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Graeme S. Cooper2. A resident of a Contracting State shall be a qualified personfor a taxable year if the resident is…c) a company, if…ii)at least 50 per cent of the aggregate voting power andvalue of the shares (and at least 50 per cent of anydisproportionate class of shares) in the company isowned directly or indirectly by five or fewer companiesentitled to benefits under subdivision i) of thissubparagraph, provided that, in the case of indirectownership, each intermediate owner is a resident ofeither Contracting State;The test can extend to partly owned subsidiaries and joint-venturecompanies: the test will be satisfied by tracing at least 50 per cent of theshareholding in the relevant company to one or more publicly tradedcompanies resident in either State. And the test does allow for a significantportion of the company being examined to be owned by shareholdersresident in a third State.Example 4State CCompany C Ltd.State B40 per centCompany B Ltd.B Sub Ltd.60 per centShares in Company B areactively traded on arecognized stock exchangein State BB Sub is a “qualified person”because it is more than 50per cent owned byCompany B$State ACompany A Ltd.300

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