Reconciliation service - Cafod

Reconciliation service - Cafod

Reconciliation service - Cafod


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examination of conscience (below),allowing plenty of time for people toreflect. Invite the group to write wordsor phrases or draw symbolsrepresenting what they’re sorry for ona piece of paper, which is just for themand nobody else to see (even if they goto a priest for Sacramental<strong>Reconciliation</strong> where they can explaintheir sins verbally).5 Tell the group that now we havethought about how we have donewrong, it is time to say sorry and askfor God’s forgiveness. Read out Ezekiel36:25-28.6 If a priest is available for individualSacramental <strong>Reconciliation</strong>, this is thetime to invite people to speak to him.Ask for patience from the members ofthe group until everyone is finished,but emphasise how important this timeof quiet and reflection is in preparing toreceive the Sacrament. Once all thegroup have been, you may like to skipthe next few steps and go straight tothe sign of peace and makingcommitments.7 Invite the group to approach the bowl/sof water one-by-one, fold or tear uptheir piece of paper and place it in theempty bowl/basket whilst silentlyasking for God’s forgiveness. They arethen invited to dip their hands in thewater and gently wash them and thendry them on the towel. You could put acopy of Ez 36:26 by the bowl and askpeople to focus on the words of God asthey cleanse themselves or getdifferent voices to slowly repeat Ez36:25-28 whilst people are doing this.8 Once everyone is finished, you may likepeople to offer each other the sign ofpeace before making commitments toactions or new attitudes which they willendeavour to live out in their lives,putting into practice the ‘new heart’and ‘new spirit’ from Ezekiel. Introducethis by reading out or showing theGreat generation poster and giveeveryone a postcard to write theircommitment on and take away withthem to keep as a reminder. You couldprint stickers with Ez 36:26 and stickthem on one side of the back of thepostcard.9 At this point your priest may like tooffer a final blessing, or you could usethe closing prayer (see below).10 Finish with the sign of the cross.3

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