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TtrSh.[ScAbAL I-OGASNMNHACHA b# sd&ULffiAruhfiASCHOOLS' PLACENAAAES PROJECT<strong>STffiSG</strong> <strong>OgtsRE</strong> / <strong>WORK5HEET</strong>AHmrm {memc$rm}Nome(s)Semfr$SchoolAingecl BreothnochAmqe$n Wclsh,$es0f; fqldisFdrrtn Tesmpall 6enlWh$teahurch N.SR*nmg Closs V ffith closs Aois / Ageztl$e*lsdhAddressKnockneskeagh, Cappaquinn, Co.WsterfordLogm{nmPlocenomeI he InchAs Edsr[eIn English:As Goeilge / in lrish:(if the nane isn'f already in frish, can you come upwifh an Irish translation)An Orloch - b'fheidir An fnse#n6et scghes *${f f ses?Whot type of ploce is this(e.g.field, rock, hill, valley, headland, cove,well, sfrand, streom, lake, Pond, tree,bush efc, efc..)#e* bhfuil sd $CIprnc{fhe?Where is it locoted?(give fownlandand aftach amaD showino fhe locafion)Smd is ddigh h-qts-e is bnilcBs mm a6nm?Whot do you think thenome meons or refers to?KnocknoskeoghA field bordered on two sides by the river Finiskf think it meons o low f ield by the riverAn hhfuil a*n se'6nl tmmbFrthfr*n dem legeimm $€s egat?Do you know ony storybehind this plocenome?No.

#sr"cJd r4 prun clrq*m$* "l=d tqr*ne.16F*e*fr$sF. efl? snfrmm sec' u6rix'tu.n{*'s mil$m, rsh*:ifn. *Ener ff{}"-r}*,xiane* *prus ## mFndd# Lt$fmistMy dod, John WqlshHe hos lived in the area qll his lifecnjr{ff *+,,ft$a$ dmm q*ommf s*m s$fr'fIf"somebody else (e.9. yourgronddod or gronny, or onolder neighbour lperson) toldyou obout this plocenome,tell us their nome ond howlong they hove lived in theoreostn *ddliqh &e.mf grun" erile'rr+.fl; tlil r H1 4.- F*3# /f do becouse it is locoted in the Top Field ond in frish itmeons o woter meodow.Do you think this is o goodplocenome, ond why/whynot?lliudn c*fe,m*$r q.r.o*pr pFtnsmmg$enm$*nmm* mS pFet$dirf deet r6if, eers*m.Insert ony photos/drowings of the structure/ares here.

Asrn i$bfl'aar" eflte bointeochAny other relevont moteriol (eg. anything that reflects fhe name'e.g. sfick on an oak leaffrom a free in a field thaf is known as'The Oak Field/PdircnaDara', for example)Amm ffiolos Ei0eAny Other InformotionThis field is locoted within onother field which we coll "The Top Field" becouse it is thehighest field but os you enter The Inch it gets lower. The river Finish flows by thisfield. Thot is where it gets its nome, 'The Inch" neoning o low field by the river. Inthis field there wos o lime kiln thot wos used to noke quicklime ond spreod it on thefields os fer"tilizer. Bits of the lime kiln con still be seen os well os o lorge hole in whichthey stored the limestone.

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