neglected.The calculated values of the capacitances C TIP and C BE yields α ≈ 0.050, which is <strong>in</strong>very good agreement with the value obta<strong>in</strong>ed experimentally, although the actualnanoparticle and tip shapes may be different. The geometry shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.6acan also be used to calculate the α parameter by apply<strong>in</strong>g a voltage bias, e.g. 1 V, tothe tip, ground<strong>in</strong>g the back electrode and keep<strong>in</strong>g the nanoparticle charge-neutralat a float<strong>in</strong>g voltage. Still assum<strong>in</strong>g a hemispherical shape, the calculated voltageat the nanoparticle gives <strong>in</strong> this situation an <strong>in</strong>dist<strong>in</strong>guishable value from the previouslycalculated result us<strong>in</strong>g the ratio of capacitances.Numerical simulation of the hemispherical nanoparticle suggests a very

8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 115dom<strong>in</strong>ant role of C BE , i.e. the mutual capacitance between the nanoparticle and theback electrode <strong>in</strong> the total capacitance. Most importantly, calculations performedfor different tip-sample distances <strong>in</strong>dicate that C BE does not depend strongly onthe exact position of the tip that is used <strong>in</strong> the experiment. Table 8.2 shows thevalues of capacitances C Σ , C BE , C TIP and C ENV calculated for different tip-sampledistances <strong>in</strong> the geometry shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.6a. Even with a large range of thechange <strong>in</strong> the tip-sample distance, the major contribution to the total capacitanceC Σ orig<strong>in</strong>ates from the mutual capacitance to the back electrode C BE . This capacitance<strong>in</strong>creases only ≈ 2% when the distance is reduced from 10 nm to 6 nm.A FEM simulation of the capacitance performed for this nanoparticle shapebut without the tip leads to a comparable total capacitance of C Σ = C BE + C ENV =2.118 aF. In this case, the capacitance component due to the system boundary is<strong>in</strong>creased, but is still very small, C ENV < 0.007 aF ≪ C Σ . We found also that C ENVdepends weakly on the size of the system <strong>in</strong> the 100-1000 nm range used <strong>in</strong> theFEM model<strong>in</strong>g. C BE can still be accurately calculated <strong>in</strong> a geometry that is furthersimplified by neglect<strong>in</strong>g the tip and assum<strong>in</strong>g C Σ ≈ C BE . The discrepancy is on theorder of C TIP , and s<strong>in</strong>ce α = C BE /C Σ the percentage discrepancy is approximatelyequal to α, which <strong>in</strong> this experiment is about 5%.Model<strong>in</strong>g the nanoparticle shapeGiven the equivalent circuit diagram of a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box, the total capacitanceof the nanoparticle can be simply obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the experimental value ofE add us<strong>in</strong>g the relation E add = e 2 /C Σ , which leads to an experimental (EXP) totalcapacitance value of C EXPΣ= (1.16 ± 0.26) aF with C EXPTIP= (0.046 ± 0.015) aF andCBEEXP = (1.11±0.26) aF. Clearly, this is much smaller than CBEFEM ≈ 2.14 aF, i.e. the capacitancecalculated for a hemispherical nanoparticle used <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>itial approximationabove. Increas<strong>in</strong>g the NaCl film thickness from 6 to 7 ML reduces CBEFEM onlyto 1.95 aF, which does not account for the discrepancy between the experimentaland calculated capacitances. What turns out to be highly relevant, however, is thecontact area between the nanoparticle and the back electrode. Because the heightof the nanoparticle is precisely known from the experiment (contrary to the lateralsize, which is overestimated by an unknown amount), we can estimate CBEFEM fornanoparticles with different contact areas. We assume a truncated sphere as the

116 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGaa = 0a = 3.5 nma = 7 nm3.5 nm1.7 nm NaCl (6 ML)metal (Fe)bcBEFEM1 nmFigure 8.7: (a) Variously shaped nanoparticles supported on a 6 ML thick NaCl film used<strong>in</strong> capacitance calculations based on FEM. The shape of truncated spheres of constantheight (3.5 nm) is parametrized by a describ<strong>in</strong>g the diameter of the circular contact area(marked schematically <strong>in</strong> red). (b) Change <strong>in</strong> the total capacitance for different a parametersshow<strong>in</strong>g that the characterized nanoparticle can be best modeled by a truncatedsphere with a = 4.2 nm lead<strong>in</strong>g to CBEFEM = 1.11 aF. (c) For a similarly shaped nanoparticleanchored symmetrically above an NaCl step edge (between the 6th and 7th ML) thecapacitance is only slightly altered (CBEFEM = 1.13 aF).

8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 117shape of the nanoparticles and calculate CBEFEM for different contact areas keep<strong>in</strong>gthe same height as shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.7a. The exact shape is parametrized by onlyone parameter, a, describ<strong>in</strong>g the diameter of the circular contact area between thenanoparticle and the NaCl film. The a parameter can take values from 0 to 7 nmand describe <strong>in</strong>termediate shapes spann<strong>in</strong>g from a sphere to a hemisphere. Thevalues calculated from the FEM model<strong>in</strong>g are shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.7b and <strong>in</strong>dicatea specific shape of the nanoparticle that correctly describes the experimental results.Compared to the hemispherical nanoparticle, the computationally determ<strong>in</strong>edtruncated sphere has both a smaller radius, r = (2.4 ± 0.3) nm, and a smallercontact area with a diameter of a = (4.2 ± 0.9) nm. In order to take <strong>in</strong>to accountthe preferential formation of the Au nanoparticles on the step edges on the NaClfilm, a correspond<strong>in</strong>g geometry is also modeled (see Figure 8.7c). For a nanoparticleanchored symmetrically above an NaCl step edge, CBEFEM is only slightly alteredand takes a value of 1.13 aF (the radius is fixed at r = 2.4 nm). The determ<strong>in</strong>edmorphology of the nanoparticle corresponds to a volume of 49 nm 3 conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g≈2900 atoms, and is very similar to the equilibrium shape of Au nano- and microstructureson a weakly <strong>in</strong>teract<strong>in</strong>g graphite surface [146, 147]. Interest<strong>in</strong>gly, italso resembles the shape of Au nanoparticles on a more complex, rutile TiO 2 (110)surface, which has been characterized by atomic-resolution scann<strong>in</strong>g transmissionelectron <strong>microscopy</strong> [10] and graz<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>cidence x-ray scatter<strong>in</strong>g [148].Calculation of α <strong>in</strong> 3DIn Figures 8.3 and 8.4, the Coulomb blockade images show r<strong>in</strong>gs that correspondto positions of the tip, where α is constant and eαV B is equal to one of the electrochemicalpotential levels of the nanoparticle. The spatial function of α(x, y, z)can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the f<strong>in</strong>ite element electrostatic simulation. However, thistype of calculation has to be performed <strong>in</strong>corporat<strong>in</strong>g both the the nanoparticleand the tip, which means that the model has to be <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> <strong>in</strong> 3D. This significantly<strong>in</strong>creases the computation burden, sett<strong>in</strong>g a limit on the system size. Below wepresent results from simulations that were performed us<strong>in</strong>g a system similar tothat <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.6a that was closed with<strong>in</strong> a cyl<strong>in</strong>drical boundary with a height ofof 100 nm, and a diameter of 140 nm (see also Figure 8.8d). We start the analysisfrom the hemispherical nanoparticle. First, the tip (with an apex radius r T = 5

