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Fit for purpose! Outdoor gyms hailed a success - Champion ...

Fit for purpose! Outdoor gyms hailed a success - Champion ...


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12 • Visit us @ www.ChampNews.com CMBA The <strong>Champion</strong> • Wednesday 16 October 2013LETTERS to the EditorImposing 20mph zones is no useif they are not policed properlyRe: ‘More 20mph Zones on the way’ article.I am not against the principle of trafficcalming, indeed I often hear speeding trafficgoing past my home when children are playingin the streets, and often the speeder is also aresident!My concern is that the speed limit of 20mphcan’t be policed properly, and why just onearea?Is it not just as simple to impose a wellsignposted speed limit in the whole of Maghulland Lydiate so drivers coming into the areaknow to slow down, and not just think aboutwhere they have to reduce their speed?The Association of British Drivers has warnedabout the dangers of allowing local authoritiesto set their own 20 mph limits.They think decisions about where toimplement slower speed limits will be made onEnjoy them whileyou can, scumLike the recent letter writer, a friend of oursrecently had their hanging baskets stolen.Having lived in the area <strong>for</strong> over 45 years thisis the first time it has happened.He did not report it to the police as the localstation is more or less closed, so there must be alot more of this going on than is reported.In reply to the other person’s letter, thechance of the baskets being returned is zero,they have certainly been either sold at a carboot or adorning the thief’s house.The only good side is the season is coming toan end so enjoy them while you can, scum.Name and address supplied, By emaila political basis, resulting in inappropriatelimits on some roads leading drivers to be moredistracted as they focus their attention on thespeedometer and not the road ahead.Moreover, imposing lower speed limits inisolation will have only limited impact.The fact that 70% of all drivers currentlyexceed the 30mph limit reflects the relativelylenient attitude of the courts towards drivingoffences.Proper en<strong>for</strong>cement is as important as settingthe limits in the first place.Clearly this cannot be done and by targetingsome areas and not all, I think it will be safe tosay that it can’t be en<strong>for</strong>ced at all!Steve Little,Sefton.PICTURE of the weekGoldenSwirlsOne of theinhabitants ofSouthport’s BotanicGardens reflects thefirst hint ofautumnal colours.Picture by MartynSnape.Code: 1062985.Coffee morningwas huge <strong>success</strong>My sister in law, Jane Moran organised aMcMillan coffee morning on Friday,September 27 at the Aintree conservative club.The coffee morning was held in memory ofJane’s sister Suzanne Ennis who lost her battlewith cancer in 1999 at the age of 32 and it wasa huge <strong>success</strong>! Many people turned up toenjoy refreshments and a selection ofhomemade cakes.A raffle was held and a count the coffee beansin the jar game also helped to add to the funds.A massive total of £300 was raised!We would like to thank everyone <strong>for</strong> theirkind donations.Gail Ennis, AintreeHealth centre staff are kindand the care is excellentI was absolutely appalled to see the headlinein the <strong>Champion</strong> on October, 2.I am a diabetic and a long time patient ofLitherland Town Hall Health Centre.I can honestly say that in all the time I havebeen attending this health care centre I haveonly ever been met by kindness,consideration and an excellent level of care.Everybody from the receptionist to thedoctors, diabetic specialist, nurses anddiabetic eye screen clinic are reallyprofessional in my treatment.Each and everyone of them takes the timeto sit down with me and answer myquestions I might have and put my mind atrest with any concerns I might have.I just do not understand the comments onwww.champnews.com/pixonlinePension idea acunning plan?I must respond to ‘Fair minded of Crosby’.This resident who lives in the ‘real world’needs to consider the future when a FireService crew responds to their property and thecrew are all in their late fifties, and with thebest will in the world are not as fit as a youngerperson, any rescue is going to be more difficult.In the ‘real world’ the full pension will only be<strong>for</strong> those who can get to sixty, which will beunlikely <strong>for</strong> most operational firefighters,there<strong>for</strong>e the pension received will beconsiderably reduced.A cynic might say that’s the cunning plan.David Gradwick, By emailthe front page.When I used to attend Walton HospitalDiabetic Centre I could wait <strong>for</strong> hours <strong>for</strong>treatment.I feel much better since I have beenattending Litherland Town Hall HealthCentre.I do wonder if Mr Joe Benton has anypersonal experience of attending thisHealth Centre. He should really obtainknowledge from all users be<strong>for</strong>e brandingthis centre as appalling.Please do not allow this centre to close.Sheila Rix,By emailEvery confidencein our treatmentYour headline article ‘Patients blast HealthCentres’ has prompted me to immediatelyemail a purely personal response to whatappears to be a very biased opinion.We have been patients at Crossways Surgery<strong>for</strong> many years and have every confidence inthe level of treatment we receive.Yes, there are times when slight problems doarise but these can be resolved quickly if thereis a level of tolerance between all parties.Thank you Dr Sharma and all her staff.J and H Wijeyewardena,CrosbySurgeries arevery efficientWith regards to the recent news about a coupleof surgeries in Waterloo area.I would just like to say that I have been apatient at Crossway Surgery <strong>for</strong> many yearsand have been looked after very well by DrSharma and her staff.Making appointments has never been aproblem and always got the same GP to see anddiscuss my medical needs.The problems highlighted in your articlecould be due to the change over.But in general, the surgery has always beenvery efficient and provided good medicaladvice and care to all its patients.Mrs Sawhney,CrosbyDouble tax or not,I still get no replyRe: paying double tax <strong>for</strong> parks.Double tax or not, try getting a response to acomplaint from either!Sefton pass you to Maghull who don’t evenhave the courtesy to reply!Maybe when a tree actually falls through myroof from Glen Park they may take notice ofthis angry council tax payer!P Stock, By emailWrite to the Editor atClare House, 166 Lord Street, Southport PR9 0QAEmaileditorial@champnews.comNewsdesk01704 392 400Websitewww.champnews.comGroup EditorMalcolm HindleAround 112,000† people will read thisThey could have been reading YOUR message† SOURCE: Interviewing Services Aug 2013. 670 face to face interviews.Call the <strong>Champion</strong> sales team NOW on01704 392 392and put YOUR business here next week

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