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NEW VAHTERUS EGE-PSHE- OPTIMIZING WASTE HEATRECOVERY SYSTEMSAfter a few years of research anddevelopment work, <strong>Vahterus</strong> haslaunched a new product for wasteheat recovery.In the market, there is a need for specialPSHE heat recovery units: In the future,more and more environmental limitationsand regulations must be taken into considerationwith new industrial installations.With the new <strong>Vahterus</strong> EGE, we aimto fulfill a significant gap in heatexchanger markets.In industrial processes, it iscommon that waste heat is generatedin addition to actual process operations;in the past the waste heat wasdumped into the atmosphere withconsiderable losses in energy andcosts. The <strong>Vahterus</strong> EGE unit offers aconcrete solution to return waste heatto the process and achieve remarkablesavings in the system’s energy costs.After years of working togetherwith Spirax Poland, the first EGE-installationwas realized for a Polish livestockfood producer in May 2012. In this specificinstallation, the primary side boiler exhaustgases were used for producing hot wateron the secondary side. Direct integration tothe boiler body made the installation workconvenient for the end customer.After receiving the control data fromthe site it was clear that the requested, verylow-pressure drop limit was maintained andthe calculated capacity was achieved.With the new EGE open frame constructionit is possible to reach low-pressure dropneeded in exhaust systems while the unitsize is compact and light. Moreover, boilerefficiency is improved and it is possible toreduce CO2-emissions of the process.“In the end of April 2012, the end-clientcommissioned a gas-fired boiler fitted withthe first EGE-PSHE 3WH-150/5/1 unit. Sinceits installment, the <strong>Vahterus</strong> EGE has beenoperating in 3 shifts trouble free”, says MaciejGoszcz, Spirax Poland.The EGE (exhaust gas economizer)-PSHE innovation is now availablein the <strong>Vahterus</strong> product range foroptimizing different heat recoverysystems.“The water level control in the boiler iscontrolled by a master slave system. The slavecontrols the flue gas temperature after EGE,whereas the master controls the level in theboiler modifying the set point temperatureof the slave controller built in the inverterdriven pump. The START/STOP of the pumpis linked to the firing cycle of the burner. Thisprevents the EGE being heated at no flowcondition”, explains Goszcz.Goszcz continues: “The boiler capacityis 1,6t/h of steam at 8bar. The end-user hasreported up to 5% savings on gas. The paybackof the product time depends stronglyon the price of gas, in how many shifts theboiler operates, and finally on total cost ofthe investment which is about 3 times theprice of <strong>Vahterus</strong> EGE. In this particular case,the installment was carried out during twoconsecutive weekends, limiting the downtimeof the plant to minimum. Overall, theestimated payback time is under 1 year”.The new EGE type with an openableconstruction was introducedat the Energy Fair 2012 in Tampere,Finland. <strong>Vahterus</strong> EGE-PSHE canhandle high gas and liquid inlet temperatures.Different frame and platematerials are available, which makesthe unit resistant to corrosion for severaldifferent gas and liquid types. Byusing waste heat (e.g. exhaust gas) itis possible to produce hot water orsteam on the secondary side of theunit. In potentially fouling applicationson the gas side of the unit, <strong>Vahterus</strong>can provide the unit with an openableframe construction to make mechanicalcleaning easier.For optimizing your heat recovery systemwith <strong>Vahterus</strong> EGE-PSHE, <strong>Vahterus</strong> Sales and<strong>Vahterus</strong>’ official distributors all around theworld will be glad to help you. With this compactunit, high levels of heat recovery can beachieved with minimal reorganization of theprocess system and we can provide remarkablesavings within a significantly short time.Tuomas Aikkinen,Key Account Manager, <strong>Vahterus</strong> Oy13

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