xxxxxx - Alfa Laval

xxxxxx - Alfa Laval

xxxxxx - Alfa Laval


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15 Lifting tool 5816 Tool box 6017 Cross reference list 624

1 Read this first1 Read this firstThe name plate - the guide for finding the correct spare part numbers. See also Warningsin chapter ‘‘1.1 General information” on page 7.Maskinskylten - en guide till det rätta reservdelsnumret. Se även Varningar i kapitel “1.1Allmän information” på sidan 8.Das Typenschild - ein Hinweis zur korrekten Ersatzteilnummer. Siehe auch Warnhinweisein Kapitel “1.1 Allgemeine Informationen” auf Seite 9.La plaque de la machine - un guide pour trouver le numéro de piéce de rechange correct.Voir à ce propos les mises en garde du chapitre “1.1 Informations générales ” en page 10.La placa-marca de la máquina - guía del número correcto del repuesto. Consulte tambiénlas Advertencias del capítulo “1.1 Información General” en la página 11.Фирменная табличка машины — указатель правилного номера запасной части. См.также предупреждения в главе “1.1 Общие сведения” на странице 12.La targhetta della macchina - guida al corretto numero dei ricambi. Vedere anche leAvvertenze nel capitolo “1.1 Informazioni generali” a pagina 13.A placa do fabricante da máquina - um guia do número correto das partes sobressalentes.Consultar também os Avisos no capítulo “Informação Geral 1.1” da página 14.Konekilpi - opastin oikeaan varaosanumeroon. Katso myös kappaleessa 1.1 sivulla 15olevaa kohtaa “Yleiset tiedot ”.Η πινακίδα της μηχανής είναι ο οδηγός του σωστού ανταλλακτικού. ∆είτε επίσης τιςπροειδοποιήσεις του κεφαλαίου "1.1 ΓΕΝΙΚΕΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ", στη σελίδα 16.Het gegevensplaatje - een wegwijzer naar het juiste onderdeelnummer. Zie ookWaarschuwingen in hoofdstuk “1.1 Algemene informatie”, op blz. 17.first Typeskiltet - en guide til det rette reservedelsnummer. Se også under Advarsler ikapitel “1.1 Generelle oplysninger” på side 18.5

61 Read this first

1.1 General information 1 Read this first1.1 General informationSafeguard your commitment to quality by always using genuine<strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> spare parts.Remember, <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> cannot accept responsibility for thefailure of separator equipped with non-original spare parts. Weguarantee the quality and reliability of our products.XXXXXXWARNING BWhen changing certain parts in the separator bowl assembly,the vibration level may increase. This can result in shorter lifetime of components like rolling bearings and gears. If severeunbalance occurs, the rotating bowl assembly can come intocontact with the frame causing damage to equipment and injuriesto personnel. It is strongly recommended that the exchange ofparts is supervised by an <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> service engineer. <strong>Alfa</strong><strong>Laval</strong> assumes no liability for damage to property or injury topersonnel resulting from unauthorized installation of those parts.XXXXXXWARNING CCertain bowl parts carry milling marks from the balancing of thecomplete separator bowl. These parts must not be replacedwithout rebalancing the complete bowl. The rebalancing shouldbe made by an <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> service shop.7

P 636Följ ditt kvalitetstänkande genom att endast använda <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>originalreservdelar.Kom ihåg att <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> inte tar något ansvar för fel på enseparator som innehåller icke-originaldelar. Vi garanterarkvaliteten och driftsäkerheten hos våra egna produkter.XXXXXXVARNING BOm vissa delar i separatorkulan byts ut, kan vibrationsnivånkomma att öka. Detta kan i sin tur leda till förkortad livslängdpå t.ex. lager och växlar. Om kraftiga vibrationer uppstår, kanden roterande kulan komma att slå i stativets delar, vilket kanmedföra allvarlig maskin- och personskada. Det är därför av storvikt att utbyte av kulans delar övervakas av en serviceingenjörfrån <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>. <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> tar inget ansvar för maskin- ellerpersonskador som kan uppkomma på grund av att delar bytts utav icke auktoriserad personal.XXXXXXVARNING CVissa av separatorkulans delar har urfrästa spår som resultatav balansering av hela kulan. Dessa delar kan inte bytas ututan att en ombalansering av kulan görs. För att bästa resultatska uppnås, ska den kompletta kulan sändas till en <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>serviceverkstad för ombalansering.8

1.1 General information 1 Read this firstSichern Sie sich Ihren Anspruch auf Qualität durchausschließliche Verwendung von original <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>Ersatzteilen.Beachten Sie bitte, daß <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> keine Verantwortung für denAusfall eines Separators übernimmt, der mit Nicht-Originalteilenausgestattet ist. Wir garantieren für die Qualität undZuverlässigkeit unserer Produkte.XXXXXXWARNUNG BDurch den Austausch bestimmter Teile in der Separatortrommel-Baugruppe, kann ihr Schwingungspegel steigen. Dieskann zu einer kürzeren Lebensdauer von Teilen, wie z.B.Wälzlagern und Getrieben, führen. Bei einer schwerenUnwucht kann die rotierende Trommelbaugruppe in Kontaktmit dem Gestell kommen, was zu Beschädigungen derAusrüstung oder Personenverletzungen führen kann. Es wirddringend empfohlen, den Austausch von einem <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>Service-Ingenieur beaufsichtigen zu lassen. <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>übernimmt keine Haftung für eine Gerätebeschädigung oderPersonenverletzung aufgrund einer ungenehmigten Montagedieser Teile.XXXXXXWARNUNG CBestimmte Trommelteile haben Fräsmarken vom Auswuchtender kompletten Separatortrommel. Diese Teile dürfen nicht ohneeine Neuauswuchtung der kompletten Trommel ausgetauschtwerden. Die Neuauswuchtung sollte in einer <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>Service-werkstatt erfolgen.9

P 636Respectez votre engagement de qualité en utilisant toujoursdes pièces de rechange d’origine <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.Attention, <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> décline toute responsabilité en cas depanne d’un séparateur équipé de pièces de rechange qui nesont pas d’origine. Nous garantissons la qualité et la fiabilité denos produits.XXXXXXAVERTISSEMENT BLe remplacement de certaines pièces du bol du séparateurrisque d’augmenter le niveau de vibrations, et donc de réduire ladurée de vie des composants tels que les paliers à roulementset les engrenages. En cas de déséquilibre trop important, lebol en rotation risque d’entrer en contact avec des pièces dubâti, provoquant ainsi des détériorations de l’équipement etdes blessures du personnel. Nous vous incitons fortementà faire réaliser le remplacement sous la surveillance d’untechnicien de maintenance <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>. <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> n’assumeaucune responsabilité en cas de détérioration du matériel ou deblessure du personnel résultant d’une installation non approuvéede ces pièces.XXXXXXAVERTISSEMENT CCertaines pièces du bol présentent des marques de repérageeffectuées lors de l’équilibrage du bol du séparateur. Il ne fautpas remplacer ces pièces sans avoir au préalable procédé à unnouvel équilibrage de l’ensemble du bol. Cet équilibrage doitêtre réalisé dans un atelier de réparation <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.10

