Tender Document - irpmu.railnet.gov.in

Tender Document - irpmu.railnet.gov.in

Tender Document - irpmu.railnet.gov.in


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DECLARATIONa) We have read and understood the above <strong>in</strong>structions and hereby agree to abide by them.b) We are enclos<strong>in</strong>g tender document cost Rs. vide Demand Draft No. .................... Dated............. issued by ...............................................c) We are enclos<strong>in</strong>g requisite Earnest Money of Rs. .......... vide Demand Draft / Cash Receipt/ Bank Guarantee no. .................... Dated ............ issued by..............................d) We have filled and signed the tender documents and the same are enclosed herewith.Signature and Seal of <strong>Tender</strong>erName ---------------------------Capacity / Authority to sign.Full Address ---------------------------o0o--------Signature of tenderer(s) 2/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Indian Railway Project Management UnitCONTENTSS/No. Chapter DescriptionPageFromToi TOP Cover page 00 00ii Inst Instructions to down load from net 01 02iii NIT <strong>Tender</strong> notice 03 031. Chapter-1i) Preamble and General Instructionsto tenderers:<strong>Tender</strong> Form- First Sheet05 11Chapter-1 ii) <strong>Tender</strong> Form- Second Sheet 12 142. Chapter-2 Special Conditions of Contract 15 213. Chapter-3 Prices & Payments 22 234. Chapter-4 Technical Specifications 24 395. Chapter-5Explanatory Notes to schedule ofworks & prices.40 486. Chapter-6 <strong>Tender</strong>’s credentials. 49 527. Chapter-7Schedule of Price for works &rates- and price to be quoted.53 578. Chapter-8 List of Form/Annexures 58 67------o0o------Signature of tenderer(s) 4/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER – 1<strong>Tender</strong> Form (First Sheet)Preamble and General Instructions to <strong>Tender</strong>ers-1. The follow<strong>in</strong>g documents form part of tender/contract:-(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)<strong>Tender</strong> formsSpecial ConditionsSpecifications, draw<strong>in</strong>gs, explanatory notes and annexures.Schedule of Works and approximate quantities.North Central Railway General Conditions of Contract, Regulations for <strong>Tender</strong> andContract – 2005. It is a priced publication. This publication can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed from theoffice of SEE/C/N.C. Rly, Kanpur on payment (current price is Rs.250.00). Thetenderer should obta<strong>in</strong> copy of the correction slips also which is supplied free of costwith the booklet.The tenderer shall study the North Central Railway General Conditions of ContractRegulations for <strong>Tender</strong>s & Contracts – 2005 along with other tender documents of thetender before submission of the tender.2. Draw<strong>in</strong>gs for the work – The general draw<strong>in</strong>gs where-ever necessary shall be supplied. Thecontractor will be required to study draw<strong>in</strong>gs and make detailed draw<strong>in</strong>gs at his own cost andget it approved from the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer before execution of work.3. The <strong>Tender</strong>er(s) shall quote his/their rates itemwise for each item of works and of Schedule ofRates except where he/they are required to quote item rates and must tender for all the itemsshown <strong>in</strong> the schedule of works & approximate quantities attached. The quantities shown <strong>in</strong> theattached schedule are given as a guide and are approximate only and are subject to variationaccord<strong>in</strong>g to the needs of the Railway. The Railway does not guarantee work under each itemof the schedule.4. <strong>Tender</strong>s conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g erasures and/or alteration of the tender documents are liable to be rejected.Any correction made by <strong>Tender</strong>er(s) <strong>in</strong> his/their entries must be attested by him/them.5. Completion period -The works are required to be completed with<strong>in</strong> a period of Six Monthsfrom the date of issue of acceptance letter/letter of <strong>in</strong>tent. Any extension to completion periodshall be with approval by railway.6. Earnest Money –The tender must be accompanied by Earnest Money @2% of estimated cost of tender amount<strong>in</strong>gapproximately to Rs. 68,010/- only (Rs Sixty eight thousand ten only). to be deposited <strong>in</strong> cash or <strong>in</strong> any ofthe forms as mentioned <strong>in</strong> regulations for tenders and contracts for the guidance of the Eng<strong>in</strong>eers andContractors, fail<strong>in</strong>g which the tender will not be considered.Signature of tenderer(s) 5/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

) The earnest money shall rema<strong>in</strong> deposited with the Railway for the period of validity of theoffer prescribed <strong>in</strong> this tender i.e. 90 days from the date of open<strong>in</strong>g of tender. If the validity ofthe offer is extended, the validity of earnest money should also be extended fail<strong>in</strong>g which theoffer after the expiry of the aforesaid period may not be considered by the Railway.c) The Earnest money should be <strong>in</strong> cash or <strong>in</strong> any of the follow<strong>in</strong>g forms-i) Deposit Receipt, Pay order, Demand drafts of the State Bank of India or any of theNationalised Banks. No confirmatory advice from RBI will be necessary.ii)iii)Deposit receipts executed by the Scheduled Banks (Other than the State Bank of India and theNationalised banks) approved by the Reserve Bank of India for this purpose. Railways will nothowever accept deposit receipt without gett<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g the concurrence of the Reserve Bankof India.Deposit Receipt, Pay order, Demand drafts of the State Bank of India or any of theNationalised Bank or any of the scheduled commercial Banks, must have an endorsement fromthe authority issu<strong>in</strong>g such FDR/PAY ORDER/DD that received from M/s./Shri______________and pledged <strong>in</strong> favour of Dy. FA & CAO/IRPMU, New Delhi-01.d) The official cash receipts hav<strong>in</strong>g a mention on the firm/<strong>in</strong>dividual who has deposited the cashor the deposit receipt mentioned above etc. as the case may be, must be attached with thetender, fail<strong>in</strong>g which, tender will be rejected.e) It shall be understood that the tender documents have been sold/issued to the tenderer and thetenderer is permitted to tender <strong>in</strong> consideration of stipulation on his part, that after submitt<strong>in</strong>ghis tender, he will not resign from his offer or modify the terms and conditions, thereof <strong>in</strong> amanner not acceptable to the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer. Should the tenderer fail to observe or comply with thesaid stipulation, the aforesaid amount shall be liable to be forfeited to the railway.f) The earnest money of the unsuccessful tenderer(s) will, save as here-<strong>in</strong>-before provided, bereturned to the unsuccessful tenderer(s) with<strong>in</strong> a reasonable time but the Railway shall not beresponsible for any loss or depreciation that may happen to the security for the dueperformance of the stipulation to keep the offer open for the period specified <strong>in</strong> the tenderdocuments or to the earnest money while <strong>in</strong> their possession nor be liable to pay <strong>in</strong>terestthereon.NOTE: Any request for recovery from outstand<strong>in</strong>g bills for earnest money aga<strong>in</strong>st any tenderwill not under any circumstances be enterta<strong>in</strong>ed. <strong>Tender</strong>s submitted with earnest money <strong>in</strong>shape of cheques, Government Securities or <strong>in</strong> any form other than those specified above shallnot be considered. Bond of any form is not acceptable,g) No <strong>in</strong>terest shall be paid by railway on earnest money amount.Signature of tenderer(s) 6/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

7. Security Deposit on acceptance of tender-a) On receipt of the letter of acceptance of tender from the purchaser, the successfultenderer shall with<strong>in</strong> the period of seven days deposit the security money due fulfillmentof the contract. Security deposit shall be 5% of the contract value.b) The earnest money deposited by the contractor with his tender will be reta<strong>in</strong>ed byrailway as part of security for the due and faithful fulfillment of the contract by thecontractor. The balance to make up the security deposit, the rates for which are givenbelow may be deposited by contractor <strong>in</strong> cash are <strong>in</strong> the form Govt. Securities or may berecovered by percentage deductions from the contractor’s “On Account” Bills. Providedalso that <strong>in</strong> case of default<strong>in</strong>g contractor the railway may reta<strong>in</strong> any amount due forpayment to the contractor on the pend<strong>in</strong>g “On Account” Bills so that the amount soreta<strong>in</strong>ed may not exceed 10% of the total value of the contract.c) No <strong>in</strong>terest will be payable upon the earnest money and security deposit or amountspayable to the contractor under the contract.Performance Guarantee-The procedure for obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g performance guarantee is outl<strong>in</strong>ed below:a) The successful bidder shall have to submit a performance guarantee (PG) with<strong>in</strong>30(thirty) days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance (LOA). Extension oftime for submission of PG beyond 30(thirty) days and up to 60 days from date ofissue of LOA may be given by the authority who is competent to sign the contractagreement. However, a penal <strong>in</strong>terest of 15% per annum shall be charged for thedelay beyond 30(thirty) days, i.e. from 31 st day after the date of issue of LOA. Incase the contractor fails to submit the requisite PG even after 60 days from the dateof issue of LOA, the contract shall be term<strong>in</strong>ated duly forfeit<strong>in</strong>g EMD and otherdues, if any payable aga<strong>in</strong>st that contract. The failed contractor shall be debarredfrom participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> re- tender for that work.b) The successful bidder shall submit a Performance Guarantee (PG) <strong>in</strong> the form of anirrevocable Bank Guarantee amount<strong>in</strong>g to 5% of the contract value.c) The performance guarantee should be furnished by the successful contractor after theletter of acceptance has been issued, but before sign<strong>in</strong>g of agreement and should bevalid up to stipulated date of completion plus 60 days beyond that. The agreementshould normally be signed with<strong>in</strong> 15(fifteen) days after the issue of LOA andperformance guarantee should also be submitted with<strong>in</strong> this time limit.d) Performance guarantee shall be released after physical completion of the work basedon the “Completion Certificate” issued by the competent authority. The Securitydeposit however shall be released only after the expiry of the ma<strong>in</strong>tenance period andafter pass<strong>in</strong>g the f<strong>in</strong>al bill based on “No Claim Certificate”.e) Wherever the contracts are resc<strong>in</strong>ded, the Security deposit should be forfeited and theperformance guarantee shall be en-cashed and the balance work will be got done<strong>in</strong>dependently without risk and cost of the failed contractor.f) The orig<strong>in</strong>al contractor shall be debarred from participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the tender forexecut<strong>in</strong>g the balance work. If the failed contractor is a partnership firm, then everymember/partner of such a firm would be debarred from participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the tender forthe balance work either <strong>in</strong> his /her <strong>in</strong>dividual capacity or as a partner of partnershipfirm.g) The eng<strong>in</strong>eer shall not make a claim under the Performance Guarantee except foramounts to which the President of India is entitled under the contract(notSignature of tenderer(s) 7/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

withstand<strong>in</strong>g and /or without prejudice to any other provisions <strong>in</strong> the contractagreement) <strong>in</strong> the event of :-i) Failure by the contractor to extend the validity of the Performance Guaranteeas described here<strong>in</strong> above, <strong>in</strong> which event the eng<strong>in</strong>eer may claim the fullamount of the Performance Guarantee.ii) Failure by the contractor to pay President of India any amount due either asagreed by the contractor or determ<strong>in</strong>ed under any of the Clause /Conditions ofthe agreement, with<strong>in</strong> 30 days of the service of notice to this effect byEng<strong>in</strong>eer.iii) The contract be<strong>in</strong>g determ<strong>in</strong>ed or resc<strong>in</strong>ded under provision of the GCC thePerformance Guarantee shall be forfeited <strong>in</strong> full and shall be absolutely at thedisposal of the President of India.8. Rights of the Railway to deal with tender – The authority for the acceptance of the tenderwill rest with the Railway. It shall not be obligatory on the said authority to accept the lowesttender or any other tender and no tenderer (s) shall demand neither any explanation for thecause of rejection of his /their tender nor the Railway undertake to assign reasons for decl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gto consider or reject<strong>in</strong>g any particular tender or tenders.9. If the <strong>Tender</strong>er(s) deliberately gives/give wrong <strong>in</strong>formation <strong>in</strong> his/their tender or creates/createcircumstances for the acceptance of his/their tender, the Railway reserves the right to rejectsuch tender at any stage.10. If the <strong>Tender</strong>er(s) expires/expire after the submission of his/their tender or after the acceptanceof his/their tender, the Railway shall deem such tender cancelled. If a partner of a firm expiresafter the submission of their tender or after the acceptance of their tender, the Railway shalldeem such tender as cancelled, unless the firm reta<strong>in</strong>s its character.11. Income Tax clearance certificate – The tenderer (s) is/are required to produce alongwithhis/their tender an authorized copy of the <strong>in</strong>come-tax clearance certificate or a sworn affidavitduly countersigned by the tenderer or his authorized representative regard<strong>in</strong>g the totalcontractual amount received dur<strong>in</strong>g the last 3 f<strong>in</strong>ancial years & <strong>in</strong> the current f<strong>in</strong>ancial year.12.(a) <strong>Tender</strong>er’s credentials – <strong>Document</strong>s testify<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Tender</strong>er’s previous experience and f<strong>in</strong>ancialstatus should be produced along with the tender or when desired by competent authority of theIRPMU, North Central Railway.<strong>Tender</strong>ers(s) who has/have not carried out any work so far on this Railway and who is/are notborne on the approved list of the Contractors of North Central Railway should submit along withhis/their tender credentials to establish:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)His capacity to carry out the work satisfactorily.His f<strong>in</strong>ancial status supported by bank reference and other documents.Credentials as per tender page-50/66, section-4/chapter-6.Certificates duly attested and testimonials regard<strong>in</strong>g contract<strong>in</strong>g experience for thetype of job for which tender is <strong>in</strong>vited with list of work carried out <strong>in</strong> the pastThe tenderer must submit the documents either notarized or attested by a serv<strong>in</strong>ggazetted <strong>gov</strong>t. servant with clear seal and name.Signature of tenderer(s) 8/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

M<strong>in</strong>imum Eligibility Criteria: - NIL13. <strong>Tender</strong> must be enclosed <strong>in</strong> a sealed cover, superscribed this <strong>Tender</strong> No.- --- and must be sent byregistered post to the address of CAO/IRPMU, New Delhi-01 so as to reach his office not laterthan 15.00Hrs on date of open<strong>in</strong>g or deposited <strong>in</strong> the special box allotted for the purpose <strong>in</strong> thisoffice. This special box will be locked & sealed at 15.00 hours on date of open<strong>in</strong>g. The tenderwill be opened at 15.30 hours on the same day. The <strong>Tender</strong> papers will not be sold after 13.00hours of date of tender open<strong>in</strong>g.14. Non-compliance with any of the conditions set forth there<strong>in</strong> above is liable to result <strong>in</strong> the tenderbe<strong>in</strong>g rejected.15. Execution of Contract Agreement – The successful tenderer(s) shall be required to execute anagreement with the President of India act<strong>in</strong>g through the Dy. Chief Elect. Engr./IRPMU, NewDelhi-01 for carry<strong>in</strong>g out the work accord<strong>in</strong>g to General conditions of Contract, Specialconditions/specifications annexed to the tender and specifications for work and material ofNorth Central Railway as amended/corrected <strong>in</strong>to correction slip mentioned <strong>in</strong> tender form (FirstSheet).16. Partnership deeds, Power of Attorney Etc.-The tenderer shall clearly specify whether the tender is submitted on his own or on behalf of apartnership concern. If the tender is submitted on behalf of a partnership concern, he shouldsubmit the certified copy of partnership deed alongwith the tender and authorisation to sign thetender documents on behalf of partnership firm. If these documents are not enclosed alongwithtender documents, the tender will be treated as hav<strong>in</strong>g been submitted by <strong>in</strong>dividual sign<strong>in</strong>gtender documents. The Railway will not be bound by any power of attorney granted by thetenderer or by changes <strong>in</strong> the composition of the firm made subsequent to the execution of thecontract. It may, however, authorize such power of attorney and changes after obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g properlegal advice, the cost of which will be chargeable to the contractor.17. The tenderer whether sole proprietor, a limited company or a partnership firm if they want to actthrough agent or <strong>in</strong>dividual partner(s) should submit alongwith the tender or at a later stage, apower of attorney duly stamped and authenticated by a Notary Public or by Magistrate <strong>in</strong> favourof the specific person whether he/they be partner(s) of the firm or any other person specificallyauthorized him/them to submit the tender, sign the agreement, receive money, witnessmeasurements, sign measurement books, compromise, settle or rel<strong>in</strong>quish any claim(s) preferredby the firm and sign “No Claim Certificate” and refer all or any disputes to arbitration.18. Employment/Partnership, etc., of Retired Railway Employees.-(a) Should a tenderer be a retired eng<strong>in</strong>eer of the Gazetted rank or any other Gazetted Officerwork<strong>in</strong>g before his retirement, whether <strong>in</strong> the executive or adm<strong>in</strong>istrative capacity, or whetherhold<strong>in</strong>g a pensionable post or not, <strong>in</strong> any department of any of the Railways owned andadm<strong>in</strong>istered by the President of India for the time be<strong>in</strong>g, or should a tenderer be<strong>in</strong>g partnershipfirm have as one of its partners a retired eng<strong>in</strong>eer or retired Gazetted Officer as aforesaid, orSignature of tenderer(s) 9/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER – 1<strong>Tender</strong> Forms (Second Sheet)<strong>Tender</strong> No.- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03 Dated- -------------Name of tender- Supply, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g and commission<strong>in</strong>g of Auxiliary Transformers(10KVA, 25KV/240V AT) supply to ABS Relay-Hut <strong>in</strong> MZP- MGS section of AllahabadDivision of North Central Railway.To,The President of India,Act<strong>in</strong>g through the CAO/IRPMU,Shivaji Bridge, New Delhi-01.1. I/We …................................................................. have read the various conditions to tenderattached here to and agree to abide by the said conditions. I/We also agree to keep this tender open foracceptance for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for open<strong>in</strong>g the same and <strong>in</strong> default thereof,I/We will be liable for forfeiture of my/our “Earnest Money”. I/We offer to do work for IRPMU,North Central Railway at the rates quoted <strong>in</strong> the attached schedule and hereby b<strong>in</strong>d myself/ourselves tocomplete the work <strong>in</strong> all respects with<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> Twelve months from the date of issue of letter ofacceptance / letter of <strong>in</strong>tent of the tender.2. I/We also hereby agree to abide by the General Conditions of Contract corrected uptopr<strong>in</strong>ted/advance correction slip No…............... dated …........ and to carry out the work accord<strong>in</strong>g to theSpecial Conditions of Contract and Specifications of material and works as laid down by Railway <strong>in</strong>the annexed Special Conditions/Specifications and the North Central Railway Works Hand Bookcorrected upto pr<strong>in</strong>ted/advance corrected slip No…........... dated …........... Schedule of rates correctedupto pr<strong>in</strong>ted/advance correction slip no….............. dated ….......... for the present contract.3. A sum of Rs ……………. is herewith forwarded as Earnest money. The full value of theearnest Money shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other right or remedies <strong>in</strong> case my/our<strong>Tender</strong> is accepted and if -(a) I/We do not execute the contract documents with<strong>in</strong> seven days after receipt of noticeissued by the Railway that such documents are ready: and(b) I/We do not commence the work with<strong>in</strong> fifteen days after receipt of orders to that effect.4. Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender shall constitute ab<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g contract between us subject to modifications, as may be mutually agreed to between us and<strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> the letter of acceptance of my/our offer for this work.Signature of Witness: …...................................................(1) …......................................................... Signature of <strong>Tender</strong>er(s)(2) …....................................................... Date …................................................Address of the <strong>Tender</strong>er (s)Signature of tenderer(s) 11/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

