I[ f@ reiffne antiquarian anb - Cavan Library Service

I[ f@ reiffne antiquarian anb - Cavan Library Service

I[ f@ reiffne antiquarian anb - Cavan Library Service


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if the corbe or herenagh, or any of the sept, forfeited any parcelof their land that same came not to the bishop, but dividedthrough the whole sept. The difference between corbe and herenaghis, that the corbe, called in Latin $lcibanzcs, is head of agreater family or sept, and sometimes has several septs andseveral herenaghs under him ; whereas the herenagh is head ofa smaller number of people, and seldom has under him more thanhis own sept.[This concludes the <strong>Cavan</strong> Inqz4isition. On September 18of the same year an Inquisition for Co. Fermanagh was held atBnniskillen, and the following abstract from its report concerns ?,the Fermanagh section of Kilmore Diocese].The bishop of Kilmore is seised of a rent of 4s. and a cosherieof 4 quarters of beef at his visitation, or 40 groats* in lieu thereofsent him home if he go not in person out of the herenagh lana ofKilenallie,? containing 3 tatesl new measure, of which Muntergromaghgis herenagh in Clonawlie barony, also of other rentsand duties the amount of which is not known, but refer to thebishop's register ; out of the herenagh land of I

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