1.1 General information 1 Read this firstProteja su compromiso con la calidad utilizando siemprerepuestos originales <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.Recuerde que <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> no acepta ninguna responsabilidadpor el fallo de una separadora equipada con repuestos nooriginales. <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> garantiza la calidad y la fiabilidad de susproductos.XXXXXXADVERTENCIA BCuando se cambian ciertas piezas del conjunto del rotorde la separadora, puede que se produzca un aumento delnivel de vibraciones, lo que puede provocar un desgaste dealgunos componentes, como los rodamientos de rodillos y losengranajes. Si se produce un desequilibrado importante, elconjunto del rotor en movimiento puede rozar con el bastidor,causando serios daños al equipo y al personal. Se recomiendaencarecidamente que el cambio sea supervisado por untécnico de mantenimiento de <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>. <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> no sehace responsable de los daños materiales o daños personalesprovocados por la instalación no autorizada de esas piezas.XXXXXXADVERTENCIA CAlgunas piezas del rotor llevan marcas estampadas para elequilibrado del rotor completo de la separadora. Siempre quese cambien estas piezas se debe equilibrar de nuevo todo elrotor, operación que debe ser realizada por un experto de uncentro de servicio <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.11

P 636Для обеспечения качества работы вашего оборудованияиспользуйте только подлинные запасные детали компании<strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.Помните: компания <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> не несет ответственность занарушения работы сепаратора, на котором установлены неподлинные запасные детали. Мы гарантируем качество инадежность нашей продукции.XXXXXXПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ BВ случае замены некоторых частей устройства барабанасепаратора может повыситься уровень вибрации.Этоможет привести к сокращению срока службы компонентов,таких как подшипники и привод. В случае значительногодисбаланса, устройство вращающегося барабана можетвойти в контакт со станиной, что приведет к серьезномуповреждению оборудования и травмам обслуживающегоперсонала. Настоятельно рекомендуется, чтобы заменабыла проконтролирована инженером по обслуживаниюкомпании <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>. Компания Аlfa <strong>Laval</strong> не несет никакойответственности за повреждения собственности или травмыперсонала в результате неразрешенной установки этихдеталей.XXXXXXПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ CНа некоторых частях барабана поставлены отметки послебалансировки барабана сепаратора полностью. Эти частине могут быть заменены без повторной балансировки всегоустройства барабана сепаратора. Повторная балансировкадолжна быть произведена в ремонтном центре <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.12

1.1 General information 1 Read this firstSalvaguardate la qualità del vostro separatore utilizzandosempre ricambi originali <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.Ricordate che la <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> non accetta alcuna responsabilitàin caso di difetti al separatore dovuti all’utilizzo di ricambi nonoriginali. La <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> garantisce la qualità e l’affidabilitàesclusivamente dei propri prodotti.XXXXXXAVVERTENZA BIn seguito alla sostituzione di alcune parti del tamburo delseparatore, il livello di vibrazioni può aumentare. Questo puòcomportare la riduzione della vita utile di componenti qualicuscinetti a rulli ed ingranaggi. In caso di elevato spostamento, iltamburo può entrare a contatto con le parti del telaio provocandoseri danni all’attrezzatura e lesioni alle persone. Si raccomandacaldamente di far controllare la sostituzione da un tecnicodi assistenza <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>. La <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> non assume alcunaresponsabilità per danni alle cose o lesioni al personale dovutiall’installazione non autorizzata delle suddette parti.XXXXXXAVVERTENZA CAlcune parti del tamburo dipendono dal bilanciamentocomplessivo del tamburo del separatore. Le suddette partinon possono essere sostituite senza procedere ad un nuovobilanciamento. Per ottenere i migliori risultati, rivolgersi ad uncentro assistenza <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> per il ribilanciamento dell’interogruppo.13

P 636Preserve o seu compromisso com a qualidade utilizandosempre peças originais <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.Não se esqueça de que a <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> não assume quaisquerresponsabilidades pela avaria dum separador que não estejaequipado com peças originais. Por isso, asseguramos agarantia da qualidade e fiabilidade dos nossos produtos.XXXXXXAVISO BAo mudar determinadas peças no conjunto do rotor daseparadora, poderá provocar um aumento da vibração.Tal poderá originar a redução do tempo de duração doscomponentes, tais como rolamentos de roletes e engrenagens.Caso se verifique um desequilíbrio acentuado, o conjunto dorotor giratório poderá entrar em contacto com a estrutura, vindoa provocar danos no equipamento e ferimentos pessoais.Recomenda-se vivamente que a substituição de peças sejavistoriada por um técncico de serviço da <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>. A<strong>Alfa</strong><strong>Laval</strong> não assume qualquer responsabilidade por danos embens ou ferimentos pessoais resultantes da instalação nãoautorizada daquelas peças.XXXXXXAVISO CDeterminadas partes do rotor contêm marcas de atrito dobalanceamento do rotor do separador completo. Estas peçasnão devem ser substituídas sem reequilibrar o rotor completo.O reequilibro deve ser executado por uma centro de assistência<strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.14

1.1 General information 1 Read this firstVarmista käyttämiesi tuotteiden laatu käyttämällä aina aitoja jaalkuperäisiä <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> -varaosia.Muista, ettei <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> voi vastata sellaisen separaattorintoimintahäiriöstä, jossa on käytetty muita kuin alkuperäisiävaraosia. Me takaamme omien tuotteidemme laadun jaluotettavuuden.XXXXXXVAROITUS BKun separaattorin kuula-asennelman tiettyjä osia vaihdetaan,sen tärinän taso voi kasvaa. Tämä voi johtaa joidenkin osien,kuten vierintälaakereiden ja hammasvaihteiden, käyttöiänlyhenemiseen. Jos asennelma joutuu pahasti epätasapainoon,pyörivä kuula-asennelma voi koskettaa runkoa ja aiheuttaalaite- ja henkilövahinkoja. Suosittelemme, että <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>inhuoltoinsinööri valvoo vaihtoa. <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> ei ota vastuutaomaisuudelle tai henkilökunnalle aiheutuneista vahingoista,mikäli ne johtuvat näiden osien väärin suoritetusta asennuksesta.XXXXXXVAROITUS CTietyissä kuulan osissa on merkinnät koko separaattorikuulantasapainotuksesta. Näitä osia ei saa vaihtaa ilman, että kokokuula tasapainotetaan. Tasapainotus on annettava <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> -korjaamon hoidettavaksi.15

