Download Free E-Book - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Free E-Book - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Free E-Book - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C


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58 <strong>Schaller</strong> • MountjoyJuricová Z, Hubálek Z. Serologic survey of the wild boar (Sus scrofa)for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2009Oct;9(5):479-82. PMID:18973452Jutras BL, Bowman A, Brissette CA, Adams CA, Verma A, ChenailAM, Stevenson B. EbfC (YbaB) is a new type of bacterial nucleoidassociatedprotein, and a global regulator of gene expression in theLyme disease spirochete. J Bacteriol. 2012 Apr 27. [Epub ahead ofprint]. PMID:22544270Jutras BL, Verma A, Adams CA, Brissette CA, Burns LH, WhetstineCR, Bowman A, Chenail AM, Zückert WR, Stevenson B. BpaB andEbfC DNA-binding proteins regulate production of the Lyme diseasespirochete’s infection-associated Erp surface proteins. J Bacteriol. 2012Feb;194(4):778-86. Epub 2011 Dec 9. PMID:22155777Juvkam KH, Eikeland R. [A man with acutely starting pain in the righthip and thigh].[Article in Norwegian]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2011May 20;131(9-10):959-61. PMID:21606995Kaiser R, Fingerle V. [Neuroborreliosis].[Article in German].Nervenarzt. 2009 Oct;80(10):1239-51. PMID:19536517Kalinova Z, Halanova M, Cislakova L, Sulinova Z, Jarcuska P.Occurrence of IgG antibodies to Anaplasma phagocytophilum inhumans suspected of Lyme borreliosis in eastern Slovakia. Ann AgricEnviron Med. 2009 Dec;16(2):285-8. PMID:20047263Kaminsky A. Erythema figuratum.[Article in English, Spanish]. ActasDermosifiliogr. 2009 Dec;100 Suppl 2:88-109. PMID:20096167Kanjwal K, Karabin B, Kanjwal Y, Grubb BP. Postural orthostatictachycardia syndrome following Lyme disease. Cardiol J.2011;18(1):63-6. PMID:21305487

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