000_GMM Directors Report-Pg-1-18.indd - GMM Pfaudler Ltd

000_GMM Directors Report-Pg-1-18.indd - GMM Pfaudler Ltd

000_GMM Directors Report-Pg-1-18.indd - GMM Pfaudler Ltd


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7. DETAILS OF DIRECTORS APPOINTED DURING THE YEAR /SEEKING RE-APPOINTMENT:Mr. P. Krishnamurthy (62) is a Non-Executive IndependentDirector and the Chairman on the Board of the Company.Mr. P. Krishnamurthy chairman and member of the AuditCommittee, Shareholders and Investors Grievance Committee,Remuneration Committee and Share transfer Committee. Mr.Krishnamurthy has over 25 years of experience in CorporateManagement and Strategy, Restructuring, M & A, InternationalBusiness and Joint Ventures, Financial Management & Bankingincluding Managing and supervising business abroad. He wasinvolved in financial services for the last nine years as ViceChairman of JM Morgan Stanley, Director of JM Financial andFormer Director of IL & FS Asset Management. He has alsothree years experience in Management Consultancy, Twelveyears with a Swedish Multinational Group and eleven yearswith two very large Indian Industrial groups. He has workedat the Group Management/Board level of several multinationalcompanies and large Indian Industrial Groups having listedcompanies in India and abroad. Mr. Krishnamurthy is aDirector in the Following companies (excluding privateCompanies, Foreign Companies and registered under Section25 of the Companies Act. 1956):Name of theCompanySKIL Infrastructure<strong>Ltd</strong>.DesignationDirectorChairmanship orMembership of otherBoard CommitteesNilMumbai SEZ <strong>Ltd</strong>. Director NilUrban Infrastructure DirectorNilVenture CapitalLimitedRepro India <strong>Ltd</strong>. Director Chairman of AuditCommitteeApodis Hotels &Resorts <strong>Ltd</strong>.DirectorNilb) Mr. Darius C. Shroff (65) is a Non-Executive IndependentDirector of the Board of <strong>Directors</strong> of the Company.Mr. Darius C. Shroff is a Solicitor and Advocate. He isa Senior Partner of Crawford Bayley and is having over40 years of experience in the legal profession. In hisprofessional practice, Mr. Shroff covers a wide range oflegal services and has specialized in Employment andIndustrial Law. Mr. Shroff is a Director in the FollowingCompanies (excluding Private Companies, ForeignCompanies and registered under Section 25 of theCompanies Act, 1956):Mr. Shroff is a Director in the Following companies(excluding private Companies, Foreign Companies andregistered under Section 25 of the Companies Act.1967):Name of theCompanyIngersoll-Rand (I) <strong>Ltd</strong>.DesignationDirectorChairmanship orMembership of otherBoard CommitteesChairman- Share transfercum Investors GrievanceCommitteeMember- AuditCommitteeSiemens <strong>Ltd</strong>. Director Chairman- InvestorsGrievance CommitteeSKF India<strong>Ltd</strong>.8. DISCLOSURES:(i)(ii)DirectorChairman-AuditCommitteeMember- Share transfer/Investors’ GrievanceRedressal CommitteeDetails on transactions with related parties, viz. Promoters,<strong>Directors</strong> or the Management, their subsidiaries orrelatives potentially conflicting with Company’s interestare given / appended in Schedule 28 of ‘Notes FormingParts of the Accounts’. Except payment of sitting feesthere has been no pecuniary transaction with any of thenon executive directors of the Company.The Company has complied with the mandatoryrequirements of the Corporate Governance Clause ofListing Agreement. The Company has implementedsome of the non-mandatory requirements enlisted byway of annexure to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreementincluding the constitution of Remuneration Committeeand quaterly declaration of financial performance isbeing sent to shareholders.9. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION:The Company publishes its Quarterly, Half-yearly andAnnual Financial results in the Economics Times (Mumbaiand Ahmedabad) and Naya Padkar (Anand) newspapers. Thesaid results are also available at the website of the Company.Quarterly Results are also posted to all the shareholders.During the year, the Company has not released any officialnews of the Company or any presentation to institutionalinvestor/analysts.15

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