P 636∆ιασφαλίστε τη δέσμευσή σας για ποιότητα χρησιμοποιώνταςπάντοτε γνήσια ανταλλακτικά <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.Σας υπενθυμίζουμε ότι η <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> δεν αναλαμβάνει ευθύνηγιατηβλάβηδιαχωριστήραπουδενείναιεξοπλισμένοςμεαυθεντικά ανταλλακτικά. Εγγυώμαστε την ποιότητα και τηναξιοπιστία των προϊόντων μας.XXXXXXΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ BΌταν αλλάζετε ορισμένα εξαρτήματα στο σύστημα του τυμπάνουτου διαχωριστήρα, η στάθμη κραδασμών μπορεί να αυξηθεί.Αυτό μπορεί να έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα μικρότερη διάρκεια ζωήςτων εξαρτημάτων, όπως ρουλεμάν και γρανάζια. Σε περίπτωσησοβαρής έλλειψης ζυγοστάθμισης, το περιστρεφόμενο σύστηματουτυμπάνουμπορείναέλθεισεεπαφήμετοπλαίσιο,προκαλώντας ζημιές στο μηχάνημα και τραυματισμό τουπροσωπικού. Οι οποιεσδήποτε αλλαγές εξαρτημάτωνπρέπει να γίνονται υπό την επίβλεψη μηχανικού της <strong>Alfa</strong><strong>Laval</strong>. Η <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> δεν φέρει καμμία ευθύνη για υλικές ζημιέςή για τραυματισμό του προσωπικού λόγω τοποθέτησης αυτώντων εξαρτημάτων από μη εξουσιοδοτημένα άτομα.XXXXXXΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ CΟρισμένα εξαρτήματα του τυμπάνου φέρουν ίχνη φρεζαρίσματοςαπό τη ζυγοστάθμιση ολόκληρου του συστήματος τουτυμπάνου του διαχωριστήρα. Αυτά τα εξαρτήματα δενπρέπει να αντικατασταθούν χωρίς να ξαναγίνει ζυγοστάθμισηολόκληρου του συστήματος του τυμπάνου του διαχωριστήρα.Η επαναζυγοστάθμιση πρέπει να γίνει σε κάποιο από ταεπισκευαστικά κέντρα της <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.16

1.1 General information 1 Read this firstDoe geen concessies aan kwaliteit en gebruik altijd originele<strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>-reserveonderdelen.Wij wijzen u erop, dat <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> geen verantwoordelijkheid kanaanvaarden voor defecten aan een separator die is uitgerustmet nietoriginele reserveonderdelen. Wij garanderen dekwaliteit en de betrouwbaarheid van onze producten.XXXXXXWAARSCHUWING BAls er bepaalde onderdelen van de separatortrommel wordenvervangen, kan het trillingsniveau veranderen. Dit kan leidentot een verkorte levensduur van onderdelen als rollagersen tandwielen. Als er sprake is van een ernstige mate vanonbalans, kan de roterende trommel in contact komen met hetframe, wat kan leiden tot ernstige schade aan goederen of totpersoonlijk letsel. Het is dan ook ten sterkste aan te radenom onderdelen te laten vervangen onder supervisie van eenonderhoudstechnicus van <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>. <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> aanvaardtgeen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor schade aan goederen ofpersoonlijk letsel als gevolg van onoordeelkundige installatievan die onderdelen.XXXXXXWAARSCHUWING COp bepaalde onderdelen van de trommel zitten freesmarkeringenvan het uitbalanceren van de gehele separatortrommel. Dezeonderdelen mogen niet worden vervangen zonder dat degehele trommel opnieuw wordt uitgebalanceerd. Het opnieuwuitbalanceren moet gebeuren in een onderhoudswerkplaats van<strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.17

P 636Beskyt din investering i kvalitet ved altid at anvende originalereservedele fra <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.Husk at <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> påtager sig intet ansvar for fejl i separatorer,der er udstyret med uoriginale reservedele. Vi indestår for voreprodukters kvalitet og driftssikkerhed.XXXXXXADVARSEL BVed udskiftning af visse dele i separatorkuglen, kanvibrationsniveauet blive forøget. Dette kan forkorte levetiden forkomponenter som kuglelejer og tandhjul. I tilfælde af kraftigevibrationer kan den roterende separatorkugle komme i kontaktmed rammedele, hvilket kan medføre alvorlig beskadigelseaf udstyr og personskade. Det anbefales på det kraftigste,at udskiftningen sker under tilsyn af en servicetekniker fra<strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>. <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> påtager sig intet ansvar for ting- ellerpersonskade som følge af ikke-autoriseret montering af dissedele.XXXXXXADVARSEL CVisse kugledele er forsynet med mærker fra afbalanceringen afden samlede separatorkugle. Ved udskiftning af disse dele skalder foretages en ny afbalancering af den samlede kugleenhed.Afbalanceringen bør foretages af et <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>-servicecenter.18

1.2 Translation list 1 Read this first1.2 Translation listÖversättningslistaÜbersetzungslisteListe de traductionLista de traduccionesPart no. Reservdelsnummer Teil-Nr. Numéro de pièce Pieza No.Qty Antal Anzahl Quantité CantidadDescription Benämning Bezeichnung Dénomination DescripciónNotes Anmärkningar Anmerkungen Remarques NotasMachine type Maskintyp Maschinentyp Type de machine Tipo de máquinaProduct no. Produktnr Produktnummer Numéro de produit Número de productoMachine unit description Maskinblocksbenämning Bezeichnung desMaschinenblocksDénomination de partiede machineDescripción de sección dela máquinaMachine unit no. Maskinblocksnr Maschinenblock Nr. Partie de machine nº No. de sección demáquinaSubassembly description Undergruppsbenämning Bezeichung derUntergruppeDénomination desous-ensembleDescripción desubconjuntoSubassembly no. Undergruppsnr Untergruppe Nr. Nº de sous-ensemble Número de subconjuntoSee page Se sidan Siehe Seite Vòir page Véase la páginaFig. ref. Figurhänvisning Bildhinweise Réf. de fig. Referencia de figuraProduct name Produktnamn Produktname Nom du produit Nombre del productoExchange necessitatesrebalancing of bowlSee separate spare partslistUtbyte nödvändiggörombalansering av kulanAustausch erfordertWiederauswuchtung derTrommelSe separat reservdelslista Siehe separateErsatzteillisteLe remplacementnécessite le rééquilibragedu bolVoir liste séparée despièces de rechangeEl racmbio requiere elreequilibrado del rotorVéase la lista de piezasseparadaNot delivered as sparepartLevereras ej somreservdelNicht als ErsatzteilgeliefertNon livré comme piéce derechangeNo se entrega como piezade recambio19

