I[ f@ reiffne antiquarian anb - Cavan Library Service

I[ f@ reiffne antiquarian anb - Cavan Library Service

I[ f@ reiffne antiquarian anb - Cavan Library Service


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allibetaghs in said barony, are parcel of the parish of Granard,in the Co. of Longford; and that the chapel and 1 ballibetaghof Ballymachugh* are in said parish, barony and county ;and that the small parcel of land called Drombarden,? within saidballibetagh, is parcel of the possession of the late dissolved Abbeyof Kells-thatthe said bishop of Kilmore is entitled, in right ofhis See, to the rents issuing out of the several termon lands followingin the barony of Castlerahan, viz. : Castlerahan f 2polls, 1s. 4d. ; Clonchyachuy,§ + mark per annum and 4 markvisitation ; Lurgan,jl 2 polls, 1s. lld. ; Ranetaven,B 2 polls,3s. 4d. ; Rahone," 1 poll, Is. 4d. ; Killenkerrie,** 2 polls, Is. 8d.,which 5 polls are in the parish of Mollagh-and that in the saidbarony are the several following ,parishes: Castlerahan, 2 balli-*In Ardagh. The 1590 Inquis. has a corrupt form " Ballymacknight."The church is not shown on the 1609 map. The Domn Survey has " Ballymcchue."The site of the old parish church is in Lavagh townland; the iroriginal edifice hac been demolished and a modem church (Protestant) occupiesthe site. In the adjoining cemetery the inscriptions on some 18th centurytombs of the O'Reillys, Sheridan.s,and other local families, may bedeciphered. As in the case of Dromloman, just referred to, the title Ballymachughis no lcnger applied to any particular townland but is retained as thearish title (cf. Tomregan, Mnnterconnacht, Moybolge, etc.:. In the 1709fist of <strong>Cavan</strong> to~vdan~s, conlpiled in connection with the Cay,agh Kystem.both " Bally M'Hugh and " Lavagh and part of Aughacreevy are enteredas distinct denominations. The same list, however:, has no enty of Drcimlomanas a distinct townland. The present exotic Bellsgrove was origi-. nally part of the church lands of Ballymachugh. ba~te mac Ao~A, i.e. thetown of the sons cf Aodh. Aodh, or Aedh, was a popular Christian nameamong the O'Reillys ; but the( particular Aodh whose name survives in theparish title may have belonged to an earlier period.t Tne name i~ now cibsolete ; it is not shown on the early maps but wasevidently a sub-denomination of Lavagh.+ " Castlerahin, 2 polls "-1590 Inqttis. " Castle Rahen containing 2 pollsly&ge neer the parish church of Castle Rahen the rectory is appropriate to thesaid Aboey of Kells "-~ahlinson 1\16. See Journd, Vol. 11.. No. 3§ Clonkeiffy, a townland in Castlerahan parish. " Clonkyaghvoy. 4 polls "-1690 Inquis. " Clonechehwoy containing,,P polls "-Rawlinson MS.I! " Largann, 2 polls "-1690 Inquis. Lurgan contayninge 2 pollslyemge neere the parish church of Lurgan the rectory and viccaradge [wievicarage] are appropriate to the said Abbey of Kells "--Razcdiusotr MS. SeeJoirmal. Vol. 11.. No. 1.7 Rantavan, a townland in Mullagh parish. In early documents it issometimes given as an alias for Mullagh. " Ramtavin, 2 polls "-1600 Inquis." Rahwentaven containing 2 polls lyeings neere the chapple of Rahetawenwhich said chaple belongeth to the church of Killinkire "-Rawlinson MS.See Jortmal, Vo. I., No. 2." Raffony, now a townland in Mullagh Parish. " Rahawns "-1590Inqt~is. " Rahawnagh containing 1 polle "-Rawlmson MS. In 1606 thechurch lands of " Rahony," which were then vested in Brian O'Connell, weredeclared forfeit to the anglish Crown, and the church fell into ruin. Theruined churcn measures 67 feet in length by 20 feet in breadth. ElsewhereI have given an a~~ount of this ancieni foundation.+*Killinkexe. Killinkite contapning 2 polls lyeinge neere the parishchurch oY Killinkite the rectory is appropriate to the aforesaid Abbeyof Powre "-Rawlinson MS. See this Journal, Vol. III., pp. 24Q-336,

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