Curved Deck Stairs

Curved Deck Stairs

Curved Deck Stairs


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<strong>Curved</strong> <strong>Deck</strong> <strong>Stairs</strong>Figure 2. After laying out the inner and outer radii andthe radius of the walkline, mark the tread locations onthe latter at 10-inch-minimum intervals.Figure 3. Snap chalk lines between the centerpoint and two adjacent walkline tread marksto outline a tread. Verify that the minimumtread width is at least 6 inches.Step off the treads at the walkline with equally spaced tickmarks10 inches (code minimum) or more apart (Figure 2).I generally limit tread depth at the walkline to 12 inches forcomfort. The final tread/riser mark pinpoints the bottomlanding. Pull a string from the radius stake to the outer stairFigure 4. Outline every tread on the stair by snapping lines betweenthe center and the walkline marks.line at the last tread/riser to see if you like how the angle ofthe bottom riser relates to your plans for a bottom landing.If the last tread doesn’t land where you expected it to, youcan make adjustments by increasing or decreasing the riserheight to change the number of treads; by changing the treadmeasurement at the walkline to extend orcontract the bottom tread; or by changingthe radius of the stairs to make the arcstighter or broader. These are all easy changesto make before you start building.Check that the minimum tread depth isat least 6 inches by snapping two chalk linesfrom the radius stake through two successivetread marks at the walkline arc. The distancebetween the points where the chalklines cross the inner arc is the dimension ofthe narrow end of the treads (Figure 3).Once you’re happy with the geometry ofthe stair, pull a chalk line from the radiusstake all the way across the outer stair-edgearc and snap lines on the plywood at eachtread mark along the walkline to define thestair treads (Figure 4).Plywood top. For the top of the bendingframe, make a second plywood assembly thatmirrors the base — complete with the stairlayout, though there’s no need to mark thewalkline arc. Trim the edges 3 1 ⁄2 inches wide3 Professional <strong>Deck</strong> Builder • July/August 2012

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