P 636Словарь перевдаLista traduzioniLista para traduçãoKäännöslutteloPart no. Деталь № Nr. parte Numero de peca VaraosanumeroQty Кол—во Quantita Quantidade LukumääräDescription Наименование Descrizione Descricao NimitysNotes Примечания Note Notas HuomautuksiaMachine type Машина тнпа Tipo macchina Tipo de maquina KonetyyppiProduct no. Артикул № Nr.prodotto No. do produto Tuotteen noMachine unit descriptionНаименование блокамашиныDescrizione unitamacchinaDescricao da unidade damaquinaKoneenosan nimitysMachine unit no. Блок машины № Nr. unita macchina Numero de unidade damaquinaKoneenosan noSubassembly description Наименование группы Descrizione sottogruppo Descriao do subconjunto Alaryhmän nimitysSubassembly no. Группа № Nr. sottogruppo Número de subconjunto Alaryhmän noSee page См. страницу Vedi pagina Véase la página Ks sivuFig. ref. Ссылка на зскиз Rif. fig. Referencia de figura KuvaviiteProduct name Наименование артикула Nome prodotto Nombre del producto Tuotteen nimiExchange necessitatesrebalancing of bowlSee separate spare partslistЗамена требуетбалансировки барабанаСм. отдельный переченьзапасных частейLa sostituzione comportala equilibratura deltamburoVedi lista separata delleparti di ricambioEl racmbio requiere elreequilibrado del rotorVéase la lista de piezasseparadaVaihdettaessa kuulatasapainoitettavauudelleenKatso erillistävaraosaluetteloaNot delivered as sparepartНе поставлена вместе сзапасными частямиNon fornito come parte diricambioNo se entrega como piezade recambioEi toimiteta varaosana20

1.2 Translation list 1 Read this firstΓΛΩΣΣΑΡΙVertaallijstOversættelselistePart no. Λριθμός ανταλλακτικού Onderdeelnr. ReservedelsnummerQty Σύνολο Hoeveelheid AntalDescription Περιγραφή Beschrijving BetegnelseNotes Παρατηρήσεις Opmerkingen BemaerkningerMachine type Τύπος μηχανήματος Machinetype MaskintypeProduct no. Αριθμός προϊόντος Produktnr. Produktnr.Machine unit descriptionΠεριγραφή συγκροτήματοςμηχανήςMachineblokbenamingMaskinbetegnelseMachine unit no.Αριθμός συγκροτήματοςμηχανήςMachineblokbenamningMaskinnr.Subassembly description Περιγραφή υποσυγκροτήματος Subgroepbenamning UndergruppsbetegnelseSubassembly no. Αριθμός υποσυγκροτήματος Subgroepnr. Undergruppenr.See page Βλέπε σελίδα Zie blz. Se sideFig. ref. Παραπομπή σε εικόνα Afb. ref. FigurhenvisningProduct name Ονομασία προϊόντος Produktnaam ProduktnavnExchange necessitatesrebalancing of bowlSee separate spare parts listΑνταλλαγή απαιτείεπαναρρύθμιση ισορροπίαςτου τύμπανουΒλέπε ειδική λίσταανταλλακτικώνVervangning vereistherbalanceren van de kogelVervangning vereist van dekogelUdskriftning kraeverafbalcering af kuglenSe spaat reservedelslisteNot delivered as spare part∆εν παραδίδεται ωςανταλλακτικόNiet geleverd alsreserveonderdeelLevereres ikke som reservedel21

P 6362 Machine bottom partMachine unit number orSubassembly description572704-Ref Part No Description -03 NotesQuantity1 562993 81 Frame bottom part 12 560131 02 Frame support 43 70490 Washer 44 2210462 32 Screw 45 552766 07 Washer 26 526350 04 Plug 17 565378 01 Plug 18 223404 05 O-ring 19 571743 80 Oil pin 110 590137 01 Bottom bearing holder 111 2234121 38 O-ring 112 562091 01 Strainer 113 589704 01 Pipe 114 221706 03 Screw 115 2234121 40 O-ring 116 562094 01 Labyrinth ring holder 117 562095 02 Labyrinth ring 118 223412 23 O-ring 119 221716 23 Screw 220 592493 80 Driving device vertical 1 See page 2421 221721 24 Screw 322 571405 80 Neck bearing cover 122A 221711 18 Screw 123 223412 46 O-ring 124 566788 21 Seal ring 125 592072 01 Deflector ring 1 Brass25 598742 01 Deflector ring 1 SS.26 223406 28 O-ring 227 560202 01 Pipe 128 223404 20 O-ring 129 539418 02 Elbow 130 526352 06 Bushing 131 564493 02 Operating water cover 132 566788 05 Seal ring 133 223412 46 O-ring 134 41456 Washer 335 221040 46 Screw 336 221040 08 Screw 241 561773 03 Plug 1 Stainless Steel41 561773 07 Plug 1 Brass42 74067 O-ring 143 221716 23 Screw 144 578019 80 Front casing 144A 578017 02 Holder 144B 578019 01 Front casing 144C 221716 22 Screw 444D 221721 37 Screw 445 221126 04 Screw 146 532333 03 Clamp 247 223101 94 Washer 148 221125 20 Screw 122

2 Machine bottom part64157985A44A243142434444B44D44C312625222328273435161719121110141513322930203336212422A184547462120T23

P 6362.1 Driving device verticalMachine unit number orSubassembly description592493-Ref Part No Description -80 NotesQuantity1 560134 01 Bowl spindle 12 548747 08 Ball bearing 13 584048 80 Top bearing seat 14 223642 36 Snap ring 15 580051 02 Top bearing housing 16 562109 03 Helical spring 37 562110 02 Composite spring 48 560406 01 Plug 49 592123 01 Spindle pulley 110 548744 03 Self-align roller bearing 111 545869 03 Nozzle Ø 1,5 mm 213 590138 01 Oil mist generator 114 571453 02 Fan 1 Brass14 599090 01 Fan 1 Stainless steel15 580049 01 Air deflector 116 221716 22 Screw 317 223406 30 O-ring 124