OFFER LETTERFrom M/STo,………………………………………………………….…………………………….The President of India,Act<strong>in</strong>g through the CAO/IRPMU,Shivaji Bridge, New Delhi-01.Dear Sir,Name of tender- Supply, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g and commission<strong>in</strong>g of Auxiliary Transformers(10KVA, 25KV/240V AT) supply to ABS Relay-Hut <strong>in</strong> MZP- MGS section of AllahabadDivision of North Central Railway.1 I/We the undersigned hereby offer to execute the above work with<strong>in</strong> a period of Twelvemonths from the date of issue of letter of <strong>in</strong>tent/letter of acceptance of tender and<strong>in</strong>struction compliance with the provisions detailed <strong>in</strong> the tender papers appended here to<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>structions to tenderers and conditions of tender<strong>in</strong>g, conditions of contract andspecifications as <strong>in</strong>cluded there<strong>in</strong> and as modified by this tender at such rates as arespecified <strong>in</strong> schedules appended here to.2 I/We agree that this tender shall not be restricted or with drawn and shall rema<strong>in</strong> open foracceptance for and dur<strong>in</strong>g the period of 90 days from the date fixed for open<strong>in</strong>g the same,subject to the stipulation mentioned <strong>in</strong> clause 1.1.5 and will cont<strong>in</strong>ue to be open evenbeyond the period of n<strong>in</strong>ety days till withdrawn or rejected or accepted as the case maybe.3. I/We also fully understand and hereby agree to abide by the general and specialconditions of the contract and to carry out the work accord<strong>in</strong>g to the specification forpresent contract as modified by this tender.4. I/We have deposited with the Div. Cashier, Northern Railway/North CentralRailway…………. The required sum of Rs…………….. as earnest money for whichreceipt no. ………………. DT…………….. has been granted.I/We enclosed a Bank Draft from …………………. Bank for a sum of Rs. ……. (Rs.………………………………………………….) as earnest money.The full value of the earnest money shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any otherrights or remedies if any I/We do not execute the agreement with<strong>in</strong> seven days afterreceipt of notice issued by the Railway that such agreement is ready or I/We do notcommence the work with<strong>in</strong> 10 days or receipt of the <strong>in</strong>structions to that effect.Signature of tenderer(s) 12/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

5. I/We enclose the Income Tax Clearance certificate or a declaration to that effect onrequired of the tender papers perta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to me/us for the year.6. I/We have no retired Eng<strong>in</strong>eer or retired Gazetted Officers of the Electrical Department ofany of the Railway owned and adm<strong>in</strong>istered by the President of India.The list of the retired Eng<strong>in</strong>eers or Retired Gazetted Officers who are associated withme/us <strong>in</strong>cluded as an enclosure to this offer letter.Yours faithfully,Witnessed by:1. Signature ------------------------------2. Name <strong>in</strong> block letters ----------------3. Address :------------------------------(signature of the tenderers(s)Seal of the <strong>Tender</strong>er:Place: -------------------Date: --------------------1. Signature ------------------------------2. Name <strong>in</strong> block letters ----------------3. Address ---------------------------------------o0o--------Signature of tenderer(s) 13/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER – 2SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT2.0 Introduction-This chapter deals with conditions of contract necessary for execution of this contract and notcovered under general conditions of contract. If conditions <strong>in</strong> this chapter are <strong>in</strong> variance withgeneral conditions of contract, the conditions given <strong>in</strong> this chapter will prevail.2.1 Scope of Work-The scope of work covers supply, <strong>in</strong>stallation and commission<strong>in</strong>g of excavation & concretefoundations, excavation & fill<strong>in</strong>g of trench <strong>in</strong> soil, steel masts, auxiliary transformers, LTcable, electrical fitt<strong>in</strong>gs, <strong>in</strong>ternal wir<strong>in</strong>g, LT panels, LT distribution boards, <strong>in</strong>sulators, earth<strong>in</strong>g& bond<strong>in</strong>gs, GI wire etc. at different location as mentioned <strong>in</strong> approximate schedule of Works.The works will be executed <strong>in</strong>division.MZP-MGS section or nearby area <strong>in</strong> Allahabad2.2 Items to be supplied by Railways free of cost for worksi)AL Cables of 2x70 sq.mm size/LT as mentioned <strong>in</strong> schedule.ii) 10KVA, 25KV/240V Auxiliary transformers.iii) 60 Amps Auto Change Over Panels.Railway’s supply material will be made available at ALD/CNB construction stores or nearbyareas and to be transported to site by contractor.Any other material needed for completion and commission<strong>in</strong>g of work will be supply bycontractor as part of erection and commission<strong>in</strong>g.2.3 The tenderer should quote s<strong>in</strong>gle %age for schedule of prices for each sub-sections and nonscheduleitems <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g above/par/below on SOR.2.4 The rates should be quoted <strong>in</strong> figures as well as <strong>in</strong> words. If there is variation between therates quoted <strong>in</strong> figures and <strong>in</strong> words, the rate quoted <strong>in</strong> ‘words’ shall be taken as correct. Ifmore than one improper rate is tendered for the same item, the tender is liable to be rejected.a. Each page of the tender papers is to be signed and dated by the tenderer(s) or such person(s) on his/their behalf who is/are legally authorized to signed for him/them.b. Erasures and/or alteration-<strong>Tender</strong>s conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g erasures and/or alteration of the tenderdocuments are liable to be rejected. Any correction made by <strong>Tender</strong>er(s) <strong>in</strong> his/theirentries must be attested by him/them.2.5 Credential of the <strong>Tender</strong>er-(i)The tenderer (s) must be an established, experienced and reputed construction firmand have regularly undertaken works of the similar type tendered for and haveadequate technical knowledge and practical experience <strong>in</strong> field.Signature of tenderer(s) 14/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

(ii)(iii)The tenderer (s) must have adequate f<strong>in</strong>ancial resources to meet the obligations underthe contract. They may submit the report from recognised bank of F<strong>in</strong>ancialInstitution.JVs/Consortiums/MOU shall not be considered.The tenderer must submit the documents either notarized or attested by a serv<strong>in</strong>ggazetted <strong>gov</strong>t. servant with clear seal and name.2.6.1 Quality of work and material-a. Material: All materials used <strong>in</strong> the work shall be procured from approved sources ofR.D.S.O./CORE/ CEE/(N.Rly)./CEE/(N.C.Rly). Items for which approved sources are notavailable, should be ISI marked. Items for which ISI is not available should be gotapproved before procurement.b. Erection – All erection work shall be carried out as per established eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g practice.It should be ma<strong>in</strong>tenance friendly, environmental friendly and should not endanger safetyof public/ operator.c. The successful tenderer shall furnish the names and particulars of the certificate ofcompetency of supervisor and workmen to be engaged for carry<strong>in</strong>g out this work.d. No form C & D will be supplied by Railway.2.6.2 By a Gazetted notification, Govt. of India has appo<strong>in</strong>ted Chief Electrical Eng<strong>in</strong>eer, North CentralRailway to be the Electrical Inspector and has directed that he shall exercise the powers andperform the functions of an Electrical Inspector under the Indian Electricity Act 2003 and latestversion. The <strong>in</strong>spect<strong>in</strong>g officers for this contract shall be nom<strong>in</strong>ated by the Railways as <strong>in</strong>dicated<strong>in</strong> the technical specification.2.7.1 Electricity<strong>Tender</strong>er shall make his own arrangement of electricity for execution of work and for test<strong>in</strong>g andcommission<strong>in</strong>g of electrical <strong>in</strong>stallations. Electricity shall be made available at cost of electricityconsumption, if available at site of work.2.7.2 Tools & PlantsThe contractor shall arrange at his own cost all tools, Plants etc. necessary for erection, test<strong>in</strong>g,and commission<strong>in</strong>g of the equipments to ensure compliance with the specification.2.8.1 Contractor’s draw<strong>in</strong>gs etc. –Any calculations, designs, draw<strong>in</strong>gs, schedules, <strong>in</strong>formation data, progress charts etc. required bythe Purchaser’s Eng<strong>in</strong>eer <strong>in</strong> connection with the contract, shall be furnished by the Contractor athis own expenses. The contractor will not be required to furnish draw<strong>in</strong>gs, designs andcalculations etc for basic designs and employment schedules provided by the Purchaser <strong>in</strong> case nomodification/deviation is proposed by the contractor for a particular basic design/employmentschedule.2.8.2 Contractor’s Responsibility for discrepancy –Signature of tenderer(s) 15/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

All designs and draw<strong>in</strong>gs submitted by the Contractor shall be based on a thorough study andshall be such that the Contractor is satisfied about their suitability. The Purchaser’s approval willbe based on these considerations. Notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g approval communicated by the Purchaser,dur<strong>in</strong>g the progress of the contract for designs and draw<strong>in</strong>gs, prototype samples of components,materials and equipments after <strong>in</strong>spection of materials, after erection and adjustments to<strong>in</strong>stallations, the ultimate responsibility for correct design and execution of work shall be withcontractor unless the Purchaser <strong>in</strong>sists on adoption of his own designs <strong>in</strong>spite of the Contractornot be<strong>in</strong>g agreeable to it.2.8.3 Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g of Purchaser’s Staff –The contractor shall impart tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to Railway staff free of cost. Contents of tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and numberof staff for tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g shall be mutually decided.2.8.4 Work by other Agencies-a. Any other works undertaken at the same time by the Purchaser or the Railway direct or throughsome other agency at the same time or section where the contractor is carry<strong>in</strong>g out his work willnot entitle the contractor to prefer any claim regard<strong>in</strong>g any delays or h<strong>in</strong>drances he may have toface on this account but the Purchaser shall grant a reasonable extension of time to the contractor.The contractor shall comply with any <strong>in</strong>struction which may be given to him by the Purchaser <strong>in</strong>order to permit simultaneous execution of his own works and these undertaken by othercontractors or the Railway without be<strong>in</strong>g entitled on this account on any extra charge.b. The contractor shall not be entitled to any extra payment due to h<strong>in</strong>drance result<strong>in</strong>g from normalRailway operations, such as delay on account of adequate number of and duration of shut-downetc. not be<strong>in</strong>g granted.c. If the purchaser is unable to supply materials to the contractor as specified <strong>in</strong> the contract, <strong>in</strong> time,the contractor shall not be entitled to any extra payment on account of such delay <strong>in</strong> supply.However, such delays <strong>in</strong> supply will be reasonable ground for extension of completion date/s forthe work.2.9 Infr<strong>in</strong>gement of patents-2.9.1 The Contractor is forbidden to use any patents or registered draw<strong>in</strong>gs, process or pattern <strong>in</strong>fulfill<strong>in</strong>g his contract without the previous consent <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g of the owner of such patent,draw<strong>in</strong>g, pattern or trade mark, except where these are specified by the Purchaser himself.Royalties where payable for the use of such patented processes, registered draw<strong>in</strong>gs or patternsshall be borne exclusively by the Contractor. The contractor shall advise the Purchaser of anyproprietary right that may exist on such processed draw<strong>in</strong>gs or patterns which he may use of hisown accord.2.9.2 In the case of patent taken out by the Contractor of the draw<strong>in</strong>gs or patterns registered by him, orof those patents, draw<strong>in</strong>gs, or patents for which he holds a license, the sign<strong>in</strong>g of the Contractautomatically gives the Purchaser the right to repair by himself the purchased articles covered bythe patent or by any person or body chosen by him and to obta<strong>in</strong> from any sources he desires thecomponent parts required by him <strong>in</strong> carry<strong>in</strong>g out the repair work. In the event of <strong>in</strong>fr<strong>in</strong>gement ofany patent rights due to above action of the Purchaser, he shall be entitled to claim damages fromthe contractor on the grounds of any loss of any nature which he may suffer e.g. <strong>in</strong> the case ofattachment because of counterfeit<strong>in</strong>g.Signature of tenderer(s) 16/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

2.9.3 Indemnification by contractor. –In the event of any claim or demand be<strong>in</strong>g made or action be<strong>in</strong>g brought aga<strong>in</strong>st the Purchaser for<strong>in</strong>fr<strong>in</strong>gement of later patent <strong>in</strong> respect of any equipment, mach<strong>in</strong>e, plant, work or th<strong>in</strong>g used orsupplied by the Contractor under this contract or <strong>in</strong> respect of any methods of us<strong>in</strong>g or work<strong>in</strong>g bythe Purchaser of such equipment mach<strong>in</strong>e, plant work or th<strong>in</strong>g, the contractor shall <strong>in</strong>demnify thepurchaser and keep him <strong>in</strong>demnified and harmless aga<strong>in</strong>st all claims, costs, charges and expensesaris<strong>in</strong>g from or <strong>in</strong>curred by reason of such claim provided that the Purchaser shall notify thecontractor immediately any claim is made and that the contractor shall be at liberty, if he sodesires with the assistance of the Purchaser if required but at the Contractor’s expense, to conductall negotiations for the settlement of the same or any litigation that may arise there from andprovided that no such equipment, mach<strong>in</strong>e, plant work or th<strong>in</strong>g, shall be used by the Purchaser forany purpose or <strong>in</strong> any manner other than that for which they have been supplied by the Contractorand specified under this contract.2.10 Inspection & Test<strong>in</strong>g-The contractor will ensure that equipments used have been type tested. The rout<strong>in</strong>e andacceptance tests shall be conducted by the firm <strong>in</strong> the presence of purchaser’srepresentative/<strong>in</strong>spect<strong>in</strong>g officer. The contractor shall furnish three copies of manufacturer’srout<strong>in</strong>e and type tests certificates.2.11 The contractor and his representatives shall abide by all railway regulations <strong>in</strong> force.2.12 Safety measures-2.12.1 The contractor shall take all precautionary measures <strong>in</strong> order to ensure the protection of his ownpersonnel mov<strong>in</strong>g about or work<strong>in</strong>g on the railway premises. When the work is on/near railwaytrack, he shall provide for flagman for protection as per the directives of the purchaser.2.12.2 While work<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong> station limits, especially on passenger platforms, the contractor shall ensurethat at all time sufficient space is left for free-movement of passenger traffic. He must coverand/or barricade the excavations carried out <strong>in</strong> such areas and cont<strong>in</strong>ue to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> these, till thework is completed, with a view to avoid any accident to public or to Railway staff.2.12.3 The works must be carried out most carefully without any <strong>in</strong>fr<strong>in</strong>gement of the Indian Railway Actor the General and Subsidiary Rules <strong>in</strong> force on the Railway, <strong>in</strong> such a way that they do not h<strong>in</strong>derRailway operation or affect the proper function<strong>in</strong>g of any Railway equipment, structure or roll<strong>in</strong>gstock.2.12.4 If safety of track or track dra<strong>in</strong>age etc. is affected as a consequence of works undertaken by thecontractor, the contractor shall take immediate steps to restore normal conditions. In case ofdelay, the purchaser shall, after giv<strong>in</strong>g due notice to the contractor <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g, take necessary stepsto complete the job and recover the costs from the contractor.2.12.5 Contractor shall provide yellow jackets to workers work<strong>in</strong>g near railway tracks. He should alsoprovide helmets and other safety equipments to his workers.2.12.6 The contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of all equipments till provisional acceptance.2.13 Provisional Acceptance:-Signature of tenderer(s) 17/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

a) Immediately on completion of work, the contractor shall test the <strong>in</strong>stallation to ensure that<strong>in</strong>stallation is as per the specifications. Alongwith the test results, the contractor shall<strong>in</strong>form the purchaser <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g that <strong>in</strong>stallation is complete and ready for commission<strong>in</strong>g.b) The test as stipulated <strong>in</strong> the specification shall be jo<strong>in</strong>tly conducted. On the basis of testresults, if found satisfactory, the <strong>in</strong>stallation shall be commissioned. Provisionalacceptance shall not be withheld for rectification of m<strong>in</strong>or defects.2.14 Guarantee-The tenderer shall guarantee the equipments/<strong>in</strong>stallations for satisfactory performance for a periodof 12 months from the date of commission<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>st any defect. The contractor should promptlyattend compla<strong>in</strong>t and replace/repair the defective equipments/parts free of cost promptly andsatisfactorily. The equipments/parts so replaced by the contractor, shall be further guaranteed fora period of 12 months for satisfactory service from the date of such replacement.2.15 Availability of breakdown/ma<strong>in</strong>tenance staffDur<strong>in</strong>g the period of guarantee the Contractor shall keep available an experienced eng<strong>in</strong>eer andnecessary equipment to attend any defective <strong>in</strong>stallations result<strong>in</strong>g from defective erection and/ordefects <strong>in</strong> the equipment supplied by the Contractor. This eng<strong>in</strong>eer shall not attend to rectificationor defects which arise out of normal rout<strong>in</strong>e ma<strong>in</strong>tenance work. The contractor shall bear the costof all modification additions or substitutions that may be considered necessary due to faultymaterials, design or workmanship for the satisfactory work<strong>in</strong>g of the equipment. The f<strong>in</strong>aldecision shall rest with Railway.2.16 Failure to attend the defectsAll defects and deficiencies advised to the contractor shall be attended to by him promptly. Ifcontractor fails to respond and arrange repair/rectification with<strong>in</strong> reasonable time, the purchasershall be free to get the repairs done through departmental labour or through any other sources atcontractor’s expenses without prejudice to the other remedies available under the contract.2.17 Ma<strong>in</strong>tenance Manuals – On successful completion of work, the contractor shall hand over fourcopies of the detailed draw<strong>in</strong>gs and ma<strong>in</strong>tenance manuals of each equipment duly bound <strong>in</strong>booklets. Two copies shall be given <strong>in</strong> the form of CD/floppy to the purchaser prior to release off<strong>in</strong>al payment to the contractor.2.18 F<strong>in</strong>al AcceptanceThe f<strong>in</strong>al acceptance of the entire <strong>in</strong>stallation shall be from the date of expiry of the guaranteeperiod and after contractor’s obligation has been fully met under the contract.2.19 Variation <strong>in</strong> contract Quantities:The approximate quantities of various items of works are <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the schedule. FurtherVariation <strong>in</strong> quantities provided <strong>in</strong> contract agreement will be dispensed with as under dur<strong>in</strong>gexecution of the contract:Signature of tenderer(s) 18/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