118 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGnm, and a cone semi-angle β = 20 ◦ ) is positioned exactly above the nanoparticle,allow<strong>in</strong>g for compar<strong>in</strong>g the 3D model with the 2D axisymmetric model. The αparameter is calculated by apply<strong>in</strong>g a voltage bias, e.g. 1 V, to the tip, ground<strong>in</strong>gthe back electrode and keep<strong>in</strong>g the nanoparticle charge-neutral at a float<strong>in</strong>gvoltage. Figure 8.8a demonstrates that the two models are characterized by a verysmall discrepancy. Figures 8.8b and c show the dependence of α on the tip distancefrom the axis of the nanoparticle for various tip structures and tip-sampledistances. Us<strong>in</strong>g r T = 5 nm and β = 20 ◦ as representative parameters of the tip, wecalculate α vs. the off-axis distance when the tip-sample distance, h, is 8 nm. Thiscorresponds to the separation at which the Coulomb blockade images shown <strong>in</strong>Figure 8.3 were recorded. If we assume that the electrochemical potential levels ofthe nanoparticle, which are separated by E add , are also symmetrically positionedwith respect to V B = 0 V <strong>in</strong> the electron addition spectra, then the condition foreαV B to be equal to one of the electrochemical potential levels can be written as:eαV B =(n + 1 )E add , (8.6)2with n be<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>teger number describ<strong>in</strong>g consecutive Coulomb oscillations. Thiscan be rewritten as:α2n + 1 = E add2eV B. (8.7)Figure 8.8e shows α/(2n + 1) calculated for n = 0, 1, 2 and 3. The position of thebold blue l<strong>in</strong>e is determ<strong>in</strong>ed by the value of the right-hand side of Equation 8.7.The <strong>in</strong>tersection between the blue l<strong>in</strong>e and the α/(2n + 1) l<strong>in</strong>es corresponds toformation of r<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> the Coulomb blockade images. By compar<strong>in</strong>g Figure 8.8e toFigure 8.3c recorded at V B = 13 V, where three r<strong>in</strong>gs are visible (the weakest r<strong>in</strong>gis still clearly visible <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.3b), we can draw the bold blue l<strong>in</strong>e at a particularheight. This gives a rough estimation of E add /(2eV B ) ≈ 0.009, and E add ≈ 234 meV.In Figure 8.9 a similar calculation of α for a truncated sphere <strong>in</strong> the 3D geometryis shown. Compared to the case of the hemispherical nanoparticle, the capacitancebetween the nanoparticle and the back electrode is reduced, lead<strong>in</strong>g tohigher values of α. Figure 8.9e shows that the rough estimation of E add /(2eV B ) fora truncated sphere is ≈ 0.012, which leads to E add ≈ 312 meV. This is relatively

8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 119aa0. model2D axisymmetric modelw - off-axis distance = 0 nmr = 5 nm, b = 20°T5 10 15 20h - tip-sample distance (nm)c = 5 nmh = 10 nmh = 15 nmh = 20 nmr = 5 nm, b = 20°T0 5 10 15 20 25w - off-axis distance (nm)b0.050.040.03r = 10 nm, b = 30°Tr = 10 nm, b = 20°Tr = 10 nm, b = 10°Tr = 5 nm, b = 30°Tr = 5 nm, b = 20°Tr = 5 nm, b = 10°Ta0.020.01 h = 8 nm0 5 10 15 20 25w - off-axis distance (nm)edr bTTip (Si)wh3.5 nm1.7 nm NaCl (6 ML)a/(2n+1) = 0n = 1n = 2n = 315nmrT= 5 nmb = 20°h = 8 nmBack electrode (Fe)0.000 5 10 15 20 25w - off-axis distance (nm)Figure 8.8: Calculation of α for a hemispherical nanoparticle <strong>in</strong> the 3D geometry shown<strong>in</strong> (d). (a) Comparison of the 3D and 2D axisymmetric models (with w = 0 nm). (b) and(c) Dependence of α on the tip distance from the axis of the nanoparticle for various <strong>tips</strong>tructures (r T – radius, β – cone semi-angle) and tip-sample distances. (e) Graphical visualizationof the condition, when α/(2n + 1) = E add /(2eV B ) and the Coulomb blockade islifted. The <strong>in</strong>tersection between the blue l<strong>in</strong>e and the α/(2n+1) l<strong>in</strong>es corresponds to formationof r<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> the dissipation images. Comparison to Figure 8.3c (shown <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>set)allows the bold blue l<strong>in</strong>e to be drawn at a particular height and E add to be determ<strong>in</strong>ed.

120 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGclose to the value extracted directly from the electron addition spectra, and thediscrepancy can be accounted for by several factors. First, the assumed height andshape of the tip can differ from the real case. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Figure 8.9a, the tipheight should be ≈ 11 nm <strong>in</strong> order to model the experimental value of α = 0.040,but the calculation <strong>in</strong> Figure 8.9e was performed for h = 8 nm. Second, the electrochemicalpotential levels of the nanoparticle most likely are not symmetricallypositioned with respect to V B = 0 V <strong>in</strong> the electron addition spectra. The third uncerta<strong>in</strong>tyis related to the determ<strong>in</strong>ation of n for each of the Coulomb oscillations.If the <strong>in</strong>tensity of the first r<strong>in</strong>g is very weak it can be counted <strong>in</strong>correctly, lead<strong>in</strong>gto wrong evaluation of E add /(2eV B ).Self-capacitanceThe relatively large number of atoms <strong>in</strong> the nanoparticle justifies the validityof the classical electrodynamics equations used <strong>in</strong> the FEM calculation, as thenumber of electrons on the nanoparticle is large enough to consider a cont<strong>in</strong>uousdistribution of the electrical charge. Similarly, the electron energy level spac<strong>in</strong>g ismuch smaller than the thermal energy at room temperature, thus correspond<strong>in</strong>gto the classical regime of the Coulomb blockade. In this situation, E add is mostlydue to the charg<strong>in</strong>g energy of the nanoparticle that is determ<strong>in</strong>ed by the total capacitance.It is worth mention<strong>in</strong>g that the self-capacitance of a solid hemispherewith r = 3.5 nm <strong>in</strong> free space calculated analytically [149] is 0.329 aF. This value issignificantly larger than the C ENV component (C ENV < 0.0002 aF) calculated abovewhere the hemispherical nanoparticle is supported on an NaCl film. This clearlysuggests that the concept of self-capacitance <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> as the capacitance with referenceto a grounded plane at <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ity cannot be used to estimate the total capacitanceof the system with nanoparticles coupled to nearby electrodes.Figure 8.10 illustrates a simple example, where a metal cyl<strong>in</strong>der with aheight of 3.5 nm and a diameter of 7 nm is closed with<strong>in</strong> a grounded boundary.In one case, the cyl<strong>in</strong>der is separated from the boundary by a 1.7 nm (6 ML)thick NaCl film (see Figure 8.10a), and <strong>in</strong> the other is placed centrally withoutany dielectrics present (see Figure 8.10c). Figure 8.10b shows the capacitance tothe boundary calculated as a function of the system size <strong>in</strong> both situations. Whenthe metal cyl<strong>in</strong>der is placed near the system boundary, as soon as the system size

