Police News June 09.indd - New Zealand Police Association

Police News June 09.indd - New Zealand Police Association

Police News June 09.indd - New Zealand Police Association


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<strong>Police</strong><strong><strong>New</strong>s</strong>The Voice of <strong>Police</strong>The Voice of <strong>Police</strong>VOLUME VOLLLMEEE42 • NUMBER R4 5 • JUNE MAY 200909112A CHAMPION BLOKE FAREWELLEDNZ <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong><strong>New</strong>s</strong> is the magazine ofthe <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong> and incorporates the<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Police</strong> Journal fi rst published in 1937.<strong>June</strong> 2009, Vol. 42, No.5ISSN 1175-9445Deadline for next issue Monday, <strong>June</strong> 15, 2009.Published by the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong>P.O. Box 12344, Willbank House, 57 Willis Street, Wellington.Phone: (04) 496 6800, Facsmile: (04) 471 1309Email: editor@policeassn.org.nzWebsite: www.policeassn.org.nzPrinted by City Print Communications, Wellington.Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the<strong>Association</strong>.COPYRIGHT: NZPA <strong>Police</strong> <strong><strong>New</strong>s</strong> must not be reproduced inpart or as a whole without the formal consent of the copyrightholder - the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong>.125A CHAMPION PAIR131A CHAMPION OF ENDURANCE• Front page: A CITY GRIEVES: They turned out in theirthousands in Napier to remember local cop Len Snee anda nation grieved with them. Described by colleagues as“the quintessential cop”, Len was a quiet achiever whowent about his duty with dignity and mana. His colleaguescarried him shoulder high and a city came together to paytheir respects to a local hero.- Photo courtesy of The Dominion Post and Napier Mail.ContentsFrom the President 111$10m to complete Taser roll out 111Obituary: Len Snee - a man of great mana 112/115Len Snee - the nemesis of cannabis growers 116<strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong> welcomes new ‘gang patch’ Bill 116Organised Crime “biggest threat to law and order in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>” 117Recognition of previous service for Long Service Leave 117South Australian motorcycle gangs make the move into politics 118AGMs provide your chance to make a difference 119Obituary: Jacob Schriek a man who lived his life to the full 120Obituary: Victor James Monteith Whyman 121<strong>Police</strong> Health Plan stalwart Sue Pearce retires 121/122<strong>Association</strong> welcomes proposed legislation for young offenders 123Autism and us 124/125Ila shows the boys how it’s done 125<strong>Police</strong> drummer excited to be performing at Edinburgh Tattoo 126Scrapping of whole of vehicle marking is “short sighted” 127Keen on Wine/Copper’s crossword 128Act of bravery earns officers second highest <strong>Police</strong> award 129View from the bottom/Holiday Home availability 130Sports <strong><strong>New</strong>s</strong> 131/135Boy racer legislation a step closer 132Introducing: <strong>Police</strong> Life Insurance Extra! 136Letters to the Editor 139Sth Australian gangs makethe move into politics – p118110<strong>June</strong> 2009

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