(i) Individual NS Items <strong>in</strong> contracts shall be operated with variation of plus or m<strong>in</strong>us 25% andpayment would be made as per the agreement rate for this no f<strong>in</strong>ance concurrence wouldbe required.(ii) Variation of an <strong>in</strong>dividual item shall normally rema<strong>in</strong>s up to 25 % of the agreementquantity. If variation more than 25% of the agreement is considered as unavoidable, thesame shall be executed by float<strong>in</strong>g a fresh tender. If float<strong>in</strong>g a tender is considered notpracticable, quantity of that item may be operated <strong>in</strong> excess of 125% of the agreementquantity subject to the follow<strong>in</strong>g conditions :a. Operation of an item by more than 125% of the agreement quantity needs the approvalof an officer of the rank not less than SA grade.(i) Quantities operated <strong>in</strong> excess of 125% but up to 140% of the agreement quantity ofthe concerned item, shall be paid at 98% of the rate awarded for that item <strong>in</strong> thatparticular tender;(ii) Quantities operated <strong>in</strong> excess of 140% but up to 150% of the agreement quantity ofthe concerned item shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for that item <strong>in</strong> thatparticular tender;(iii) Variation <strong>in</strong> quantities of <strong>in</strong>dividual items beyond 150% will be prohibited andwould be permitted only <strong>in</strong> exceptional unavoidable circumstances with theconcurrence of associate f<strong>in</strong>ance and shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for thatitem <strong>in</strong> that particular tender.b. The variations <strong>in</strong> quantities as per the above formula will apply only to the <strong>in</strong>dividualitems of the contract and note on the overall contract value.c. Execution of quantities beyond 150% of the overall agree mental value should not bepermitted and, if found necessary, should be only through fresh tenders or bynegotiat<strong>in</strong>g with exist<strong>in</strong>g contractor, with prior personal concurrence of FA & CAO/FA & CAO (C ) and approval of General Manager.(iii) In cases where decrease is <strong>in</strong>volved dur<strong>in</strong>g execution of contract:a. The contract sign<strong>in</strong>g authority can decrease the items up to 25% of <strong>in</strong>dividual itemwithout f<strong>in</strong>ance concurrence.b. For decrease beyond 25% for <strong>in</strong>dividual item or 25% of contract agreement value,the approval of an officer not less than rank of S.A. grade may be taken, afterobta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g ‘No Claim Certificate’ from the contractor and with f<strong>in</strong>ance concurrence,giv<strong>in</strong>g detailed reasons for each such decrease <strong>in</strong> the quantities.c. It should be certified that the work proposed to be reduced will not be required <strong>in</strong> thesame work.(iv) The limit for vary<strong>in</strong>g quantities for m<strong>in</strong>or value items shall be 100% (as aga<strong>in</strong>st 25%prescribed for other Items ) A m<strong>in</strong>or value item for this purpose is def<strong>in</strong>ed as an itemwhose orig<strong>in</strong>al agreement value is less than 1% of the total orig<strong>in</strong>al agreement value.(v) No such quantity variation limit shall apply for foundation Items.(vi) As far as SOR Items are concerned the limit of 25% would apply to the value of SORschedule as a whole and not on <strong>in</strong>dividual SOR Items. However, <strong>in</strong> case of NS Items,the limit of 25% would apply on the <strong>in</strong>dividual Items irrespective of the manner ofquot<strong>in</strong>g the rates (S<strong>in</strong>gle percentage rate or <strong>in</strong>dividual Item rate)2.20 Survey & Plann<strong>in</strong>g of work:Before start<strong>in</strong>g of the work, Contractor should assess the quantity of materials of the work andsubmit his plann<strong>in</strong>g to Railway Eng<strong>in</strong>eer for approval before plac<strong>in</strong>g of the order for materials.Signature of tenderer(s) 19/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Similarly, before manufactur<strong>in</strong>g of Panels etc., the draw<strong>in</strong>gs should be got approved by theRailway.2.21 The tenderer will have to make available the vehicles & equipments to the Railway adm<strong>in</strong>istrationas & where desired and payments shall be made through Non –Scheduled items.2.22 General Conditions of Contract:-The tender shall be <strong>gov</strong>erned by General Conditions of contract, and General <strong>in</strong>structions totenderers and special conditions of contract. Wherever there is discordance among quantities ofschedule of work, special conditions of contract and technical specifications the priority shall be <strong>in</strong>the order of quantities of work, special conditions of contract and technical specifications.North Central Railway Publication of Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g Department, “Works handbook Part I(Regulation for tenders & contracts) and Part II (General Conditions of Contract) Published <strong>in</strong>JULY 2005, along with all upto date correction slips, copy of which can be purchased from theoffice of SEE/C/NCR/Kanpur on cash payment of Rs 250/-.The <strong>in</strong>tend<strong>in</strong>g tenderer will be deemedto have seen /purchased and read this publication thoroughly before submitt<strong>in</strong>g their offer.2.23 Communication with site-For ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g effective communication with field staff and officers at NDLS & site of work <strong>in</strong>MZP- MGS section, two Mobile Phones <strong>in</strong> work<strong>in</strong>g condition shall have to be arranged by thecontractor. Recurr<strong>in</strong>g expenditure shall be born by the contractor till the completion of the work.Before the start<strong>in</strong>g of work by the contractor, model and connectivity of the mobile phone shouldbe got approved from the purchaser. Mobile set shall be returned back to the contractor aftercompletion of the work.--------o0o--------Signature of tenderer(s) 20/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER- 3PRICES AND PAYMENT2.24 Scope:This chapter deals with prices to be paid to the contractor for completion of various items ofwork. The contractor shall be paid for completed works <strong>in</strong> accordance with accepted scheduleof prices and rates, as stipulated <strong>in</strong> the tender document.2.25 Schedule of Prices:Unit Prices for Materials and Erection–The unit prices of materials as given <strong>in</strong> Schedule of Works & Prices shall be <strong>in</strong>clusive of allcharges <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g transport, load<strong>in</strong>g/unload<strong>in</strong>g handl<strong>in</strong>g and all <strong>in</strong>surance premium, banker’scharges, all Taxes, Duties and levies (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g octroi etc.) applicable on works contracts, etc.The unit prices given <strong>in</strong> Schedule of Rates shall <strong>in</strong>clude cost of erection, test<strong>in</strong>g,commission<strong>in</strong>g and cover all cost of adm<strong>in</strong>istration of the contract, <strong>in</strong>surance premium,bankers’ charges for guarantees, cost of storage, load<strong>in</strong>g, unload<strong>in</strong>g and handl<strong>in</strong>g of materials,and for any road transport which the Contractor may use for carriage of materials between hisdepot and depot/s and site of work, etc.Unit prices quoted shall be FIRM. No price variation shall be allowed, on any account.1.2 Quantities-The approximate estimated quantities of various items of works are <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> Schedule ofRates Chapter-7, Section-2. However, quantities can be <strong>in</strong>creased/ decreased as stipulated <strong>in</strong>Special Conditions of Contract.1.3 New items of work. –If dur<strong>in</strong>g the execution of the work, the Contractor is called upon to carry out any new item ofwork not <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> Chapter-7, Section-2, the Contractor shall execute such works at suchprices as may be mutually agreed <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g with the Purchaser.1.4 Deduction of taxes from contractor’s bills-Wherever the law makes it statutory for the purchaser to deduct any amount towards SalesTax/Income tax on works contract, the same will be deducted and deposited with theconcerned authority.1.5 Submission of Bills –a) The contractor shall submit his <strong>in</strong>voic<strong>in</strong>g procedure for approval by the Purchaser with<strong>in</strong> 2month from the date of receipt of Letter of Acceptance of <strong>Tender</strong>. Separate <strong>in</strong>voices shallbe submitted for different types of payment mentioned above. All <strong>in</strong>voices shall besubmitted with orig<strong>in</strong>al support<strong>in</strong>g documents or certified true copies of support<strong>in</strong>gdocument wherever these are acceptable to the Purchaser’s Eng<strong>in</strong>eer. Where copies oforig<strong>in</strong>al documents are required <strong>in</strong> support of several <strong>in</strong>voices, true certified copies of theorig<strong>in</strong>al documents may be forwarded to the Purchaser’s Eng<strong>in</strong>eer, with his consent.Signature of tenderer(s) 21/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

. Invoices shall be submitted only on the basis of agreed pr<strong>in</strong>ciples and prices, quantitiesand measurements of works completed shall be approved by the Purchaser’s Eng<strong>in</strong>eerprior to the submission of <strong>in</strong>voices. For this purpose, the schedule of quantities andmeasurements submitted by the contractor for approval of the Purchaser’s Eng<strong>in</strong>eer maybe only upto the extent of work completed except <strong>in</strong> the case of payments on provisionalacceptance.1.6 Payment –80% of the item price (material cost) shall be paid on receipt of material <strong>in</strong> railway custodyafter <strong>in</strong>spection. If for any item of work, price of material and erection is not separatelyavailable, 80% of the cost of item of work will be considered as material cost.Further payment of material and erection cost to cover 90% of the cost of item of work shallbe made on successful test<strong>in</strong>g and commission<strong>in</strong>g of the <strong>in</strong>stallation.Balance 10% payment shall be released on issue of provisional acceptance certificate. Thecontractor shall be required to give Bank Guarantee valid for 12 months beyond the expiry ofma<strong>in</strong>tenance period of amount equal to 10% of the contract value towards performanceguarantee. The performance guarantee shall have to be furnished by the successful contractorafter the letter of acceptance has been issued but before sign<strong>in</strong>g of the agreement. The securitymoney already deducted/deposited from runn<strong>in</strong>g bills shall be released on successfulcompletion of work and due certification by the competent authority.1.7 F<strong>in</strong>al Payment –On physical completion of the work and due certification by the competent authority thesecurity deposit will be refunded to the contractor. The certificate <strong>in</strong>ter- alias, should mentionthat the work has been completed <strong>in</strong> all respect and that all the contractual obligations havebeen fulfilled by the contractor and that there is no due from the contractor to Railways aga<strong>in</strong>stthis contract. Before releas<strong>in</strong>g the SD, an unconditional and unequivocal no claim certificate isrequired to be obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the contractor concerned.After expiry of the ma<strong>in</strong>tenance period and issue of the certificate of the f<strong>in</strong>al acceptance ofthe entire <strong>in</strong>stallation the performance guarantee earlier submitted by the contractor <strong>in</strong> theform of Bank Guarantee shall be released after adjustment of any dues payable by thecontractor.--------o0o--------Signature of tenderer(s) 22/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER – 4TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSSystem Particulars-The nom<strong>in</strong>al voltage of the equipment will be overhead 25KV AC, 50 Hz s<strong>in</strong>gle phase. Totape the 25KV OHE supply for signal<strong>in</strong>g and other <strong>in</strong>stallations, 25KV/240V AuxiliaryTransformers (AT) are erected on galvanised steel mast <strong>in</strong> vic<strong>in</strong>ity to railwaytrack/<strong>in</strong>stallations. This AT is connected through protection and support arrangement toOHE on 25 KV side. The 240V s<strong>in</strong>gle phase on LT side of AT is taped and term<strong>in</strong>ated toLT Distribution Board provided on same mast with protection device like fuse. This LTsupply is extended through underground 2-core AL cable of suitable size to automaticCLS distribution panel provided <strong>in</strong> ASM/ Relay room/communication equipment room.Section – 1.1: Basic Designs-a. Standard designs: Where the Contractor adopt designs and draw<strong>in</strong>g conform<strong>in</strong>g tostandard designs, draw<strong>in</strong>gs and specifications of the Research, Designs and StandardsOrganisation, Manak Nagar, Lucknow 226911 (RDSO) for basic arrangements,equipments, components and fitt<strong>in</strong>gs of traction overhead equipment and LT supplytransformer stations and adopts employment schedules furnished by the Purchaser, heshall verify such designs and draw<strong>in</strong>gs and employment schedules and satisfy<strong>in</strong>g himselfthat these are correct and the latest approved draw<strong>in</strong>gs, before use. With<strong>in</strong> one monthsof the issue of letter of acceptance of <strong>Tender</strong>, the Contractor shall <strong>in</strong>dicate to thePurchaser, the list of standard basic arrangement, components and fitt<strong>in</strong>gs, draw<strong>in</strong>gs andemployment schedules, which he will adopt for the purpose of the work.b. Deviations-Normally, the deviations from the standard draw<strong>in</strong>gs of the Purchaser will notbe accepted. However, <strong>in</strong> exceptional cases where the contractor desires to suggestimprovements as a result of his experience or other developments, he shall justify hisproposals with support<strong>in</strong>g explanatory note.Special Designs-c. In cases where standard designs, draw<strong>in</strong>gs or employment schedules do not coverrequirement of special location or site conditions, the Contractor shall submit his owndesigns or draw<strong>in</strong>gs along with support<strong>in</strong>g calculations and notes for scrut<strong>in</strong>y andapproval of the Purchaser.d. Such special designs shall generally be <strong>in</strong>conformity with basic designs furnished by thePurchaser and <strong>in</strong> accordance with the specifications. If the Contractor wishes to adoptspecial designs which do not conform to the general basic designs of the Purchaser heshall submit alternative designs and draw<strong>in</strong>gs justify<strong>in</strong>g his proposal.e. Contractor’s location plans – The contractor should survey and prepare location and siteplans and submit three copies of such plans for approval.Signature of tenderer(s) 23/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