8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 121aa0. model(truncated sphere)w - off-axis distance = 0 nmr = 5 nm, b = 20°T5 10 15 20h - tip-sample distance (nm)ca0. = 5 nmh = 10 nmh = 15 nmh = 20 nmr = 5 nm, b = 20°T0 5 10 15 20 25w - off-axis distance (nm)ba0. = 10 nm, b = 30°Tr = 10 nm, b = 20°Tr = 10 nm, b = 10°Tr = 5 nm, b = 30°Tr = 5 nm, b = 20°Tr = 5 nm, b = 10°T0.030.020.01h = 8 nm0 5 10 15 20 25w - off-axis distance (nm)15nmd3.5 nmr TTip (Si)wbhea/(2n+1) = 0n = 1n = 2n = 3rT= 5 nmb = 20°h = 8 nm1.7 nm NaCl (6 ML)Back electrode (Fe)0.010.000 5 10 15 20 25w - off-axis distance (nm)Figure 8.9: Calculation of α for a truncated sphere <strong>in</strong> the 3D geometry shown <strong>in</strong> (d) (comparewith Figure 8.8). (a) Dependence of α on the tip height (3D model with w = 0 nm). (b)and (c) Dependence of α on the tip distance from the axis of the nanoparticle for varioustip structures (r T – radius, β – cone semi-angle) and tip-sample distances. (e) Graphicalvisualization of the condition, when α/(2n + 1) = E add /(2eV B ) and the Coulomb blockadeis lifted. Figure 8.3c is shown <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>set for comparison.

122 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGa2D axisymmetricmodelb2.61.11.0c2D axisymmetricmodelSystem size1.7 nmNaClMetalcyl<strong>in</strong>der7 nm3.5 nmCapacitance (aF) 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100System size (nm)Capacitance (aF)System size7 nm3.5 nmMetalcyl<strong>in</strong>derFigure 8.10: A metal cyl<strong>in</strong>der with a height of 3.5 nm and a diameter of 7 nm is closedwith<strong>in</strong> a grounded boundary. In (a) the cyl<strong>in</strong>der is separated from the boundary by a1.7 nm (6 ML) thick NaCl film, and <strong>in</strong> (c) is placed centrally without any dielectrics present.(b) The capacitance to the boundary calculated as a function of the system size <strong>in</strong> the twosituations.is larger than 30 nm the capacitance does not change. This is different from thesecond case, without any dielectric and the cyl<strong>in</strong>der placed centrally, which correspondsto a textbook example for determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g self-capacitance of a cyl<strong>in</strong>der (seeSection 2.2.2). In this situation, the capacitance to the boundary decays much moreslowly and only stabilizes when the system is ≈ 100 nm <strong>in</strong> size.It should be noted that the effect of the self-capacitance on s<strong>in</strong>gle-electroncharg<strong>in</strong>g has not been sufficiently emphasized <strong>in</strong> the literature, and its subtle aspectswere only discussed by Ohgi et al. [150]. In particular, we found that the totalcapacitance cannot be divided <strong>in</strong>to a fixed self-capacitance component, which isgiven by the shape of the nanoparticle, and mutual capacitances to the electrodes.These capacitances can still be <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> conceptually, but are not additive and donot sum up to the total capacitance of the nanoparticle. This observation has a fundamentalimpact on the design of nanoelectronic circuits, where the componentshave to meet desired requirements for capacitances that determ<strong>in</strong>e coupl<strong>in</strong>g andcharg<strong>in</strong>g effects [7]. For <strong>in</strong>stance, <strong>in</strong> our study the total capacitance of the nanoparticleis dom<strong>in</strong>ated by the mutual capacitance to the back electrode, which canbe primarily controlled by adjust<strong>in</strong>g the contact area between the nanoparticle andthe dielectric film.

8.4 CONCLUSIONS 1238.3.5 The e-EFM technique and other research areasGiven the fabrication flexibility and the fact that all measurements wereperformed <strong>in</strong>-situ on samples prepared under ultra-clean conditions, the presentedmethod can be easily extended to other areas of research. The well <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong>morphology makes the system accessible to various theoretical methods, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gdensity functional theory and molecular dynamics. A variety of nanoscaleprocesses on alkali halide surfaces have been well characterized, such as the selfassemblyof metal clusters and large organic molecules [32]. Such detailed understand<strong>in</strong>gmakes the fabricated system attractive for further studies. For <strong>in</strong>stance,organic molecules can be used to <strong>in</strong>terconnect two Au nanoparticles [151, 152] andcontrol their mutual capacitance and quantum mechanical <strong>in</strong>teractions. In thisway, coherent tunnel<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> coupled quantum dots [153] could be systematicallystudied <strong>in</strong>-situ. Our approach is also applicable to studies of model catalysis onvarious <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g oxide films at temperatures as high as room temperature, asthere is a close analogy with the widely-studied system of Au nanoparticles supportedon MgO films [6]. Au nanoparticles are known to be a very efficient catalystthat can be active over a wide range of temperatures [154]. The chemical functionalityof such metal nanostructures depends crucially on their size and shape, aswell as the charge state [155], which can be characterized by e-EFM. The size ofnanoparticles used <strong>in</strong> this study is very close to the regime <strong>in</strong> which Au revealsmaximal chemical activity [155]. By shorten<strong>in</strong>g the evaporation time this size canbe reduced lead<strong>in</strong>g to enhanced electronic quantum size effects that play a significantrole <strong>in</strong> oxidation of CO molecules by Au nanoclusters [156]. The e-EFMmethod could be used not only to sense the charge state of <strong>in</strong>dividual Au clusters,but also to resolve electronic quantum energy levels and observe changes <strong>in</strong> frontierorbitals upon <strong>in</strong>teraction with reactants.8.4 ConclusionsWe have demonstrated that by exercis<strong>in</strong>g precise control over sample designand growth the e-EFM technique can be used to characterize s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>gat room temperature. The electron addition energy of a 3.5 nm tall Au nano-

124 CHAPTER 8. ROOM-TEMPERATURE SINGLE-ELECTRON CHARGINGparticle supported on a 6 ML thick NaCl film is measured as E add = (137 ± 27)meV, which substantially exceeds the thermal energy and allows for observationof Coulomb blockad<strong>in</strong>g at room temperature. Electrostatic FEM calculations <strong>in</strong>dicatethat the total nanoparticle capacitance is dom<strong>in</strong>ated by the mutual capacitanceto the back electrode. The modeled nanoparticle shape that best matched our experimentaldata was a truncated sphere, <strong>in</strong> which the mutual capacitance to thesubstrate can be reduced. Flexible <strong>in</strong>-situ fabrication based on well-characterizedUHV process<strong>in</strong>g techniques of alkali halide surfaces can extend the e-EFM techniqueto room temperature characterization of other systems on ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>gfilms. In particular, this approach can be used to study quantum mechanicallycoupled quantum dots and the catalytic activity of Au nanoclusters at room temperature.

