Ballater & crathie Community magazine - Ballater Community

Ballater & crathie Community magazine - Ballater Community

Ballater & crathie Community magazine - Ballater Community


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28and blag. You have to be strong andsure and calm and kind, to your verybones. Also, you cannot impose yourwill on a creature that weighs half aton. You have to invite a partnership;you have to be polite.So there, in the easy atmosphere of the blueScottish hills, among Western horses and men incowboy hats, more learning was crammed into oneday than I could have imagined, and all with nowhiff of school about it.Just as my head was about to explode with all thesenew, interesting things, there was one last exercise.‘We are going to release the beast,’ said the boss.The beast, it turned out, was about 28 incheshigh. Another sharp life lesson: never, everunderestimate something just because it is smalland furry. The Shetland has more strength andorneriness and determination in its front hoovesthan most people have in their entire bodies.The exercise, harking back to the military theme,involved a fantasy scenario where the pony hadDeeside Tiler& UnderfloorHeating“One Job at a time”Mobile: .07786 936 037Email:thehotstepper@btinternet.comAll mobile and email messageswill be answered the same daygone radioactive and had to be isolated in a particularcorner without being touched or led. Theteam had an array of tools available, including,to everyone’s hilarity, a chainsaw.‘That’s a red herring,’ the boss said to me,out of the corner of his mouth. Although I swearI saw one woman looking at it with a speculativegleam in her eye.And off they all went, intent on their task, asthe tiny Shetland remembered his wild ancestry,and charged about the three acres at top speed,as if he were Derby winner, instead of a very,very short pony.The team succeeded in their challenge, to theirflushed triumph. The pony cantered into his requiredfinishing spot, and stood, looking fabulously pleasedwith himself. I laughed my head off.Afterwards, I asked one of the executives aboutthe course. He thought for a moment. ‘Most ofthese things, ‘he said, ‘are death by PowerPoint.But this...’He paused. He smiled. He said: ‘This is real.’The Hair Loft<strong>Ballater</strong> HairstylingSarah,Sarah jane,Corrina&Sylviaall stylistshave had trainingatvidal sassoon,Londonand Cheynesof EdinburghOpen Tues - SatPlease call for an appointmentNetherley PlaceTel: 013397 56317

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