f. Cross section draw<strong>in</strong>gs – Draw<strong>in</strong>gs shall be submitted for approval <strong>in</strong> two copies for aconvenient section at a time separately for sections with<strong>in</strong> station limits. Such draw<strong>in</strong>gsshall be submitted progressively and as for as possible without gap.g. Structure erection draw<strong>in</strong>gs – Structure erection draw<strong>in</strong>gs shall be submitted forapproval <strong>in</strong> two copies for a section at a time separately for section with<strong>in</strong> station limitsand sections outside station limits, progressively and without gaps.h. Schedule of Quantities – Schedules of Quantities for each approved layoutplan/switch<strong>in</strong>g station shall be submitted for approval <strong>in</strong> two copies.Contractor shall submit copies for distributions to field officers and other department as<strong>in</strong>dicated below with<strong>in</strong> seven days of receipt of approval trac<strong>in</strong>gs:i. Location & site plans - 5 copies.ii. Structure cross-section draw<strong>in</strong>gs - 5 copies.iii. Structure erection draw<strong>in</strong>gs - 5 copiesiv. Schedule of quantities - 5 copiesIn all the above cases the contractor has to supply only 5 copies of the approved draw<strong>in</strong>gsprovided one of them is a transparent paper pr<strong>in</strong>t.j. Completion draw<strong>in</strong>gs and schedule –After completion of work, all draw<strong>in</strong>gs and designs submitted by the Contractor andapproved by the purchaser shall be made upto date <strong>in</strong>corporat<strong>in</strong>g actual supply anderection particulars <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the name of make of <strong>in</strong>sulators galvanised steel tube,sta<strong>in</strong>less steel wire rope etc. Such draw<strong>in</strong>gs and schedules shall then be verified andcorrected, if necessary, by the contractor jo<strong>in</strong>tly with the Purchaser’s representatives. Theverified and corrected draw<strong>in</strong>gs shall be supplied <strong>in</strong> three sets, one of which shall betransparencies of l<strong>in</strong>en or film reproduction or any other durable material approved by thePurchaser.-----0-----Signature of tenderer(s) 24/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Section- 1.2: Technical Specifications –The follow<strong>in</strong>g specifications (latest revision) will <strong>gov</strong>ern the supply and test<strong>in</strong>g ofimportant materials, components and equipments:Structural steel IS 2062-1992IS 800-1984IS 808-1989Tensile test<strong>in</strong>g IS 1608 – 1972 for steel products etc.IS 1731 – 1971IS 2004 – 1991Weld<strong>in</strong>g IS 816 – 1969T<strong>in</strong> bronze cast<strong>in</strong>gs- IS: 306 – 1983Alum<strong>in</strong>um bronze cast<strong>in</strong>gs- IS : 3091 – 1965Malleable iron cast<strong>in</strong>gs- IS: 2108 – 1977Grey iron cast<strong>in</strong>gs- IS: 210 – 1978Alum<strong>in</strong>um cast<strong>in</strong>gs- IS: 617 – 1975Copper strip for formed fitt<strong>in</strong>g - IS: 1897-1983Contact wire-ETI/OHE/42(6/97)Annealed stranded copper - ETI/OHE/3(2/94) with A&C slip No.1 of 4(95)Conductor for jumper wire.Copper bus bar -RE/30/OHE/5(11/60)Structural steel tubes- ETI/OHE/11(5/89)Hot dip galvanisation of - ETI/OHE/13(4/84) with A&C slip No.1steel masts (Rolled and of 5(86)2&3 of 4(90).fabricated) tubes andfitt<strong>in</strong>gs used on 25KV OHE.Sta<strong>in</strong>less steel wire rope- ETI/OHE/14(9/94) with A&C slip No.1 of 9(95)2 of 1(97), 3 of 8(99), 4 of 12(99), 5 of 10(01).25 KV solid core <strong>in</strong>sulator - ETI/OHE/15(9/91) with A&C slip No.1 of 5(99)<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g those for polluted 2 of 2(2000) and 3 of 2(2000).zones.25 KV s<strong>in</strong>gle and double pole isolator- ETI/OHE/16(1/94)Bolts, Nuts and Washers-ETI/OHE/18(4/84) with A&C slip No.1of 11(84) 2 of 6(87) and 3 of 9(87).Alum<strong>in</strong>um Alloy section and tube- ETI/OHE/21(9/74) slip No.1 of Nov., 84Standard draw<strong>in</strong>gs and Traction - RE/OHE/25(3/66).overhead equipment.Section Insulator- RE/OHE/27(8/84) with A&C slip No.1 of 10(92)Enameled steel plates-ETI/OHE/33(7/88)Signature of tenderer(s) 25/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Fitt<strong>in</strong>gs for 25 KV 50 HZ AC - ETI/OHE/49(9/95) with A&C slip No.1 oftraction equipment 6(97) And 2 of 4(2000).Cadmium copper conductor - ETI/OHE/50(6/97) with A/C slip no-1 of 6/97for OHE traction.Bimetallic (Al-Cu) strip - ETI/OHE/55(4/90)Specification for 3-pulley type- ETI/OHE/48A(9/85) with A&C slip no-1Regulat<strong>in</strong>g equipment (3:1 ratio). of 11/87 and no-2 8/89.Technical specifications for fitt<strong>in</strong>gs- ETI/OHE/49(9/95 with A&C slip no-1).For 25 KV AC OHE. of 6/97 and no-2 of 4/2000.Specification for discharge/earth<strong>in</strong>g pole- ETI/OHE/51(9/87).Assembly for 25 kV ac traction.Pr<strong>in</strong>ciples for OHE layout plans and section<strong>in</strong>g - ETI/OHE/53(6/88).Diagrams for 25 kV ac traction.Specification for cont<strong>in</strong>uous cast copper - ETI/OHE/65(8/87).Wire rods.Code of bond<strong>in</strong>g and earth<strong>in</strong>g for 25KV -AC 50 Hz s<strong>in</strong>gle phase traction system.ETI/OHE/71(11/90).Specification for 4 axle car for w<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g - ETI/OHE/72(11/91).And/or unw<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g of contact wire andcatenary wire.Gearless hand operated pull<strong>in</strong>g and - TI/SPC/OHE/TOOLPL/0990.Lift<strong>in</strong>g mach<strong>in</strong>es (TIRFOR).Retchet lever Hoist (Pull-lifts)-TI/SPC/OHE/TOOLPL/1990.Insulated Cadmium copper catenary - TI/SPC/OHE/INSCA/T/0000.19/2.1mm diameter for provision underover l<strong>in</strong>e structures <strong>in</strong> the 25 KV AC electric traction.Galvanis<strong>in</strong>g – All ferrous materials and fitt<strong>in</strong>gs shall be hot dip galvanised accord<strong>in</strong>g tothe specification ETI/OHE/13(4/84) with A & C slip No.1 of 5/86), 2 & 3 of 4(90).Electrical connections for OHE-a. General designs. – All electrical connections between conductors shall be made byparallel clamps. The general arrangements of connections are shown <strong>in</strong> the standarddraw<strong>in</strong>gs.b. Jumper – Copper jumpers shall be of any of the follow<strong>in</strong>g:i. Large Jumper of annealed copper <strong>in</strong> accordance with specification ETI/OHE/3(2/94) A and C Slip No.1 of April. 95.ii. Small jumper of annealed copper <strong>in</strong> accordance with the specification IS 434 Pt.-I.Alum<strong>in</strong>um jumpers, wherever used, shall be of all alum<strong>in</strong>um stranded conductor 19/7/4mm bare ¾ H generally conform<strong>in</strong>g to IS: 8130/1984.Signature of tenderer(s) 26/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Section -1.3:Payable unit weight for standard masts-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------S. No. Type of Masts Weight <strong>in</strong> Kg. per meter<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g galvanization---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 6”x6”x25.15 BFB 38.032 162x154x37.1 Kg.BFB 38.003 200x200x49.9 Kg.BFB 51.204 8”x6”x35 lb. RSJ. 53.395 -- -6 S 1 53.397 S 3 76.408 S 4 53.399 S 5 111.5310 S 6 53.3911 S 7 76.4012 S 8 111.5313 K 100 23.7014 K 125 30.3015 K 150 38.1816 K 175 43.7217 K 200 49.8718 K 225 57.5019 K 250 66.7220 B 100 27.7121 B 125 32.4722 B 150 39.0723 B 175 44.6124 B 200 50.7625 B 225 61.5026 B 250 70.7227 T 150 37.58----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of tenderer(s) 27/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

The various structures under 25KV/240V ATs/OHE-S/N Description Draw<strong>in</strong>g No. Mod.1. TTC with 5.5/8 meter boom ETI/C/0009 sheet 2to5 B2. BFB portal ETI/C/0026 sheet 2 A3. S-7 12.4 M. ET I/C/0182 C4. S-8 /12.4 Mtr. ETI/C/0183 C5. S-100 for LT transformer at SWS ETI/C/0043 B6. S-101 for isolator <strong>in</strong>side SWS ETI/C/0180 A7. S-3/11.4 Mtr. ETI/C/0180 C8. S-5/11.4 Mtr. ETI/C/0042 E9. T-150 for LT supply transformer ETI/PSI/037 C10. 25KVA LT Auxiliary Transformer ETI/PSI/036 or latest Latest11. 10KVA LT Auxiliary Transformer ETI/PSI/036 or latest LatestNote:1. RDSO’s specifications are priced document and can be purchased from RDSO.2. The specifications of C.E.E./N.Rly & N.C. Rly. are part of the tender document.3. The <strong>Tender</strong>er may please note that the material used <strong>in</strong> this work will be as per RDSO / IS/ BIS / Railway Specifications / CEE’s approved supplier List as on the date of tenderopen<strong>in</strong>g even if mentioned otherwise elsewhere <strong>in</strong> the tender paper.-------0-------Signature of tenderer(s) 28/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Section-2.1: SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE EARTHING:Specification No.- CEE/C/TKJ/NR-131.0 EARTHING SYSTEM:-Earth<strong>in</strong>g;- The earth<strong>in</strong>g shall confirm to the follow<strong>in</strong>g specification and as per Draw<strong>in</strong>gNo.CEE/C/TKJ/GNL/3.1.1 PIPE ELECTRODE:-I. The earth<strong>in</strong>g electrode shall be made of GI pipe of 50mm dia. medium class (Class B)confirm<strong>in</strong>g to relevant ISS, 3 meter long tapered at the bottom with holes of 12mmdia. drilled not less that 75mm from each other up to 2 meter of length from thebottom.In HT sub-station, 100 mm dia. GI pipe with flange shall be used for HT equipmentearth<strong>in</strong>g.II. The pipe electrode shall be buried <strong>in</strong> the ground vertically with its top nearly 200 mmbelow from the top of enclosure.III. A funnel with mesh shall be provided on top of this pipe for water<strong>in</strong>g funnelattachment shall be housed <strong>in</strong> the above masonry enclosure.2.0 MASONARY ENCLOSURE-The top of pipe electrode shall be housed <strong>in</strong> a masonry enclosure of not less than300mmx300mmx300mm, (<strong>in</strong>ternal size). The pipe shall be buried <strong>in</strong> the ground vertically,with its top nearly 20cm below top of enclosures. The covers of the masonry enclosures forelectrode shall be h<strong>in</strong>ged type made of MS with proper arrangement for lock<strong>in</strong>g or CI. In HTsub-station size of masonry enclosure shall be 600x600x300mm (Internal size).3.0 LOCATION FOR EARTH ELECTRODE-Normally an earth electrode shall not be situated less than 1.5 meter from any build<strong>in</strong>g. Careshall be taken that the excavations for the earth electrode may not effect the column foot<strong>in</strong>gsor foundations of the build<strong>in</strong>g. In such case electrode may be located further away frombuild<strong>in</strong>g. The location of earth shall be such where the soil has reasonable chances ofrema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g moist as far as possible. Entrances, pavements, roads should def<strong>in</strong>itely be avoidedfor location of earth electrodes. The location of earth electrodes shall be fixed <strong>in</strong> consultationwith Railway authority.4.0 ARTIFICIAL TREATMENT OF SOIL-In case there is no option of site for earth electrode the earth resistance shall be reduced byartificial chemical treatment of the soil. For this purpose the most commonly used substancesare sodium chloride (common salt) mixed with soft coke or charcoal <strong>in</strong> suitable proportion.When this treatment is resorted to the electrode shall be surrounded by the mixture ofcharcoal/coke and salt.5.0 SIZE OF EARTHING LEAD-M<strong>in</strong>imum size of earth<strong>in</strong>g lead shall be ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed as per IS code of practice (IS.3043-1966)and National Electricity code issued by ISI.Signature of tenderer(s) 29/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

6.0 METHOD OF CONNECTING EARTHING LEAD TO EARTH ELECTRODE-6.1 Earth<strong>in</strong>g lead/Earth<strong>in</strong>g MS flat strip shall be connected to pipe earth electrode by means ofbolt, nut, washer & cable socket.6.2.1 All materials used for connect<strong>in</strong>g the earth lead with electrode shall be of GI <strong>in</strong> case of GI stripand copper/ brass <strong>in</strong> the case of copper strip.6.2.2 The earth<strong>in</strong>g lead shall be securely connected at the other end to the ma<strong>in</strong> board equipments asdirected by means of proper nuts, bolts, washers and cable sockets.7.0 PROTECTION OF EARTHING LEAD.The earth<strong>in</strong>g lead from electrode onwards shall be suitably protected from mechanical <strong>in</strong>juryby 15mm dia. GI pipe <strong>in</strong> case of wire and by 50mm dia. medium class GI pipe <strong>in</strong> case of strip.Portion of this protection pipe with<strong>in</strong> ground shall be buried at least 30cm deep (to be<strong>in</strong>creased each <strong>in</strong> the case of road cross<strong>in</strong>g and pavements). The portion with<strong>in</strong> the build<strong>in</strong>gshall be recessed <strong>in</strong> walls and floors to adequate depth (Para 1.6.9 of CPWD GeneralSpecification for Electrical Works – Part-I Internal 1972).8.0 RESISTANCE OF EARTH.A) No earth electrode shall not have resistance greater than 2 Ohms for HT <strong>in</strong>stallation.For LT <strong>in</strong>stallation earth resistance may be up to 5 Ohms. In rocky soil the resistance may beupto 8 Ohms. (Para- 1.6.11 of CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works – Part-IInternal 1972).B) Every <strong>in</strong>dividual earth electrode shall be allotted a serial number and an earth plate ofsize 10x22 cm. Of 14 SWG sheet steel (Pa<strong>in</strong>ted black) fixed <strong>in</strong> a conspicuous position near theearth. The follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formation shall be written with white or yellow pa<strong>in</strong>t on the earth platea)Earth No.............................b) Individual earth resistance.................Ohms.c) Overall earth resistance.....................Ohms.d) Date of test ..................................................9.0 The follow<strong>in</strong>g tests shall be carried out before the <strong>in</strong>stallation is put <strong>in</strong>to commission.a) Earth resistance test.b) Earth cont<strong>in</strong>uity test.c) Insulation resistance test.d) Polarity test.10.0 This conforms to IS-3043. For other details not covered under this specification the ISS 3043shall be referred to.Signature of tenderer(s) 30/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Section-2.2: LAYING & INSTALLATION OF CABLES:Specification No.-CEE/C/TKJ/NR-151.0 SCOPE:-This specification covers the requirements for the selection and <strong>in</strong>stallation of power cables forlow, medium and high voltage applications.2.0 TYPE OF CABLES:-- The cables for applications for low and medium voltage supply shall be PVC sheathedconform<strong>in</strong>g to IS 1554 Part I- 1964.- The cables for applications above 1.1KV but up to and <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g 11 KV supply shall be eitherPVC <strong>in</strong>sulated and PVC sheathed conform<strong>in</strong>g to IS 1554 part-II-1970 or paper <strong>in</strong>sulated leadsheathed conform<strong>in</strong>g to IS 692-1965.- The cables for applications above 11 KV but up to and <strong>in</strong>clusive of 33 KV supply shall bepaper <strong>in</strong>sulated lead sheathed conform<strong>in</strong>g to IS 692-1965.- The cables shall have stranded alum<strong>in</strong>um conductors.- Where paper <strong>in</strong>sulated cables are used, <strong>in</strong> predom<strong>in</strong>antly vertically situation, these shall be ofnon-dra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g type.3.0 SELECTION OF CABLES:-- Cable sizes shall be selected consider<strong>in</strong>g the current carry<strong>in</strong>g capacity, voltage drop, maximumshort circuit duty and the period of short circuit to meet the present and future anticipatedloads.- Medium voltage distributions shall be designed such that the voltage available at f<strong>in</strong>al outletsare generally with<strong>in</strong> the limits recommended by IS 732-1963.- Guidance for the selection of cables shall be derived from the relevant Indian Standards suchas IS 3961(Part-I)_1967.IS 3961(Part II)- 1967, IS 5819-1970, IS 1255-1967 etc.- While decid<strong>in</strong>g cable sizes, the derat<strong>in</strong>g factors for type and depth of lay<strong>in</strong>g, group<strong>in</strong>g,ambient temperature, ground temperature, and soil resistivity shall be taken <strong>in</strong>to account.4.0 HANDLING & STORAGE:-- The cable drums should be stored on a well dra<strong>in</strong>ed, hard surface, preferably a concreteplatform, so that the drums do not s<strong>in</strong>k <strong>in</strong>to the ground caus<strong>in</strong>g flange rot land damage to thecable.- Dur<strong>in</strong>g storage the drum should be rolled periodically at least once <strong>in</strong> three months throughn<strong>in</strong>ety (90) degrees <strong>in</strong> the direction of arrow marked on the drum.- Dur<strong>in</strong>g storage it should be ensured that both the ends of the cable are properly sealed withplastic caps to prevent <strong>in</strong>gress of moisture <strong>in</strong>to the <strong>in</strong>sulation.- Adequate protection should be provided from ra<strong>in</strong> & sun, ventilation should be sufficientbetween the power cable drums. Adequate dra<strong>in</strong>age between the cable drums should beensured to avoid water logg<strong>in</strong>g.- The drum shall be rested on the flanges and not on the flat side.- In case the batons of drums get damaged, the same should be replaced.- Whenever the drums are required to be moved to short distance these should be rolled <strong>in</strong> thedirection of arrow marked on the drums.- While transport<strong>in</strong>g the drums over longer distance the drums should be mounted on cabledrum wheel strong enough to carry the weight of drum and cable should be rolled with ropes.Alternatively, the drum should be mounted on a trailer for movement, otherwise suitablemechanical means of transport<strong>in</strong>g should be utilized.- In order to unload the drum from the transport vehicle use of cranes should be made, otherwiseSignature of tenderer(s) 31/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

the drum should be rolled down carefully on suitable ramps or rails wherever necessary.- For remov<strong>in</strong>g the cable from drum, the drum should be properly mounted on jacks or on acable wheel ensur<strong>in</strong>g adequate strength of jack and sp<strong>in</strong>dles for carry<strong>in</strong>g the weight of drum.- If the cable is to be transferred from one drum to another, it should be ensured that new drumshould not have diameter less that of the orig<strong>in</strong>al drum.- While unload<strong>in</strong>g, transport<strong>in</strong>g or remov<strong>in</strong>g the cables, it should be ensured that cable shouldnot be bent to small radius. The m<strong>in</strong>imum safe bend<strong>in</strong>g radius for all types of PVC/paper<strong>in</strong>sulated cable should be at least 15 times of the diameter of the cable, up to 11 KV grade and20 times diameter for cables, above 11 KV grade.- For XLPE cables, m<strong>in</strong>imum bend<strong>in</strong>g radius of 15 times the diameter for cables up to 11 KVand beyond is permissible 1.12. At the term<strong>in</strong>ation and under onerous site conditions, theb<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g radius for cables may be reduced from the value mentioned above, without caus<strong>in</strong>gany damages to the cables and tak<strong>in</strong>g adequate precautions.- At the jo<strong>in</strong>ts and term<strong>in</strong>ations bend<strong>in</strong>g radius for the <strong>in</strong>dividual cables should be above 12times the diameter over the <strong>in</strong>sulation.- The maximum permissible tensile strength for cables i.e. PVC and XLPE <strong>in</strong>sulated armouredpower cables shall be 9 D2 where D is the outer diameter of cables <strong>in</strong> mm. The force thuscalculated shall be <strong>in</strong> Newtons (N).- It should be given due consideration when cables are pulled with stock<strong>in</strong>g.- For the cables pulled with pull<strong>in</strong>g eye the maximum permissible tensile stress shall be 50N/mm2 for alum. conductored cables.5.0 INSTALLATION OF CABLES- It should be ensured that no cable with k<strong>in</strong>ks or similar apparent defects like defectivearmour<strong>in</strong>g shall be <strong>in</strong>stalled.- Prov. of BIS 1255-1983 should be followed <strong>in</strong> general for lay<strong>in</strong>g of and <strong>in</strong>stallation of cables.6.0 ROUTE OF THE CABLEThe route of the cable should be decided before the work of cable lay<strong>in</strong>g is under taken. Itshould be got approved from the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer-<strong>in</strong>-Charge. A proper draw<strong>in</strong>g show<strong>in</strong>g the route ofthe cable should be prepared and got approved before hand and should be preserved as properrecord for posterity.- Always the shortest possible route should be preferred to economies <strong>in</strong> the use of cables. Cableruns should generally follow the fixed developments such of roads. Pathway etc. with properoff sets so that the future ma<strong>in</strong>tenance work, identification etc can be easily done. Crosscountry runs for shorter routes should be avoided as it would create problem <strong>in</strong> identificationand ma<strong>in</strong>tenance later on.- Care should be taken to avoid the corrosive soil, around surround<strong>in</strong>g, sewage effluent etc. Incase it is not possible to avoid such like corrosive soils etc. proper protection of the cableshould be ensured for avoid<strong>in</strong>g deterioration at a later stage.- As far as possible the alignment of cable should be decided tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to consideration thepresent and future requirement of other services like water supply, sewage, telecommunicationcable and other electrical LT/HT cables.- The cable route should be kept adequately away from the dra<strong>in</strong>s to avoid any seepage of water.- There should be adequate distance between HT & LT cables. The cables should be laid <strong>in</strong> welldemarcated routes along the roads and other fixed developments.Signature of tenderer(s) 32/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