9Conclusions and outlook9.1 ConclusionsProgress <strong>in</strong> growth of <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g ultra-th<strong>in</strong> filmsOne of the ma<strong>in</strong> objectives of this thesis was to grow atomically-perfect tunnelbarriers. Considerable progress was made <strong>in</strong> the growth of epitaxial MgO andNaCl films on Fe(001) surfaces. In the first case, we demonstrated that the qualityof MgO films can be improved by us<strong>in</strong>g reactive deposition method, which givescontrol over the gaseous species that reach the sample. We developed a protocolthat prevents excessive <strong>in</strong>terfacial reaction between oxygen and the Fe(001) surface,and subsequently provides a sufficient amount of oxygen <strong>in</strong> order to growa stoichiometric MgO film. This is done either by reduc<strong>in</strong>g the O 2 pressure atthe beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the growth for a duration needed to grow the 1st MgO ML ordeposit<strong>in</strong>g a submonolayer coverage of Mg prior to the reactive growth of MgO.The effect of post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g and an <strong>in</strong>creased substrate temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g the growthwas studied. In particular, post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g of MgO films <strong>in</strong>duces changes <strong>in</strong>the structure of misfit dislocations and flatten<strong>in</strong>g of the <strong>in</strong>terface. Us<strong>in</strong>g NC-AFMwe demonstrated that the reactive deposition method can produce terraces thathave an average size of 10 nm, which is a significant improvement compared toother preparation methods, such as thermal or electron beam evaporation of MgO.In the second case, the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface was used as a substrate togrow high-quality NaCl films, which represent a unique epitaxial system of an alkalihalide on a pure metallic substrate. Here, we used the fact that cover<strong>in</strong>g theFe(001) substrate with a monolayer of chemisorbed oxygen changes its propertiesso as to promote layer-by-layer growth of NaCl films. We have found that at a125

126 CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKsubmonolayer coverage and temperatures below 145 ◦ C NaCl grows as islands ofmonoatomic-thickness on terraces, while at temperatures above 175 ◦ C islands ofbiatomic-thickness are also formed at substrate step edges. Both types of islandshave the same Fe(001)-O[100]||NaCl(001)[110] orientation, lead<strong>in</strong>g to a (4×4) superstructure,where the NaCl unit cell is oriented at 45 ◦ with respect to the substrate.Interest<strong>in</strong>gly, no c(2×2) superstructure with the NaCl unit cell oriented at0 ◦ has been observed. We account for the preferred structure of the NaCl film bythe fact that dur<strong>in</strong>g formation of the first monolayer, the lattice parameter of the2D NaCl film is reduced compared to the bulk value and <strong>in</strong> the (4×4) configurationmatches perfectly the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O lattice. The sample temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g thegrowth can be used to control and reduce the extended growth of bilayer islandsat substrate step edges. Similarly to the MgO case, post-anneal<strong>in</strong>g improves thecrystall<strong>in</strong>ity of the film. Samples prepared us<strong>in</strong>g this procedure, which <strong>in</strong>cludespost-anneal<strong>in</strong>g at temperatures of about 160 ◦ C reveal atomically flat films with 40-60 nm wide terraces at coverages rang<strong>in</strong>g from 0.75 to 12 ML. They have qualitymuch higher than MgO films grown on Fe(001) surfaces.Room-temperature s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron charg<strong>in</strong>g detected by e-EFMThe reduced number of defects and the layer-by-layer mode of growth ofNaCl films have been used to obta<strong>in</strong> precise control over sample design to fabricatea nanoscale system exhibit<strong>in</strong>g Coulomb blockade at room temperature. Thissystem was characterized by the e-EFM technique. The NaCl film acted as a tunnelbarrier that can be easily adjusted by modify<strong>in</strong>g the film thickness, and metalnanoparticles, formed by thermally evaporat<strong>in</strong>g Au onto the NaCl surface, wereused as electron-conf<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g nanostructures. The tunnel barrier could be carefullytuned relative to the cantilever response to achieve maximum sensitivity <strong>in</strong> thee-EFM method. As a result, the electron addition energy of a 3.5 nm tall Au nanoparticlesupported on a 6 ML thick NaCl film was determ<strong>in</strong>ed. The addition energywas measured as E add = (137 ± 27) mV, which substantially exceeds thethermal energy and allowed for observation of the Coulomb blockade at roomtemperature. Us<strong>in</strong>g e-EFM the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g rates were also extracted and found to liewith<strong>in</strong> one order of magnitude of the resonance frequency of the cantilever (≈260kHz), correspond<strong>in</strong>g to a current of ∼ 100 fA.

9.2 OUTLOOK 127Capacitance of nanoparticles supported on a dielectric filmGiven the simple design of the studied s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron system, we used f<strong>in</strong>iteelement electrostatic simulation to exam<strong>in</strong>e the relevant contributions to thetotal nanoparticle capacitance. We found that the capacitance between the nanoparticleand the system boundary, which represents the capacitance with referenceto a grounded plane at <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ity (often called ”self-capacitance”), is negligible. Consequently,the s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron system is equivalent to a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box and thetotal capacitance of the nanoparticle can be simply obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the experimentalvalue of addition energy, which leads to C = (1.16 ± 0.26) aF. The FEM resultsshow that the total capacitance is dom<strong>in</strong>ated by the mutual capacitance betweenthe nanoparticle and the back electrode. A comparison of the experimentally determ<strong>in</strong>edcapacitance with numerical simulations <strong>in</strong>dicates that the nanoparticleshould be modeled as a truncated sphere. In this geometry the characterized nanoparticlehas a radius of r = (2.4 ± 0.3) nm. The height of the nanoparticle is fixedat 3.5 nm, which was measured us<strong>in</strong>g AFM. The determ<strong>in</strong>ed morphology of thenanoparticle corresponds to a volume of 49 nm 3 conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g ≈2900 atoms.The FEM electrostatic simulations clearly show that the concept of self-capacitance<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> as the capacitance with respect to a grounded plane at <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ityshould be used with caution. Especially, it cannot be used to estimate the total capacitanceof the system with nanoparticles coupled to nearby electrodes. We foundthat the total capacitance cannot be divided <strong>in</strong>to a fixed self-capacitance component,which is given by the shape of the nanoparticle, and mutual capacitances tothe electrodes. This result is very important <strong>in</strong> the design of nanoelectronic circuits,where the components have to meet desired requirements for capacitancesthat determ<strong>in</strong>e coupl<strong>in</strong>g and charg<strong>in</strong>g effects.9.2 OutlookThe flexible <strong>in</strong>-situ fabrication based on well-characterized UHV process<strong>in</strong>gtechniques of alkali halide surfaces, such as self-assembly of metal clusters andlarge organic molecules [32] can be used to extend the fabricated nanoscale systemto other research areas. Below we discuss some of the future experiments that can

