I[ f@ reiffne antiquarian anb - Cavan Library Service

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I[ f@ reiffne antiquarian anb - Cavan Library Service


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coataining 4 ballibetaghs, the parson and vicar collative, thetithes are paid in kind, + tothe vicar and 8 to the parson, except 3of the two polls of Clonayse* which are paid to the bishop, and theparson to pay 20s. and the vicar 12s. proxies to the bishop ;Castleterragh parish, '45 polls, the parsonage presentative byMacBrady and the vicarage collative, the tithes are paid in kind,3 to the parson and 4 to the vicar ; Laraghf parish, 3& ballibetaghs,part extending into the barony of Tullaghgarvie, the parish isimpropriate to the late prior of Four [Fore], and tbe vicaragecollative, the tithes are paid in kina, 4 to the vicar and Q to theimpropriator, save the poll of land called Laragh, Q of which arepaid to tbe bishop, and 1 great acre of glebe land belonging tothe vicarage; Lavyl parish, 2 ballibetaghs, Ballyboughy,Launche and Ballymycharne,$ the parsonage impropriate to thelate prior of Four, and the vicarage collative by the bishop, thetithes are paid in kind, 4 to the vicar and 8 to the parson exceptthe tithes of Gallonyrork, Q of which are paid to the bishop towhom the vicar pays yearly 6s. proxies ; Annaghgelliff e parish,containing 3 ballibetaghs, the parsonage impropriate to the lateprior of Four, and vicarage collative, the tithes are paid as in thepreceding parishes, except those of the half poll of Annaghgelliffe, Q ,of which are paid to the bishop to whom the vicar pays 12s.proxies ; Dennil parish, containing 2 ballibetaghs, the parsonageimpropriate as in the former parish, atid the vicar collative by thebishop, the tithes are paid as in the preceding parish, except the8 polls of Denn, 3 of which are paid to the bishop, to whom thevicar pays 12s. proxies ; Dromlaghan parish, containing 921 polls,the parsonage is impropriate to the late abbey of Dromlaghan,* Clonosey. The adjoining townland of Parisee was also termon land ; thename is payayar6e, i.e., parish land; " Parsagh "-1609 map, and DownSurvey.There was also a church at Killoughter in Annagh parish ; its site, nowmarked by a cemetery, is on the summit of a hill. It was already in ruins in1609 when the Plantation map was being compiled ; on that map it is marked" Killoughter." It is mentioned in the O'Redly Pedigree and was an O'Reillyfoundation.t " Larra, 3 polls "-1690 Inquis. " Larragh containing 2 polls dim.lyeinge neer the chaple of Larragh "-Rawlinson MS.TLavey. Accordmg to Rawlinson MS. an annual fair-evidently thesurvival of an ancient pattern-was held at Lavey on July 14.$ The three townland names here mentioned are long since obsolete ;they are not recorded on any of the early maps, and weie most probablysub-denominations of the townland of Lavey. The forms given in the text areevidently corrupt. Gallonyrork may have been identical with the presenttownland of Knockanoark.11 " Dynn, 8 polls "-1590 Inquis. The Dom Survey has the " 2 Poles ofDenn."'The 1609 map has the form " Dine." " Denn contayning 8 pollslyeing neere the parish church of Denn the rectory is appropriat to the saidAbbay [Abbey] of Foure except the tithes of eight polls which is mensall tothe said bishop [of Kilmorel-Rawlinsan MS.f This may refer tothe total acreage of the parish; otherwiseit should read32, as already noted.

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