- The cables of different voltages grad<strong>in</strong>g and power and control cables should be laid <strong>in</strong>different trenches. In case it is not possible to lay them <strong>in</strong> separate trenches, same trenchesmay be used, but <strong>in</strong> the trench adequate separation should be ensured.- In case it is unavoidable to separate HT & LT cables. The high tension HT cable should belaid below LT cable.- Wherever the power and telecom cables are to cross each other the same should be laid at rightangles to avoid <strong>in</strong>terference. Wherever it is unavoidable to lay them <strong>in</strong> proximity, horizontaland vertical clearance between the two should not normally be less than 600mm.7.0 RAILWAY CROSSING- Wherever the cables are to be laid under railway tracks, the cables should be laid <strong>in</strong>HDPE/RCC-150mm. dia./GI Pipes-50mm dia. not less than 1000mm measured from thebottom of sleeper to the top of the pipe. Inside Railway station limits pipe shall be laid up tothe po<strong>in</strong>t of railway boundary from a po<strong>in</strong>t to be decided by Railways. Outside the Railwaystation limits, pipe shall be laid up to the m<strong>in</strong>imum distance of 3 m from center to the nearesttrack on either side. The pipe shall be laid on moil<strong>in</strong>g the hole under track through drillmach<strong>in</strong>e without affect<strong>in</strong>g the tra<strong>in</strong> movements.8.0 LAYING OF CABLES:-8.1 Method of lay<strong>in</strong>g of cables-The cable shall be directly laid <strong>in</strong> ground <strong>in</strong> HDPE/RCC/GI Pipes, <strong>in</strong> open ducts or on surfacedepend<strong>in</strong>g upon the requirement and site condition. While decid<strong>in</strong>g the route of the cable atprelim<strong>in</strong>ary stage it should be ensured that the jo<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong> the cable shall be placed at mostsuitable place. Such <strong>in</strong>creasable location like the water logged areas, carriages ways,pavements proximity to telecom cables, water ma<strong>in</strong>s pipes etc. should be avoided.8.2 LAYING DIRECTLY IN GROUND-The cable should be laid directly <strong>in</strong> ground, wherever it is pass<strong>in</strong>g open country, along theroads/lanes etc. The area which is likely to be excavated frequently should be avoided. Careshould be taken to select the area where re-excavation is easily possible without affect<strong>in</strong>g theother services <strong>in</strong> the proximity.8.3 PROVISION OF TRENCHES WIDTH OF TRENCH-The width of trench shall be determ<strong>in</strong>ed on the follow<strong>in</strong>g basis:-The m<strong>in</strong>imum width of cable trench shall be 400mm, wherever more than one cable laid <strong>in</strong> thesame trench <strong>in</strong> horizontal formation the width of trench shall be <strong>in</strong>creased such that <strong>in</strong>ter axialdistance between the cable shall be at least 200mm.There shall be clearance of 150mmbetween the end cables and the sides of the trench.In addition to the protective cover over the cable laid <strong>in</strong> the underground trench, a brick onedge should be laid <strong>in</strong> between the two juxtaposed cables along the direction of the lay of thecable for provid<strong>in</strong>g separation.Signature of tenderer(s) 33/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Wherever the cable is enter<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>gs, fixed structures like sub-station end/or back trenches,surplus length of 3000 mm should be left <strong>in</strong> the shape of loop, otherwise as decided byEng<strong>in</strong>eer-<strong>in</strong>-Charge. Surplus cable of same locations as found suitable should be left <strong>in</strong> thecable of loop.8.6 FINAL PROTECTION: - The cable shall be protected <strong>in</strong> accordance with sand layer toprovide warn<strong>in</strong>g to future excavators and also for avoid<strong>in</strong>g any accidental mechanical damageby pickaxe blows etc.8.7 The cable should be protected with well-burnt bricks of not less than 20x10x10 cms. Bricksshall be laid widthwise for the full length of the cable on the top of the sand to the satisfactionof Eng<strong>in</strong>eer-<strong>in</strong>-Charge. When more than one cable is laid <strong>in</strong> the same trench this protectivecover<strong>in</strong>g shall cover all the cables and project at least 5 cm over the sides of the end cable.9.0 BACK FILLING OF TRENCHES:-After excavation and lay<strong>in</strong>g of cables, the trench should be back filled with excavated earth,free from stone or other sharp-edge debris and should be watered if necessary. A crown ofearth of 50mm should be left <strong>in</strong> the center, taper<strong>in</strong>g towards the sides of the trench to allow forsubsidence. The trench should be <strong>in</strong>spected at regular <strong>in</strong>tervals particularly dur<strong>in</strong>g wet weatherand any settlement shall be made good by contractor by future fill<strong>in</strong>g, if required.Due to cable lay<strong>in</strong>g work any disturbance to exist<strong>in</strong>g equipments <strong>in</strong> the area like roads,pavements, garden should be made good after the cable lay<strong>in</strong>g work is over.10.0 ROUTE MARKERS:-Route marker should be provided along straight runs of the cables at locations approved by theEng<strong>in</strong>eer-<strong>in</strong>-Charge and generally at <strong>in</strong>tervals not exceed<strong>in</strong>g 100 Mtr. Wherever the cableroute is chang<strong>in</strong>g or it is enter<strong>in</strong>g a fixed <strong>in</strong>stallation, route marker must be provided. Routemarker shall also be provided at jo<strong>in</strong>ts of cable.Route marker shall be made out of 100x100x5mm CI/GI plate, welded or bolted on two35x35x6mm angle iron 500mm long. The said route marker shall be mounted parallel to, andat a distance of 0.5 Mts. from the edge of the trench.The word cables, the level of voltage, size of cable should be <strong>in</strong>scribed on the route marker.11.0 CABLE IDENTIFICATION TAGS:-Cable markers should be provided where more than one cable is laid <strong>in</strong> just postedconfiguration. The marker tags as approved described with cable identification details shall bepermanently attached to all the cables is the manhole pull pits/enter<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> build<strong>in</strong>gsthrough open duct etc.12.0 LAYING OF CABLES IN PIPES/CLOSED DUCTS:-Wherever the cable is to cross road/railway track, enter <strong>in</strong>to any build<strong>in</strong>g, be mounted on polesbe laid <strong>in</strong> paved areas, the cable areas, the cable shall be laid <strong>in</strong> pipes or closed ducts.HDPE pipe/GI/CI/RCC pipes shall be used for such purposes. The diameter of such pipes shallbe adequate for pass<strong>in</strong>g of cables. The pipes shall be laid on suitable bed provided on theground. Sand cushion/brick/tiles if required can be provided under the pipe. The pipe shouldbe filled with sand after lay<strong>in</strong>g the cable <strong>in</strong>sides. The top surface of pipes shall be at am<strong>in</strong>imum depth of 100mm from the ground level.The pipes on road/track cross<strong>in</strong>gs should be laid on the skew to reduce the angle of bend as thecables enters and leaves cross<strong>in</strong>g. This is very important for high voltage cables, at convenientdistance should be provided for facilitat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>spection and ma<strong>in</strong>tenance of cables.Pipes shall be cont<strong>in</strong>uous and clear of any debris before draw<strong>in</strong>g of cables sharp edges at endsshould be smoothened to prevent <strong>in</strong>jury to cable <strong>in</strong>sulation and/or sheath<strong>in</strong>g.Signature of tenderer(s) 35/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Wherever pipes are provided for entry of cable <strong>in</strong>to build<strong>in</strong>g, the same shall slope downwardand other ends shall be sealed to prevent entry of water <strong>in</strong>side the build<strong>in</strong>g.All chases and passages necessary for the lay<strong>in</strong>g of service cables shall be cut as required andmade good to the orig<strong>in</strong>al f<strong>in</strong>ish to the satisfaction of Eng<strong>in</strong>eer-<strong>in</strong>-Charge.Cable grips/draw wire and w<strong>in</strong>ches etc. be employed for draw<strong>in</strong>g cables through pipes/closeducts etc. without damag<strong>in</strong>g the conductor and <strong>in</strong>sulation and ensur<strong>in</strong>g proper safety.13.0 LAYING IN OPEN DUCTS:-Open ducts with suitable removable covers should be preferred <strong>in</strong> sub-stations, switch rooms,generator rooms and workshops etc. The cable ducts should be of suitable dimensions so thatthe cable shall be laid conveniently. If required, the cable can be fixed with clamps on thewalls of the ducts. The duct shall be covered with removable RCC slabs of suitable dimensionsMS chequered plate covers so that covers can be lifted conveniently for ma<strong>in</strong>tenance<strong>in</strong>spection and replacement.The ducts should be filled with dry sand after the cable is laid and covered or f<strong>in</strong>ished withcement plaster especially <strong>in</strong> high voltage applications.No jo<strong>in</strong>t/splices should be permitted <strong>in</strong>side the ducts.As far as possible, lay<strong>in</strong>g of cable with different voltage grade <strong>in</strong> the same duct should beavoided.The cable trays, hooks or racks should be provided for support<strong>in</strong>g cables <strong>in</strong> masonry/concretecable ducts etc. Otherwise the cable can be laid directly <strong>in</strong> the duct or trench or trough etc.While lay<strong>in</strong>g the cables <strong>in</strong> ducts due care should be exercised to ensure that unnecessarycross<strong>in</strong>g of cable is avoided.14.0 LAYING ON SURFACE:In the switch<strong>in</strong>g stations, factories, tunnels and for ris<strong>in</strong>g ma<strong>in</strong>s through special rack ways, thelay<strong>in</strong>g of cables on surface should be done.The cable shall be laid <strong>in</strong> troughs or brackets at regular <strong>in</strong>tervals or directly cleated to wallceil<strong>in</strong>gs. The cable should be laid over bracket support and clamps to prevent undue sag.The cable clamps should be made from material such as mild steel, porcela<strong>in</strong> wood, Alu. PVC,epoxy materials. These should be non-magnetic and non-corrosive <strong>in</strong> nature.15.0 LAYING ON MS LADDER TRAY:-The cables shall be laid <strong>in</strong> the exist<strong>in</strong>g MS ladder tray <strong>in</strong> straight l<strong>in</strong>e as far as possible & shallbe clamped properly by provid<strong>in</strong>g suitable clamps as per site requirement. (The clamp<strong>in</strong>garrangements to be got approved from Railways before provid<strong>in</strong>g). Normally the distancebetween each clamp of one cable shall not be more than 1.5M (approx.).Signature of tenderer(s) 36/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

16.0 CABLE JOINTING-1.0 Identification of cores:1.1 Cores shall be provided with follow<strong>in</strong>g co-lour scheme for PVC <strong>in</strong>sulation.- 1 Core - Red/Black/Yellow/Blue.- 2 Core - Red & black.- 3 Core - Red, Yellow and Blue.- 4 Core - Red, Yellow, Blue & Black (Black is for neutral).2.0 Cable jo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g:-2.1 The manufacturer’s <strong>in</strong>structions mentioned <strong>in</strong> the jo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g kit should be followed.2.2 The manufacturer’s <strong>in</strong>structions mentioned <strong>in</strong> the jo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g kit should be followed.2.3 Insulation resistance of cables to be jo<strong>in</strong>ted should be measured with 500V meggar up to 1.1KV grade and with 2500V meggar for cables of higher voltage. Unless <strong>in</strong>sulation resistancevalue of cables are satisfactory the jo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g should not be done.2.4 Before jo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g work is taken up safety precautions like <strong>in</strong>sulation, earth<strong>in</strong>g etc. should beobserved to ensure that the cable would not be <strong>in</strong>advertently charged. Metallic Armour andexternal bond<strong>in</strong>g should be connected to earth.2.5 Wherever the system of permit to work is prevalent, the same should be followed for cablejo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g work.2.6 Identification of cables should be very properly done before jo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g is taken up. Properidentification of <strong>in</strong>dividual core is also very important to avoid any cross connection anddamage to <strong>in</strong>stallation.2.7 Complete record of jo<strong>in</strong>t etc. shall be ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed as per Annexure-B <strong>in</strong> addition to site plan.17.0 CABLE TESTING:-17.1 All cables before lay<strong>in</strong>g should be tested with 500V meggar up to and <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g 1,1 KV gradeor with 2500/5000V meggar for cables of higher voltage. The cable cores should be tested forcont<strong>in</strong>uity, <strong>in</strong>sulation resistance etc. All cables should be tested dur<strong>in</strong>g lay<strong>in</strong>g and; beforecover<strong>in</strong>g. After lay<strong>in</strong>g and jo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g the cable should be subjected to a 15 m<strong>in</strong>utes pressure test.17.2 After lay<strong>in</strong>g of cable and jo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g, the cables should be subjected <strong>in</strong> a high voltage lastguidel<strong>in</strong>es of BIS; 1255-1983 and the results are recorded as per Annexure ‘C’.17.3 In case high voltage test is not possible at site, the cables should be tested for one m<strong>in</strong>ute with1000V meggar up to 1.1 KV grade and with 2500/5000V meggar for cables of higher grade.In case there is a deviation, the same should be got approved from the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer-<strong>in</strong>-Chargebefore execution of the work is taken up. The completion plan should be drawn <strong>in</strong> a trac<strong>in</strong>gsheet with polyester back<strong>in</strong>g with <strong>in</strong>k <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g follow<strong>in</strong>g:-- Layout of cable work.- Length, size, type and voltage rat<strong>in</strong>g of cables.- Method of lay<strong>in</strong>g, i.e. directly <strong>in</strong> ground/duct/pipes.- Location of each jo<strong>in</strong>t with jo<strong>in</strong>ts followed.- Route marker and jo<strong>in</strong>t marker with clearance from permanent land mark available.- Name of work etc.This specification confers to CPWD General Specification for Electrical works Part II External& IS 1255/1967 with latest amendment.Signature of tenderer(s) 37/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Section-2.3: Makes of the various structures of LT/HT of Elect. Gen.-S/No. Brief Description ofitemRef. and No. ofthe specifications1. HT XLPE / (E) cable. IS:7098/Pt.II/1985.(Latest version)2. ACB IS: 13947/Pt.I toPt.III as applicable.Approved sourcesM/s NICCO, Fort Gloster Industrial CableIndia Ltd, Cable Corpn. of India Ltd,Universal Cable Ltd, Asian Cable Corpn.Ltd, Havells.Jyoti Switchgears, Mysore Electrical, L&T,GEC Alstom, Simens, English Electric,Crompton Greaves, Control and Switchgear.Standard, Crompton, Siemens, Havells,3. SFU/FSU and HRC IS:13947/Pt.-I tofuses.Pt.III as applicable Control & Switchgear, L&T, GEC, Alstom.4. Measurement Instrument. IS:1248/IEC-51, AE, Havells, MECO Instrument, Hotwanit,IS:IEC-1010, L&T, National Instrument/Kolkota,BS-89National Instrument/ Madras.5. Indication Light. Relevant IS AE, Siemens, Control & Switchgear6. C.T. IS:2705 AE or reputed make with approval7. Selector switch Relevant IS AE, L&T, Kaycee, English Electric.8. End Term<strong>in</strong>ation. Relevant IS M/S Yamuna Gases & ChemicalLtd.,(Denson) New Delhi , Mah<strong>in</strong>draEngg.& Chemical Product New Delhi.,Raychem RPG Ltd./ New Delhi., HariConsolidated Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.9. HDPE/GI/RCC HumePipeIS:458(Latest version)10. LT XLPE(E) cable IS:7098 Pt.I/1985(Latest version).11. Earth<strong>in</strong>g with copper andGI plate.IS:3043(Latestversion)12. MCB/DPIC/LV Box IS:13947/Pt.IIlatest version13. Piano Type switch & IS:4949/1968socketslatest version14. MCB/DPIC/LV Box IS:8828/78/1996latest version15. GI Pipe IS:1239/Pt.I/90latest version16. PVC wire IS:694latest versionReputed make with approval.M/s NICCO ,Fort Gloster, Industrial CableIndia Ltd., Cable Corpn. of India Ltd.,Universal Cable Ltd.,, Asian Cable Corpn.Ltd., Havells, Grandley.--M/s L & T, M/s HavellsM/s Crompton, M/s Standard.M/s AnchorM/s K<strong>in</strong>jalM/s Standard, M/s MDSM/s Havells, M/s CromptonM/s Tata, M/s J<strong>in</strong>dal & other ISI marksM/s Grandlay, M/s NICCO,M/s Fort Gloster and M/s Havells.Note: 1. RDSO’s specifications are priced document and can be purchased from RDSO.2. The specifications of C.E.E./N.Rly & NC Rly. are part of the tender document.3. The <strong>Tender</strong>er may please note that the material used <strong>in</strong> this work will be as per RDSO /IS / BIS / Railway Specifications / CEE’s approved supplier List as on the date of tenderopen<strong>in</strong>g even if mentioned otherwise elsewhere <strong>in</strong> the tender paper.--------o0o--------Signature of tenderer(s) 38/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER-5EXPLANATORY NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF WORKS & PRICESScope of Work– The scope of work covers supply, <strong>in</strong>stallation and commission<strong>in</strong>g ofexcavation & concrete foundations, excavation & fill<strong>in</strong>g of trench <strong>in</strong> soil, fabricatedgalvanised steel structures, auxiliary transformers, LT cable, electrical fitt<strong>in</strong>gs, <strong>in</strong>ternal wir<strong>in</strong>g,LT panels, LT distribution boards, <strong>in</strong>sulators, earth<strong>in</strong>g & bond<strong>in</strong>gs, GI wire etc. at differentlocation as mentioned <strong>in</strong> approximate schedule of works.Explanatory Notes to Schedule of Prices for Works-Section-1.1: GENERALThese explanatory notes are for guidance of field staff contractor to execute the works. Eachwork has its own particular requirements. Eng<strong>in</strong>eer <strong>in</strong>-charge will be responsible forsuccessful execution of work as per technical specifications.i. All electrical works should comply with Indian Electricity Act 2003 (latest) and IndianElectricity Rules 1956/Central Electricity Authority Rules 1977/Bare act 2001 and any latestversion.ii. All electrical <strong>in</strong>stallations works shall conform to relevant Indian Standard Code of Practice andbe carried out as per relevant safety Code of Practices. Guide for Safety Procedures <strong>in</strong>Electrical Work as per IS: 5216/Pt.I & II/1982 shall be observed.iiiAll components used <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>stallation shall be of appropriate rat<strong>in</strong>gs of voltage, current andfrequency.iv All m<strong>in</strong>or items viz. Hardware items, foundation bolts, term<strong>in</strong>ation lugs for electricalconnections etc. as required and necessary for proper work<strong>in</strong>g of the equipment shall bedeemed to have been <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the tender, whether such items are specifically mentioned <strong>in</strong>the tender documents or not.v. Before start<strong>in</strong>g of the work, Contractor should assess the quantity of materials of the work andsubmit his plann<strong>in</strong>g to Railway Eng<strong>in</strong>eer for approval before plac<strong>in</strong>g of the order formaterials.vi. Contractor has to provide communication facility at site through Mobile telephone.Section-1.2:1.1 Explanatory notes for various items of Schedule of Rates <strong>in</strong> Chapter -7 Section-2 are givenbelow:1.2 The basic quantities of components and materials required to make up a unit of work forselected items are <strong>in</strong>dicated for guidance only. There may be m<strong>in</strong>or variation to suiterection but no adjustment <strong>in</strong> prices of schedule shall be made on that account.Signature of tenderer(s) 39/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