128 CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKab40nmPTCDAcAuNP1 ML PTCDANaCl ultra-th<strong>in</strong> filmFigure 9.1: (a) An 8 ML thick NaCl film with a submonolayer coverage of PTCDA molecules.(b) A PTCDA molecule. (c) PTCDA molecules can <strong>in</strong>terconnect two Au nanoparticles,which can be used to control the capacitance coupl<strong>in</strong>g and quantum mechanical<strong>in</strong>teraction between the nanoparticles.benefit from the geometry based on an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> NaCl film.9.2.1 Controll<strong>in</strong>g the coupl<strong>in</strong>g between quantum dotsThe e-EFM technique can characterize other electronic systems that can beplaced on an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film. In particular, the demonstrated approachcan be used to study coupled Au nanoparticles and nanoclusters. There is a detailedliterature of self-assembly of large organic molecules on alkali halide surfaces[32, 152], which can be used to select suitable candidates <strong>in</strong> order to <strong>in</strong>terconnectthe nanoparticles on an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> NaCl film. As an example, Figure 9.1ashows an 8 ML thick NaCl film with a submonolayer coverage of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) molecules (a PTCDA molecule is shown <strong>in</strong>Figure 9.1b). In an STM study on partially covered Cu(111) surface with an NaClfilm Karacuban et al. have shown that PTCDA adsorbs at the step edges of thefilm <strong>in</strong> a flat-ly<strong>in</strong>g geometry [157]. As schematically presented <strong>in</strong> Figure 9.1c, <strong>in</strong>this way the molecules can <strong>in</strong>terconnect two Au nanoparticles and change the mutualcapacitance and quantum mechanical <strong>in</strong>teraction between the nanoparticles.A recent theoretical work by Gardner et al. has explored the case of an AFM tip ca-

9.2 OUTLOOK 129pacitively coupled to a double quantum dot [153]. Compared to a s<strong>in</strong>gle structure,the system consist<strong>in</strong>g of two coupled nanoparticles or clusters <strong>in</strong>volves significantnew physical phenomena. Such a system will respond to the oscillat<strong>in</strong>g cantilevernot only with oscillation <strong>in</strong> the total charge, but also with changes <strong>in</strong> the distributionof a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron between the nanoparticles. In particular, surpris<strong>in</strong>g newphenomena can arise due to coherent tunnel<strong>in</strong>g between the nanoparticles. It hasbeen suggested that the e-EFM method could detect coherent <strong>in</strong>terdot tunnel<strong>in</strong>g,and extract the value of the <strong>in</strong>tr<strong>in</strong>sic double quantum dot response time. Us<strong>in</strong>gthe system fabricated <strong>in</strong> this thesis and coupl<strong>in</strong>g the neighbor<strong>in</strong>g Au nanoparticleswith organic molecules one could systematically study <strong>in</strong>-situ coherent tunnel<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> coupled quantum dots both at room and cryogenic temperatures.9.2.2 A model system for study<strong>in</strong>g catalysisAs mentioned <strong>in</strong> Section 2.1.4, Au nanoparticles and clusters supported onultra-th<strong>in</strong> MgO films reveal exotic charg<strong>in</strong>g phenomena [6]. In general, Au nanoparticlesare known to be a very efficient catalyst that can be active over a widerange of temperatures [154]. The chemical functionality of such metal nanostructuresdepends crucially on their size and shape, as well as the charge state [155].The progress made <strong>in</strong> this thesis <strong>in</strong> grow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g ultra-th<strong>in</strong> films, which <strong>in</strong>cludesNaCl and MgO film, makes the e-EFM technique useful for study<strong>in</strong>g catalyticprocesses rely<strong>in</strong>g on supported Au nanoparticles. The size of nanoparticlesused <strong>in</strong> this study is very close to the dimensions at which Au reveals maximalchemical activity [155]. By shorten<strong>in</strong>g the evaporation time this size can be reducedlead<strong>in</strong>g to enhanced electronic quantum size effects that play a significantrole <strong>in</strong> oxidation of CO molecules by Au nanoclusters [156]. This thesis uses NaClfilms due to better quality and reduced complexity of their growth compared toMgO overlayers, but with a larger experimental effort the e-EFM characterizationcan be performed also on MgO films. One could imag<strong>in</strong>e an experiment on <strong>in</strong>dividualAu clusters, where the e-EFM method can resolve electronic quantumenergy levels of a cluster (at room or a cryogenic temperature). After this measurementis obta<strong>in</strong>ed, a small amount of CO gas can be <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong>to the UHVchamber, which will lead to adsorption of CO molecules on the Au clusters. The

130 CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKe-EFM method could be used not only to sense the charge state of an <strong>in</strong>dividual Aucluster, but also to resolve electronic quantum energy levels and observe changes<strong>in</strong> frontier orbitals upon <strong>in</strong>teraction with reactants.As shown <strong>in</strong> this thesis, a comb<strong>in</strong>ation of the e-EFM technique with electrostaticsimulations based on FEM can be used for reveal<strong>in</strong>g both electronic andmorphological properties of <strong>in</strong>dividual Au nanoparticles. In the case of Au on anNaCl ultra-th<strong>in</strong> film, the approximate shape of an <strong>in</strong>dividual nanoparticle is givenby a truncated sphere. This <strong>in</strong>formation is highly valuable for catalytic studies,where steric effects and presence of facets commonly play very important roles <strong>in</strong>catalyz<strong>in</strong>g chemical reactions.9.2.3 Field <strong>in</strong>duced deposition from AFM <strong>tips</strong>In this thesis, the electron-conf<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g nanostructures consisted of nanoparticlesformed by thermally evaporat<strong>in</strong>g Au onto the NaCl surface <strong>in</strong> UHV. As aresult, the Au nanoparticles were, to a large extent, positioned randomly on thesurface. It has been demonstrated that NC-AFM with metallic or metal-coated<strong>tips</strong> can be used for controlled field <strong>in</strong>duced deposition of Au nanodots, whichoffers an alternative approach to assemble metallic nanoparticles or clusters onthe surface of an <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g film. Hosaka et al. demonstrated experimentally thatAu nanoparticles of 15 nm diameter can be formed on an SiO 2 /Si substrate us<strong>in</strong>gvoltage pulses applied to an AFM cantilever with a threshold of around 10 V [158].Similarly, Pumarol et al. used NC-AFM for reliable deposition of Au dots ontoan InP heterostructure (InP/InGaAs/InP) with a two-dimensional electron gasformed <strong>in</strong> the InGaAs quantum well as the back electrode [159]. Those systemscannot be regarded as atomically-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong>, as they either are non-crystall<strong>in</strong>e or areprepared ex-situ. Recently, our group has demonstrated that the deposition of Auover bulk monocrystall<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>sulators prepared <strong>in</strong> UHV, such as NaCl or KBr, canbe feasible through the use of nearby metallic films as a deliberate counter electrode[160].The system consist<strong>in</strong>g of an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> NaCl film provides both an atomically-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong><strong>in</strong>terface, and also a back electrode located <strong>in</strong> the proximity of theAFM tip. In this system the fields are less complicated, compared to the geo-

9.2 OUTLOOK 131aPulseFeedbackON OFFTipz-piezopositionSamplez-piezo comparisonb100nmc d e100nm100nm100nmFigure 9.2: (a) Conceptual schematic of the deposition process. Initially the AFM tip islifted above the substrate by ∼10 nm. Before the pulse is applied, the z-piezo position ismeasured, and the feedback system is turned off. After the pulse, the feedback is reactivatedand the z-piezo position is measured aga<strong>in</strong>. If there is no change <strong>in</strong> the z-piezoposition, the tip is brought closer to the substrate, e.g. by 0.5 nm, and the pulse is appliedaga<strong>in</strong>. This sequence is repeated until optimal conditions for deposition are identified.(b) The Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface before the deposition. (c) Three deposition attempts aremade and after each pulse a protrusion is formed (<strong>in</strong>dicated with arrows). (d) Multiplepulses are applied along a vertical l<strong>in</strong>e. (e) The surface is signed with the <strong>in</strong>itials of theauthor (AT).

