CV Shariat_AKH - Vienna OMI

CV Shariat_AKH - Vienna OMI

CV Shariat_AKH - Vienna OMI


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validation of the prognostic value of lymphovascular invasion in patients treated with radicalcystectomy. BJU Int. 2010 May; Epub 2010 Feb 2. PMID: 20132195.286. Bhojani N, Capitanio U, Suardi N, Jeldres C, Isbarn H, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Graefen M, Arjane P,Duclos A, Lattouf JB, Saad F, Valiquette L, Montorsi F, Perrotte P, Karakiewicz PI. The rate ofsecondary malignancies after radical prostatectomy versus external beam radiation therapy forlocalized prostate cancer: a population-based study on 17,845 patients. Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys. 2010 Feb 1; PMID: 20117287.287. Tilki D, Reich O, Karakiewicz PI, Novara G, Kassouf W, Ergün S, Fradet Y, Ficarra V,Sonpavde G, Stief CG, Skinner E, Svatek RS, Lotan Y, Sagalowsky AI, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF. Validation ofthe AJCC TNM substaging of pT2 bladder cancer: deep muscle invasion is associated withsignificantly worse outcome. Eur Urol. 2010 Jul; Epub 2010 Jan 20. PMID: 20097469.288. Bolenz C, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Karakiewicz PI, Ashfaq R, Ho R, Sagalowsky AI, Lotan Y. Humanepidermal growth factor receptor 2 expression status provides independent prognostic informationin patients with urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder. BJU Int. 2010 Jan 19. [Epub ahead ofprint] PMID: 20089105.289. Baillargeon-Gagné S, Jeldres C, Lughezzani G, Sun M, Isbarn H, Capitanio U, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF,Crépel M, Alasker A, Widmer H, Arjane P, Patard JJ, Perrotte P, Montorsi F, Graefen M,Karakiewicz PI. A comparative population-based analysis of the rate of partial vs radicalnephrectomy for clinically localized renal cell carcinoma. BJU Int. 2010 Feb; PMID: 20089096.290. Sun M, Lughezzani G, Alasker A, Isbarn H, Jeldres C, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Budäus L, Lattouf JB,Valiquette L, Graefen M, Montorsi F, Perrotte P, Karakiewicz PI. Comparative study of inguinalhernia repair after radical prostatectomy, prostate biopsy, transurethral resection of the prostate orpelvic lymph node dissection. J Urol. 2010 Mar; Epub 2010 Jan 18. PMID: 20083257.291. Novara G, Matsumoto K, Kassouf W, Walton TJ, Fritsche HM, Bastian PJ, Martínez-SalamancaJI, Seitz C, Lemberger RJ, Burger M, El-Hakim A, Baba S, Martignoni G, Gupta A, KarakiewiczPI, Ficarra V, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF. Prognostic role of lymphovascular invasion in patients with urothelialcarcinoma of the upper urinary tract: an international validation study. Eur Urol. 2010 Jun; Epub2010 Jan 6. PMID: 20071073.292. Raman JD, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Karakiewicz PI, Lotan Y, Sagalowsky AI, Roscigno M, Montorsi F,Bolenz C, Weizer AZ, Wheat JC, Ng CK, Scherr DS, Remzi M, Waldert M, Wood CG, MargulisV; for the Upper-Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Collaborative Group. Does preoperative symptomclassification impact prognosis in patients with clinically localized upper-tract urothelialcarcinoma managed by radical nephroureterectomy? Urol Oncol. 2010 Jan 5. [Epub ahead ofprint] PMID: 20056458.293. Lughezzani G, Sun M, Perrotte P, Jeldres C, Alasker A, Isbarn H, Budäus L, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF,Guazzoni G, Montorsi F, Karakiewicz PI. The European Network for the Study of AdrenalTumors staging system is prognostically superior to the international union against cancer-stagingsystem: a North American validation. Eur J Cancer. 2010 Mar; Epub 2010 Jan 13. PMID:20044246.294. Chade DC, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Dalbagni G. Intravesical therapy for urothelial carcinoma of the urinarybladder: a critical review. Int Braz J Urol. 2009 Nov-Dec; discussion 651. PMID: 20028569.295. Lughezzani G, Sun M, Jeldres C, Alasker A, Budäus L, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Latour M, Widmer H,Duclos A, Jolivet-Tremblay M, Montorsi F, Perrotte P, Karakiewicz PI. Adenocarcinoma versusurothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder: comparison between pathologic stage at radicalcystectomy and cancer-specific mortality. Urology. 2010 Feb; PMID: 20022091.296. Lughezzani G, Sun M, Perrotte P, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Jeldres C, Budaus L, Alasker A, Duclos A,Widmer H, Latour M, Guazzoni G, Montorsi F, Karakiewicz PI. Should bladder cuff excisionremain the standard of care at nephroureterectomy in patients with urothelial carcinoma of therenal pelvis? A population-based study. Eur Urol. 2010 Jun; Epub 2009 Dec 10. PMID: 20018438.297. Zaak D, Burger M, Otto W, Bastian PJ, Denzinger S, Stief CG, Buchner H, Hartmann A,Wieland WF, <strong>Shariat</strong> SF, Fritsche HM. Predicting individual outcomes after radical cystectomy:an external validation of current nomograms. BJU Int. 2010 Aug; Epub 2009 Dec 11. PMID:20002664.www.vienna-omi.at 28.08.2013

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