Police News June 09.indd - New Zealand Police Association

Police News June 09.indd - New Zealand Police Association

Police News June 09.indd - New Zealand Police Association


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<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong>Cycling:Stu Downs places 5th in gutbustingGraperide Ultimate (505 kms) raceBy Steve Plowman, Editor, <strong>Police</strong> <strong><strong>New</strong>s</strong>Most cyclists content themselves with the Round Taupo cycle race asa decent challenge – 160 kilometres - with the testing Hatepe Hill,the equivalent of the Boston Marathon’s Heartbreak Hill, thrown in forgood measure.But that’s just a warm-up for Stu Downs.Stu is into completing extreme distance cycle events such as theMaxi Enduro – a gruelling 640-kilometre event he finished 11th lastNovember in Taupo. As if that was not enough to get the adrenalineflowing and the blood stewing, Stu then knuckled down and set hissights on the inaugural Graperide Ultimate (505 kilometres).The field of 14 gathered for the extreme distance event on the afternoonof Friday, 3 April. The remainder of the 2,500 riders engaged kicked offthe following morning – in a variety of events ranging from the 2,344who contested the Graperide (101 kms) to the 71 who contested theLeppin Magnum (202 kms). There were other races for tandem riders,people riding for cancer fundraisers, a women’s race and 44 contestedthe Speed Bunnies (101 kms) race, where the winner cut out thedistance in a quick 2 hours 28 minutes.DeterminationStu was determined to improve on his effort in Taupo and adopteda high-intensity training programme as a result. It was just as well,with the 505km race including an ex-Olympian (who also won theGraperide's Elite event several years ago), two cyclists who completedthe 1,200km (non-stop) famed Paris-Brest-Paris event, and therunner-up from last year’s Taupo Maxi Enduro. Stu told <strong>Police</strong> <strong><strong>New</strong>s</strong>:"Looking around at the race briefing it was clear that everyone waswell prepared for the race.”Stu's faster paced training included longer circuits such as a 200km tripfrom Kapiti to Palmerston and back...two days in a row, and the 325kmWairarapa Loop. Along the way, he admits that some ill health on theback of a short course race, just two days after a 12-hour training ride,had taught him some lessons on what worked and what didn’t.Higher intensityHis Graperide race plan involved riding at a higher intensity than atTaupo. This approach allowed Stu to keep touch with the leading groupfor the first 40 kilometres and then the group split apart and he was onhis own for the next 465 kilometres!Continuing through a cold night went well, with one notable exception.On overnight rides, Stu had experienced temporary blindness in hisright eye and, unfortunately, on this occasion his left eye also wentblurry at about the 400 km mark. This left the last lap to be completedat a slower speed (welcomed by this stage) and the plan for the last100kms was one of simply staying on the road.Stu again: "The sun was just rising as I was leaving for the start ofthe last lap. I queried an official about my placing and was told I wascurrently in fifth place. There was no way I was stopping when I heardthat."• Stu Downs (foreground) has a penchant for endurance cyclingevents and recently finished a meritorious fifth in the GraperideUlitmate (505 kilometres) race in Marlborough.Toughed it outStu toughed it out to finish a very creditable fifth and said he “reallyenjoyed” reaching the end of the race just behind the elite men in the101-kilometre race.After a thorough set of tests with an eye specialist, Stu has beenadvised his eyes are 100% and that the temporary blindness wasprobably as a result of cold air running past his eyes. Eye drops andwraparound sunglasses have been recommended as a solution.Stu told <strong>Police</strong> <strong><strong>New</strong>s</strong> that it “may be a while before this is tested” withhis new season goals being the two lap Taupo Enduro in Novemberand later a key goal of competing in the NZ Ironman Championship on6 March 2010. Stu formulated the latter goal in April and at that stagehe had not swum or run in the last five years. He has now engaged insome swimming tuition and would welcome info from anyone who haspreviously participated in an Ironman event.An extended write-up on the Graperide Ultimate is on Stu's website:http://no-more-shadows.blogspot.com/2009/04/graperideultimate.htmlHave you moved recently?If you have moved or perhaps are about to, please let us know so wecan update your records. You can do this by:• writing to us at PO Box 12344;• calling us on free phone 0800 500 122;• faxing us on (04) 496 6819; or• Emailing us at: membership@policeassn.org.nzYOU NEED TO LET US KNOW YOUR MEMBERSHIP NUMBER, NEWADDRESS AND IF YOU’RE A SERVING MEMBER - YOUR NEWSTATION.<strong>June</strong> 2009133

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