CV Shariat_AKH - Vienna OMI

CV Shariat_AKH - Vienna OMI

CV Shariat_AKH - Vienna OMI


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22. Rouprêt M, Babjuk M, Compérat E, Zigeuner R, Sylvester R, Burger M, Cowan N, Böhle A, VanRhijn BW, Kaasinen E, Palou J, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF. European guidelines on upper tract urothelialcarcinomas: 2013 update. Eur Urol. 2013 Jun;63(6):1059-71. PMID: 2354095323. Kluth LA, Rink M, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Chun FK, Fisch M, Dahm P. Use and interpretation of the numberneeded to treat in urological practice.Urologe A. 2013 May;52(5):682-5. PMID: 2353220124. Bagrodia A, Kuehhas FE, Gayed BA, Wood CG, Raman JD, Kapur P, Derweesh IH, Bensalah K,Sagalowsky AI, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Lotan Y, Margulis V. Comparative analysis of oncologic outcomesof partial ureterectomy vs radical nephroureterectomy in upper tract urothelial carcinoma.Urology. 2013 May;81(5):972-8. PMID: 2352329225. Sammon J, Trinh VQ, Ravi P, Sukumar S, Gervais MK, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Larouche A, Tian Z, KimSP, Kowalczyk KJ, Hu JC, Menon M, Karakiewicz PI, Trinh QD, Sun M. Health care-associatedinfections after major cancer surgery: Temporal trends, patterns of care, and effect on mortality.Cancer. 2013 Mar 19. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 2351247326. Dariane C, Le Cossec C, Drouin SJ, Wolff B, Granger B, Mozer P, Bitker MO, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF,Cussenot O, Rouprêt M.Comparison of oncologic outcomes after radical prostatectomy in mendiagnosed with prostate cancer with PSA levels below and above 4 ng/mL. World J Urol. 2013Apr 26. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 2361947927. Rink M, Kluth LA, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Dahlem R, Fisch M, Dahm P. [Confidence intervals and p-valuesin urology: Interpretation and misinterpretation.] Urologe A. 2013 Mar 21. [Epub ahead of print]German. PMID: 235118528. Rink M, Kluth LA, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Chun FK, Fisch M, Dahm P. [Use of PubMed to improveevidence-based medicine in routine urological practice]. Urologe A. 2013 Mar;52(3):367-72.German. PMID: 2350379429. Sun M, Trinh QD, Bianchi M, Hansen J, Abdollah F, Tian Z, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Montorsi F, Perrotte P,Karakiewicz PI. Extent of lymphadenectomy does not improve the survival of patients with renalcell carcinoma and nodal metastases: biases associated with the handling of missing data. BJU Int.2013 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 2349003130. Abdollah F, Gandaglia G, Thuret R, Schmitges J, Tian Z, Jeldres C, Passoni NM, Briganti A,<strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F, Karakiewicz PI, Sun M. Incidence, survival and mortalityrates of stage-specific bladder cancer in United States: A trend analysis. Cancer Epidemiol. 2013Feb 25. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 234854831. Cindolo L, Chiodini P, Brookman-May S, De Cobelli O, May M, Squillacciotti S, De Nunzio C,Tubaro A, Coman I, Feciche B, Truss M, Wirth MP, Dalpiaz O, Chromecki TF, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF,Sanchez-Chapado M, Del Carmen Santiago Martin M, Rocco B, Salzano L, Lotrecchiano G,Berardinelli F, Schips L. Assessing the accuracy and generalizability of the preoperative andpostoperative Karakiewicz nomograms for renal cell carcinoma: results from a multicentreEuropean and US study. BJU Int. 2013 Mar 7 [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 2347019932. Xylinas E, Rink M, Robinson BD, Lotan Y, Babjuk M, Brisuda A, Green DA, Kluth LA, PychaA, Fradet Y, Faison T, Lee RK, Karakiewicz PI, Zerbib M, Scherr DS, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF. Impact ofhistological variants on oncological outcomes of patients with urothelial carcinoma of the bladdertreated with radical cystectomy. Eur J Cancer. 2013 Mar 2. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:2346612633. Rink M, Xylinas E, Trinh QD, Lotan Y, Margulis V, Raman JD, Fisch M, Lee RK, Chun FK,Abdennabi J, Seitz C, Pycha A, Zlotta AR, Karakiewicz PI, Babjuk M, Scherr DS, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF:Gender-specific effect of smoking on upper tract urothelial carcinoma outcomes. BJU Int. 2013Mar 6. PMID: 2346508834. Xylinas E, Rink M, Margulis V, Clozel T, Lee RK, Comploj E, Novara G, Raman JD, Lotan Y,Weizer A, Roupret M, Pycha A, Scherr DS, Seitz C, Ficarra V, Trinh QD, Karakiewicz PI,Montorsi F, Zerbib M, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF: Impact of renal function on eligibility for chemotherapy andsurvival in patients who have undergone radical nephro-ureterectomy. BJU Int. 2013 Mar 6. [Epubahead of print] PMID: 2346497935. Trinh QD, Sun M, Kim SP, Sammon J, Kowalczyk KJ, Friedman AA, Sukumar S, Ravi P,Muhletaler F, Agarwal PK, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Hu JC, Menon M, Karakiewicz PI. The impact of hospitalvolume, residency, and fellowship training on perioperative outcomes after radical prostatectomy.Urol Oncol. 2013 Feb 28. PMID: 23453659www.vienna-omi.at 28.08.2013

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