2.1 Driving device vertical 2 Machine bottom part151441523678171691013112275E25

P 6363 Separator bowlMachine unit number orSubassembly description592326-Ref Part No Description -01 NotesQuantity1 560634 80 Bowl body 11A 560637 01 Guide lug 11B 64416 Cylindrical pin 12 560638 01 Rectangular ring 13 560639 01 Operating slide 14 545869 03 Nozzle Ø 1,5 mm 15 560638 01 Rectangular ring 16 564478 01 Valve plug 37 565217 01 Holder 18 223403 61 O-ring 19 576173 01 Hexagon head screw 610 576279 01 Lock washer 611 223406 39 O-ring 112 579323 02 Operating water ring 113 566788 15 Seal ring 114 576173 01 Hexagon head screw 615 260104 05 O-ring 116 574226 01 Discharge slide 117 565295 01 Rectangular ring 118 560649 01 Nut 119 578184 01 Cap nut 120 578220 80 Distributor 121 576884 02 Distributor support 1 Brass21 576884 04 Distributor support 1 Alternative, Stainless steel22 223406 23 O-ring 123 221716 16 Screw 424 223406 22 O-ring 125 591821 80 Bowl disc complete 826 590643 80 Bowl disc complete 7327 590643 80 Bowl disc complete 228 563089 01 Bowl disc 129 576987 02 Level ring 129 576987 04 Level ring 131 223406 23 O-ring 132 576798 81 Top disc 133 223406 37 O-ring 134 223406 10 O-ring 135 576938 25 Gravity disc Ø 77,9 mm 136 576938 81 Set of gravity discs 136A 576938 27 Gravity disc Ø 89 mm 136B 576938 26 Gravity disc Ø 83 mm 136C 576938 24 Gravity disc Ø 73,6 mm 136D 576938 23 Gravity disc Ø 69,9 mm 136E 576938 22 Gravity disc Ø 66,8 mm 136F 576938 21 Gravity disc Ø 64,2 mm 136G 576938 20 Gravity disc Ø 62 mm 136H 576938 19 Gravity disc Ø 60,2 mm 136I 576938 18 Gravity disc Ø 58,7 mm 136J 576938 17 Gravity disc Ø 57,4 mm 136K 576938 16 Gravity disc Ø 56,1 mm 136L 576938 15 Gravity disc Ø 54,7 mm 136M 576938 14 Gravity disc Ø 53,2 mm 137 576938 01 Gravity disc Ø 40 mm 1 Clarifier disc38 576932 01 Bowl hood 139 564403 01 Seal ring 140 260247 02 O-ring 141 560661 80 Lock ring 141A 560637 01 Guide lug 126

3 Separator bowl411941A183816343339403536A-M371A1715321282726251B211632931242010458722212391214132119H27

P 6364 Inlet and outlet deviceMachine unit number orSubassembly description576874-Ref Part No Description -02 NotesQuantity1 577024 81 Inlet and outlet pipe 12 223406 26 O-ring 13 588221 80 Frame hood 14 561957 01 Height adjusting ring 45 576933 01 Support ring 16 221716 09 Screw 47 521127 11 O-ring 18 41456 Washer 69 221040 05 Screw 610 223406 25 O-ring 111 223406 25 O-ring 112 576866 02 Connecting housing 113 223406 32 O-ring 114 552766 09 Washer 115 1763780 07 Nipple 116 1761834 09 Cu washer 117 1766162 01 Non return valve 118 567501 02 Nut 119 574625 02 Inlet bend 120 223406 16 O-ring 121 223642 22 Snap ring 122 588222 01 Safety device 123 221046 22 Screw 128

4 Inlet and outlet device19122313162021182217141565411109837212121B29

P 6365 Belt driving deviceMachine unit number orSubassembly description561118-Ref Part No Description -01 -02 NotesQuantity50 Hz ↓60 Hz ↓1 577705 80 Clutch cover 1 12 561114 01 Cover support 1 13 564095 80 Centrifugal clutch 1 See page 323 564095 81 Centrifugal clutch 1 See page 324 221045 60 Screw 1 15 223107 35 Spring washer 1 16 547837 01 Washer 1 17 221040 42 Screw 3 38 41456 Washer 3 39 221721 37 Screw 4 410 41456 Washer 8 811 221040 58 Screw 4 412 35120 Nut 4 413 563464 01 Flat belt 113 563467 01 Flat belt 130

5 Belt driving device121078112913365411524D31

P 6365.1 Centrifugal clutchMachine unit number orSubassembly description564095-Ref Part No Description -81 -80 NotesQuantity50 Hz ↓60 Hz ↓1 560426 02 Motor belt pulley 11 560426 04 Motor belt pulley 12 548051 49 Ball bearing 2 23 547833 01 Spacing ring 1 14 66251 Snap ring 1 15 564089 80 Coupling hub 15 564100 80 Coupling hub 16 223641 18 Snap ring 1 18 564075 80 Friction block 5 39 549325 01 Cover 1 110 223641 20 Snap ring 1 132

5.1 Centrifugal clutch 5 Belt driving device1523D33

P 6366 Set of platesMachine unit number orSubassembly description9002941-Ref Part No Description -01 NotesQuantity1 557714 01 Machine plate 12 66169 Drive screw 43 1270019 Set of safety labels 14 577802 01 Name sign 14 577803 01 Name sign 14 591263 01 Name sign 16 553171 01 Label 50 Hz 16 553272 01 Label 60 Hz 17 555529 01 Plate with arrow 18 1270001 Lifting instruction 19 554214 02 Cable tie 112 575939 Separator checkpoints 134

