Download Free E-Book - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Free E-Book - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Free E-Book - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C


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102 <strong>Schaller</strong> • MountjoyRand PW, Lacombe EH, Elias SP, Cahill BK, Lubelczyk CB, SmithRP Jr. Multitarget test for emerging Lyme disease and anaplasmosisin a serosurvey of dogs, Maine, USA. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011May;17(5):899-902. PMID:21529407Rand PW, Lacombe EH, Elias SP, Lubelczyk CB, St Amand T, SmithRP Jr. Trial of a minimal-risk botanical compound to control thevector tick of Lyme disease. J Med Entomol. 2010 Jul;47(4):695-8.PMID:20695287Randolph SE, Dobson AD. Pangloss revisited: a critique of the dilutioneffect and the biodiversity-buffers-disease paradigm. Parasitology. 2012Feb 16:1-17. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:22336330Randolph SE. Tick-borne disease systems emerge from the shadows:the beauty lies in molecular detail, the message in epidemiology.Parasitology. 2009 Oct;136(12):1403-13. Epub 2009 Apr 14.PMID:19366480Ranki A, Hyry H, Klimenko T, Laukkala T, Majamaa H, MäkeläM, Syrjänen J, Vuopio J; Suomalaisen Lääkäriseuran Duodecimin;Suomen Ihotautilääkäriyhdistys RY:N; Asettama Työryhmä. [Update oncurrent care guidelines. Bacterial skin infections].[Article in Finnish].Duodecim. 2010;126(24):2883-4. PMID:21268910Raya AI, Afonso JC, Perez-Ecija RA, Blanco B, Martín-de Las Mulas J,Carrasco L, Cortade LE, Gomez-Laguna J. Orbital myositis associatedwith Lyme disease in a dog. Vet Rec. 2010 Oct 23;167(17):663-4.PMID:21257469Rego RO, Bestor A, Rosa PA. Defining the plasmid-borne restrictionmodificationsystems of the Lyme disease spirochete Borreliaburgdorferi. J Bacteriol. 2011 Mar;193(5):1161-71. Epub 2010 Dec 30.PMID:21193609Reirden DH, Menchise AN, Knox B, Gereige R, Howard T, Thomas EL,Connelly R, Tyler S, McPeak K. Index of suspicion. Pediatr Rev. 2009Sep;30(9):357-63. PMID:19726702

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