In estimat<strong>in</strong>g the prices for various items of work provision for loss and wastage <strong>in</strong> transitand erection should be provided for over and above the basic quantities of components andmaterials required to make up a unit work, <strong>in</strong>dicated here<strong>in</strong>, except where otherwisespecified for materials supplied by the purchaser.1.3 In the explanatory notes given <strong>in</strong> section-2 of this Chapter, the term 'Small Parts Steelwork' is meant to cover fabricated steel work made from rolled steel sections, andexclud<strong>in</strong>g bolts and nuts and washers where required for fasten<strong>in</strong>g the small parts steelwork to any structural member. The term "attachment" wherever used is <strong>in</strong>tended to covercast<strong>in</strong>gs, forg<strong>in</strong>g, mach<strong>in</strong>ed or welded components or fitt<strong>in</strong>gs, which are attached directlyto a structural member, or mounted on small parts steel work and shall <strong>in</strong>clude bolts andnuts for fasten<strong>in</strong>g the attachment to the structural member or small parts steel work.1.4 In the explanatory notes given <strong>in</strong> section-2 of this Chapter, the term "bimetallicconnection" is meant to cover any connection between a copper conductor and analum<strong>in</strong>um conductor. The clamps used for such connections shall be made up of a suitablealum<strong>in</strong>um alloy or copper alloy and the copper/alum<strong>in</strong>um conductor shall be wrapped witha bimetallic (alum<strong>in</strong>um copper) strip to prevent direct contact between alum<strong>in</strong>um andcopper.1.5 Reconciliation of materials supplied by the purchaser.a) The follow<strong>in</strong>g procedure shall be adopted for the f<strong>in</strong>al reconciliation of the variousequipments, materials fitt<strong>in</strong>gs and conductors supplied by the purchaser.b) All the materials supplied by the purchaser shall be correctly accounted for and quantitiesreconciled on completion of the work by the Contractor. On completion of work, allsurplus materials supplied by the Purchaser together with the ones found defective or thathave become defective or broken on account of defective materials and/or workmanshipshall be returned to purchaser by the Contractor.1.6 Released MaterialThe contractor shall return to the purchaser all the released OHE material from theexist<strong>in</strong>g system at the first available opportunity but not later than a week at thepurchaser's store and transport to nearest OHE Depot. If the contractor fails to return thereleased material <strong>in</strong> specified time, the cost of released material will be recovered from theprogress bill before releas<strong>in</strong>g any payment.------0------Signature of tenderer(s) 40/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Section-2: Particular1. Notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g anyth<strong>in</strong>g to the contrary <strong>in</strong> this section, the entire requirements of theequipments, components and fitt<strong>in</strong>gs for the work, listed <strong>in</strong> SOW and <strong>in</strong> explanatory noteswill be supplied by the contractor. The prices <strong>in</strong> the Schedule of Rates Chapter-7Section-2 shall be exclusive of railway supply items and shall be <strong>in</strong>clusive of sales tax,excise duty, freight etc.2. In the case of wires, conductors etc, the prices for erection shall <strong>in</strong>clude any assemblywork to be done <strong>in</strong> the contractor's depot prior to erection at site, such as fabrication etc toshapes and sizes as required.Sub section-1(General):Item No.-01: Survey and Preparation of design and draw<strong>in</strong>gs-The price shall cover preparation of cable route plan for better understand<strong>in</strong>g andappreciation of scheme of work and all other draw<strong>in</strong>g and design required to be f<strong>in</strong>alized bythe contractor for this work. Exist<strong>in</strong>g LOPs & SEDs of the section/location shall be collectedby the contractor from divisional office. The price shall cover to design and modification <strong>in</strong>exist<strong>in</strong>g OHE at <strong>in</strong>dividual location and to <strong>in</strong>corporate the same <strong>in</strong> the exist<strong>in</strong>g LOPs & SEDs.The price shall also applicable for SED/draw<strong>in</strong>gs for Aux. Transformer locations.The Price shall <strong>in</strong>clude the supply of follow<strong>in</strong>g:-i. Location & site plans - 5 copies.ii. Structure cross-section draw<strong>in</strong>gs - 5 copies.iii. Structure erection draw<strong>in</strong>gs - 5 copiesiv. Choice of type and size of foundations to suit soil and load<strong>in</strong>g conditions.In all the above cases the contractor has to supply only 5 copies of the approveddraw<strong>in</strong>gs and one orig<strong>in</strong>al transparent draw<strong>in</strong>g.Item No.-25(d): Lay<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>stallation, test<strong>in</strong>g and energis<strong>in</strong>g of LT Cables-The price shall cover transportation of cable to site, cable lay<strong>in</strong>g, cable routemarkers <strong>in</strong> route and on route diversion, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g and commission<strong>in</strong>g as mentioned<strong>in</strong> Chapter-4 Section-2.2 for cabl<strong>in</strong>g. Provision of IS: 1255-1983 shall be followed <strong>in</strong> generalfor lay<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong>stallation of cable.(Note:- 2x70 mm LT cable will be supplied by railway at ALD/CNB Cons. Depot ornearby area and transportation to site be done by the contractor.)ITEM No. 25(e): Excavation of cable trench <strong>in</strong> all type of soil and refill<strong>in</strong>g-The price shall cover excavation of 1000 mm deep 400 mm wide cable trench <strong>in</strong> alltype of soil and refill<strong>in</strong>g the same as per railway draw<strong>in</strong>g. This shall <strong>in</strong>cludes cover<strong>in</strong>g of cablealready laid <strong>in</strong> trench by sand for a layer of about 150 mm thick before cover<strong>in</strong>g by brick &refill<strong>in</strong>g. The price shall <strong>in</strong>clude supply, transportation and lay<strong>in</strong>g of sand and bricks <strong>in</strong> thecable trench as per IS: 1255.Signature of tenderer(s) 41/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

ITEM No.-25(f): Supply of material and term<strong>in</strong>ation of LT cable-The work <strong>in</strong>volves term<strong>in</strong>ation of two core 70 mm cable at both ends. It <strong>in</strong>volves supply of term<strong>in</strong>ationmaterial such as proper size of crimp<strong>in</strong>g sockets/lugs needed for term<strong>in</strong>ation. Complete term<strong>in</strong>ationwork at one end of all cores along with material will be considered as one set.ITEM No.-25(g): Supply, lay<strong>in</strong>g and bor<strong>in</strong>g of GI Pipe 50mm. dia. Class-B-The price shall cover supply and lay<strong>in</strong>g of 50 mm dia. GI pipe class-B under track for cablecross<strong>in</strong>g under railway track without traffic block and by drill<strong>in</strong>g the hole by drill mach<strong>in</strong>e under thetrack for GI pipe lay<strong>in</strong>g to carry cable through it. The price shall cover supply of 50 mm dia. GI pipeclass-B along with suitable socket if required. The price shall also cover its lay<strong>in</strong>g undertrack/road/platform cross<strong>in</strong>g as per site requirement. The price shall also <strong>in</strong>clude the cost of repair<strong>in</strong>gof road/platform/floor <strong>in</strong> case the road/platform/floor is damaged dur<strong>in</strong>g the courses of lay<strong>in</strong>g of pipe.ITEM No.-27(a) (i): Supply & Erection of 10KVA, 25KV/240V Auxiliary Transformers-The price shall cover transportation to site of 25KV/240V 10KVA LT supply transformers anderection of the same complete with term<strong>in</strong>al connectors on a mast or gantry. The price shall also coveroil filtration and pre-commission<strong>in</strong>g tests as approved by the railways. The contractor shall make hisown arrangement for oil filtration equipments, as well as power supply required for the same. Allnecessary tools, equipments, <strong>in</strong>struments required for carry<strong>in</strong>g out oil filtration/ checks/tests andcommission<strong>in</strong>g shall be arranged by the contractor.(Note:- 10KVA AT with slandered accessories will be supplied by railway at ALD/CNB Const.store or nearby area and transportation to site be done by the contractor.)Item No.-27(a) (ii): Supply and erection of 60Amp/415V Auto-change over Panel-The price shall cover supply and erection, test<strong>in</strong>g and commission of 60Amp/415 V auto-change overswitch for UP & DN AT supply. Price shall cover grout<strong>in</strong>g, mount<strong>in</strong>g and fix<strong>in</strong>g of panel on suitableframe/structure with required fixture, nut & bolts.(Note:- 60Amp/415V Auto-change over Panel with slandered accessories will be supplied byrailway at ALD/CNB Const. store or nearby area and transportation to site be done by thecontractor.)ITEM No.-27(a) (iii): Supply and erection of s<strong>in</strong>gle pole neutral l<strong>in</strong>k switch fuse unit60Amp/240V SFUThe price shall consist of supply, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g and commissiong of s<strong>in</strong>gle poles neutral l<strong>in</strong>k60 Amp./240V switch fuse unit with rewireable fuses and with neutral fuse l<strong>in</strong>k <strong>in</strong> MS sheet enclosureconfirm<strong>in</strong>g to IS suitable for term<strong>in</strong>ation of 2x70sqmm LT cable. The price shall also cover its fix<strong>in</strong>gwith suitable clamps on traction mast/wall <strong>in</strong> ASM’s room.ITEM No. 28: Supply and Erection of 25 KV DO Fuse assembly-The price shall cover supply and erection of 25 KV DO fuse switch assembly complete withall mount<strong>in</strong>g accessories and term<strong>in</strong>al connectors as required but without the cost of the supply &erection of 25 KV solid core post <strong>in</strong>sulators (Post <strong>in</strong>sulators will be supply under item no.-28(x)). Theprice shall <strong>in</strong>clude erection of small parts steel work with DO fuse.Signature of tenderer(s) 42/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Sub section-2(Concrete):ITEM No. 2 (b): Concrete for foundation and pl<strong>in</strong>th <strong>in</strong> all type of soil other than rock-The price shall cover excavation, supply & handl<strong>in</strong>g of all materials and accessories,temporary arrangements for excavation <strong>in</strong> any type of soil, shor<strong>in</strong>g shutter<strong>in</strong>g where necessary, cast<strong>in</strong>gconcrete <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g frame work where necessary cast<strong>in</strong>g of concrete, grout<strong>in</strong>g of structure and f<strong>in</strong>ishedthe top of concrete foundation or anchor block. The concrete mixture shall be of 1:3:6 ratio with 40mm size aggregates for foundation work for 1:2:4 ratio with 20/25 mm aggregates for grout<strong>in</strong>g ofmasts/ structures and the cast<strong>in</strong>g will be done <strong>in</strong> accordance with IS-456/1978. Ord<strong>in</strong>ary Portlandcement 43 grade IS-269 will be used for foundation cast<strong>in</strong>g work. The price also <strong>in</strong>cludes dismantl<strong>in</strong>gof all connected temporary arrangements, back fill<strong>in</strong>g with earth & compact<strong>in</strong>g the same to therequired height & width as per draw<strong>in</strong>g to ensure safety of foundation, conformation the exposedheight of foundation block to with<strong>in</strong> 10 Cm. and removal of soil. The price also <strong>in</strong>cludes the cost ofcement. The Railway shall not supply cement.Note:-i) In calculation the <strong>in</strong>dividual volume of concrete fraction of a cubic meter beyond the thirddecimal shall be rounded off to the nearest third decimal.ii) The dept of the excavation shall be measured from the formation level to the maximumexcavation po<strong>in</strong>t.iii) For purpose of computation of volume of concrete under item 1, the volume of steel workembedded <strong>in</strong> the foundation block and muff shall be ignored.iv) The price under item 1 shall apply for concret<strong>in</strong>g of all pedestal, pl<strong>in</strong>ths and foundationsfor gantries/ portals, and anchor blocks for guy rods.v) The cost of concrete will be paid for only under item 1 and the price of other items, shallnot <strong>in</strong>clude cost of concrete.vi) For the purpose of computation of volume of concrete the volume of each muff for allmast shall be taken as 0.02 Cu.mtr except for masts with balance weights and for eachcolumn of portal, each head span mast, 2 or 3 track cantilever masts, and special fabricatedmasts for which volume of muff shall be taken as 0.08 Cu mtr irrespective of the size andshape of the muff, on a flat basis.vii) The price under I shall also cover the cost of diversion masonry/earth dra<strong>in</strong> wherevernecessary for cast<strong>in</strong>g of foundation.Notes for measurement for items 2 (b)-1. The payable volume of the foundations under item 2 (a) (i) and (ii) shall be the designed one asshown <strong>in</strong> the draw<strong>in</strong>gs for which the hole has been blasted, irrespective of the actualconfiguration assumed by the latter due to the blast<strong>in</strong>g.2. The depth of the excavation shall be measured from the formation level to the maximumexcavated po<strong>in</strong>t.Notes for items 2 (b)-1. The prices under item 2 shall be same for any shape or size of concrete blocks. In calculat<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>in</strong>dividual volume of concrete, fraction of a cubic metre beyond the third decimal shall be rounded offto the next nearest third decimal.2. The prices under items 2(a), (b) and (c) shall apply for concret<strong>in</strong>g of all foundations for mast,gantries, portals, anchor blocks for guy rods, and fenc<strong>in</strong>g uprights.Signature of tenderer(s) 43/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

3. For purposes of computation of volume of concrete under item 2, the volume of steel workembedded <strong>in</strong> the foundation block shall be ignored.4. Cost of all concrete will be paid for only under item 2 and the prices of other items shall not <strong>in</strong>cludecost of concrete except for Item 17.5. For purpose of computation of volume of concrete under item 2. The volume of concrete shall<strong>in</strong>clude the volume of sand and bitumen <strong>in</strong> sand cored foundation. However, for the purpose ofcomputation of quantity of cement utilised <strong>in</strong> sand core foundations, the volume of the sand andbitumen used <strong>in</strong> core hole should be deducted from the total volume of the foundation.6. For purposes of computation of volume of concrete, the volume of each muff for all masts shall betaken as 0.02cu.m. except for masts with balance weights and for each column of portal, eachheadspan mast, 2 or 3 track cantilever masts, and special fabricated masts for which the volume ofmuff shall be taken as 0.08 cu.m. irrespective of the size and shape of muff, on a flat basis.7. The prices under items 2 (a), (b) and (c) shall also cover the cost of diversion of masonry/earthdra<strong>in</strong> wherever necessary for cast<strong>in</strong>g of foundations.Sub section-3(Ferrous):ITEM No. 3 (i): Supply and erection of 25KV Caution boards on AT mast-The price shall cover price of material <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Caution Boards, SPS items, nuts, bolts etc. as requiredand erection charges. Caution plates shall be of follow<strong>in</strong>g types.Caution Plate 25000 V. No. ETI/OHE/G/7531 Mod-C.Price shall be <strong>in</strong>clusive of Sales tax, Excise duty, Freight etc. Boards shall require to be <strong>in</strong>stalledon a steel structure/Rail post/wall of a build<strong>in</strong>g therefore mode of erection shall be as per requirementof the site.ITEM No.-3 (ii): Supply and erection of number plate on AT mast-Fabrication, supply and erection of non-reflection standard enameled number plates for OHEstructure of size 270 mm x 260 mm made out of 2mm thick steel sheets. The number plates shall be asper Drg. No. RE/33/P/7501. The number plate should confirm to RDSO specification no.ETI/OHE/33(8/85). All letter and figures shall be <strong>in</strong> deep yellow weather proof vitreous enamel. Theback ground shall be <strong>in</strong> deep blue weather proof vitreous enamel. Rear side of the plate shall be blackweather proof and vitreous enameled. Old number plates are to be removed.ITEM No.- 3(b) (iii): Supply and manual erection of traction mast (T-150) and othergalvanised steel works-The price shall cover the cost of supply of special fabricated & galvanised steel structures(other than BFB/RSJ/B-Series masts and portals). The structures under this item shall be TTC, G-type,BFB type portals, Bridge masts, emergency masts and double/fabricated “S” series masts such as S3,S5, S7, S8, S-100, S-101, T-150 etc. Structures to be supplied under this item are for AT erection T-series mast T-150 along with support channels, cross arm etc. Any other similar structure requireddur<strong>in</strong>g the execution of work shall also be supplied under this item.The price shall <strong>in</strong>clude the cost of steel, fabrication, galvanisation and supply at site forerection. Steel shall be conform<strong>in</strong>g to IS-2062 Gr.’A ‘ SK 1984 (latest), Z<strong>in</strong>c conform<strong>in</strong>g to IS-Signature of tenderer(s) 44/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

