submersible pump with hazardous location motor end - Pump Express

submersible pump with hazardous location motor end - Pump Express

submersible pump with hazardous location motor end - Pump Express


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6<strong>Pump</strong>Maintenance2. Drain all oil from upper housing.Remove drain plug in bottomof bearing housing, and re movecon nec tion box to allow airto enter.3. When connection box is liftedoff, con nec tion wires to <strong>motor</strong>will be exposed. These wiresare tagged <strong>with</strong> a metalmarker giving wire num ber.Disconnect wires and removeconnection box.4. After chamber is drained,remove hold-down bolts on<strong>motor</strong> housing and lift off. Usecare in lifting as the seal failureconnecting wire must bedisconnected before hous ing iscompletely re moved. Seesectional drawing.5. The stator is held in the housing<strong>with</strong> a bolted-in retaining ringand pre vent ed from rotating bya roll pin.6. Remove the retaining ring andsocket head cap screw.7. After ring is removed, turnhous ing upright and bump onhard wood block. This shouldjar the stator loose and allow itto drop out.8. Thoroughly clean housingbefore replacing new stator.Replace sta tor and make allwire con nec tions to con nec tionbox before re plac ing housingon <strong>pump</strong>. See <strong>motor</strong> leadconnection drawing. This isimportant as leads must betucked behind the windingsby using hands up throughrotor core.iMPOrTANT: Use only buttcon nec tions on the wires.Do not tape leads as oil willde te ri o rate the tape and causedam age to stator and bearings.9. Check top bearing. If the bearingis clean and does not turnrough, bearings can be reused.If bear ings are damaged<strong>with</strong> dirt or heat, they mustbe replaced. See ad di tion alinstructions on re plac ing sealsand bearings.10.Replace stator housing ontoseal chamber and bolt in place.Be sure seal failure wiresare con nect ed before housingis as sem bled.Be sure O-ring seal has beenre placed. If O-ring is nicked orcut, replace <strong>with</strong> new ring.This ap plies to all O-rings usedin as sem bly.11.After all leads are reconnectedin the con nec tion box, make ahigh voltage ground test on eachwire. The only wire that shouldshow ground is the green powerlead and the ground head in theaux il ia ry control cable.12.For safety, complete <strong>pump</strong>should be air checked underwater for leaks.Install air valve in plug openingof <strong>motor</strong> housing and chargehousing <strong>with</strong> about 10 psi ofair. Be sure air is dry. Do notuse air line where water maybe trapped in the line.Submerge com plete unit un derwater and check for leaks. Ifseals were okay, refill sealcham ber <strong>with</strong> oil. Lay <strong>pump</strong>on side for this oil filling <strong>with</strong>oil fill hole upright. Do notcompletely fill; leave oil about1" below plug hole. Use onlyHydromatic sub mers ible oil orhigh grade trans form er oil inthis chamber. Re place plug;use Permatex on threads.13.Refill <strong>motor</strong> chamber <strong>with</strong>oil through con nec tion boxopening. Use high grade,non-syn thet ic trans form er oilor Hydromatic spe cialsubmers ible oil. Fill hous inguntil oil covers the top ofwindings. Leave air space intop for expansion.NOTE: Oil must cover topof stator.replacing Seals and Bearings:1. Drain all oil from <strong>motor</strong>chamber and seal chamberas described.2. Remove <strong>motor</strong> housing asde scribed in re plac ing stator.3. Remove bolts that holdbearing housing to volute. Liftbearing housing and rotatingunit off and set assembly on itsside. Remove socket headscrew and washer at theimpeller <strong>end</strong> of the shaft.Hold ing the shaft stationary,re move the impeller from theshaft by tap ping the <strong>end</strong> of theimpeller blades.4. To remove seal plate take outsock et head screws and usingscrews in back-off holes, pryplate loose. This will alsoforce seal off if not alreadyremoved.5. Remove snap ring. Pull sealif it is free. If not free, itcan be forced off when shaftis removed.5A.The flame ring must beremoved. It is recomm<strong>end</strong>edHydromatic Kit #51700-900-7be used to ease its removal.This kit will include a pusherto reassemble in re place mentof flame ring.6. Set seal housing in uprightpo si tion and bump <strong>end</strong> of shafton hard wood block. This will

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