132 CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKmetry above a bulk <strong>in</strong>sulator with a side electrode. More importantly, the geometrybased on an ultra-th<strong>in</strong> film helps to achieve higher electric fields at the tipapex, which should make the field <strong>in</strong>duced deposition more reliable.Initial experiments <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g field <strong>in</strong>duced deposition from AFM <strong>tips</strong> coatedwith 2 nm of Ti and 100 nm of Au were carried out on the Fe(001) and Fe(001)-p(1×1)O substrates. The idea of the deposition process is depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 9.2a.The AFM tip is self-oscillated at a constant amplitude, and is lifted above the substrateby ∼10 nm. The deposition can take place if a pulse with a −10 or +10 Vbias voltage is applied to the tip. The duration of the pulse is chosen <strong>in</strong> such a waythat the oscillation of the cantilever rema<strong>in</strong>s stable. For both SPM controllers used<strong>in</strong> this work (see Section 4.2) pulses as long as 100 µs did not disturb the cantileveroscillation. Before the pulse is applied, the z-piezo position is measured, and thefeedback system is turned off. After the pulse, the feedback is reactivated and thez-piezo position is measured aga<strong>in</strong>. If there is no change <strong>in</strong> the z-piezo position,which suggests no deposition, the tip is brought closer to the substrate, e.g. by 0.5nm, and the pulse is applied aga<strong>in</strong>. This sequence is repeated until optimal conditionsfor deposition are identified (i.e. the maximum z-height at which depositioncan be obta<strong>in</strong>ed).Figures 9.2b-e show modifications of the Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surface after a sequenceof pulses with a bias voltage of 11.8 V applied to the tip. Figure 9.2b showsthe sample before the deposition. Initially, three voltage pulses were applied overthree different sample areas, and Figure 9.2c <strong>in</strong>dicates that after each pulse a protrusionis formed. Next, multiple pulses were applied along a vertical l<strong>in</strong>e, whichis visible <strong>in</strong> Figure 9.2d. Ultimately, <strong>in</strong> Figure 9.2e the surface is signed with the<strong>in</strong>itials of the author (AT). The exact result of applied voltage pulses requires further<strong>in</strong>vestigation to prove that the material has been <strong>in</strong>deed deposited from thetip onto the surface, and exclude e.g. the desorption of oxygen, which can be <strong>in</strong>ducedby the pulse and appear as a protrusion <strong>in</strong> the NC-AFM image due to avariation <strong>in</strong> LCPD.Appendix C discusses a clear deposition of Au above the clean Fe(001) surface.Instead of well-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> protrusions, spread-out islands of ≤2 ML thicknessare formed, which most likely is related to the difference <strong>in</strong> surface energies ofthe Fe(001) and Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surfaces. The SEM images of the tip before and

9.2 OUTLOOK 133after the deposition show structural changes <strong>in</strong> the outermost gra<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong>the deposition. This po<strong>in</strong>ts to the importance of preparation of the <strong>tips</strong> from whichthe material is deposited. Appendix C also describes an alternative preparationmethod characterized by higher rigidity of the tip where Au wires of 25 µm diameterare attached to AFM cantilevers and electrochemically etched [161].9.2.4 Double-electrode AFM <strong>probe</strong>Consider<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>itial results discussed above, it is clear that the depositionof Au from AFM <strong>tips</strong> over ultra-th<strong>in</strong> NaCl films could offer a potential path tofabricate conductive nanowires formed by overlapp<strong>in</strong>g Au nanodots on the NaClfilm. Pumarol et al. demonstrated fabrication of such wires on an InP heterostructurethat are as long as 55 µm [159]. This method is of potential importancefor establish<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>terconnection between nanostructures and micrometer-scaleelectrodes, which is motivated by the needs of future nanoelectronics experiments.In the first step, a pattern that is several nanometers thick consist<strong>in</strong>g ofmetallic electrodes separated by a gap can be transfered onto the NaCl film <strong>in</strong>UHV us<strong>in</strong>g stencil mask<strong>in</strong>g techniques. This method has been demonstrated byour group us<strong>in</strong>g bulk KBr crystals [160, 162]. Next, nanodots from AFM <strong>tips</strong> couldbe deposited <strong>in</strong>to the pre-exist<strong>in</strong>g gap to form simple nanoscale devices. In orderto ultimately connect the structure formed on the surface to an external <strong>in</strong>terface,a double electrical <strong>probe</strong> can be used. This idea is shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 9.3a, wherea commercially available AFM <strong>probe</strong> 1 is modified to produce a double-electrode<strong>probe</strong>. The orig<strong>in</strong>al AFM <strong>probe</strong> consisted of a triangular SiN 4 cantilever. Its beamwas separated by mill<strong>in</strong>g with a focused ion beam (FIB), which is shown <strong>in</strong> Figures9.3b and c. The cantilevers were <strong>in</strong>itially coated with Au to avoid charg<strong>in</strong>g.One can see that the mill<strong>in</strong>g process is difficult, as it creates poorly <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> edgesand damages the Au coat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the nearby areas. We have also used a surgicalscalpel <strong>in</strong>stalled on a micromanipulator to cut the triangular SiN 4 cantilevers andquickly separate its beams (see Figure 9.3d). SEM images <strong>in</strong>dicate that this approachcan provide results that are comparable with the FIB method. In the f<strong>in</strong>al1. PNP-TR-TL-Au manufactured by Nanoworld with a triangular SiN 4 cantilever that hasa very low force constant. The cantilever is supported on an <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g chip made of Pyrex glass.The AFM <strong>probe</strong>s have been provided by Nanoworld without any coat<strong>in</strong>g.

134 CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKaElectricalconnectionsLaser diodePyrex glass chipTo photodetectorAu micro- and nanostructuresevaporated us<strong>in</strong>g stencil masks28 mm200 mmCut triangularSiN cantileverNaCl filmFe backelectrodebFIBcFIBdeAu evaporationTEM gridFigure 9.3: (a) A double-electrode AFM <strong>probe</strong>, which is made of a modified commercialcantilever, can be used to connect the structure formed on the surface to an external <strong>in</strong>terface.A pattern consist<strong>in</strong>g of metallic electrodes separated by a gap can be transferedonto the NaCl film <strong>in</strong> UHV us<strong>in</strong>g stencil mask<strong>in</strong>g techniques. This configuration allowsfor both electronic measurements and detection of the cantilever bend<strong>in</strong>g (used to controlthe amount of pressure applied to the NaCl film). (b) and (c) A triangular SiN 4 cantileveris milled with FIB to separate its beams. The cantilevers were <strong>in</strong>itially coated with Auto avoid charg<strong>in</strong>g. The mill<strong>in</strong>g process is difficult, as it creates poorly <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> edges anddamages the Au coat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the nearby areas. (d) A surgical scalpel <strong>in</strong>stalled on a micromanipulatoris used to cut the triangular SiN 4 cantilever and quickly separate its beams.(e) AFM chip before patter<strong>in</strong>g with Au by thermal evaporation. A cut TEM grid is used asa shadow mask to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> an open circuit between the beams.