209/1997 (latest) and galvanisation to RDSO’s specification no. ETI/OHE/13(4/84) with A&C slipno.-1to3.The various structures covered under this item are:-S/NDescription1. TTC with 5.5/8.0m boom2. G-type portal upright & end pieces3. BFB portal4. S-7,12.4m5. S-8,12.4m6. S-100, for LT, transformer at SWS7. S-101, for Isolators <strong>in</strong>side SWS8. S-3,11.4m9. S-5,11.4m10. T-150, for LT supply transformerThe price shall cover, cost of erection, alignment and sett<strong>in</strong>g before grout<strong>in</strong>g ,wherever required, gantries, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g tower/ steel tower/steel work for feeders for traction substation,drop arms, standard super masts and suspension brackets for feeders and return conductors,dwarf masts or stub masts for anchor<strong>in</strong>g, complete with anchor plates drilled and welded <strong>in</strong> position,multiple cantilever cross arm, chairs, adopters for bracket assemblies and all other small part steelworks, the erection of which is carried out by the Contractor irrespective of whether they are suppliedby the Purchaser or the Contractor. The prices shall also <strong>in</strong>clude supply and erection of galvanisedbolts, nuts washers etc. wherever required as per approved designs and draw<strong>in</strong>gs. The price shall also<strong>in</strong>clude the cost of repair<strong>in</strong>g of platform shelters <strong>in</strong> case the shelter is dismantled/ removed/damageddur<strong>in</strong>g the course of erection of a mast/portal at platforms.Note for Item 3(i), 3(ii) and 3(b)(i), 3(b)(ii) , 3(b)(iii) : (i) The price for the items 3(i), 3(ii) and 3(i),3(b)(ii) , 3(b)(iii) shall also <strong>in</strong>clude the cost of stencil<strong>in</strong>g of location number on masts/portal uprights <strong>in</strong> the manner asdirected by the Purchaser. The price shall also <strong>in</strong>clude straighten<strong>in</strong>g of masts/portals uprights wherever approved by thepurchaser and cutt<strong>in</strong>g of mast/portals/upright to suit the site condition. (ii) The payment shall be made on the basis of thef<strong>in</strong>al lengths/ weight of the structures, <strong>in</strong> case the same are cut or modified as <strong>in</strong>dicated above before erection.ITEM No.16 (a): Supply and erection of structure bond of 50x6mm MS flat with nut &bolts-The price shall cover supply of all materials <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g mild steel flat required to provide astructure bond connect<strong>in</strong>g a traction mast or structures to the nearest non-track circuited rail, or earthelectrode, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g all fasteners at both ends. The price shall <strong>in</strong>clude shap<strong>in</strong>g and drill<strong>in</strong>g of the bondand erection of all materials <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the bond. The price shall also <strong>in</strong>clude provision of heatshr<strong>in</strong>kable PVC tube for structure bond under track circuited rail. This would also cover connection orearth<strong>in</strong>g term<strong>in</strong>als of equipments like L.T. Transformers with structure and then to rails as per relevantdraw<strong>in</strong>gs.The price shall cover provision of buried rail to runn<strong>in</strong>g rail as per RDSO draw<strong>in</strong>gNo.ETI/OHE/G/05306 and shall <strong>in</strong>clude supply, fabrication and erection of all connections (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gdrill<strong>in</strong>g at both ends) and refill<strong>in</strong>g of buried rail pit. The digg<strong>in</strong>g up of 1 m deep pit for the purposeof buried rail shall be done by the Railways.Item No. 16(b): Supply and fix<strong>in</strong>g of 50 mm dia. GI Pipe class ‘B’ on AT mast-The price shall cover supply and fix<strong>in</strong>g of GI pipe ‘B’ class with sufficient clamps, nut, bolts etc. onAT mast and on wall of brick/ some masonry <strong>in</strong> gate lodge. Both the ends of the pipe shall be packedSignature of tenderer(s) 45/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

y provid<strong>in</strong>g wooden pack<strong>in</strong>g to make verm<strong>in</strong> proof. The price shall also cover its fix<strong>in</strong>g along themast with the help of suitable clamps for pass<strong>in</strong>g the LT cables from ICDP switch to foundation level.ITEM No. 17(a): Supply and erection of s<strong>in</strong>gle earth electrode-The price shall cover supply and erection of an earth<strong>in</strong>g station with a s<strong>in</strong>gle pipe embedded<strong>in</strong>to the ground by driv<strong>in</strong>g or otherwise complete with protective concrete box and lugs suitable fordirectly connect<strong>in</strong>g two mild steel flats of m<strong>in</strong>imum size 50 mm x 6 mm.ITEM No. 30(b) (iii): Supply and erection of anti-climb<strong>in</strong>g devices-The price shall cover on a lump sum basis the supply and erection of anti-climb<strong>in</strong>g deviceconsist<strong>in</strong>g of galvanised steel fixtures mounted on the masts below the transformer as per RDSO’sdraw<strong>in</strong>g No.ETI/PSI/037. The price shall be for each mast provided with the devices.Sub section-4(Non-Ferrous):ITEM No. 15(a) (iv): Supply and erection of 50 Sq. mm/7mm dia. copper jumpers-The price shall cover supply and erection of a copper jumper with all components and fitt<strong>in</strong>gsrequired for provid<strong>in</strong>g a flexible copper jumper connection (50square mm) between OHE and ATterm<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g two parallel clamp, bimetallic copper alloy strips wherever required and term<strong>in</strong>al orclamps at either end. The price shall also cover erection of the complete set of a copper jumperassembly <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g jumper wire, jumper connection <strong>in</strong> any comb<strong>in</strong>ation between AT transformer &DO fuse switch by means of hard drawn copper conductor of 7 mm dia.ITEM No. 17(d): Supply and erection of copper strips for AT earth<strong>in</strong>g-The price shall cover supply and erection of 25mmx3mm copper strips to connect the earthterm<strong>in</strong>als/tank body of equipments like potential transformers, lighten<strong>in</strong>g arrestors, AT supplytransformers and booster transformer to the ma<strong>in</strong> masts of the gantries on which they are mounted. Theprice shall cover all fasten<strong>in</strong>gs required for fix<strong>in</strong>g the copper strips along any structure member of thegantry.Sub section-5(Insulators):ITEM No. 11(a) (ii): Supply and erection of a 9-Ton suspension <strong>in</strong>sulator-The price is applicable to the supply and provision of a 9-Ton suspension <strong>in</strong>sulator assemblyfor suspension of an all copper jumpers or any other similar type of suspension. The price shall coversupply of all components, required for the suspension assembly <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the appropriate suspensionclamp with bolts nuts etc, but exclud<strong>in</strong>g small parts steel work if any. The price shall cover erection ofall components, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the 9-ton solid core but exclud<strong>in</strong>g small parts steel work, with bolts and nutsetc. if any. It will also <strong>in</strong>clude the cost of supply and fix<strong>in</strong>g of Arc<strong>in</strong>g horn.(Arc<strong>in</strong>g Horn as per Drg.No. TI/ SK/ PSI/ ARCHON/ RDSO/ 00001/ 08/ C Dated 02.02.2010).ITEM No.28(x): Supply & Erection of Post Insulators for Item no.-28-The price shall cover supply and erection of 25KV Solid Core Insulators (Post Insulators) forexecution of work covered under item no.- 28.Signature of tenderer(s) 46/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Non- Schedule Items –NS – 1 Dismantl<strong>in</strong>g, shift<strong>in</strong>g, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g and commission<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g filteration of all ofauxiliary transformers) of auxiliary transformer of 10 KVA, 25KV/ 240 V s<strong>in</strong>gle phasecomplete with all accessories, and other fitt<strong>in</strong>gs as per RDSO draw<strong>in</strong>g no. ETI. PSI/ 036 orlatest, with supply and erection of new 50*6 mm MS flat bond<strong>in</strong>g (04 Nos.), 50 mm dia/ 3.5Mtrs GI earth electrode (02 Nos.), Number Plate, Caution Board.NS- 2Dismantl<strong>in</strong>g and stack<strong>in</strong>g of exist<strong>in</strong>g auxiliary transformers of 10 KVA, 25 KV/ 240 V s<strong>in</strong>glephase complete with all accessories.NS – 3 Shift<strong>in</strong>g and load<strong>in</strong>g/ unload<strong>in</strong>g of all released AT materials from dismantl<strong>in</strong>g site to neareststores/ depot or at another site for erection.NS- 4 Cutt<strong>in</strong>g and removal of exist<strong>in</strong>g old AT mast.NS -5 Dismantl<strong>in</strong>g and stack<strong>in</strong>g of all parts of AT station.-------o0o-------Signature of tenderer(s) 47/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER- 6Section- 1Schedule of Work (SOW)<strong>Tender</strong> No.- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03Date-26.07.12Name of tender- Supply, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g and commission<strong>in</strong>g of Auxiliary Transformers (10KVA,25KV/240V AT) supply to ABS Relay-Hut <strong>in</strong> MZP- MGS section of Allahabad Division of North CentralRailway.This schedule of Rate & Works chapter-7 section-2 shall be read <strong>in</strong> conjunction with its explanatorynotes for items of works <strong>in</strong> chapter– 5 for various items <strong>in</strong>cluded there<strong>in</strong>. Approximate quantity ofworks is mentioned with each item.The rates given aga<strong>in</strong>st different sub-sections of this schedule are the estimated schedule of rates.The rates at which payments are to be made shall be arrived at by load<strong>in</strong>g these rates uniformly foreach sub-section with the percentage quoted by the tenderer and accepted by railway for relevant subsection<strong>in</strong> summary of prices.-----Signature of tenderer(s) 48/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Section-2CHAPTER- 6ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL OF THE TENDERER(DEVIATIONS)Signature of tenderer(s) 49/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER – 6Section- 3TENDERER’S SCHEME OF WORK AND TIME SCHEDULE.Signature of tenderer(s) 50/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER – 6Section- 4TENDERER’s CREDENTIALSa. List of works already executed dur<strong>in</strong>g last 3 years:S/NNameof WorkAddressCostofworkDateofawardCompletionCostDate ofcompletionRemarksNote: Performance report from the competent authority of the Organisation / Deptt. foreach work must be attached.b. Works <strong>in</strong> hand:S/NName ofWorkAddressCost ofworkDate ofaward%ageProgressof workRemarksc. Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g organization:S/N Name EducationalQualificationDuration for which he isunder your employment.d. Tools & Plants:--------o0o--------Signature of tenderer(s) 51/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER – 7SCHEDULE OF PRICES1. Summary of Prices- as % rates quoted by tenderer.2. Schedule of Rate for works items.3. Schedule of Price for Non-SOR items: Section-B.The quantities shown <strong>in</strong> schedule / non-scheduled are approximate and are as aguide to give the tenderer(s) and idea of quantum of work <strong>in</strong>volved. TheRailway reserves the right to <strong>in</strong>crease/decrease and/or delete or <strong>in</strong>clude any ofthe quantities given above and no extra rate will be allowed on this account.Signature of tenderer(s) 52/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

1. SUMMARY OF PRICESName of <strong>Tender</strong>- Supply, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g and commission<strong>in</strong>g of Auxiliary Transformers(10KVA, 25KV/240V AT) supply to ABS Relay-Hut <strong>in</strong> MZP- MGS section of AllahabadDivision of North Central Railway.<strong>Tender</strong> No.- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03 Date- 26.07.2012S/No.DescriptionEstimatedScheduleRate (Rs.)%age below / at par / aboveon SOR /Non-SOR items.(Value to be quoted by <strong>Tender</strong>er)1 2 3 4 5(A) SOR items: In Figure In WordsSub Section-1(General)Sub Section-2(Concrete)Sub Section-3(Ferrous)Sub Section-4(Non Ferrous)Sub Section-5(Insulators)Non- ScheduleItems943757.36386589.001,477,004.76172,145.40385,575.9635164.00Total (<strong>in</strong> Rs.) 3400236 .48Total: Rs. Thirty Four Lakhs Two Hundred Thirty Six and forty paisa only.Note:-(i)The above prices are <strong>in</strong>clusive of all taxes, duties <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g excise duty, Sales Tax,Octroi, Local levies Sales tax on work contract etc.(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)The railway supply materials will be made available at ALD Const. or nearby areasand transportation to site of works is to be done by contractor.<strong>Tender</strong>er shall go through the items of works & rates of SOR Chapter-7 section-2with other conditions.<strong>Tender</strong>er shall furnish the various credential details as per Chapter-6 section-4 and thedocuments for eligibility criteria as mentioned <strong>in</strong> tender notice.The tenderer should quote rates s<strong>in</strong>gle %age below/ at par/ above on SORvalue for various sub-section of works and non-schedule items.Date-Signature of the <strong>Tender</strong>er (s)Signature of tenderer(s) 53/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

<strong>Tender</strong> No.- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03CHAPTER- 7Schedule of Rate (SOR)Section- 2Date-26.07.2012SORItem NoName of <strong>Tender</strong>- Supply, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g and commission<strong>in</strong>g of Auxiliary Transformers (10KVA,25KV/240V AT) supply to ABS Relay-Hut <strong>in</strong> MZP- MGS section of Allahabad Division of North CentralRailway.This schedule shall be read <strong>in</strong> conjunction with its explanatory notes <strong>in</strong> chapter– 5 for various items<strong>in</strong>cluded there<strong>in</strong>.The rates given below aga<strong>in</strong>st different sub-sections of this schedule are the estimated schedule ofrates. The rates at which payments are to be made shall be arrived at by load<strong>in</strong>g these rates uniformlyfor each sub-section with the percentage quoted by the tenderer and accepted by railway for relevantsub-section <strong>in</strong> summary of prices.Description of work Unit Qty.SupplyRate (Rs.)ErectionScheduleRates(Rs.)Totalschedulevalue (Rs.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Sub section-1 (General)125(d)25(e)25(f)25(g)27(a)(i)27(a)(ii)Survey of site and preparation of designand draw<strong>in</strong>gs.Supply, lay<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong>stallation of ALcables for L.T. power supply.Excavation of 1000mm deep, 400 mmwide cable trench <strong>in</strong> all type of soil (otherthan rocks) and refill<strong>in</strong>g. This <strong>in</strong>cludescover<strong>in</strong>g of cable already laid <strong>in</strong> trenchby loose soil for a layer of about 150 mmthick before cover<strong>in</strong>g by bricks andrefill<strong>in</strong>g, this <strong>in</strong>cludes supply,transportation and lay<strong>in</strong>g of bricks <strong>in</strong>cable trench.Supply of material and term<strong>in</strong>ation of LTcable of size 2 core/AL, 70 sq.mm withproper size of crimp<strong>in</strong>g sockets/lugs asrequired (one set term<strong>in</strong>ation shall<strong>in</strong>clude all cores of cable at one end).Supply and lay<strong>in</strong>g of 50mm dia. GI pipeclass- B under the track for cable lay<strong>in</strong>gby under track bor<strong>in</strong>g.Supply, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g &commission<strong>in</strong>g of 25 KV/240 V, 10KVAL.T. supply transformer complete with allaccessories as per RDSO specn.Supply, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g andcommission<strong>in</strong>g of 63 Amp./ 415V AutoChangeover Panel (ACP) for 10KVA ATsupply.Job 14 1544.00 0.00 1544.00 21616.00Mtr. 2800 0.00 21.23 21.23 59444.00Mtr. 2100 0.00 57.90 57.90 121590.00Set 112 151.51 37.64 189.15 21184.80Mtr. 336 289.50 332.93 622.43 209136.48Each 28 0.00 4940.80 4940.80 138342.40Each 14 0.00 2895.00 2895.00 40530.00Signature of tenderer(s) 54/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

