Understanding chemotherapy - Macmillan Cancer

Understanding chemotherapy - Macmillan Cancer

Understanding chemotherapy - Macmillan Cancer


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How we can help youFinancial andwork-related supportHaving cancer can bring extracosts such as hospital parking,travel fares and higher heatingbills. Some people may haveto stop working.If you’ve been affected in thisway, we can help. Call the<strong>Macmillan</strong> Support Line andone of our cancer supportspecialists will tell you aboutthe benefits and other financialhelp you may be entitled to.We can also give youinformation about your rightsat work as an employee, andhelp you find further support.<strong>Macmillan</strong> GrantsMoney worries are the lastthing you need when you havecancer. A <strong>Macmillan</strong> Grant isa one-off payment for peoplewith cancer, to cover a varietyof practical needs includingheating bills, extra clothing,or a much needed break.Find out more about thefinancial and work-relatedsupport we can offerat macmillan.org.uk/financialsupportLearning about cancerYou may find it useful to learnmore about cancer and howto manage the impact it canhave on your life.You can do this online on ourLearn Zone – macmillan.org.uk/learnzone – which offersa variety of e-learning coursesand workshops. There’salso a section dedicated tosupporting people with cancer– ideal for people who wantto learn more about whattheir relative or friend isgoing through.95

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