9.2 OUTLOOK 135preparation step, the AFM chip has to be patterned with Au <strong>in</strong> order to provideelectrical connection to each of the SiN 4 beams, while ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g an open circuitbetween them. As <strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> Figure 9.3e, this can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed by us<strong>in</strong>g acut TEM grid as a shadow mask and coat<strong>in</strong>g the chip with Au. Such a modifiedAFM <strong>probe</strong> can be <strong>in</strong>stalled on the JEOL cantilever holder (see Figure 4.4) and microscopicwires can be attached to both electrodes. As shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 9.3a, thisconfiguration would allow for both electronic measurements and detection of thecantilever bend<strong>in</strong>g. The latter could be used to control the amount of pressureapplied to the NaCl film.

AEffect of self-capacitance on s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron boxIn this analysis the self-capacitance, C SELF , is <strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> as a capacitance withrespect to an <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itely distant grounded plane. In the case of a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron boxthe α parameter will depend on the po<strong>in</strong>t from which the voltage is referenced,i.e. how the system is grounded. C SELF can be effectively added to the capacitanceof either the tunnel barrier (see Figure A.1a) or the gate (see Figure A.1b) by decid<strong>in</strong>gwhere the ground is connected. We can use the results of the free energyanalysis for the s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron transistor (SET, see Figure A.1c) to understand theimpact that the self-capacitance has on the s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box. Such derivationscan be found <strong>in</strong> many textbooks, however one has to dist<strong>in</strong>guish two situations: asymmetrically biased SET, and asymmetrically biased SET. In the latter case V S = 0us<strong>in</strong>g the notation shown <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1c and the conditions to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the electronnumber at n can be expressed as [163]:(ne − e ) 1(2 − C GV G < V D < ne + e ) 1C D 2 − C GV G ,C D(A.1)(−ne + e 2 + C GV G)1> V D >(−ne − e )C S + C G 2 + C 1GV G .C S + C G(A.2)Where Inequalities A.1 and A.2 describe Coulomb blockade across the lower andthe upper tunnel barrier <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1c, respectively. If we now substitute:C SETG→ C BOXSELF,C SETDC SETSV SETD→ C BOXG ,→ C BOXT ,→ V BOXB ,136

137we can describe the s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box with the self-capacitance us<strong>in</strong>g InequalitiesA.1. We can focus only on the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g across the lower tunnel barrier, as thegate is only capacitively coupled <strong>in</strong> the s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box and does not allow fortunnel<strong>in</strong>g of electrons. In the first case shown <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1a, when C SELF is addedto the capacitance of the tunnel barrier, V G = 0, and the tunnel<strong>in</strong>g across the lowertunnel barrier <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1c is blockaded when:(ne − e ) 12 CGBOX(< VB BOX < ne + e ) 12C BOXG. (A.3)In the second case shown <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1b, when C SELF is added to the capacitanceof the gate, V G = V D . The tunnel<strong>in</strong>g is blockaded when:(ne − e )2C BOXG1+ CSELFBOX(< VB BOX < ne + e )2C BOXG1. (A.4)+ CSELFBOXWhen C SELF is added to the capacitance of the tunnel barrier, <strong>in</strong> a charge-neutralstate the voltage across the tunnel barrier <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1a is V T = VBBOX CGBOX/(CBOXT+CGBOX + CSELF BOX ). The α parameter expresses the ratio between the voltage across thetunnel barrier and VBBOX , thus:α =C BOXTC BOXG+ C BOXG+ C BOXSELF= CBOX GCΣBOX. (A.5)However, for the situation <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1b, α understood as the ratio between thevoltage across the tunnel barrier and V B is:α =C BOXTC BOXG+ C BOXG+ C BOXSELF+ C BOXSELF= CBOX GCΣBOX+ CSELFBOX. (A.6)We can rewrite the conditions for the Coulomb blockade <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g way.When C SELF is added to the capacitance of the tunnel barrier:(ne − e )12 αCΣBOX(< VB BOX < ne + e )21αC BOXΣ. (A.7)

138 APPENDIX A. EFFECT OF SELF-CAPACITANCE ON SINGLE-ELECTRON BOXaGatebGatecV DC GC SELFC GC DNPNPV GC GNPC GV BV BC SELFC SC SELFC TC TC TSourceelectrodeSourceelectrodeV SFigure A.1: Concept of the self-capacitance <strong>in</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box. The α parameterwill depend on the po<strong>in</strong>t from which the voltage is referenced, i.e. how the system isgrounded. (a) The self-capacitance, C SELF , is added to the capacitance of the tunnel barrier.(b) C SELF is added to the capacitance of the gate. (c) Circuit of a s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron transistorthat can be used to calculate the effect of the self-capacitance on the s<strong>in</strong>gle-electron box.Correspond<strong>in</strong>g capacitances from panels (a) and (b) are shown <strong>in</strong> red.And when C SELF is added to the capacitance of the gate:(ne − e )12 αCΣBOX(< VB BOX < ne + e )21αC BOXΣ, (A.8)which leads to the same result. In other words, regardless of how the system isgrounded, the self-capacitance contributes to the total capacitance of the nanoparticle,C BOX , and the Coulomb oscillations are always separated by ∆ = e/αCBOXΣwhere α expresses the ratio between the voltage across the tunnel barrier and V BOXB.Σ ,

BRepair of LEED optics (Specs ErLEED)Figure B.1a shows the condition of LEED optics after extensive contam<strong>in</strong>ationwith evaporated metals dur<strong>in</strong>g previous research projects <strong>in</strong> the JEOL system.The well-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> shape orig<strong>in</strong>ates from a directional evaporation from the e-beamevaporator, which was partially shadowed by the electron gun of the LEED system(shown <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>set picture <strong>in</strong> Figure B.1a). In addition, the owned device versionwas equipped with a faulty retraction mechanism. The manufacturer used l<strong>in</strong>earball bear<strong>in</strong>gs, shown <strong>in</strong> Figure B.1b, that could not work long under UHV conditionsand would cold weld sporadically due to poor lubrication. This design wasimproved by the manufacturer <strong>in</strong> later versions, but the cost of upgrad<strong>in</strong>g the olddevice was rather expensive <strong>in</strong> the range of 4,000 Euro.As an alternative solution, we decided to replace the l<strong>in</strong>ear ball bear<strong>in</strong>gswith bear<strong>in</strong>gs that can reliably work <strong>in</strong> UHV. Application of tungsten disulfidecoat<strong>in</strong>gs as a dry lubricant is a proven technology and bear<strong>in</strong>gs coated with sucha lubricant are available commercially (MDC Vacuum ALMB-1). Unfortunately,there is a limited choice of l<strong>in</strong>ear ball bear<strong>in</strong>gs, which are available only for 1/4”diameter shafts (with 1/2” outer diameter). Those dimensions differed from theorig<strong>in</strong>al design (9 mm shaft diameter and 16 mm outer diameter), which requiredsome modifications shown <strong>in</strong> Figure B.1, panel c and d. The old shafts were removedand replaced with new custom mach<strong>in</strong>ed shafts that could be mounted <strong>in</strong>the same way as the old components. Special adapters were also mach<strong>in</strong>ed to holdthe new bear<strong>in</strong>gs of a narrower diameter and a shorter height 1 .A new fluorescent screen of correct dimensions (see Figure B.1e) was purchasedfrom Lexel Imag<strong>in</strong>g Systems and exchanged under clean room conditionsto avoid any dust particles adher<strong>in</strong>g to the grids of the LEED optics. In order to1. Mach<strong>in</strong>ed by Pascal Boursegu<strong>in</strong> and Francois Poirier.139

