Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy

Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy

Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy


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Ned Roberts ’93 and Michelle Jordanare planning an April 2006 wedding.Zach Sturges ’93 married ParvinMoyne on June 4, <strong>2005</strong>.The May 7, <strong>2005</strong>, wedding of Peter Scott ’94 to Emily Fox brought togethermany <strong>Milton</strong> alumni. Pictured in the back row (from left): Kristen Case, AnnaFricke, Andrew Katzman, Evan Hughes, Sadia Shepard ’93. In the front row(from left): Chris Osgood, Mary Lisio, Emily Fox, Peter Scott, Andrew Topkins,Keri Topkins, Kate Scott ’97.Zoe Poole says hello to all herfriends: “Email or write whenyou can!”1993Ned Roberts and MichelleJordan, Florida ABC affiliateanchor, got engaged in Carmel,California, in December. Theirwedding is set for April 2006 inBoca Grande, Florida. Nedreports for Tampa Bay–area CBSaffiliate WTSP-TV. In December,he won two regional EmmyAwards for his work, andMichelle won one as well.Zach Sturges married ParvinMoyne, now Parvin Sturges-Moyne, on June 4, <strong>2005</strong>. The cobestmen were Arkadi Gerneyand Hunter Gray. Zach is anassistant attorney general for theState of New York, working forEliot Spitzer.1994Edward Cunningham IV was setto move to China on a Fulbrightscholarship from July <strong>2005</strong> untilJune 2006. He is based atBeijing’s Tsinghua Universitybut traveling quite a bit as heconducts research regardingChina’s energy market andreforms.Samuel Pott lives in Jersey City,New Jersey, where he performswith New Jersey’s AmericanRepertory Ballet. He recentlyformed a dance company,Nimbus Dance Works, whichperformed in May and June inMaine and Princeton, NewJersey.<strong>Milton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> alumni gatheredin Los Angeles on May 7,<strong>2005</strong>, for the wedding of PeterScott and Emily Fox. Presentfrom the Class of 1994 wereKristen Case, Anna Fricke,Andrew Katzman, Evan Hughes,Chris Osgood, Mary Lisio andAndrew Topkins. Other <strong>Milton</strong>alumni present were SadiaShepard ’93 and Kate Scott ’97.Andrew Topkins is happily marriedto wife, Keri, who is anattorney at Goodwin Proctor.They live in New York Citywhere he has started a brandlicensingagency. His agency,Brandgenuity, represents corporatebrands including Snapple,Sports Illustrated, World PokerTournament, Leap Frog andVerizon. Check it out atwww.brand-genuity.com.1995Jerome Bradford Andersonreceived a doctorate. in comparativeliterature from Yale in May.Jeffrey Fine still can’t believe it’sbeen 10 years since graduation,but loved seeing everyone at thereunion, where many met hisdog Wrigley. He lives in Chicago’sNorth Side, working as an analyst/statisticianfor the hotelteam at Orbitz. He says, “Ifany of you are in Chicago, it’dbe great to hear from you:jeffrey.b.fine@alum.dartmouth.org.”Doreen T. Ho married MichaelH. Sze on May 28, <strong>2005</strong>, atHarvard Memorial Church inCambridge, Massachusetts. Theycelebrated with an evening ofdinner and dancing at the FourSeasons in Boston. <strong>Milton</strong> alumniin attendance included DianaBirkett, Andrew Dukatz, LaurenDwyer, Stacey Kamya Grisby andLaura Snydman. Doreen began aresidency in neurology at Tufts-New England Medical Center inJune. Michael, a graduate ofPrinceton University, works atAtmospheric and EnvironmentalResearch in Lexington.Scott Tremaine was sorry to havemissed everyone at the reunionbut reports he and his wife,Maria Lafuente-Rubio Tremaine,were about to move to Spain, sothere was much to do to getready. Scott works for TheBoston Consulting Group inMadrid and invites anyone whowill be in Spain to contact himfor information or to meet up.Pam Smith is now PamWildeman, after marrying fellowDartmouth ’99 grad RoyWildeman on October 2, 2004.The ceremony was held at theBoston Public Garden with thereception downtown. A threeweekhoneymoon in Australiafollowed. Dawn Meehan attendedthe wedding, which Pamwrites “was wonderful!”1996Ohene Asare and Regine Jean-Charles celebrated their firstwedding anniversary in summer<strong>2005</strong>. The couple married onJune 27, 2004, in a ceremony atOur Lady Help of ChristiansChurch and reception at BrookMeadow Country Club inCanton. <strong>Milton</strong> alumni presentincluded siblings of the groom,best man Kwaku Asare ’94,bridesmaid Abena Asare ’98,bridesmaid Amma Asare ’02,bridesmaid Keisha Belinfanti’95, as well as groomsman BrianTobin and groomsman SamPhinney. Also in attendancewere Tetsa and Taiye (Eyi)Tuakliy-Wosornu, both ’97, andNatasha Graham ’95. Ohene andRegine live in Cambridge, whereObene works for Biogenidec, inaddition to being a student atBoston University’s School ofPublic Health; and Regine iscompleting a doctorate in literatureat Harvard. They look forwardto moving to Paris for ayear and hope to make it backfor their 10th reunion at <strong>Milton</strong>.78 <strong>Milton</strong> Magazine

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