Before start-upIf the separator has been out of operation for:1 months or longerPre-lubricate the spindle bearings.6 months or longerPerform an Inspection serviceand make sure to pre-lubricatethe spindle bearings.Change the oil before starting.18 months or longerPerform an Overhaul serviceand make sure to pre-lubricatethe spindle bearings.Change the oil before starting.After service always run the separator continuously for at least 1 hour to ensure proper lubrication.Check the disc stack as follows1. Remove bowl hood, top disc and in- and outlet pipe.2. Add one disc to the disc stack.3. Fit the disc without caulks, top disc and bowl hood.4. Fit lock ring and fully compress disc stack with thecompression tool.5. If the lock ring enters the groove, repeat 1-4.6. If the lock ring does not enter the groove,this indicates correct stack pressure.7. Dismantle the bowl and remove one disc.8. Assemble the bowl with inlet and outlet pipe.NOTE! The number of discs stated in the SPC is a nominal value that might vary.Position the flat belt so that the spindle assembly can passthrough when lowering.Check the direction arrows on the belt and the machine platefor correct position.Make sure that the belt does not get smudged with oil orgrease during handling.Never use Molykote on any part on the spindle assembly.If the separator is out of operation for more than1 month:- Lift out the bowl.- Protect the spindle taper fromcorrosion by lubricating it withoil.- Keep the separator and bowlwell stored, dry and protectedfrom mechanical damage.Check for impact marks and corrosion on bowl body nave and spindlebore.Remedy as follows;1. Remove any impact marks usinga scraper and/or a whetstone.2. Remove rust using a fine-grinemery cloth(e.g. No.320).3. Finish with polishing paper(e.g. Number 600).Check the oil level. Top up when necessary.Don not overfill!Always remove the oil pin and plug before filling.Make sure that correct oil type is being used!Always follow the instructions in the Separator Manual and make sure thatthe oil bath is free from deposits.Always contact your <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> representative if you suspect that the depthof the corrosion damage exceeds 0,2 mm for bowl body and bowl hood (0,5for other parts) or if cracks have been found.Also Check for cracks. It is particulary important to inspect for cracks onrotating parts and especially between the discharge holes in the bowl wall.Do not continue to use the separator until it has been inspected and givenclearance for operation by <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong>.If the blocks are worn;1. Clean the inside of the belt pulley.2. Fit new friction blocks. Make sure thatit is mounted as illustrated.All friction blocks should be replacedat the same time.When handling friction blocks wear a dust maskto make sure not to inhalate dust.Do not use compressed air for removal of anydust. Remove dust by vacuum or wet cloth.Check for erosion damages. Replace parts if erosion is suspected.Contact your <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> representative if you suspect that the depth of the damage exceeds0,2 mm bowl body, bowl hood. (0.5 mm for other parts).= Molykote 1000= Slide laquer + MolykoteBowl bodyDischarge slideOperating slideHolderClean the nozzle on the operating slide using a soft iron wire or a similar object.Approved / Date:Bowl hoodScrewOperating water ringNOTE! Replace screws and washers for holder with new ones included in IS-kit. Replace screws (IS-kit) foroperating water ring.Tighten with correct torque: = 30 Nm + 2Departement:Press the ball bearings down one at a time into thecoupling hub, preferably using a hydraulic press. Placethe spacing ring between them.Never re-fit used ballbearings.The ball bearings must not be heated as they are packedwith grease and sealed with plastic membranes.Revision:NutDocument No.6 Set of plates1 2 3,3A-S!WARNINGInformation headingInformation headingInformation headingInformation headingInformation headingInformation headingInformation headingInformation headingInformation headingInformation headingInformation textInformation textInformation textInformation textInformation textInformation textInformation textInformation textInformation textInformation textInformation text4Read the instructionmanuals beforeinstallation, operationand maintenance.Consider inspectionintervals.Failure to strictly followinstructions can lead tofatal injury.If excessive vibrationoccurs, stop separatorand keep bowl filledwith liquid duringrundown.Out of balance vibrationwill become worse ifbowl is not full.Separator must stoprotating before anydismantling work isstarted.1270018-02-V5Made by <strong>Alfa</strong> <strong>Laval</strong> Tumba AB,Tumba, SwedenServices enquires www.alfalaval.com6750 Hz60 Hz1.8 92.GBFRRead instruction manual before lifting.Lire le manuel d´instructions avant de lever leséparateur.DESEVor dem Heben immer erst Anleitungen im Handbuchlesen!Läs instruktionsboken före lyft.ITNLPrima di sollevare il separatore, leggere il manualed´istruzione.structihandleidingVordat het produkt wordt opgetild, eerst de in-lezen.ESLea el manual de instrucciones antes de levantarla separadora.RUPTLeia o manual de instruções antes de umaoperaçõo de elevaçõo.JPOeoednmdyekmk nomvhq aÄ qe hlpqoriuh lm.FILue käyttöohjeet ennen nostamista.DKGRDiabaste to egceiridio me tiz odhgiez protouBgalete th suskeuh apo to kibwtio.Læsinstruktionsmanualen, inden separatorenløftes op.Art. No. 1270001 Rev. 212P- SEPARATOR CHECKPOINTSHeight adjusting ringsSupport ringGuide screwAFrame hoodBowl hoodParing disc heightCorrosion / CracksErosionDisc stackpressureLubricatebowl partsCheckClean spindleassembly andcheck directionarrow on beltBowl spindle coneBowl body naveChange oilOperatingdevice andnozzlesClutch couplingFriction blocksSZM /2009-08-19PCDD35759392161E35

P 6367 Speed sensor kit"Junction box kit" recommendedMachine unit number orSubassembly description566718-Ref Part No Description -02 NotesQuantity1 562902 80 Sensor with support 11A 562903 02 Sensor support 11B 552042 01 Inductive sensor, Namur 13 552870 41 Tube gland, angle 90 degr 15 556416 11 Protective tube 18 221716 23 Screw 136

7 Speed sensor kit18352196C37

P 6368 Monitoring kitUnbalance sensorMachine unit number orSubassembly description566727-Ref Part No Description -02 NotesQuantity1 570142 01 Inductive analogue sensor 12 561773 04 Sensor holder 1 Stainless steel2 561773 08 Sensor holder 1 Brass4 552870 21 Tube gland, straight 16 556416 17 Protective tube 138

8 Monitoring kit216 41769B39

P 6369 Cover interlocking kit"Junction box kit" requiredMachine unit number orSubassembly description570819-Ref Part No Description -02 NotesQuantity1 552870 21 Tube gland, straight 12 566054 01 Limit switch 13 556416 24 Protective tube 140

9 Cover interlocking kit1769C41

P 63610 Junction box kitNo more than oneMachine unit number orSubassembly description566692-Ref Part No Description -83 NotesQuantity1 566692 01 Box 12 566682 01 Terminal row 13 221115 19 Screw 64 566687 80 Connector 15 552870 20 Tube gland, straight 17 552851 31 Stopping plug 29 17812 Screw 242

