IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc

IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc

IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc


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NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in <strong>Haveri</strong> CMCInitial Environmental Examination29. The design period is taken as 30 years starting from 2011 to 2041. Both theDistricts will be covered with a scientifically designed sewerage network bylaying trunk mains and primary collection systems. It is proposed to lay atrunk sewer over a length of 4.42 km starting from ward 2 and ending at thejoining point of trunk main from District 2. Sub mains and laterals from bothsides shall be connected to this main. The total length of sub mains and lateralscomes to 38.41 km. In District 2, it is proposed to lay trunk sewer for a length of4.75 km along with sub main and laterals totaling to 14.5 km There are 1813Manholes with provisions to give 10878 house connections. This network shallserve a population of 67645 (Ultimate 2041) and 47113 (Present 2011).Facultative Aerated Lagoon based STP will be constructed in modules with theimmediate demand will be met through a 4.71 MLD unit by 2011 withsubsequent addition in future.30. The STP site is located within the municipal boundary along the outskirts of thecity. The site is surrounded by agricultural fields along north, south and eastwith Dodda Halla, a natural stream boundaries western side. STP site hasadded advantage of being in the lower elevation hence the sewage from the citycan be brought in through gravity. There is no residential belt in the immediatevicinity.Table 5. Proposed Sewerage System Sub-componentsNo. Sub-component(i) Laying of Trunk sewer for a length of 4.4 km along with main and sub mainlength totaling to a length of 38.41 km. This will cater to the need of district 1and laying of sewer line (Trunk sewer line – 4.75 km + Sub main and laterals– 14.5 km) in District 2 for the design life of 30 years. A preliminary moduleof FAL based STP of 4.7 MLD will also be established with additional unit of4.7 MLD subsequently which will be well enough to cater the need of thetown for 2041.31. The capacity of the proposed Sewage Treatment Plant will be 9.4 MLD, cateringto the ultimate year need to treat sewage generated. There are number ofoptions to treat the wastewater to the standards of disposal to Inland surfacewater. The options like Attached Growth Aerobic or Anaerobic Systems orSuspended Growth Systems shall be adopted. The availability of Land forTreatment plant, the cost of treatment and its operation and maintenance arethe prime issues while selecting the suitable option. It is always advantageousto go for a treatment plant where much operational and maintenance aspectsare less, if the land is sufficiently available.32. Based on the above factors, Facultative Aerated Lagoon are proposed to treatKUIDFC13WSAPL

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