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Transparency and disclosureis intended to provide a mechanism for assessing the complianceof a country with “the international standard of transparency andexchange of information” 5 (see section 5.6 below). In evaluating ajurisdiction against this standard, the Global Forum reviews a numberof key dimensions of the domestic law critical to transparency. Oneset of factors looks to the availability of information on the followingtopics: (a) ownership and identity information for entities andstructures; (b) accounting records; and (c) banking information foraccount holders. Another set of factors looks at the rules and proceduresgoverning access to that information. The expectation is that thedesignated tax authority in the country (the competent authority) hasthe power under domestic law to obtain such information and provideit under an exchange of information mechanism, while respectingtaxpayer rights. 6 Although the focus of the peer review processand recommendations may be directed towards enhancing exchangeof information with other countries, many of the same rules, practicesand procedures that enable a country to participate actively inthe exchange of information would improve the ability of a country toimplement its own tax system and limit base erosion and profit shifting.The same availability of and access to information that enables ajurisdiction to be a global partner in sharing information with othercountries would facilitate its own tax enforcement and revenue collection.Thus, engagement in the work of the Global Forum may beuseful for developing countries, regardless of the amount of taxpayerinformation sought from their jurisdiction (see section 5.6 below). Domestic enforcement impedimentsAll countries face the question of whether their administrative systemis effective in using the information available. However, developingcountries may face barriers to deriving maximum benefit from the5Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for TaxPurposes, Tax Transparency 2014: Report on Progress (November 2014), at16, available at http://www.oecd.org/tax/transparency/GFannualreport2014.pdf; see also ibid., Progress Report to the G20 Finance Ministers and CentralBank Governors: Update on Effectiveness and On-going Monitoring (September2014).6Ibid., Information Brief (November 2013), at 6-7, available at http://www.oecd.org/tax/transparency/global_forum_background%20brief.pdf.503

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