10 Junction box kit59174232019B43

P 63611SetoftoolsMachine unit number orSubassembly description561614-Ref Part No Description -21 -22 NotesQuantityWithout hydraulic tool for coupling ↓With hydraulic tool for coupling↓1 561593 80 Puller 1 1 Spindle pulley/ Neck bearing1A 561829 01 Screw 1 13 561369 02 Spanner for nut 1 1 Nut/ Discharge slide4 575055 81 Compressing tool 1 1 Disc stack4A 575055 80 Compressing tool 1 14B 575083 02 Clamp 3 34C 575098 01 Screw 3 34D 221045 52 Screw 3 34E 561551 02 Screw 3 35 561584 80 Puller 1 1 Bowl body6 572730 80 Pin spanner 1 1 Fan6A 260121 56 Cylindrical pin 2 27 561607 80 Puller 1 1 Discharge slide7A 561610 01 Support ring 1 17B 221040 43 Screw 1 18 260154 01 Lifting eye bolt 2 29 221706 05 Screw 6 6 Lock ring/ Bowl body10 548457 80 Tool for belt pulley 110 574986 04 Hydraulic tool kit 1 See page 4610A 223406 13 O-ring 111 567008 80 Lifting tool 1 1 Distributor/ Bowl spindle12 561439 01 Drift 1 1 Bottom bearing13 589776 01 Key 1 1 Bottom bearing housing14 563084 80 Puller 2 2 Neck bearing cover14A 221040 05 Screw 1 114B 221035 46 Screw 1 115 548043 01 Mounting tool 1 1 Coupling bearing17 548050 04 Spanner 1 1 Nut/ Inlet and outlet pipe18 66414 Hexagon socket head key 1 1 Lock ring/ Bowl body19 566441 01 Sleeve 1 1 Neck bearing20 566614 01 Chisel 1 1 Seal ring21 577972 01 Pin 1 1 Distributor22 585810 01 Crowfoot wrench head 1 1 Oil mist generator99 588067 Exploded view 199 588069 Exploded view 144

11 Set of toolsACDAEBBAAAB221742R45

P 63611.1 Hydraulic tool kitMachine unit number orSubassembly description574986-Ref Part No Description -04 NotesQuantity1 574618 80 Hydraulic components 1 See page 482 574626 82 Hydraulic tool 1 See page 5046

11.1 Hydraulic tool kit 11 Set of tools2047D2147

P 63611.1.1 Hydraulic componentsMachine unit number orSubassembly description574618-Ref Part No Description -80 NotesQuantity1 574618 01 Pump with hose 12 574618 02 Hydraulic cylinder 148

11.1 Hydraulic tool kit 11 Set of tools122050A49

P 63611.1.2 Hydraulic toolMachine unit number orSubassembly description574626-Ref Part No Description -82 NotesQuantity1 571628 01 Stud bolt 12 574627 03 Sleeve 13 571627 01 Holder 14 221803 35 Nut, M20 15 574954 01 Sleeve 16 571620 01 Plate 17 571622 01 Screw 350

11.1 Hydraulic tool kit 11 Set of tools2047A51

P 63612 Inspection kitMachine unit number orSubassembly description563859-Ref Part No Description -02 NotesQuantity1 560638 01 Rectangular ring 1 Bowl body/ Operating slide2 560638 01 Rectangular ring 1 Operating slide/ Holder3 564478 01 Valve plug 3 Operating slide/ Bowl body4 223406 39 O-ring 1 Bowl body/ Operating water ring5 260104 05 O-ring 1 Bowl body/ Discharge slide6 565295 01 Rectangular ring 1 Discharge slide/ Bowl body8 564403 01 Seal ring 1 Bowl hood/ Discharge slide9 260247 02 O-ring 1 Bowl hood/ Bowl body14 521127 11 O-ring 1 Frame hood/ Frame bottom part15 552766 07 Washer 2 Frame bottom part/ Plug16 537086 06 Molykote G-n plus 117 539474 03 Silicone grease 118 223404 05 O-ring 1 Oil pin/ Plug19 221706 05 Screw 6 Lock ring20 66414 Hexagon socket head key 1 Lock ring22 566788 15 Seal ring 1 Operating water cover23 223403 61 O-ring 1 Bowl body/ Holder28 576279 01 Lock washer 6 Holder/ Bowl body29 576173 01 Hexagon head screw 6 Holder/ Bowl body30 576173 01 Hexagon head screw 6 Operating water ring/ Bowl body31 223406 23 O-ring 1 Distributor support/ Distributor32 223406 22 O-ring 1 Distributor/ Disc stack33 223406 23 O-ring 1 Level ring/ Distributor34 223406 37 O-ring 1 Top disc/ Bowl hood35 223406 10 O-ring 1 Top disc/ Gravity disc36 223406 26 O-ring 1 Inlet and outlet pipe/ Support ring37 223406 25 O-ring 2 Inlet and outlet pipe/ Connecting housing38 223406 32 O-ring 1 Connecting housing/ Support ring39 223406 16 O-ring 1 Inlet bend/ Inlet and outlet pipe40 535586 80 Anti-friction coating 198 575939 Separator checkpoints 199 578119 Exploded view 152

12 Inspection kit31742M53

P 63613 Overhaul kitMachine unit number orSubassembly description563869-Ref Part No Description -07 -08 NotesQuantity50 Hz ↓60 Hz ↓1 563859 02 Inspection kit 1 1 See page 522 2234121 38 O-ring 1 1 Strainer/ Bottom bearing housing3 2234121 40 O-ring 1 1 Bottom bearing housing4 562095 02 Labyrinth ring 1 1 Labyrinth ring holder/ Spindle pulley5 223412 23 O-ring 1 1 Labyrinth ring holder/ Frame bottom part6 223412 46 O-ring 1 1 Neck bearing cover/ Frame bottom part7 566788 21 Seal ring 1 1 Neck bearing cover/ Fan8 223406 28 O-ring 2 2 Deflector ring/ Bowl spindle9 223404 20 O-ring 1 1 Pipe/ Operating water cover10 223412 46 O-ring 1 1 Operating water cover11 566788 05 Seal ring 1 1 Bowl spindle/ Operating water cover12 544465 10 Locking liquid 1 1 Bottom bearing holder14 74067 O-ring 1 1 Plug/ Frame bottom part15 548747 08 Ball bearing 1 1 Bowl spindle/ Top bearing seat16 223642 36 Snap ring 1 1 Top bearing seat/ Ball bearing17 562109 03 Helical spring 3 3 Top bearing seat/ Top bearing housing18 562110 02 Composite spring 4 4 Top bearing seat/ Plug19 548744 03 Self-align roller bearing 1 1 Bowl spindle/ Bottom bottom housing21 223406 30 O-ring 1 1 Bowl spindle/ Fan22 545869 03 Nozzle Ø 1,5 mm 1 1 Operating slide25 548051 49 Ball bearing 2 2 Coupling hub/ Motor belt pulley26 66251 Snap ring 1 1 Motor belt pulley/ Ball bearing27 223641 18 Snap ring 1 1 Coupling hub/ Ball bearing28 564075 80 Friction block 5 3 Coupling hub/ Motor belt pulley29 223641 20 Snap ring 1 1 Coupling hub/ Cover30 223107 35 Spring washer 1 1 Motor shaft/ Screw31 563464 01 Flat belt 1 Motor belt pulley/ Spindle puley31 563467 01 Flat belt 1 Motor belt pulley/ Spindle puley99 592606 Exploded view 1 154

