Ballater & crathie Community magazine - Ballater Community

Ballater & crathie Community magazine - Ballater Community

Ballater & crathie Community magazine - Ballater Community


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Cairngorms National Park AuthorityWell, 2013 has certainly started with aweather variation! I played golf on the 2 nd Jan andon the 22 nd we had 2 feet of snow! Anyway, whatbetter way to begin the Year of Natural Scotlandthan with something to remember. To add tothat, it is the tenth anniversary of the CairngormsNational Park. During the year there will manydifferent events which tourists and residents areall encouraged to attend.As my contribution to celebrate the tenthanniversary and Natural Scotland I have decidedthat it would be fitting to visit somewhere newonce a month for a walk, cycle, shop, eat anddrink but not all at the same time!My first venture was actually relatively local andone of that places you pass by pretty regularly andalways say I must have a walk up there some day.It was a cold day but the sun was shining I visited afriend in Corgarff then drove over the Glas-choilletowards Gairnshiel. Just before I reached the topof the Shenval I drew into the side of the road andparked. On the left there is a relatively small hill andit has a track going up, as there is a telephone maston the top. The hill is called Mammie (The roundedhill). It is a pleasant walk although I must admiton a couple of bits I was peching! But it is worth itwhen you get to the top - the view is fantastic. In onedirection you look up Gairnside towards Braenaloin,another goes down Gairnside towards <strong>Ballater</strong>, thenif you look north you look towards Glenfenzie whichis very well known but there is also Glen Beg andGlen More. This was the best bit for me. I wasintrigued as to where these two glens that I had justfound went, were they ever inhabited, does anyoneknow any history of these glens? I would appreciateany information from readers.Once you get to the telephone mast the landrover track carries on for a short bit and there is an oldfence that you can continue walking along. If you havetime you could carry on down the hill to Inverenzie.As I was parked at the top of the Shenval, I cameround the side of the hill behind Clashanruich, alarge house at the top of Gairnside. I was back at thecar quickly and rather pleased with my achievement,by Katrina Farquharwhich may seem small to some but it gave me a warmglow and appreciation of the landscape that I havegrown up in and not always valued.I then drove down the Shenval over the GairnshielBridge and turned right along past Rinloan,Braenaloin and over the hill to Crathie for my fly cup.As it is going to be a special year especially for thoseof us who live and work in The Cairngorms NationalPark, we should all be encouraged to record stories,photographs and film for our future generations.A Generous Gestureby CNPA StaffGroups and organisations looking to runactivities for elderly people in the CairngormsNational Park this year were recently invited toapply for Grants of up to £200 with the aim ofhelping the elderly enjoy the National Park.£2000 in total is available following fundraisingactivities by staff and board members of theCairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) intheir own time. The Charitable and Social Groupwas set up by staff working at the Park Authorityto raise money for local good causes. Fundraisingactivities have included cake and plant sales, rafflesas well as a library where a donation is made toborrow books and DVDs and lunchtime talks bymembers of staff or invited guests.Chair of the Committee, Clare Muckart, said:“In the past we’ve awarded grants from this Fund tolocal youth groups for equipment or activities to helpthem enjoy and fully experience the National Parkand now we’d like to help elderly people in some way.“We hope this money might help groups go on anouting or take part in an activity in the National Parkbut we’re open to applications for anything that helpselderly people enjoy the Cairngorms National Park.”Grants of up to £200 are available and interestedgroups were encouraged to apply in writingby Friday 1 st March 2013. This is the expecteddate of distribution of the Eagle, but hopefullysome organisations in <strong>Ballater</strong> will already haveapplied for some of this funding.

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