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ENVIRONMENTAL NOTESAt <strong>Wenonah</strong>, we are constantly striving to conserve and preserve our natural environment for futuregenerations. If you are in the situation where you are bringing any food items to <strong>Camp</strong> (i.e., bag lunches),we ask that you be conscious of the amount of garbage you also bring with you. <strong>Wenonah</strong> providesrecycling for any glass, metal, or paper products. We appreciate your shared concern for this issue.We also dispose of our waste water via a septic lagoon. This means that we have to be careful aboutwhat we put into our water system, and we must attempt to minimize our use of soaps and detergentscontaining phosphates. When possible please bring phosphate free soaps for personal use.COMMUNICATION TO AND FROM CAMPThere are phone lines available for teacher use in the Health Centre and Main Office. We ask thatoutgoing phone calls be restricted to business or emergency purposes. In the case where teachers orchaperones wish to make personal phone calls on the <strong>Camp</strong> phone lines, we respectfully ask that aphone card be used for this purpose. Any charges from personal calls will be passed on to the group.Cell phone reception is also available around <strong>Camp</strong>. Teachers and chaperones may wish to bring theirown cell phones. While we do not encourage cell phone use by students, so that their focus remains onthe Outdoor Centre experience, students are expected to follow the guidelines about cell phone use setout by their teachers.STUDENT PHONE ACCESSPlease note that students should NOT expect to be able to make phone calls home while at <strong>Wenonah</strong>.As there are a limited number of phone lines available at <strong>Camp</strong> (some of which must be left open in caseof emergency), we cannot allow students to make phone calls home.OFFICE HOURSOffice hours at the <strong>Camp</strong> site in Muskoka are Monday to Friday, 9:30 am -12:30 pm and2:30 pm - 5:30 pm during the Spring and Fall. If calls are received outside office hours, we ask that callersleave a detailed message. We will return the phone call or pass along messages as soon as possible.Our Main <strong>Camp</strong> Office in Burlington is open for regular hours throughout the year,Monday - Friday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm. Associate Director Caron Brick is available to help you.- 20 -

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