27(a)(iii)28Supply, erection, test<strong>in</strong>g andcommission<strong>in</strong>g of s<strong>in</strong>gle pole neutralswitch 60 Amp./240V switch fuse unitwith rewireable fuses and neutral l<strong>in</strong>k <strong>in</strong>MS sheet enclosure confirm<strong>in</strong>g to IS,suitable for term<strong>in</strong>ation of 70 Sq.mm ALcable.Each 28 2397.06 289.50 2686.56 75223.68Supply and erection of 25KV drop outfuse switch assembly complete with fuse Each 28 8202.50 965.00 9167.50 256690.00carrier & fuse element without <strong>in</strong>sulator.Sub-Total <strong>in</strong> Rs. 943757.36Sub section-2 (Concrete)2(b)Concrete foundation and pl<strong>in</strong>th <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>ggrout<strong>in</strong>g of mast <strong>in</strong> all type of soil otherthan rock soil.Sub section-3 (Ferrous)3(i)3(ii)3b(iii)16(a)16(b)17(a)30(b)(iii)Cu.Mtr.70 4400.40 1122.30 5522.70 386589.00Sub-Total <strong>in</strong> Rs. 386589.00Supply and erection of 25KV cautionboards on AT mast.Each 28 337.75 72.38 410.13 11483.64Supply and erection of number plate onAT mast.Each 28 410.13 72.38 482.51 13510.28Supply and manual erection of traction77405.5mast (T-150) and other galvanised steel MT 12.65works of AT as per RDSO specn.9621.05 87026.60 1096535.16Supply and erection of structure bond of50x6mm MS flat with nut & bolts. Each 112 718.93 67.55 786.48 88085.76Supply and fix<strong>in</strong>g of 50 mm dia. GI pipeclass 'B' on A.T. mast with clamps tocarry the cable.Mtr 84 289.50 28.95 318.45 26749.80Supply and erection of GI Pipe/Class-Bs<strong>in</strong>gle earth electrode for AT.Nos 56 2449.17 997.81 3446.98 193030.88Supply and erection of anti climb<strong>in</strong>gdevice on A.T. mast as per RDSO Each 28 1401.18 299.15 1700.33 47609.24draw<strong>in</strong>g no. ETI/PSI/037.Sub-Total <strong>in</strong> Rs. 1,477,004.76Sub section-4 (Non Ferrous)15(a)(iv)17(d)Supply and erection of copper jumper of50 sq. mm and hard drawn copper wireof 7 mm dia. with term<strong>in</strong>al lugs for DOfuse switch connection.Set 28 3498.13 241.25 3739.38 104702.64Supply and erection of copper strips3x25mm for ATs earth<strong>in</strong>g.Mtr. 84 736.30 66.59 802.89 67442.76Sub-Total <strong>in</strong> Rs. 172,145.40Sub section-5 (Insulators)11(a)(ii)28(x)Supply and erection of solid core (9-Ton)suspension <strong>in</strong>sulator, clamp, doublestrap and suspension device with nutbolt and washer with modified arc<strong>in</strong>ghorn (Arc<strong>in</strong>g Horn as per Drg. No. TI/SK/ PSI/ ARCHON/ RDSO/ 00001/ 08/ CDated 02.02.2010)Supply and erection of 25KV post<strong>in</strong>sulators for item no.- 28.Each 28 3647.70 337.75 3985.45 111592.60Each 56 4678.20 214.36 4892.56 273983.36Sub-Total <strong>in</strong> Rs. 385,575.96Signature of tenderer(s) 55/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

NS- 1NS- 2NS-3NS-4NS ItemsDismantl<strong>in</strong>g and stack<strong>in</strong>g of exist<strong>in</strong>gAuxiliary Transformers of 10KVA, 25KV/240 V S<strong>in</strong>gle Phase complete with allaccessories.Shift<strong>in</strong>g and load<strong>in</strong>g/ unload<strong>in</strong>g of allreleased AT materials from dismantl<strong>in</strong>gsite to nearest stores/ depot or atanother site or erection.Cutt<strong>in</strong>g and removal of exist<strong>in</strong>g old ATMast.Dismantl<strong>in</strong>g of all small parts of ATstation.Nos. 4 0.00 6861.00 6861.00 27444.00Tonne/ KM320 0.00 0.00 11.00 3520.00Nos. 4 0.00 0.00 500.00 2000.00Set 4 0.00 0.00 550.00 2200.00Total of NS Items 35164.00Total of sub section 1+2+3+4+5+NS <strong>in</strong>Rs.3400236.48[The tenderer should quote rates s<strong>in</strong>gle %age below / at par / above on SOR value <strong>in</strong> summary ofprices sheet Chapter-7 for various sub-section of works and non-schedule items.------o0o------Signature of tenderer(s) 56/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

CHAPTER – 8F O R M S1. Deed of extension of Guarantee Bond Annexure- I2. Stand<strong>in</strong>g Indemnity Bond for on Account Payment Annexure-II3. Guarantee Bond “On Account” Payment Annexure-III4. Performance Bank Guarantee Annexure-IV5. Receipt of Materials from Railway Annexure- V6. Extension of period of completion of works(On contractor’s account)7. Extension of period of completion of works(other than on contractor’s account)Annexure-VIAnnexure-VIISignature of tenderer(s) 57/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Annexure – ITo,The President of India,Act<strong>in</strong>g through CAO/IRPMU,Shivaji Bridge, New Delhi-01.DEED OF EXTENSION OF GUARANTEE BONDExtension of Bank Guarantee Bond No. _____________ dated ____________ issued by____________ Bank on behalf of ______________________ <strong>in</strong> favour of President ofIndia through Dy.FA&CAO/IRPMU, New Delhi for the amount of exceed<strong>in</strong>g Rs.____________ (Rupees __________________ only) valid for the period from _________to _______ (Here<strong>in</strong>-after called the orig<strong>in</strong>al Bank Guarantee Bond).We, the _________________ Bank do hereby extend the period of validity of theorig<strong>in</strong>al Bank Guarantee Bond No. ___________ dated __________ for Rs.______________ (Rupees ________________ only) executed by us on behalf of________________ <strong>in</strong> favour of President of India through Dy. FA & CAO/ IRPMU,New Delhi for a period of ________ this is upto ________ for the same amount viz Rs.____________ (Rupees ___________________ only) on the same terms and conditions asconta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the Orig<strong>in</strong>al Bank Guarantee Bond.This deed of extension is to be treated as “Addendum” to the Orig<strong>in</strong>al Bank GuaranteeBond No. ________________ dated ___________ and to be treated as part and parcel ofthe orig<strong>in</strong>al Bank Guarantee Bond.That except<strong>in</strong>g the above extension of period of validity of the orig<strong>in</strong>al BankGuarantee Bond, all other terms and conditions of the orig<strong>in</strong>al Bank Guarantee Bond shallrema<strong>in</strong> unchanged and b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g on us.Dated the ________________ day of ________________________20---- .Address & Seal of the BankSignature of tenderer(s) 58/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Annexure – IISTANDING INDEMNITY BOND FOR ON ACCOUNT PAYMENTS(On requisite stamp value)We, M/s _________________________________________ hereby undertake that we held atour stores depots at _________________ for and on behalf of the President of India act<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>the premises through the General Manager ___________________ Railway________________________ here<strong>in</strong>after referred to as “the Purchaser” all materials forwhich ‘On Account’ payments have been made to us aga<strong>in</strong>st the contract for supply anderection of the material for the work of ______________ on North Central Railway alsoreferred to as vide Letter of Acceptance of tender no. _____________ dated ________ andmaterials handed over to us by the Purchaser for the purpose of execution of the said contract,until such time the material are duly erected or otherwise handed over to him.We shall be entirely responsible for the safe custody and protection of the said materialsaga<strong>in</strong>st all risk till they are duly delivered as erected equipment to the purchaser, or as he maydirect otherwise and shall <strong>in</strong>demnify the Purchaser aga<strong>in</strong>st any loss, damage, or deteriorationwhatsoever <strong>in</strong> respect of the said materials while <strong>in</strong> our possession and aga<strong>in</strong>st disposal ofsurplus material. The said materials shall at all times by open to <strong>in</strong>spection by any officerauthorized by Purchaser/Eng<strong>in</strong>eer Incharge of the work or his successor.Should any loss, damage or deterioration of materials occur or surplus materials disposed offand refund becomes due, the Purchaser shall be entitled to recover from us the full cost as perprices <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> Schedule 1 to the contract (as applicable) and <strong>in</strong> respect of other materialsas <strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> Part I chapter IV Section I and also compensation for such loss or damage, ifany alongwith the amount to be refunded without prejudice to any other remedies available tohim by deduction from any sum due or any sum which at any time hereafter become due to usunder the said or any other contract.Dated this_______________ day _______________20(for and on behalf of )Messers ____________________ (contractor)Signature of witness :Name of witness <strong>in</strong> BLOCK LETTERSAddress- ……………………………….Signature of tenderer(s) 59/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Annexure - III(On Stamp Paper of Requisite Value)GUARANTEE BOND AGAINST “ON ACCOUNT” PAYMENTS(To be used by approved schedule Banks)In consideration of the President of India (here<strong>in</strong>after called “The Government”)hav<strong>in</strong>g agreed to exempt __________________ (here<strong>in</strong>after called “the Contractor(s)” fromthe demand, under the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated _____________ madebetween ____________ and _________ for (here<strong>in</strong>after called “the said Agreement”) of “On-Account” Payments for the due fulfillment by the said contractor(s) of the terms andconditions conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the said Agreement, on production of a Bank guarantee for Rs.___________ (Rupees _______________ only).We, __________ (<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of the Bank) here<strong>in</strong>after referred to as “the Bank”at the request of _____________ Contractor(s) do hereby undertake to pay to the Governmentan amount not exceed<strong>in</strong>g Rs. __________ aga<strong>in</strong>st any loss or damage caused to or suffered orshould caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the Government by reason of anybreach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the saidAgreement.2. We, _______________(<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay theamount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand fromthe <strong>gov</strong>ernment stat<strong>in</strong>g that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to orwould be caused to or suffered by the Government by reason of breach by the saidContractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the said Agreement or by reasonof the Contractor’s failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on theBank shall be conclusive as regard the amount due and payable by the Bank under thisguarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to any amount notexceed<strong>in</strong>g ___________.3. We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g anydispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s) <strong>in</strong> any suit or proceed<strong>in</strong>g pend<strong>in</strong>gbefore any Court or Tribunal relat<strong>in</strong>g thereto our liability under this present contract be<strong>in</strong>gabsolute and unequivocal.The Payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability forpayment there under and the Contractor (s) / Supplier (s) shall have no claim aga<strong>in</strong>st us formak<strong>in</strong>g such payment.4. We, ____________ (<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of Bank) further agree that the guaranteehere<strong>in</strong> conta<strong>in</strong>ed shall rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> full force and effect dur<strong>in</strong>g the period that would be taken forthe performance of the said Agreement and that it shall cont<strong>in</strong>ue to be enforceable till all thedues of the Government under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and itsclaims satisfied or discharged or till ________________ office/Department M<strong>in</strong>istry of____________ certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fullyand properly carried out by the said Contractor (s) and accord<strong>in</strong>gly discharges this guarantee.Signature of tenderer(s) 60/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g on or before the_______________ (b) we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.5. We, _______________ (<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of Bank) further agree with theGovernment that the Government shall have the fullest liberty without our consent andwithout affect<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms andconditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s)from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powersexercisable by the Government aga<strong>in</strong>st the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any ofthe terms and conditions relat<strong>in</strong>g to the said Agreement and we shall not be relieved from ourliability by reason of any such variation or extension be<strong>in</strong>g granted to the said Contractor (s)or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the Government or any <strong>in</strong>dulgence bythe Government to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or th<strong>in</strong>g whatsoever whichunder the law relat<strong>in</strong>g to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so reliev<strong>in</strong>g us.6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change <strong>in</strong> the constitution of the Bankor the Contractor (s)/Supplier (s).7. We, _______________ (<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of the Bank) lastly undertake not to revokethis guarantee dur<strong>in</strong>g its currency except with the previous consent of the Government <strong>in</strong>writ<strong>in</strong>g.Dated the ________________day of _______________For ________________________________________(Indicate the name of the Bank)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(a) The guarantee shall be valid for a period of two months beyond the date ofcompletion of work.Signature of tenderer(s) 61/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Annexure - IV(On Stamp Paper of Requisite Value)PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE(To be used by approved schedule Banks)In consideration of the President of India (here<strong>in</strong>after called “The Government”)hav<strong>in</strong>g agreed to exempt __________________ (here<strong>in</strong>after called “the said Contractor(s)”from the demand, under the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated _____________made between ____________ and _________ for (here<strong>in</strong>after called “the said Agreement”)of Provisional Acceptance Payments for the due fulfillment by the said contractor(s) of theterms and conditions conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the said Agreement, on production of a Bank guarantee forRs. ___________ (Rupees _______________ only).We, __________ (<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of the Bank) here<strong>in</strong>after referred to as “the Bank”at the request of _____________ Contractor(s) do hereby undertake to pay to the Governmentan amount not exceed<strong>in</strong>g Rs. __________ aga<strong>in</strong>st any loss or damage caused to or suffered orshould caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the Government by reason of anybreach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the saidAgreement.2. We, _______________(<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay theamount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand fromthe <strong>gov</strong>ernment stat<strong>in</strong>g that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to orwould be caused to or suffered by the Government by reason of breach by the saidContractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the said Agreement or by reasonor the Contractor’s failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on theBank shall be conclusive as regard the amount due and payable by the Bank under thisguarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to any amount notexceed<strong>in</strong>g ___________.3. We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g anydispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s) <strong>in</strong> any suit or proceed<strong>in</strong>g pend<strong>in</strong>gbefore any Court or Tribunal relat<strong>in</strong>g thereto our liability under this present contract be<strong>in</strong>gabsolute and unequivocal.The Payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability forpayment there under and the Contractor (s) / Supplier (s) shall have no claim aga<strong>in</strong>st us formak<strong>in</strong>g such payment.4. We, ____________ (<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of Bank) further agree that the guarantee here<strong>in</strong>conta<strong>in</strong>ed shall rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> full force and effect dur<strong>in</strong>g the period that would be taken for theperformance of the said Agreement and that it shall cont<strong>in</strong>ue to be enforceable till all the duesof the Government under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and itsclaims satisfied or discharged or till ________________ office/Department M<strong>in</strong>istry of____________ certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fullyand properly carried out by the said Contractor (s) and accord<strong>in</strong>gly discharges this guarantee.Signature of tenderer(s) 62/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g on or before the_______________ (b) we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.5. We, _______________ (<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of Bank) further agree with theGovernment shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affect<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> anymanner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the saidAgreement or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) from time to time or topostpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Governmentaga<strong>in</strong>st the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditionsrelat<strong>in</strong>g to the said Agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of anysuch variation or extension be<strong>in</strong>g granted to the said Contractor (s) or for any forbearance, actor omission on the part of the Government or any <strong>in</strong>dulgence by the Government to the saidContractor (s) or by any such matter or th<strong>in</strong>g whatsoever which under the law relat<strong>in</strong>g tosureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so reliev<strong>in</strong>g us.6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change <strong>in</strong> the constitution of the Bankor the Contractor (s)/Supplier (s).7. We, _______________ (<strong>in</strong>dicate the name of the Bank) lastly undertake not torevoke this guarantee dur<strong>in</strong>g its currency except with the previous consent of the Government<strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g.Dated --------------- the ________________day of _______________For ________________________________________(Indicate the name of the Bank)(a) The guarantee shall be valid for a period of two months beyond the expiry of theguarantee period of the equipment.Signature of tenderer(s) 63/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

Annexure - VACKNOWLEDGEMENTFOR RECEIVING MATERIALS FROM RAILWAYSub: - Receipt of Materials from Railway.STATION: -------------------DATE: -------------------It is hereby acknowledged that the follow<strong>in</strong>g material as detailed havebeen received <strong>in</strong> full and good condition by me on ........................................ at ........................ for the work com<strong>in</strong>g under the AgreementNo.............................. dated ................------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl.No. Description of Material Quantity Remarksif any-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Witnessed by: -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------(Signature of Purchaser’s(Signature of Contractor orRepresentative with Designation) Contractor’s Representative)Signature of tenderer(s) 64/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

EXTENSION OF PERIOD OF COMPLETION OF WORK(On contractor’s account)(Registered with A/D)Annexure – VINo. ------------------------------ Date: -------------------To,..........................................................................................Dear Sir,Sub : (i) ................................................. (Name of Work)(ii) Acceptance Letter No. ....................................................(iii) Undertak<strong>in</strong>g /Agreement No. .......................................Ref : ......................... (Quote specific application of the Contractorfor extension to date, if received).The stipulated date for completion of the work mentioned above is/was ……...............However, the work is/was not completed on this date.Expect<strong>in</strong>g that you may be able to complete the work if some time is given and <strong>in</strong> considerationof your Letter No.............................., the General Manager (or his successor) on behalf of the presidentof India, although not bound to do so, hereby extends the time for completion from ............. to..............Please note that liquidated damages @1/2% per week or part thereof of the entire contractvalue will be recovered for delay <strong>in</strong> the completion of the work after the expiry of (1) .......................from you as mentioned <strong>in</strong> para 35 of the Special Conditions of Contract for the extended period.The above extension of the completion date will also be subject to the further condition that no<strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> rates on any account will be payable to you.Please note that <strong>in</strong> the event of decl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to accept the extension on the above said conditionsor <strong>in</strong> the event of your failure after accept<strong>in</strong>g or act<strong>in</strong>g up to this extension to complete the work by(2)....................... (here mention the extended date), further action will be taken <strong>in</strong> terms of relevantpara of Conditions of Contract.Your’s faithfully,for & on behalf of President of India.Note :-1. Give here the stipulated date for completion without any penalty fixed earlier.2. Here mention the extended date.Signature of tenderer(s) 65/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

EXTENSION OF PERIOD OF COMPLETION OF WORKAnnexure – VIINo. -------------------------------- Date: -------------------To,......................................................................................................Dear Sirs,Sub: (i) ............................................ (Name of work)(ii) Acceptance Letter No.........................................(iii) Undertak<strong>in</strong>g/Agreement No...............................Ref: ………........................... (Quote specific application of theContractor for extension to the date, if received).The stipulated date for completion of subject work under the above contract was............................ In consideration of the Contractor’s Letter No..............................., TheGeneral Manager (or his successor) behalf of the President of India, is pleased to grantextension of the time for completion of works without liquidated damages under para 36 ofChapter II , Section II of the contract as mentioned below :“...................................................................................”It may be noted that unless repugnant to the context, all the terms and conditionsof the Contract will rema<strong>in</strong> unaltered dur<strong>in</strong>g the extended period from ...................... to...................... also, and further no <strong>in</strong>creased additional rates and claims of recoveries whichhave not been already envisaged <strong>in</strong> terms of the conditions of the Contract will be liable eitherby you or by the purchaser <strong>in</strong> respect of this extended period.Your’s faithfully,( )for and on behalf of President of India* * * END OF TENDER DOCUMENT * * *Signature of tenderer(s) 66/68 Signature of SEE Signature of SSE No- IRPMU/Elect./T/2012-13/03

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