140 APPENDIX B. REPAIR OF LEED OPTICS (SPECS ERLEED)protect the device from similar contam<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>in</strong> the future, a special shield was<strong>in</strong>stalled above the e-beam evaporator, which is shown <strong>in</strong> Figure B.1f. In this wayno material can be deposited onto the LEED device directly from the evaporator.Figure B.1g shows a diffraction pattern recorded on a polycrystall<strong>in</strong>e graphite surface(HOPG) after the repair.abcde f protectiveshieldgraphitegFigure B.1: (a) LEED optics extensively contam<strong>in</strong>ated with evaporated metals. (b) Theorig<strong>in</strong>al retraction mechanism. (c) and (d) New l<strong>in</strong>ear ball bear<strong>in</strong>gs that required modificationsdue to smaller dimensions before they could be used <strong>in</strong> the old design. (e) A newnew fluorescent screen before <strong>in</strong>stallation <strong>in</strong> a clean room. (f) A protective shield <strong>in</strong>stalledabove the e-beam evaporator to protect the LEED optics. (g) A diffraction pattern recordedon a polycrystall<strong>in</strong>e graphite surface (HOPG) after the repair.

CField <strong>in</strong>duced deposition from AFMcantileversC.1 Deposition onto a clean Fe(001) surfaceFigures C.1a-f illustrate field <strong>in</strong>duced deposition from an AFM tip coatedwith Au onto a clean Fe(001) surface. The circles <strong>in</strong> Figures C.1b, d and f <strong>in</strong>dicatethe position of the AFM tip where a pulse (−10 V, 100µs long) has been previouslyapplied to the tip. As a result, spread-out islands of ≤2 ML thickness areformed, which are different from the well-<strong>def<strong>in</strong>ed</strong> protrusions observed on theFe(001)-p(1×1)O surface. Most likely this change is related to the difference <strong>in</strong> surfaceenergies of the Fe(001) and Fe(001)-p(1×1)O surfaces. Compar<strong>in</strong>g consecutiveimages, such as panels b and c, as well as d and e, one can observe spontaneoustransfer of Au from the tip that takes place without apply<strong>in</strong>g any pulses. The wett<strong>in</strong>gof the Fe(001) surface is caused only by scann<strong>in</strong>g the tip with an oscillat<strong>in</strong>gcantilever (<strong>in</strong> NC-AFM mode). The SEM images of the <strong>probe</strong> that was used todeposit Au before and after the deposition are shown <strong>in</strong> Figures C.1g-i and <strong>in</strong>dicatea change <strong>in</strong> the orientation of the outermost gra<strong>in</strong> that was <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> thedeposition.141

142 APPENDIX C. FIELD INDUCED DEPOSITION FROM AFM CANTILEVERSa b c100nmd e fg h Before iAfter500nm 100nm 100nmFigure C.1: (a)-(f) Field <strong>in</strong>duced deposition from an AFM tip coated with Au onto a cleanFe(001) surface. The circles <strong>in</strong> (b), (d) and (f) <strong>in</strong>dicate the position of the AFM tip wherea pulse (−10 V, 100µs long applied to the tip) has been previously applied. As a result,spread-out islands of ≤2 ML thickness are formed. Compar<strong>in</strong>g consecutive images, suchas panels (b) and (c), as well as (d) and (e), one can observe spontaneous transfer of Aufrom the tip that takes place without apply<strong>in</strong>g any pulses. (g)-(i) SEM images of the <strong>probe</strong>that was used to deposit Au before and after the deposition.

C.2 CANTILEVERS WITH METALLIC TIPS 143C.2 Cantilevers with metallic <strong>tips</strong>Coat<strong>in</strong>g commercial AFM cantilevers with 2 nm of Ti and 100 nm of Au bythermal evaporation is a convenient way of prepar<strong>in</strong>g <strong>tips</strong> for the field <strong>in</strong>duceddeposition process. However, there is a trade off between the curvature of theapex given usually by the size of the outermost gra<strong>in</strong>, and the rigidity of the tip(Figure C.2d). Small tip radii are important for obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g electrical field enhancementat the tip, but on the other hand the gra<strong>in</strong> can be weakly bound to the tip.An alternative preparation method characterized by higher rigidity of the tip isshown <strong>in</strong> Figure C.2a where Au wires of 25 µm diameter are attached to AFM cantileversand electrochemically etched [161]. The details of this approach have beendescribed by Fostner [164]. The Au wires are cut us<strong>in</strong>g a razor blade, and glued toa cantilever us<strong>in</strong>g a heat curable epoxy (Epotek H20E). The apex of the cantileveris first dipped <strong>in</strong>to the epoxy us<strong>in</strong>g a micromanipulator. Next, the cantilever is approachedto the wire positioned over the edge of a glass slide. The success of thismethod relies on an efficient way of heat<strong>in</strong>g the cantilevers. To achieve this, a specialcantilever heater was designed that uses a 6.4 mm × 6.4 mm Kepton <strong>in</strong>sulatedflexible heater (MINCO HK5565R10.0L12A) and is shown <strong>in</strong> Figures C.2a and b.The cantilever chip is <strong>in</strong>stalled <strong>in</strong> an alignment socket (Nanosensors ALIGN) gluedto a copper element that is <strong>in</strong> direct contact with the heater. This setups allowsfor fast <strong>in</strong>stallation and removal of cantilevers, reduces the risk of damag<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>probe</strong>s, and can heat cantilevers to a temperature of 150 ◦ C, at which the epoxycures with<strong>in</strong> 5-10 m<strong>in</strong>utes.

144 APPENDIX C. FIELD INDUCED DEPOSITION FROM AFM CANTILEVERSabcd50mm500nm500nm100nmFigure C.2: (a) and (b) A micromanipulator used for attach<strong>in</strong>g and glu<strong>in</strong>g Au wires of25 µm diameter to commercial AFM cantilevers. The cantilever chip is <strong>in</strong>stalled <strong>in</strong> analignment socket (Nanosensors ALIGN, shown <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>set) glued to a copper element thatis <strong>in</strong> direct contact with a Kepton <strong>in</strong>sulated flexible heater (MINCO HK5565R10.0L12A).This setups allows for fast <strong>in</strong>stallation and removal of cantilevers, which reduces the riskof damag<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>probe</strong>s. (c) Etched Au wire attached to a commercial AFM cantileverus<strong>in</strong>g H20E epoxy. (d) A commercial cantilever coated with 2 nm of Ti and 100 nm ofAu by thermal evaporation shown for comparison, illustrat<strong>in</strong>g that fully metallic <strong>tips</strong> arecharacterized by higher rigidity and a higher aspect ratio.

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