city university london school of social sciences convergence of ...

city university london school of social sciences convergence of ...

city university london school of social sciences convergence of ...


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„Another example is the report from the Swedish government ConvergenceCommission (SOU 1999:55 cited in Lind:2004). The report defines four types <strong>of</strong><strong>convergence</strong>. Network Convergence happens when separate physical infrastructurescan carry all types <strong>of</strong> services. Service Convergence is the process when theboundaries between communication services and content services are lowered andthe two separate service classes converge into one. Appliance Convergence is theprocess when user gadgets and terminals embrace new functionality and eventuallycan be used for all purposes. Market Convergence is defined as the consequence <strong>of</strong>the three other kinds <strong>of</strong> <strong>convergence</strong> and means that market players can enter newindustries when network, appliance or service <strong>convergence</strong> makes that possible‟[emphasis not in original] (Lind:2004, p.3-4).Skogerbø (1997) also proposes a definition which emphasizes the different types <strong>of</strong><strong>convergence</strong>, namely network, service and market <strong>convergence</strong>.„Network Convergence: Different network platforms provide seamlessinterconnection and allow for the distribution <strong>of</strong> any kind <strong>of</strong> serviceTerminal Convergence: Equipment may be used to access different networkplatforms, and/or they may be used for a wide range <strong>of</strong> services across differentplatformsService Convergence: Different services adopt the others format or same servicesare provided in different formats, e.g., as films, books, or multimedia servicesMarket Convergence: Because <strong>of</strong> these other kinds <strong>of</strong> <strong>convergence</strong>, the actorsproviding the different platforms and media are becoming intermixed‟ [emphasis notin original] (Jansen and Nielsen:2005 p.80).Similarly, Tarjanne (2000) states that „<strong>convergence</strong> has been argued to take place ondifferent levels: on the technology, industry and service levels: on the technologylevel, thanks to digitalization, different networks and devices can perform similarfunctions. Technology <strong>convergence</strong> enables traditionally separate sectors to enterinto each other‟s domains. Digitalization allows satellite, wireless, microwave, cableTV networks and telephone lines to be interconnected into one overall system. Thiswill make combined services possible‟ [emphasis not in original] (Tarjanne:2000,12

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