Total recorded assaults on Police - New Zealand Police Association

Total recorded assaults on Police - New Zealand Police Association

Total recorded assaults on Police - New Zealand Police Association


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<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Police</strong> Associati<strong>on</strong>“It was all a bit surreal and the atmospherewas pretty intense.”Reality sets inMr Boyce said they were unaware of thedevastati<strong>on</strong> the quake had caused untilit became light. They then headed backto Santiago.“It was crazy, entire buildings werecompletely destroyed, and the wholeplace had been thrown into chaos.“Transport was either not workingor incredibly slow and when we firstwent to the airport they informed usthat there were no planes flying out foranother 10 days.”HomeboundMr Boyce said they never took “No”for an answer and three days after thequake the officers secured a flight backhome.While waiting for the flight, the two officers• Matt and Andy’s room, after the earthquake struck.offered their services to the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>c<strong>on</strong>sulate.“We just did everything we could to helpout, even if it was just doing the dishes.“It was a stressful situati<strong>on</strong> but it wasreally awesome to see the way every<strong>on</strong>ejust pulled together to get everythingd<strong>on</strong>e.”Good communicati<strong>on</strong>Mr Boyce was also impressed by theway things were dealt with <strong>on</strong> the homefr<strong>on</strong>t.“Communicati<strong>on</strong> with Mike Hill, Jas<strong>on</strong>Perry and our bosses was excellent,” hesaid.“They looked after our families and keptus well informed. They did things thatwere not in their job descripti<strong>on</strong> and Iknow our families were very impressedwith how things were handled while wewere stranded.”If the recessi<strong>on</strong> bites any deeper…Perhaps we could see lawyers disbarredand clergymen defrocked. That beingthe case wouldn’t electricians be indanger of being delighted, musiciansdenoted, cowboys deranged, modelsdeposed, and dry cleaners depressed?Laundry workers could decrease,eventually becoming depressed anddepleted! Motel unit bedmakers mightbe debunked, bulldozer operatorsmight be degraded, organ d<strong>on</strong>ors willbe delivered, software engineers willbe detested, and eventually musicalcomposers will decompose.However, every cloud has a silverlining. On a more positive note,though, perhaps some politicianswill be devoted.Try our 5 minute quizOkay, morning or afterno<strong>on</strong> tea breakhas arrived. You have your cuppa inhand and you and your colleaguescould do with a quick brain workout. Soappoint your quizmaster and have a go atthese questi<strong>on</strong>s. The answers are underthe quiz (upside down, no peeking!).1. Who famously said: “Changemust come through the barrel ofa gun?”2. What is the world’s largest lake?3. Where was Haloumi cheeseinvented?4. Who was known as the “VirginQueen”?5. What is <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’s fourthlargest city (by populati<strong>on</strong>)?6. What was the most popular girl’sname in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> in 1984?7. If something is bicephalous it hastwo what?8. What warlike term refers to apers<strong>on</strong> or agency operating in thefield of executive recruitment?9. What was the terrorist groupresp<strong>on</strong>sible for the massacreof Israeli athletes at the 1972Olympic Games?10. What does the hospital patientadmissi<strong>on</strong> abbreviati<strong>on</strong> BIBAmean?Scoring: 0-2 – Hmmn, room forsignificant improvement (perhaps nextm<strong>on</strong>th). 3-5 Not bad, better luck nexttime. 6-7 – Good effort. 8 – Very good.9 – Excellent. 10 – Wipe your nose,take a bow and go to the top of the classEinstein.Answers: 1. Mao Tse-D<strong>on</strong>g. 2. TheCaspian Sea. 3. Cyprus. 4. Elizabeth I 5.Hamilt<strong>on</strong>. 6. Sarah. 7. Heads. 8. A headhunter. 9. Black September. 10. Broughtin by ambulance.April 201061

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