13 Overhaul kit2111615272625251718282229193130810765 432141191959Q55

P 63614 Support kitMachine unit number orSubassembly description563877-Ref Part No Description -03 NotesQuantity1 526350 04 Plug 1 Frame bottom part2 221716 23 Screw 2 Labyrinth ring holder3 221721 24 Screw 3 Top bearing housing/ Frame bottom4 221711 18 Screw 1 Neck bearing cover5 592072 01 Deflector ring 1 Bowl spindle6 41456 Washer 3 Screw/ Operating water cover7 221040 46 Screw 3 Operating water cover10 221716 23 Screw 1 Frame bottom part/ Plug13 221040 41 Screw 3 Top bearing housing/ Air defle.15 560661 80 Lock ring 1 Bowl body/ Bowl hood15A 560637 01 Guide lug 116 561298 01 Cap nut 1 Bowl spindle/ Bowl body21 561957 01 Height adjusting ring 4 Frame hood/ Support ring23 221716 09 Screw 4 Height adjusting ring/ Support ring25 223642 22 Snap ring 1 Inlet bend/ Nut27 41456 Washer 6 Frame hood/ Frame bottom part28 221040 05 Screw 6 Frame hood/ Frame bottom part29 547833 01 Spacing ring 1 Ball bearing/ Ball bearing30 41456 Washer 8 Motor/ Frame bottom part31 221040 58 Screw 4 Motor/ Frame bottom part32 35120 Nut 4 Motor/ Frame bottom part33 565378 01 Plug 1 Frame bottom part34 571743 80 Oil pin 1 Frame bottom part/ Plug36 561369 02 Spanner for nut 1 Nut/ Discharge slide37 2210463 22 Screw 1 Safety device/ Connecting housing99 592608 Exploded view 156

14 Support kit3031361516303229282725372321331342A6107513341970R57

P 63615 Lifting toolSeparatorMachine unit number orSubassembly description563453-Ref Part No Description -80 NotesQuantity2 563454 01 Lug 43 221035 53 Screw 45 27345 Nut, M8 46 260236 03 Shackle 258

15 Lifting tool1686E59

P 63616 Tool boxMachine unit number orSubassembly description558533-Ref Part No Description -81 NotesQuantity7 558533 10 Padlock 160

16 Tool box1448A61

17 Cross reference list17 Cross reference list+ PartNo. Page Ref.Part No. Page Ref.Part No. Page Ref.1270001 34 81270019 34 31761834 09 28 161763780 07 28 151766162 01 28 1717812 42 9221035 46 44 14B221035 53 58 3221040 05 28 9221040 05 44 14A221040 05 56 28221040 08 22 36221040 41 56 13221040 42 30 7221040 43 44 7B221040 46 56 7221040 46 22 35221040 58 30 11221040 58 56 31221045 52 44 4D221045 60 30 4221046 22 28 232210462 32 22 42210463 22 56 37221115 19 42 3221125 20 22 48221126 04 22 45221706 03 22 14221706 05 44 9221706 05 52 19221711 18 22 22A221711 18 56 4221716 09 28 6221716 09 56 23221716 16 26 23221716 22 22 44C221716 22 24 16221716 23 22 19221716 23 36 8221716 23 56 2221716 23 56 10221716 23 22 43221721 24 22 21221721 24 56 3221721 37 30 9221721 37 22 44D221803 35 50 4223101 94 22 47223107 35 30 5223107 35 54 30223403 61 52 23223403 61 26 8223404 05 52 18223404 05 22 8223404 20 54 9223404 20 22 28223406 10 26 34223406 10 52 35223406 13 44 10A223406 16 28 20223406 16 52 39223406 22 52 32223406 22 26 24223406 23 26 31223406 23 52 31223406 23 52 33223406 23 26 22223406 25 28 10223406 25 28 11223406 25 52 37223406 26 28 2223406 26 52 36223406 28 22 26223406 28 54 8223406 30 54 21223406 30 24 17223406 32 28 13223406 32 52 38223406 37 26 33223406 37 52 34223406 39 52 4223406 39 26 11223412 23 22 18223412 23 54 5223412 46 22 23223412 46 54 6223412 46 54 10223412 46 22 332234121 38 22 112234121 38 54 22234121 40 22 152234121 40 54 3223641 18 32 6223641 18 54 27223641 20 32 10223641 20 54 29223642 22 28 21223642 22 56 25223642 36 54 16223642 36 24 4260104 05 52 5260104 05 26 15260121 56 44 6A260154 01 44 8260236 03 58 6260247 02 26 40260247 02 52 927345 58 535120 30 1235120 56 3241456 28 841456 30 841456 30 1041456 56 641456 56 2741456 56 3041456 22 34521127 11 28 7521127 11 52 14526350 04 56 1526350 04 22 6526352 06 22 30532333 03 22 46535586 80 52 40537086 06 52 16539418 02 22 29539474 03 52 17544465 10 54 12545869 03 54 22545869 03 24 11545869 03 26 4547833 01 32 3547833 01 56 29547837 01 30 6548043 01 44 15548050 04 44 17548051 49 32 2548051 49 54 25548457 80 44 10548744 03 54 19548744 03 24 10548747 08 54 15548747 08 24 2549325 01 32 9552042 01 36 1B552766 07 52 15552766 07 22 5552766 09 28 14552851 31 42 7552870 20 42 562

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17 Cross reference listPart No. Page Ref.576987 04 26 29577024 81 28 1577705 80 30 1577802 01 34 4577803 01 34 4577972 01 44 21578017 02 22 44A578019 01 22 44B578019 80 22 44578119 52 99578184 01 26 19578220 80 26 20579323 02 26 12580049 01 24 15580051 02 24 5584048 80 24 3585810 01 44 22588067 44 99588069 44 99588221 80 28 3588222 01 28 22589704 01 22 13589776 01 44 13590137 01 22 10590138 01 24 13590643 80 26 26590643 80 26 27591263 01 34 4591821 80 26 25592072 01 22 25592072 01 56 5592123 01 24 9592493 80 22 20592606 54 99592608 56 99598742 01 22 25599090 01 24 1464416 26 1B66169 34 266251 32 466251 54 2666414 44 1866414 52 2070490 22 374067 54 1474067 22 4264

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